29 research outputs found

    Validation of Product-Service Systems in Virtual Reality

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    Research in the area of the integrated development of products and services, designated as Product-Service Systems (PSS), is maturing and a transition in industrial practices is noticeable. Nevertheless, PSS development methodologies lack consistent approaches regarding the integrated validation of different PSS elements rather than a separate development and validation. To prevent an expensive roll-out and testing in late development stages new methodologies and techniques need to be developed and applied. The challenge is theenablement of experiencing and thus testing of PSS in early stages, like planning and concept phase.In order to address these challenges for an integrated validation of PSS a prototyping approach named SHP4PSS has been introduced on a conceptual level [1], integrating virtual and physical prototypes in a Virtual Reality (VR). To complete the methodology a matrix is presented to derive test cases out of early PSS concepts. Furthermore, the evaluation matrix regarding the test phase and the current version of the demonstrator is introduced

    Maturity model and action recommendation : A PSS capability self-assessment tool for companies

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    The main idea in Product-Service Systems (PSS) research is to provide solutions instead of products or services. Nevertheless, PSS comprise a broad variety of characteristics from product-oriented services, to use-oriented services and result-oriented services [1]. In industrial practice all of these dimension as well as intermediate stages are evidently realized. Additionally, trending topics like smart services, which can be described as the exploitation strategy from Industrie 4.0 [2], also known as cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things, accelerate the interest in PSS. However, many companies’ in particular small and medium-sized enterprises just started realizing the potential and necessity to establish service thinking in order to stay competitive. These companies face considerable challenges regarding the transformation from an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) towards an Original Solution Provider (OSP)[3]. In a first step,companies need to assess their current situation and develop a strategy based on the desired target situation. For this reason, the authors developed a model combined with a self-assessment method which enables a basic analysis of the companies’ situation including action recommendations. The research results as well as the evaluation with a company are presented in this paper

    Proactive maintenance as success factor for use-oriented product-service systems

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    In use-oriented Product-Service Systems (PSS) the ownership of the product remains with the provider who is responsible for maintenance, repair and overhaul [1]. Thus the risk of machine unavailability is transferred from the customer towards the PSS provider. In order to minimize this risk the provider needs to reduce unscheduled downtimes to enhance machine availability. Hence proactive maintenance is an important success factor for providing this PSS type [2]. In practice, manufacturing equipment providers struggle to derive the required information for providing proactive maintenance from the existing data and thus potentials remain unused. One of the problems for many companies in this context is the missing knowhow for managing and analyzing this high amount of data. This issue is discussed in research and practice under the topic “Big Data” [3]. This paper focusses on discussing different approaches for data gathering, analysis and interpretation as well as associated challenges. Drivers and hindering factors are introduced and solution approaches are provided. These aspects are analyzed in a case study in collaboration with a material handling manufacturer which was conducted in one of the transfer projects of the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 29 which addressed the dynamic interdependencies of products and services in the production area

    Soziokratie in der Laborschule: Auf dem Weg zu zufriedenstellenden BeschlĂĽssen zum Wohle des Ganzen

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    Die Forschungsgruppe des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekts (FEP) „Soziokratie“ arbeitet seit 2018 daran, Alternativen zu dem klassischen, im (Arbeits-)Alltag weit verbreiteten demokratischen Entscheidungsverfahren der Mehrheitsabstimmung zu finden, bei dem in der Regel eine Mehrheit über eine Minderheit bestimmt. Unserem Eindruck nach sind solche Abstimmungssituationen mit einer spürbar wachsenden Unzufriedenheit im Kollegium verbunden. Daraus ergaben sich für uns folgende Fragen: Wie können wir als Laborschule effektives und konstruktives Handeln sichern und zugleich demokratische Entscheidungen fällen, in der „dem Wohl des Ganzen“ (Waldhubel, 2009) Priorität gegeben wird und sich Einzelne nicht ausgeschlossen, sondern vielmehr beteiligt und gehört fühlen? Wie gelingt es, die Mitverantwortung und Mitbestimmung zu steigern? Wie stellt man Transparenz und Klarheit in einem Kollegium mit unterschiedlichen Professionen sicher? Und wie gelangt man zu zufriedenstellenden Entscheidungen? Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick darüber, wie der Soziokratie-FEP in der aktuellen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsperiode – vor allem unter der Schwierigkeit der COVID-19-Pandemie – das Ziel weiterverfolgt, soziokratische Mitbestimmungsformen an der Laborschule einzubringen und zu fördern

    The neurobiological link between OCD and ADHD

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    Prototyping von Produkt-Service Systemen und Smart Services in der Konzeptphase des Entwicklungsprozesses

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    Aus politischer und wirtschaftlicher Sicht wurden in den letzten Dekaden zwei Treiber eines notwendigen Wandels fokussiert: Zum einen die systematische Unterstützung des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Trends hin zu einer Dienstleistungsgesellschaft, zum anderen die Digitalisierung und Automatisierung der Industrie zur Steigerung der Qualität und Effizienz. Die Evolution und Synthese dieser beiden Perspektiven führte zur Verbreitung und Akzeptanz ganzheitlicher Leistungsangebote sowie der damit einhergehende Bedarf der Wirtschaft diese Produkt-Service Systeme (PSS) erfolgreich zu entwickeln. Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert dazu die frühe Phase des Entstehungsprozesses und adressiert Lösungen, die es ermöglichen erste Konzepte von PSS mittels innovativer Prototypen für die am Prozess beteiligten Stakeholder erlebbar und bewertbar zu machen. Zudem befähigt die Methode die Konzeptionierung von Smart Services. Beide Lösungen sind synergetisch in einer ganzheitlichen Entwicklungsvorgehensweise verortet und bieten somit die Möglichkeit einer systematischen Entwicklung. Die entwickelten Ergebnisse befähigen die digitale Transformation der Unternehmen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung

    A PSS maturity self-assessment tool

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    The ongoing discussion about digital transformation in combination with new digital services is increasing uncertainties in companies on how to proceed regarding their strategic development of new products, services as well as integrated offers. The main challenges for companies has been stated in several industrial workshops and projects. They comprise the assessment of the current situation, identifying the business value of digital transformation as well as the necessary capabilities needed regarding the implementation of a target vision. Based on the results of a literature analysis as well as initial prescriptive and descriptive study a revised PSS maturity model has been developed for assessing the status of a company reflecting on four dimensions: value proposition, business processes, customer and sustainability. The approach is complemented with an online self-assessment tool and generic action recommendations. The methodology has been applied and evaluated with a case company. The qualitative results indicate a good user acceptance and a very good ease of use as well as an improvable feedback regarding the action recommendations

    Knowledge in engineering design: A systematic literature review on artifacts and it systems

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    Intense collaboration within networks of stakeholders characterizes current engineering design processes. In these, engineers use IT systems to create artifacts, which manifest their knowledge allowing its circulation. Still, a research gap exists regarding the understanding of kinds, relations and interdependencies between IT systems, artifacts and knowledge types. This article addresses this gap by presenting results of a systematic literature review. The results contribute to close the mentioned gap, give insight on focusses of current research and identify further need for investigations

    Extended list of references - Knowledge in engineering design: A systematic literature review on artifacts and IT systems

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    Extended list of references, listing the reviewed literature with full bibliographic information. Supplement to article "Knowledge in engineering design: A systematic literature review on artifacts and IT systems" published at DESIGN Conference 2018.DFG, 199828953, Serviceprojekt zur Informationsinfrastruktur (INF