11 research outputs found

    Point interactions in a strip

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    We study the behavior of a quantum particle confined to a hard--wall strip of a constant width in which there is a finite number N N of point perturbations. Constructing the resolvent of the corresponding Hamiltonian by means of Krein's formula, we analyze its spectral and scattering properties. The bound state--problem is analogous to that of point interactions in the plane: since a two--dimensional point interaction is never repulsive, there are m m discrete eigenvalues, 1≤m≤N 1\le m\le N , the lowest of which is nondegenerate. On the other hand, due to the presence of the boundary the point interactions give rise to infinite series of resonances; if the coupling is weak they approach the thresholds of higher transverse modes. We derive also spectral and scattering properties for point perturbations in several related models: a cylindrical surface, both of a finite and infinite heigth, threaded by a magnetic flux, and a straight strip which supports a potential independent of the transverse coordinate. As for strips with an infinite number of point perturbations, we restrict ourselves to the situation when the latter are arranged periodically; we show that in distinction to the case of a point--perturbation array in the plane, the spectrum may exhibit any finite number of gaps. Finally, we study numerically conductance fluctuations in case of random point perturbations.Comment: a LaTeX file, 38 pages, to appear in Ann. Phys.; 12 figures available at request from [email protected]

    Bound states and scattering in quantum waveguides coupled laterally through a boundary window

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    We consider a pair of parallel straight quantum waveguides coupled laterally through a window of a width â„“ \ell in the common boundary. We show that such a system has at least one bound state for any â„“>0 \ell>0 . We find the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions numerically using the mode--matching method, and discuss their behavior in several situations. We also discuss the scattering problem in this setup, in particular, the turbulent behavior of the probability flow associated with resonances. The level and phase--shift spacing statistics shows that in distinction to closed pseudo--integrable billiards, the present system is essentially non--chaotic. Finally, we illustrate time evolution of wave packets in the present model.Comment: LaTeX text file with 12 ps figure

    Leaky quantum graphs: approximations by point interaction Hamiltonians

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    We prove an approximation result showing how operators of the type −Δ−γδ(x−Γ)-\Delta -\gamma \delta (x-\Gamma) in L2(R2)L^2(\mathbb{R}^2), where Γ\Gamma is a graph, can be modeled in the strong resolvent sense by point-interaction Hamiltonians with an appropriate arrangement of the δ\delta potentials. The result is illustrated on finding the spectral properties in cases when Γ\Gamma is a ring or a star. Furthermore, we use this method to indicate that scattering on an infinite curve Γ\Gamma which is locally close to a loop shape or has multiple bends may exhibit resonances due to quantum tunneling or repeated reflections.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 31 pages with 18 postscript figure

    A single-mode quantum transport in serial-structure geometric scatterers

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    We study transport in quantum systems consisting of a finite array of N identical single-channel scatterers. A general expression of the S matrix in terms of the individual-element data obtained recently for potential scattering is rederived in this wider context. It shows in particular how the band spectrum of the infinite periodic system arises in the limit N→∞N\to\infty. We illustrate the result on two kinds of examples. The first are serial graphs obtained by chaining loops or T-junctions. A detailed discussion is presented for a finite-periodic "comb"; we show how the resonance poles can be computed within the Krein formula approach. Another example concerns geometric scatterers where the individual element consists of a surface with a pair of leads; we show that apart of the resonances coming from the decoupled-surface eigenvalues such scatterers exhibit the high-energy behavior typical for the delta' interaction for the physically interesting couplings.Comment: 36 pages, a LaTeX source file with 2 TeX drawings, 3 ps and 3 jpeg figures attache

    Spectra of soft ring graphs

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    We discuss of a ring-shaped soft quantum wire modeled by δ\delta interaction supported by the ring of a generally nonconstant coupling strength. We derive condition which determines the discrete spectrum of such systems, and analyze the dependence of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions on the coupling and ring geometry. In particular, we illustrate that a random component in the coupling leads to a localization. The discrete spectrum is investigated also in the situation when the ring is placed into a homogeneous magnetic field or threaded by an Aharonov-Bohm flux and the system exhibits persistent currents.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 17 pages, with 10 ps figure

    Bound states in open coupled asymmetrical waveguides and quantum wires

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    The behavior of bound states in asymmetric cross, T and L shaped configurations is considered. Because of the symmetries of the wavefunctions, the analysis can be reduced to the case of an electron localized at the intersection of two orthogonal crossed wires of different width. Numerical calculations show that the fundamental mode of this system remains bound for the widths that we have been able to study directly; moreover, the extrapolation of the results obtained for finite widths suggests that this state remains bound even when the width of one arm becomes infinitesimal. We provide a qualitative argument which explains this behavior and that can be generalized to the lowest energy states in each symmetry class. In the case of odd-odd states of the cross we find that the lowest mode is bounded when the width of the two arms is the same and stays bound up to a critical value of the ratio between the widths; in the case of the even-odd states we find that the lowest mode is unbound up to a critical value of the ratio between the widths. Our qualitative arguments suggest that the bound state survives as the width of the vertical arm becomes infinitesimal.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figures, 3 table