721 research outputs found

    Balance network of asymmetric simple exclusion process

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    We investigate a balance network of the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP). Subsystems consisting of ASEPs are connected by bidirectional links with each other, which results in balance between every pair of subsystems. The network includes some specific important cases discussed in earlier works such as the ASEP with the Langmuir kinetics, multiple lanes and finite reservoirs. Probability distributions of particles in the steady state are exactly given in factorized forms according to their balance properties. Although the system has nonequilibrium parts, the expressions are well described in a framework of statistical mechanics based on equilibrium states. Moreover, the overall argument does not depend on the network structures, and the knowledge obtained in this work is applicable to a broad range of problems

    Full Quantum Analysis of Two-Photon Absorption Using Two-Photon Wavefunction: Comparison with One-Photon Absorption

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    For dissipation-free photon-photon interaction at the single photon level, we analyze one-photon transition and two-photon transition induced by photon pairs in three-level atoms using two-photon wavefunctions. We show that the two-photon absorption can be substantially enhanced by adjusting the time correlation of photon pairs. We study two typical cases: Gaussian wavefunction and rectangular wavefunction. In the latter, we find that under special conditions one-photon transition is completely suppressed while the high probability of two-photon transition is maintained.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    On-chip quantum interference between silicon photon-pair sources

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    Large-scale integrated quantum photonic technologies1, 2 will require on-chip integration of identical photon sources with reconfigurable waveguide circuits. Relatively complex quantum circuits have been demonstrated already1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, but few studies acknowledge the pressing need to integrate photon sources and waveguide circuits together on-chip8, 9. A key step towards such large-scale quantum technologies is the integration of just two individual photon sources within a waveguide circuit, and the demonstration of high-visibility quantum interference between them. Here, we report a silicon-on-insulator device that combines two four-wave mixing sources in an interferometer with a reconfigurable phase shifter. We configured the device to create and manipulate two-colour (non-degenerate) or same-colour (degenerate) path-entangled or path-unentangled photon pairs. We observed up to 100.0 ± 0.4% visibility quantum interference on-chip, and up to 95 ± 4% off-chip. Our device removes the need for external photon sources, provides a path to increasing the complexity of quantum photonic circuits and is a first step towards fully integrated quantum technologies

    New method to simulate quantum interference using deterministic processes and application to event-based simulation of quantum computation

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    We demonstrate that networks of locally connected processing units with a primitive learning capability exhibit behavior that is usually only attributed to quantum systems. We describe networks that simulate single-photon beam-splitter and Mach-Zehnder interferometer experiments on a causal, event-by-event basis and demonstrate that the simulation results are in excellent agreement with quantum theory. We also show that this approach can be generalized to simulate universal quantum computers.Comment: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (in press) http://www.compphys.net/dl

    Exact eigenspectrum of the symmetric simple exclusion process on the complete, complete bipartite, and related graphs

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    We show that the infinitesimal generator of the symmetric simple exclusion process, recast as a quantum spin-1/2 ferromagnetic Heisenberg model, can be solved by elementary techniques on the complete, complete bipartite, and related multipartite graphs. Some of the resulting infinitesimal generators are formally identical to homogeneous as well as mixed higher spins models. The degeneracies of the eigenspectra are described in detail, and the Clebsch-Gordan machinery needed to deal with arbitrary spin-s representations of the SU(2) is briefly developed. We mention in passing how our results fit within the related questions of a ferromagnetic ordering of energy levels and a conjecture according to which the spectral gaps of the random walk and the interchange process on finite simple graphs must be equal.Comment: Final version as published, 19 pages, 4 figures, 40 references given in full forma

    Photon Pair Generation in Silicon Micro-Ring Resonator with Reverse Bias Enhancement

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    Photon sources are fundamental components for any quantum photonic technology. The ability to generate high count-rate and low-noise correlated photon pairs via spontaneous parametric down-conversion using bulk crystals has been the cornerstone of modern quantum optics. However, future practical quantum technologies will require a scalable integration approach, and waveguide-based photon sources with high-count rate and low-noise characteristics will be an essential part of chip-based quantum technologies. Here, we demonstrate photon pair generation through spontaneous four-wave mixing in a silicon micro-ring resonator, reporting a maximum coincidence-to-accidental (CAR) ratio of 602 (+-) 37, and a maximum photon pair generation rate of 123 MHz (+-) 11 KHz. To overcome free-carrier related performance degradations we have investigated reverse biased p-i-n structures, demonstrating an improvement in the pair generation rate by a factor of up to 2, with negligible impact on CAR.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    On the formation of Wigner molecules in small quantum dots

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    It was recently argued that in small quantum dots the electrons could crystallize at much higher densities than in the infinite two-dimensional electron gas. We compare predictions that the onset of spin polarization and the formation of Wigner molecules occurs at a density parameter rs4aBr_s\approx 4 a_B^* to the results of a straight-forward diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix

    Supramolecular interactions in clusters of polar and polarizable molecules

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    We present a model for molecular materials made up of polar and polarizable molecular units. A simple two state model is adopted for each molecular site and only classical intermolecular interactions are accounted for, neglecting any intermolecular overlap. The complex and interesting physics driven by interactions among polar and polarizable molecules becomes fairly transparent in the adopted model. Collective effects are recognized in the large variation of the molecular polarity with supramolecular interactions, and cooperative behavior shows up with the appearance, in attractive lattices, of discontinuous charge crossovers. The mean-field approximation proves fairly accurate in the description of the gs properties of MM, including static linear and non-linear optical susceptibilities, apart from the region in the close proximity of the discontinuous charge crossover. Sizeable deviations from the excitonic description are recognized both in the excitation spectrum and in linear and non-linear optical responses. New and interesting phenomena are recognized near the discontinuous charge crossover for non-centrosymmetric clusters, where the primary photoexcitation event corresponds to a multielectron transfer.Comment: 14 pages, including 11 figure

    Excitonic Strings in one dimensional organic compounds

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    Important questions concern the existence of excitonic strings in organic compounds and their signatures in the photophysics of these systems. A model in terms of Hard Core Bosons is proposed to study this problem in one dimension. Mainly the cases with two and three particles are studied for finite and infinite lattices, where analytical results are accessible. It is shown that if bi-excitonic states exist, three-excitonic and even, n-excitonic strings, at least in a certain range of parameters, will exist. Moreover, the behaviour of the transitions from one exciton to the biexciton is fully clarified. The results are in agreement with exact finite cluster diagonalizations of several model Hamiltonians.Comment: 36 pages, 4 eps figs. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Diffusion Monte Carlo study of circular quantum dots

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    We present ground and excited state energies obtained from Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) calculations, using accurate multiconfiguration wave functions, for NN electrons (N13N\le13) confined to a circular quantum dot. We analyze the electron-electron pair correlation functions and compare the density and correlation energies to the predictions of local spin density approximation theory (LSDA). The DMC estimated change in electrochemical potential as function of the number of electrons in the dot is compared to that from LSDA and Hartree-Fock (HF) calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 eps figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B, September 15th 2000. See erratum cond-mat/030571