36 research outputs found

    Congenital laryngoptosis: An unusual case

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    AbstractLaryngoptosis is a rare anomaly of the larynx. The larynx is localized in a position lower than its normal position. A 15-year-old boy presented with hoarseness of voice. Physical examination showed that the larynx was in an abnormal position. There were no palpated tracheal rings. A low-pitched monotonic voice was the only symptom of laryngoptosis. Magnetic resonance imaging showed that the larynx was almost localized on the manibrium sterni, and the diagnosis was laryngoptosis

    Hypertrophic Lingual Thyroid Causing Sleep Apnea

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    Ectopic lingual thyroid disorder, developing as a consequence of thyroid gland migration during early embryogenesis, is a rarely seen congenital anomaly. In this paper, we report a 39-year-old male patient with snoring and moderate-level obstructive sleep apnea who received the diagnosis of lingual thyroid at our clinic. We treated the patient with thyroxin suppression therapy. During our clinical follow-ups, the amount of lingual thyroid tissue significantly decreased, and the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea disappeared

    Adenoidektomi için kullanılan adenoidal-nazofarengeal oranının klinik bulgular ve adenoid ağırlığı ile korelasyonu

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    Adenoid hiperplazisi genellikle çocukluk çağında görülen ve sık olarak adenoidektomiyle sonuçlanan bir olgudur. Adenoid hiperplazisi ile ağız solunumu, horlama ve burun tıkanıklığı arasındaki ilişkiye birçok kez dikkat çekilmiştir.Bunun yam sıra adenoid dokusunun seröz otitis media, üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonları ve obstruktif uyku apnesi ile birlikte bulunuşu çoğu araştırmaya konu olmuştur. Eylül 1996 ile Mart 1998 tarihleri arasında adenoid hiperplazisi tanısı konarak Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı'ında ameliyat edilen 100 çocuğun, lateral kafa grafisinde tespit edilen Adenoidal-nazofarengeal oram ( ANO ) ile ameliyat öncesi klinik bulgularla, ameliyat sonrası elde edilen adenoid dokusunun ağırhğı arasındaki ilişki ortaya konmaya konmaya çahşılmışhr. ANO ile adenoid ağırlığı, ANO ve adenoid ağırlığı ile ağız solunumu, horlama, burun tıkanıklığı ve apne arasında anlamlı korelasyon bulunmuştur. ANO ve adenoid ağırlığı ile seröz otitis media, negatif orta kulak basıncı, sinüzit, öksürük, burun akıntısı, işitme azlığı, enürezis nokturna arasında anlamlı korelasyon bulunamadı. Seröz otitis media ve negatif orta kulak basıncı ANO ve adenoid ağırlığı ile ilişkili değilken, sinüzit ve burun akıntısı ile birlikteliği dikkat çekiciydi. Adenoidektomi için seçilen çocuklarda Adenoidal-nazofarengeal oran ( ANO ), lateral kafa grafısi uygun teknikle çekildiği takdirde adenoid hiperplazismin tanısında kullanılabilecek kolay, güvenilir ve objektif bir yöntemdir

    Tularemia as a cause of cervical lymphadenitis

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    The etiology of cervical lymphadenitis may be related to the many different reasons. It is stated that tularemia is a rare cause of cervical lymphadenitis. However, tularemia is seen as endemic in several regions in our country. Tularemia outbreaks have been reported recently. Tokat and surrounding area are the places where tularemia is seen as endemic. In this paper, seven patients with cervical lymphadenitis due to tularemia between 2007 and 2008 are presented. The aim of this paper is to emphasize that tularemia is an increasing cause of cervical lymphadenitis in our region although it is not described as a common reason for cervical lymphadenitis

    Rutin tonsil ve adenoid spesimenlerinin histopatolojik incelemesi: Gerekli bir yaklaşım mı?

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada adenoidektomi veya tonsilektomi spesimenlerinin rutin histopatolojik incelemesinin gerekli olup olmadığı araştırıldı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Retrospektif ve çok merkezli bu çalışmaya adenoidektomi veya tonsilektomi ameliyatı olan 1021 çocuk ve erişkin hasta (557 erkek 464 kadın; ortanca yaş 8 yıl; dağılım 5-13 yıl) dahil edildi. Toplam hastaların 809’u (%79.3) çocuk, 212’si (%20.7) erişkin idi. Hastaların yaş, cinsiyet, histopatolojik tanıları ile malign tanı konulan hastalarda malignite açısından risk faktörleri mevcut hasta kayıtları kullanılarak incelendi. Bulgular: Hastaların 396’sına (%38.8) adenotonsilektomi, 266’sına (%26) tonsilektomi, 359’una (%35.2) adenoidektomi yapıldı. Histopatolojik tanı 1021 hastanın 1011’inde (% 99) bening, 11’inde (%1) malign idi. Yalnızca erişkin hastalarda malign tanı mevcuttu. Malign tanı konulan hastaların tümünde cerrahi öncesinde malignite açısından bir veya daha fazla risk faktörü vardı. Cerrahi öncesi risk faktörü taşımayan hiçbir hastada beklenmedik malignite görülmedi. Sonuç: Adenotonsilektomi ameliyatı sonrası, özellikle çocuk hastalar başta olmak üzere, risk faktörü taşımayan hastalarda rutin histopatolojik incelemenin gerekli olmadığı sonucuna varıldı.Objectives: This study aims to investigate whether it is necessary to perform histopathologic examination of the specimens of tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy. Patients and Methods: In this retrospective and multicenter study, 1021 pediatric and adult patients (557 males, 464 females; median age 8 years; range 5 to 13 years) who underwent adenoidectomy and/or tonsillectomy were included. Of the patients, 809 (79.3%) were pediatrics, while 212 (20.7%) were adult. Age, gender, histopathologic diagnosis and risk for malignancy in the patients with malignant diagnosis were reviewed using present patient records. Results: Adenotonsillectomy was performed on 396 patients (38.8%), tonsillectomy on 266 patients (26%) and adenoidectomy on 359 patients (35.2%). Of the 1021 patients, 1011 (99%) received a benign histopathologic diagnosis, while 11 (1%) receieved malignant diagnosis. Malignant diagnosis was present only in adult patients. All patients diagnosed with a malignancy had one or more preoperative risk factors. No unexpected malignant diagnosis was found in any of the patients without preoperative risk factors. Conclusion: We concluded that histopathologic diagnosis may not be required for the patients without preoperative risk factors, particularly pediatric patients

    Impairment of Voice Quality in Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion Dysfunction

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    Objectives/Hypothesis. To compare subjective and objective voice-quality parameters between asymptomatic paradoxical vocal fold motion dysfunction (PVFMD) patients and healthy individuals. Study Design. Prospective. Methods. A total number of 12 patients with PVFMD and 12 healthy control subjects had voice evaluations by means of laryngostroboscopy, acoustic analysis (jitter, shimmer, and harmonics-to-noise ratio [HNR]), aerodynamic measurements (maximum phonation time [MPT], s/z ratio), and perceptual analysis (Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenicity, and Strain Scale [GRBAS] and Voice Handicap Index-10 [VHI-10] scales). Evaluations were conducted when all the patients were asymptomatic. Results. False vocal cord adduction, anteroposterior constriction of the supraglottic larynx, decreased amplitude, and decreased mucosa] wave were observed in the great majority of the PVFMD patients during laryngostroboscopy. Mean jitter and shimmer rates were significantly high in PVFMD patients and there was no significant difference in mean HNR between groups (P < 0.05). Mean MPT was significantly long in control subjects (P < 0.05) and mean s/z ratio was nearly equal between patients and control subjects. There was a statistically significant difference between groups about GRBAS and VHI-10 scales (P < 0.05). Conclusions. Based on the subjective and objective voice parameters, voice quality is significantly impaired in asymptomatic PVFMD patients when compared with the healthy control subjects