11 research outputs found

    2,2':6',2''-Terpyridine-functionalized redox-responsive hydrogels as a platform for multi responsive amphiphilic polymer membranes

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    Nanophase-separated amphiphilic polymer co-networks are ideally suited as responsive membranes due to their stable co-continuous structure. Their functionalization with redox-responsive 2,2â€Č:6â€Č,2â€Čâ€Č-terpyridine–metal complexes and light-responsive spiropyran derivatives leads to a novel material with tunable optical, redox and permeability properties. The versatility of the system in complexing various metal ions, such as cobalt or iron at different concentrations, results in a perfect monitoring over the degree of crosslinking of the hydrophilic poly(2-hydroxyethyl acrylate) channels. The reversibility of the complexation, the redox state of the metal and the isomerization to the merocyanine form upon UV illumination was evidenced by cyclic voltammetry, UV-Vis and permeability measurements under sequential conditions. Thus, the membrane provides light and redox addressable functionalities due to its adjustable and mechanically stable hydrogel network

    Replacement of Contentious Inputs in Organic Farming Systems (RELACS) – a comprehensive Horizon 2020 project

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    Organic farmers adhere to high standards in producing quality food while protecting the environment. However, organic farming needs to improve continuously to keep meeting its ambitious objectives. The project ‘Replacement of Contentious Inputs in Organic Farming Systems’ (RELACS) will foster the development and adoption of cost-efficient and environmentally safe tools and technologies to further reduce the use of external inputs on organic farms across Europe as well as in Non EU Mediterranean countries. Project partners will provide scientific support to develop fair and implementable EU rules to improve current practices in organic farming. Farm advisory networks in 11 European countries will reach out to farmers to ensure effective dissemination and adoption of the tools and techniques

    Current use of contentious inputs in European organic animal production

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    Contentious inputs are used by organic farmers to maintain production sustainability and high standards in animal health and welfare. Their implementation has detrimental impact on the environment and present a risk for the development of the organic sector. Information regarding the application of contentious inputs is not available at the European scale and it is a prerequisite to devise and implement roadmaps to phase them out. This work aimed to determine the extent to which antibiotics, anthelmintics and synthetic vitamins are currently used in organic livestock and to highlight differences in their controlled use. A multi-dimensional approach, incorporating: (1) literature reviews; (2) Europe-wide surveys or interviews of organic experts; (3) analysis of publicly available research data; and (4) national and international authorities (veterinary and agricultural organisations) was followed to quantify the current use and need of contentious inputs in European organic animal production. Overall, there was considerable variation in the use of anthelmintics and antibiotics reflecting country-specific differences in the level of pathogen threat and control. Estimates suggest that overall anthelmintic treatments do not exceed one treatment per animal per year in organic farms, although exceptions were noted. Extrapolated calculations indicate that on average 0.7 antibiotic treatments per animal per year are input in organic livestock systems. Dosages of synthetic vitamins are highly standardized, and decisions are made in the premix producing industry rather than on the farms. With few exceptions there are no differences between conventional and organic practice regarding dosage. Research-based background for organic-specific recommendations is therefore needed. The results provide the first benchmark on patterns of contentious input uses in organic livestock farming across Europe. Funded by EU H2020 No 773431 – RELACS

    La gestion de la reproduction en Ă©levages ovins et caprins, conventionnels et biologiques : Ă©tat des lieux, intĂ©rĂȘt et acceptabilitĂ© de nouveaux outils dans six bassins de production en France

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    La maĂźtrise de la saisonnalitĂ© de la reproduction est un enjeu pour les filiĂšres ovines et caprines. Dans le contexte socio-Ă©conomique actuel, l’essor de pratiques alternatives aux traitements hormonaux d’induction et de synchronisation des chaleurs et des ovulations est nĂ©cessaire en Agriculture Conventionnelle (AC) et de nouvelles perspectives d’évolution sont attendues en Agriculture Biologique (AB). À partir d’enquĂȘtes rĂ©alisĂ©es auprĂšs de 97 intervenants en Ă©levage et 298 Ă©leveurs ovins et caprins en AB et en AC, nous avons dressĂ© un Ă©tat des lieux des pratiques de gestion de la reproduction mises en Ɠuvre dans les principaux bassins de production en France. Puis, nous avons Ă©valuĂ© l’acceptabilitĂ© des acteurs vis-Ă -vis de deux outils innovants associĂ©s Ă  la gestion de la reproduction : l’utilisation de phĂ©romones impliquĂ©es dans l’effet mĂąle (comme alternative aux traitements hormonaux pour l’induction et la synchronisation des ovulations et des chaleurs) et la dĂ©tection automatisĂ©e des chaleurs (pour optimiser la mise Ă  la reproduction par IA ou pour la lutte en main). D’aprĂšs les enquĂȘtes, les pratiques de dessaisonnement de la reproduction impliquant les traitements lumineux, le recours Ă  la mĂ©latonine et les lactations longues sont quasi exclusivement mises en Ɠuvre par les producteurs caprins. Les traitements hormonaux pour l’induction et la synchronisation des chaleurs et la mĂ©latonine sont interdits par le cahier des charges en AB et donc exclusivement utilisĂ©s en AC. Au contraire, l’effet mĂąle est pratiquĂ© dans l’ensemble des filiĂšres. La dĂ©tection des chaleurs n’est mise en Ɠuvre que par les Ă©leveurs caprins et ovins laitiers. Enfin, le flushing est surtout pratiquĂ© en filiĂšre ovine. L’utilisation potentielle des phĂ©romones pour induire et synchroniser les chaleurs intĂ©resse Ă  la fois les intervenants et les Ă©leveurs. En AB, cette technique soulĂšve cependant des questions quant au respect du cahier des charges. L’accueil rĂ©servĂ© aux dĂ©tecteurs automatisĂ©s de chaleurs est plus mitigĂ©. Si leur intĂ©rĂȘt pour l’organisation du travail et la facilitation des IA a Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ© par les Ă©leveurs, ces derniers ont soulevĂ© une inquiĂ©tude quant Ă  l’inadĂ©quation par rapport aux conduites d’élevage au pĂąturage a Ă©tĂ© soulevĂ©e. Si certains Ă©leveurs sont prĂȘts Ă  acquĂ©rir les deux types de dispositifs, ils sont en attente des rĂ©sultats concernant l’efficacitĂ©, le coĂ»t et la praticitĂ© des outils avant d’envisager de s’équiper

    Animal health and welfare planning for European organic dairy herds – development and expansion

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    Animal Health and Welfare Planning (AHWP) is a long-term continuous approach, as initially developed in the Core Organic ANIPLAN-Project. Within the framework of organic principles it is based on regular data collection on animal health and welfare and therewith farm specific. It identifies not only problematic areas but also farm specific successes. The approach is based on the inclusion of external knowledge and persons in the process to reach, finally, farmer ownership of the envisaged improvement measures. A team of farming advisors, veterinary practitioners and on-farm researchers from Spain, France, United Kingdom and Switzerland developed an improved RELACS AHWP protocol and introduced the AHWP approach for the first time in France and Spain. The improvement entails the introduction of the Farmer Field School approach (FFS), a specific form of facilitated farmer inter-collegial advisory in groups representing 5-7 farms. A facilitator is responsible for organization and moderation of the meeting as well as writing up and distributing the minutes to all participants afterwards. Each meeting comprises a farm walk (including the ‘success case’), a structured discussion about two problematic areas pointed out by the host farmer and subsequent inputs from each individual participant on how to solve it. Discussion on each problematic area is closed by a conclusive statement from the host farmer about the next steps to guarantee a high level of farmer ownership within the process. In RELACS, 35 farms (4 from Spain, 11 from United Kingdom and 20 from France) are involved in 6 FFS groups. The impact of the advisory action will be determined based on a comparison with another 31 monitored farms (5 from Spain, 9 from United Kingdom and 17 from France) that did not undertake the FFS approach

    Analyse des processus techniques et organisationnels qui mĂšnent Ă  des situations d'Ă©quilibre sanitaire dans les Ă©levages bio

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    La conduite d’élevage en agriculture biologique constitue un lieu privilĂ©giĂ© pour la mise en Ɠuvre d’une approche globale en santĂ© animale, oĂč l’utilisation d’intrants de synthĂšse (antibiotiques, antiparasitaires) doit rester une solution de dernier recours. Son cahier des charges recommande une gestion de la santĂ© animale axĂ©e sur la prĂ©vention des maladies. Au niveau du troupeau, la notion d’équilibre sanitaire est apprĂ©hendĂ©e par certains Ă©leveurs biologiques et/ou leurs conseillers comme un troupeau avec peu d’animaux malades, recevant peu d’intrants mĂ©dicamenteux (antibiotiques et antiparasitaires). Cet Ă©quilibre est plus ou moins stable dans le temps. Une perte de l’équilibre Ă  l’échelle du troupeau secaractĂ©rise par diffĂ©rents troubles, l’expression de plusieurs maladies, des problĂšmes de reproduction et de bien-ĂȘtre animal. Dans le projet « OTOVEIL : DĂ©velopper des Outils Techniques et organisationnels de conseil pour la surveillance et la prĂ©vention sanitaire dans les Ă©levages biologiques », les dĂ©terminants qui qualifient l’équilibre sanitaire ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s par l’analyse des pratiques et des perceptions des Ă©leveurs, ainsi que par des traitements statistiques issus d’enquĂȘtes en fermes. Le projet OTOVEIL a produit un outil d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision pour renforcer la prĂ©vention et surveillance Ă  travers des grilles « Panse-BĂȘtes » pour chacune des 5 filiĂšres de ruminants sous formes de « livrets-papier » ou sousforme numĂ©rique WebAppli. Cet outil permet de de mieux intĂ©grer une approche multi-factorielle de la gestion de la santĂ© animale, en invitant l’éleveur Ă  rechercher les causes d’un dĂ©sĂ©quilibre sanitaire (bĂątiment, abreuvement, alimentation, santĂ©, prairie, gĂ©nĂ©tique, climat et saison
). Il est utilisable par un Ă©leveur seul, par un binĂŽme Ă©leveur/vĂ©tĂ©rinaire lors de visites de suivi, ou lors de rĂ©unions collectives, le conseiller-animateur pouvant se reposer sur la checklist pour poser les bonnes questions, et crĂ©er un plan d’actions pour remĂ©dier aux difficultĂ©s

    Nouveaux outils pour réduire le recours aux hormones pour la gestion de la reproduction en élevage ovin et caprin : avis des éleveurs et des conseillers

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    National audienceEn race ovine, l’InsĂ©mination Artificielle (IA) est gĂ©nĂ©ralement rĂ©alisĂ©e aprĂšs traitement hormonal d’induction et de synchronisation des ovulations, et les brebis sont insĂ©minĂ©es 55 h ± 1 h aprĂšs le retrait de l’éponge vaginale (contenant un progestagĂšne) en semence fraiche (Fatet et al., 2008). Une baisse de fertilitĂ© Ă  l’IA a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e en race Rouge de l’Ouest, ce qui a conduit les Ă©leveurs et l’Organisme de SĂ©lection GEODE Ă  chercher des pistes d’amĂ©lioration. Or certains centres d’IA se sont interrogĂ©s sur l’effet du moment d’IA aprĂšs retrait de l’éponge sur la fertilitĂ© : par exemple en races Lacaune viande et Blanche du Massif Central (FrĂ©ret et al., 2009) ou en race Corse (Aragni et al., 2014). Dans une Ă©tude prĂ©liminaire menĂ©e en race Rouge de l’Ouest, notre objectif a Ă©tĂ© de tester l’effet d’un allongement de 4 ou 8 h du dĂ©lai d’IA moyen (par rapport au dĂ©lai prĂ©conisĂ©) sur le taux de rĂ©ussite Ă  l’IA

    Socioeconomic Disparities in the Use of Home Health Services in a Medicare Managed Care Population

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate socioeconomic disparities in access to home health visits and durable medical equipment by persons enrolled in two Medicare managed care health plans. DATA SOURCES: A telephone survey of 4,613 Medicare managed care enrollees conducted between April and October of 2000 and linked to administrative claims for a subsequent 12-month period. STUDY DESIGN: We estimated a series of logistic regression models to determine which socioeconomic factors were related to home health visits and the use of durable medical equipment (DME) among Medicare managed care enrollees. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Controlling for health and demographic differences, Medicare managed care enrollees in the lowest tertile for nonhousing assets had 50 percent greater odds than those in the highest tertile of having one or more home health visits. All else equal, enrollees with less than a high school education had 30 percent lower odds than those who had graduated from high school of using durable medical equipment. CONCLUSIONS: Medicare managed care enrollees of low socioeconomic status do not appear to have reduced access to home health visits; however, use of durable medical equipment is considerably lower for enrollees with less than a high school education. Physicians and therapists working with Medicare managed care enrollees may want to actively target DME prescriptions to those with educational disadvantages