459 research outputs found

    Preponderance of Late-spiking Neurons in Rat Lateral Amygdala

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    Whole-cell recordings from rat lateral amygdala (LA) revealed two populations of principal neurons, that have similar pyramid-like morphologies but differing in firing pattern: late-spiking (LS, 66%) and regular-spiking (RS, 34%). The presence of large numbers of LS neurons arguably supports recent suggestions that the LA should be considered to be a functional extension of perirhinal cortex

    Investigation into key molecular pathways in the pathogenesis of cutaneous melanoma

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    Molecular structures from diffraction and spectroscopic data

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    The Scottish origin-legend before Fordun

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    Exploring data-in-use: the value of data for Local Government

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    The power of data to support digital transformation within the context of e-Government is frequently underestimated. In this exploratory research, we develop a conceptual framework where the value of data stems from how it is used. We claim that the impact of digital transformation in the public sector presupposes an organisational culture that recognises and values data-in-use, by which is meant the practical application of data for a specific purpose, particularly by staff who deliver services. Through the lens of two ‘worldviews’ of data sharing, we present case studies of data use in two local authorities in Scotland. We claim that developing a culture where data is leveraged to derive insights for organisational activity requires combining working practices and technical infrastructure that centre on co-creating value with data. The presence of data intermediaries can support effective data-in-use to establish a healthy internal data ecosystem. Our research illustrates that local authorities within Scotland are still at an early stage of developing this culture.Die Bedeutung von Daten für die digitale Transformation im Kontext von eGovernment wird häufig unterschätzt. In diesem explorativ angelegten Artikel wird ein konzeptioneller Rahmen entwickelt, bei dem der Wert von Daten für eGovernment von deren Nutzung bestimmt wird. Argumentiert wird, dass die Verwirklichung der Potenziale der digitalen Transformation im öffentlichen Sektor eine Organisationskultur voraussetzt, die data-in-use versteht und deren Wert erkennt. Mit "data-in-use" ist die praktische Nutzung von Daten für einen spezifischen Zweck durch Verwaltungsmitarbeiter*innen gemeint. Empirisch basiert der Artikel auf zwei Fallstudien zur Datennutzung in schottischen Kommunalverwaltungen, die unterschiedliche Formen des Datenaustauschs repräsentieren. Die Analyse zeigt, dass ein Fokus auf Wertschöpfung (Value Co-Creation) durch Daten bei Arbeitsabläufen und technischer Infrastruktur erforderlich ist, um eine wirksame Datennutzungskultur zu entwickeln. Der Einsatz von Intermediären kann zu einer effektiven Datennutzung in einem internen Datenökosystem beitragen. Im Ergebnis wird gezeigt, dass sich Kommunalverwaltungen in Schottland noch am Anfang des Weges hin zu einer solchen Organisationskultur befinden

    Development of on-line FTIR spectroscopy for siloxane detection in biogas to enhance carbon contactor management

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    Activated carbon filters are used to limit engine damage by siloxanes when biogas is utilised to provide electricity. However, carbon filter siloxane removal performance is poorly understood as until recently, it had not been possible to measure siloxanes on-line. In this study, on-line Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was developed to measure siloxane concentration in real biogas both upstream (86.1–157.5 mg m−3) and downstream (2.2–4.3 mg m−3) of activated carbon filters. The FTIR provided reasonable precision upstream of the carbon vessel with a root mean square error of 10% using partial least squares analysis. However, positive interference from volatile organic carbons was observed in downstream gas measurements limiting precision at the outlet to an RMSE of 1.5 mg m−3 (47.8%). Importantly, a limit of detection of 3.2 mg m−3 was identified which is below the recommended siloxane limit and evidences the applicability of on-line FTIR for this application

    Novel epigenetic, quantitative and qualitative insights on the socialness of autism [commentary]

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    Three complementary points to Jaswal & Akhtar are raised: (1) As a person with autism, I desire sociality despite vulnerability to others’ antisocial behaviour; (2) Asperger’s conflation of autism with psychopathy (Czech 2018) likely caused clinicians to disregard social motivation among those with autism; and (3) adverse experiences cause social-engagement diversity to develop in all people, not just those on the spectrum

    Inverse scaling trends for charge-trapping-induced degradation of FinFETs performance

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    In this paper, we investigate the impact of a single discrete charge trapped at the top oxide interface on the performance of scaled nMOS FinFET transistors. The charge-trapping-induced gate voltage shift is simulated as a function of the device scaling and for several regimes of conduction-from subthreshold to ON-state. Contrary to what is expected for planar MOSFETs, we show that the trap impact decreases with scaling down the FinFET size and the applied gate voltage. By comparing drift-diffusion with nonequilibrium Green functions simulations, we show that quantum effects in the charge distribution and transport can reduce or amplify the impact of discrete traps in simulation of reliability resilience of scaled FinFETs

    One-Dimensional Multi-Subband Monte Carlo Simulation of Charge Transport in Si Nanowire Transistors

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    In this paper, we employ a newly-developed one-dimensional multi-subband Monte Carlo (1DMSMC) simulation module to study electron transport in nanowire structures. The 1DMSMC simulation module is integrated into the GSS TCAD simulator GARAND coupling a MC electron trajectory simulation with a 3D Poisson-2D Schrödinger solver, and accounting for the modified acoustic phonon, optical phonon, and surface roughness scattering mechanisms. We apply the simulator to investigate the effect of the overlap factor, scattering mechanisms, material and geometrical properties on the mobility in silicon nanowire field-effect transistors (NWTs). This paper emphasizes the importance of using 1D models that include correctly quantum confinement and allow for a reliable prediction of the performance of NWTs at the scaling limits. Our simulator is a valuable tool for providing optimal designs for ultra-scaled NWTs, in terms of performance and reliability

    Reducing sickness absence in Scotland - applying the lessons from a pilot NHS intervention

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    In May 2008 NHS Lanarkshire (NHSL) implemented a unique sickness absence management service called ‘Early Access to Support to You’ (EASY) service. The EASY service supplements existing absence policies and enables communication between the absentee and their line manager from Day 1 of absence and referral to occupational health at day 10. We analysed three sources of data and showed that the EASY service was effective in reducing sickness absence and NHSL moved from the worst performing Scottish mainland Health Board to the best in terms of sickness absence management. The service was also cost effective; the value of the hours saved comfortably exceeded the cost of the intervention
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