7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Expos, Bertanes. 2016. Peningkatan Motivasi dan Prestasi dalam Pembelajaran Teks Prosedur melalui Pemberian Ganjaran  di Kelas VIII-B SMPN 15 Malang. Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah. Jurusan Sastra Indonesia. Fakultas Sastra. Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing 1 Prof. Dr. Wahyudi S, M.Pd. Pembimbing 2 Drs. Dwi Saksomo, M.Si. Kata kunci: ganjaran, motivasi, teks prosedurPendidik sebagai sumber belajar siswa seharusnya menguasai materi dengan baik. Bukan hanya itu, pendidik harus ahli dalam memilih strategi pembelajaran dan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang dapat menarik per-hatian siswa. Selain itu, pendidik harus mengenal  karakteristik siswa dengan baik. Salah satu yang menjadi tugas seorang guru adalah menumbuhkan motivasi siswa. Motivasi siswa dapat dilihat pada saat proses belajar. Siswa yang mempunyai motivasi tinggi memiliki gairah semangat belajar dan keinginan untuk mencapai prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar melalui pemberian ganjaran pada pembelajaran teks prosedur kelas VIII B SMPN 15 Malang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII B SMPN 15 Malang berjumlah 32 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, angket, dan tes. Analisis data dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian motivasi dan prestasi belajar dengan pemberian ganjaran dapat berupa pujian diantaranya kata-kata, tanda bintang (ganjaran kelompok), dan tanda senyum (ganjaran individu). Tanda tersebut dipasang di papan kelompok dan papan dada yang sudah disediakan oleh guru. Akan tetapi siswa belum termotivasi. Kemudian, peneliti merubah tempat dimana ganjaran itu dipasang. Ganjaran tersebut dipasang di papan (papan kelompok dan papan individu) yang ditempel pada diding kelas agar siswa yang lain tahu berapa ganjaran yang didapatkan temannya. Dengan adanya reward, siswa menjadi (1) tekun menghadapi tugas; (2) ulet menghadapi kesulitan; (3) menunjukkan minat terhadap macam-macam masalah; (4) lebih senang bekerja mandiri; (5) cepat bosan dengan tugas-tugas yang rutin; (6) dapat mempertahankan pendapatnya; (7) tidak mudah melepaskan hal yang diyakini; (8) senang mencari dan memecahkan masalah soal-soal; (9) minat dan perhatian siswa terhadap pelajaran; (10) tanggung jawab siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas belajarnya. Motivasi siswa yang didapat dari hasil angket, dalam pratindakan mencapai 41,01%, dalam siklus 1 49,41%, sedangkan pada siklus 2 mencapai 63,30%. Dari pratindakan menuju siklus 1 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 8,4%. Sedangkan dari siklus 1 menuju siklus 2 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 10,89%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan pemberian ganjaran meningkatkan motivasi siswa dari kriteria cukup menjadi kriteria tinggi.  Hasil belajar siswa dapat dilihat dari hasil test, dalam pratindakan mencapai 68,31, dalam  siklus 1 69,37, sedangkan pada siklus 2 mencapai  83,90. Dari pratindakan menuju siklus 1 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 1,06. Sedangkan dari siklus 1 menuju siklus 2 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 14,53. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan penerapan ganjaran meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dari kriteria cukup menjadi kriteria baik

    Chemical- and effect-oriented exposomics: Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR)

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    Exposomic studies of the rapidly changing environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) after its impounding is elaborated as a novel field of human and environmental research. Molecular exposomics is focused on the measure of all exposures to molecules and especially persistent organic pollutants-like compounds are of emerging interest due to their lifetime existence in the environment and humans. Theoretical considerations in general and particular for the TGR are deduced and presented using quantitative approaches for this research field. Since exposomics is strongly time-dependent, a theory is presented to link extension of exposure, time, and related effects. Similarity to the first law of thermodynamics is outlined. On top of this, the integrated use of biomarkers is presented employing chemical analysis for biomarkers of exposure and effects, biomarkers in vivo, in vitro approaches and the link between chemical mixtures, and the onset of disease and lethality. Besides real organisms, also virtual organisms are favored to act as well-defined sub-compartments such as fat of biota and with respect to time of exposure. Exposomics is the perspective of risk evaluation and chronic exposures in the running century. It needs novel theories, approaches, and integrated action between medical and environmental disciplines. The existing knowledge about molecular stressors has to be assembled and put into a context especially with respect not only to time resp. lifetime exposure of humans but also eco-toxicological findings by using highly conserved phylogenetic mechanisms to enable links between human and risks of environmental biota. The TGR is a good example not only to employ biomonitoring of real but also virtual organisms due to the lack of established ecotopes in this changing environment so far. Progress in understanding long-term risks requires a proper theory as well as novel tools such as virtual organisms. On top, multidisciplinary approaches and the utilization of existing knowledge about the exposure of the environment and humans have to be merged and directed into mutual concepts. Effect-oriented and chemical analysis must be designed time-oriented to determine lifetime exposures of mankind and nature. Perspectively, a first attempt about exposomic theory and concepts is proposed and has to be developed experimentally further enclosing virtual besides of real organisms and compartments. Environmental and human exposomics have to be considered as a unified global issue in order to effectively utilize their mutual existing knowledge most effectively. The TGR is a challenging model system aiming this objective.Exposomic studies of the rapidly changing environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) after its impounding is elaborated as a novel field of human and environmental research. Molecular exposomics is focused on the measure of all exposures to molecules and especially persistent organic pollutants-like compounds are of emerging interest due to their lifetime existence in the environment and humans. Theoretical considerations in general and particular for the TGR are deduced and presented using quantitative approaches for this research field. Since exposomics is strongly time-dependent, a theory is presented to link extension of exposure, time, and related effects. Similarity to the first law of thermodynamics is outlined. On top of this, the integrated use of biomarkers is presented employing chemical analysis for biomarkers of exposure and effects, biomarkers in vivo, in vitro approaches and the link between chemical mixtures, and the onset of disease and lethality. Besides real organisms, also virtual organisms are favored to act as well-defined sub-compartments such as fat of biota and with respect to time of exposure. Exposomics is the perspective of risk evaluation and chronic exposures in the running century. It needs novel theories, approaches, and integrated action between medical and environmental disciplines. The existing knowledge about molecular stressors has to be assembled and put into a context especially with respect not only to time resp. lifetime exposure of humans but also eco-toxicological findings by using highly conserved phylogenetic mechanisms to enable links between human and risks of environmental biota. The TGR is a good example not only to employ biomonitoring of real but also virtual organisms due to the lack of established ecotopes in this changing environment so far. Progress in understanding long-term risks requires a proper theory as well as novel tools such as virtual organisms. On top, multidisciplinary approaches and the utilization of existing knowledge about the exposure of the environment and humans have to be merged and directed into mutual concepts. Effect-oriented and chemical analysis must be designed time-oriented to determine lifetime exposures of mankind and nature. Perspectively, a first attempt about exposomic theory and concepts is proposed and has to be developed experimentally further enclosing virtual besides of real organisms and compartments. Environmental and human exposomics have to be considered as a unified global issue in order to effectively utilize their mutual existing knowledge most effectively. The TGR is a challenging model system aiming this objective