72 research outputs found

    Exotic branes and non-perturbative seven branes

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    We construct the effective action of certain exotic branes in the Type II theories which are not predicted by their space-time supersymmetry algebras. We analyze in detail the case of the NS-7B brane, S-dual to the D7-brane, and connected by T-duality to other exotic branes in Type IIA: the KK-6A brane and the KK-8A brane (obtained by reduction of the M-theory Kaluza–Klein monopole and M9-brane, respectively). The NS-7B brane carries charge with respect to the S-dual of the RR 8-form, which we identify as a non-local combination of the electric–magnetic duals of the axion and the dilaton. The study of its effective action agrees with previous results in the literature showing that it transforms as an Full-size image (<1 K) triplet together with the D7-brane. We discuss why this brane is not predicted by the Type IIB space-time supersymmetry algebra. In particular we show that the modular transformation relating the D7 and NS-7B brane solutions can be undone by a simple coordinate transformation in the two-dimensional transverse space, equivalent to choosing a different region to parametrize the Full-size image (<1 K) moduli space. We discuss a similar relation between the D6 and KK-6A branes and the D8 and KK-8A branes

    Uncovering the impacts of alternative splicing on the proteome with current omics techniques

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    The high-throughput sequencing of cellular RNAs has underscored a broad effect of isoform diversification through alternative splicing on the transcriptome. Moreover, the differential production of transcript isoforms from gene loci has been recognized as a critical mechanism in cell differentiation, organismal development, and disease. Yet, the extent of the impact of alternative splicing on protein production and cellular function remains a matter of debate. Multiple experimental and computational approaches have been developed in recent years to address this question. These studies have unveiled how molecular changes at different steps in the RNA processing pathway can lead to differences in protein production and have functional effects. New and emerging experimental technologies open exciting new opportunities to develop new methods to fully establish the connection between messenger RNA expression and protein production and to further investigate how RNA variation impacts the proteome and cell function. This article is categorized under: RNA Processing > Splicing Regulation/Alternative Splicing Translation > Regulation RNA Evolution and Genomics > Computational Analyses of RNA.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Grant Number: BIO2017-85364-

    The role of alternative splicing in cancer

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    The functional capacity of cells is defined by the transcriptome. Many recent studies have identified variations in the transcriptome of tumors due to alternative splicing changes, as well as mutations in splicing factors and regulatory signals in most tumor types. Some of these alterations have been linked to tumor progression, metastasis, therapy resistance, and other oncogenic processes. Here, we describe the different mechanisms that drive splicing changes in tumors and their impact in cancer. Motivated by the current evidence, we propose a model whereby a subset of the splicing patterns contributes to the definition of specific tumor phenotypes, and may hold potential for the development of novel clinical biomarkers and therapeutic approaches.This work was supported by the MINECO and FEDER (BIO2014–52566-R) and AGAUR (SGR2014–1121)

    Exon creation and establishment in human genes

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    BACKGROUND: A large proportion of species-specific exons are alternatively spliced. In primates, Alu elements play a crucial role in the process of exon creation but many new exons have appeared through other mechanisms. Despite many recent studies, it is still unclear which are the splicing regulatory requirements for de novo exonization and how splicing regulation changes throughout an exon's lifespan. RESULTS: Using comparative genomics, we have defined sets of exons with different evolutionary ages. Younger exons have weaker splice-sites and lower absolute values for the relative abundance of putative splicing regulators between exonic and adjacent intronic regions, indicating a less consolidated splicing regulation. This relative abundance is shown to increase with exon age, leading to higher exon inclusion. We show that this local difference in the density of regulators might be of biological significance, as it outperforms other measures in real exon versus pseudo-exon classification. We apply this new measure to the specific case of the exonization of anti-sense Alu elements and show that they are characterized by a general lack of exonic splicing silencers. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that specific sequence environments are required for exonization and that these can change with time. We propose a model of exon creation and establishment in human genes, in which splicing decisions depend on the relative local abundance of regulatory motifs. Using this model, we provide further explanation as to why Alu elements serve as a major substrate for exon creation in primates. Finally, we discuss the benefits of integrating such information in gene prediction.The authors would like to thank J Brosius for useful comments on the manuscript, M Plass (funded by the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III) for EST data handling and R Castelo (funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science) for the splice site position weight matrices. AC received support from the Graduate Program in Areas of Basic and Applied Biology (GABBA) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. EE is supported by the Catalan Institution of Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA). This work is partly supported by the grant BIO2005-01287 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and by the project EURASNET from the European Commission

    The role of alternative splicing in cancer

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    The functional capacity of cells is defined by the transcriptome. Many recent studies have identified variations in the transcriptome of tumors due to alternative splicing changes, as well as mutations in splicing factors and regulatory signals in most tumor types. Some of these alterations have been linked to tumor progression, metastasis, therapy resistance, and other oncogenic processes. Here, we describe the different mechanisms that drive splicing changes in tumors and their impact in cancer. Motivated by the current evidence, we propose a model whereby a subset of the splicing patterns contributes to the definition of specific tumor phenotypes, and may hold potential for the development of novel clinical biomarkers and therapeutic approaches.This work was supported by the MINECO and FEDER (BIO2014–52566-R) and AGAUR (SGR2014–1121)

    Detection of recurrent alternative splicing switches in tumor samples reveals novel signatures of cancer

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    The determination of the alternative splicing isoforms expressed in cancer is fundamental for the development of tumor-specific molecular targets for prognosis and therapy, but it is hindered by the heterogeneity of tumors and the variability across patients. We developed a new computational method, robust to biological and technical variability, which identifies significant transcript isoform changes across multiple samples. We applied this method to more than 4000 samples from the The Cancer Genome Atlas project to obtain novel splicing signatures that are predictive for nine different cancer types, and find a specific signature for basal-like breast tumors involving the tumor-driver CTNND1. Additionally, our method identifies 244 isoform switches, for which the change occurs in the most abundant transcript. Some of these switches occur in known tumor drivers, including PPARG, CCND3, RALGDS, MITF, PRDM1, ABI1 and MYH11, for which the switch implies a change in the protein product. Moreover, some of the switches cannot be described with simple splicing events. Surprisingly, isoform switches are independent of somatic mutations, except for the tumor-suppressor FBLN2 and the oncogene MYH11. Our method reveals novel signatures of cancer in terms of transcript isoforms specifically expressed in tumors, providing novel potential molecular targets for prognosis and therapy. Data and software are available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1061917 and https://bitbucket.org/regulatorygenomicsupf/iso-ktsp.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain [BIO2011-23920]; Consolider RNAREG [CSD2009-00080]; Sandra Ibarra Foundation for Cancer [FSI2013]. Funding for open access charge: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain [BIO2011-23920]; Consolider RNAREG [CSD2009-00080]; Sandra Ibarra Foundation for Cancer [FSI2013

    Integrative annotation of 21,037 human genes validated by full-length cDNA clones

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    The human genome sequence defines our inherent biological potential; the realization of the biology encoded therein requires knowledge of the function of each gene. Currently, our knowledge in this area is still limited. Several lines of investigation have been used to elucidate the structure and function of the genes in the human genome. Even so, gene prediction remains a difficult task, as the varieties of transcripts of a gene may vary to a great extent. We thus performed an exhaustive integrative characterization of 41,118 full-length cDNAs that capture the gene transcripts as complete functional cassettes, providing an unequivocal report of structural and functional diversity at the gene level. Our international collaboration has validated 21,037 human gene candidates by analysis of high-quality full-length cDNA clones through curation using unified criteria. This led to the identification of 5,155 new gene candidates. It also manifested the most reliable way to control the quality of the cDNA clones. We have developed a human gene database, called the H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB; http://www.h-invitational.jp/). It provides the following: integrative annotation of human genes, description of gene structures, details of novel alternative splicing isoforms, non-protein-coding RNAs, functional domains, subcellular localizations, metabolic pathways, predictions of protein three-dimensional structure, mapping of known single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), identification of polymorphic microsatellite repeats within human genes, and comparative results with mouse full-length cDNAs. The H-InvDB analysis has shown that up to 4% of the human genome sequence (National Center for Biotechnology Information build 34 assembly) may contain misassembled or missing regions. We found that 6.5% of the human gene candidates (1,377 loci) did not have a good protein-coding open reading frame, of which 296 loci are strong candidates for non-protein-coding RNA genes. In addition, among 72,027 uniquely mapped SNPs and insertions/deletions localized within human genes, 13,215 nonsynonymous SNPs, 315 nonsense SNPs, and 452 indels occurred in coding regions. Together with 25 polymorphic microsatellite repeats present in coding regions, they may alter protein structure, causing phenotypic effects or resulting in disease. The H-InvDB platform represents a substantial contribution to resources needed for the exploration of human biology and pathology.This research is financially supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (METI), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (MEXT), the Japan Biological Informatics Consortium (JBIC), the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), the United States Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health of the United States, the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) of Germany, the European Union through the EURO-IMAGE Consortium (grant BMH4-CT97-2284 coordinated by Charles Auffray), the 863 and 973 Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and CNRS of France. The work on Module 3D-keynote is supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (C) ‘‘Genome Information Science’’ to Mitiko Go and Kei Yura, and for Scientific Research (B) to MG, from MEXT. KY is also supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists from MEXT. The work on subcellular localization is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (C) ‘‘Genome Information Science’’ from MEXT and the National Project on Protein Structural and Functional Analyses from the same Ministry

    Differentiated evolutionary rates in alternative exons and the implications for splicing regulation

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    Background: Alternatively spliced exons play an important role in the diversification of gene function in most metazoans and are highly regulated by conserved motifs in exons and introns. Two contradicting properties have been associated to evolutionary conserved alternative exons: higher sequence conservation and higher rate of non-synonymous substitutions, relative to constitutive exons. In order to clarify this issue, we have performed an analysis of the evolution of alternative and constitutive exons, using a large set of protein coding exons conserved between human and mouse and taking into account the conservation of the transcript exonic structure. Further, we have also defined a measure of the variation of the arrangement of exonic splicing enhancers (ESE-conservation score) to study the evolution of splicing regulatory sequences. We have used this measure to correlate the changes in the arrangement of ESEs with the divergence of exon and intron sequences. Results: We find evidence for a relation between the lack of conservation of the exonic structure and the weakening of the sequence evolutionary constraints in alternative and constitutive exons. Exons in transcripts with non-conserved exonic structures have higher synonymous (dS) and non-synonymous (dN) substitution rates than exons in conserved structures. Moreover, alternative exons in transcripts with non-conserved exonic structure are the least constrained in sequence evolution, and at high EST-inclusion levels they are found to be very similar to constitutive exons, whereas alternative exons in transcripts with conserved exonic structure have a dS significantly lower than average at all EST-inclusion levels. We also find higher conservation in the arrangement of ESEs in constitutive exons compared to alternative ones. Additionally, the sequence conservation at flanking introns remains constant for constitutive exons at all ESE-conservation values, but increases for alternative exons at high ESE-conservation values. Conclusion: We conclude that most of the differences in dN observed between alternative and constitutive exons can be explained by the conservation of the transcript exonic structure. Low dS values are more characteristic of alternative exons with conserved exonic structure, but not of those with non-conserved exonic structure. Additionally, constitutive exons are characterized by a higher conservation in the arrangement of ESEs, and alternative exons with an ESE-conservation similar to that of constitutive exons are characterized by a conservation of the flanking intron sequences higher than average, indicating the presence of more intronic regulatory signals.The work of E.E. is funded by ICREA. The work of M.P. is funded by the "Alternate Transcript Diversity" project of the EU FP6 programme with contract number LHSG-CT-2003-503329. This work is supported by the grant BIO2005-01287 from the Plan Nacional I+D of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Educatio

    Databases and resources for human small non-coding RNAs

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    Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing have facilitated the genome-wide studies of small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs). Numerous studies have highlighted the role of various classes of sRNAs at different levels of gene regulation and disease. The fast growth of sequence data and the diversity of sRNA species have prompted the need to organise them in annotation databases. There are currently several databases that collect sRNA data. Various tools are provided for access, with special emphasis on the well-characterised family of micro-RNAs. The striking heterogeneity of the new classes of sRNAs and the lack of sufficient functional annotation, however, make integration of these datasets a difficult task. This review describes the currently available databases for human sRNAs that are accessible via the internet, and some of the large datasets for human sRNAs from high-throughput sequencing experiments that are so far only available as supplementary data in publications. Some of the main issues related to the integration and annotation of sRNA datasets are also discussed

    Predictive models of gene regulation from high-throughput epigenomics data

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    The epigenetic regulation of gene expression involves multiple factors. The synergistic or antagonistic action of these factors has suggested the existence of an epigenetic code for gene regulation. Highthroughput sequencing (HTS) provides an opportunity to explore this code and to build quantitative models of gene regulation based on epigenetic differences between specific cellular conditions. We describe a new computational framework that facilitates the systematic integration of HTS epigenetic data. Our method relates epigenetic signals to expression by comparing two conditions. We show its effectiveness by building a model that predicts with high accuracy significant expression differences between two cell lines, using epigenetic data from the ENCODE project. Our analyses provide evidence for a degenerate epigenetic code, which involves multiple genic regions. In particular, signal changes at the 1st exon, 1st intron, and downstream of the polyadenylation site are found to associate strongly with expression regulation. Our analyses also show a different epigenetic code for intron-less and intron-containing genes. Our work provides a general methodology to do integrative analysis of epigenetic differences between cellular conditions that can be applied to other studies, like cell differentiation or carcinogenesis.This work was supported by Grants BIO2011-23920 and CSD2009-00080 from the Spanish Ministry of/nScience and by the Sandra Ibarra Foundation. S. Althammer was supported by an FI grant from the Generalitat de Cataluny