9 research outputs found

    Symplasmic isolation marks cell fate changes during somatic embryogenesis

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    Cell-to-cell signalling is a major mechanism controlling plant morphogenesis. Transport of signalling molecules through plasmodesmata is one way in which plants promote or restrict intercellular signalling over short distances. Plasmodesmata are membrane-lined pores between cells that regulate the intercellular flow of signalling molecules through changes in their size, creating symplasmic fields of connected cells. Here we examine the role of plasmodesmata and symplasmic communication in the establishment of plant cell totipotency, using somatic embryo induction from Arabidopsis explants as a model system. Cell-to-cell communication was evaluated using fluorescent tracers, supplemented with histological and ultrastructural analysis, and correlated with expression of a WOX2 embryo reporter. We showed that embryogenic cells are isolated symplasmically from non-embryogenic cells regardless of the explant type (immature zygotic embryos or seedlings) and inducer system (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or the BABY BOOM (BBM) transcription factor), but that the symplasmic domains in different explants differ with respect to the maximum size of molecule capable of moving through the plasmodesmata. Callose deposition in plasmodesmata preceded WOX2 expression in future sites of somatic embryo development, but later was greatly reduced in WOX2-expressing domains. Callose deposition was also associated with a decrease DR5 auxin response in embryogenic tissue. Treatment of explants with the callose biosynthesis inhibitor 2-deoxy-D-glucose supressed somatic embryo formation in all three systems studied, and also blocked the observed decrease in DR5 expression. Together these data suggest that callose deposition at plasmodesmata is required for symplasmic isolation and establishment of cell totipotency in Arabidopsis

    Histology and symplasmic tracer distribution during development of barley androgenic embryos

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    The present study concerns three aspects of barley androgenesis: (1) the morphology and histology of the embryos during their development, (2) the time course of fluorescent symplasmic tracers’ distribution, and (3) the correlation between symplasmic communication and cell differentiation. The results indicate that barley embryos, which are developing via an androgenic pathway, resemble their zygotic counterparts with respect to their developmental stages, morphology and histology. Analysis of the distribution of the symplasmic tracers, HPTS, and uncaged fluorescein indicates the symplasmic isolation of (1) the protodermis from the underlying cells of the late globular stage onwards, and (2) the embryonic organs at the mature stage of development

    Distribution of lipid transfer protein 1 (LTP1) epitopes associated with morphogenic events during somatic embryogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Using immunocytochemical methods, at both the light and electron microscopic level, we have investigated the spatial and temporal distribution of lipid transfer protein 1 (LTP1) epitopes during the induction of somatic embryogenesis in explants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Immunofluorescence labelling demonstrated the presence of high levels of LTP1 epitopes within the proximal regions of the cotyledons (embryogenic regions) associated with particular morphogenetic events, including intense cell division activity, cotyledon swelling, cell loosening and callus formation. Precise analysis of the signal localization in protodermal and subprotodermal cells indicated that cells exhibiting features typical of embryogenic cells were strongly labelled, both in walls and the cytoplasm, while in the majority of meristematic-like cells no signal was observed. Staining with lipophilic dyes revealed a correlation between the distribution of LTP1 epitopes and lipid substances within the cell wall. Differences in label abundance and distribution between embryogenic and non-embryogenic regions of explants were studied in detail with the use of immunogold electron microscopy. The labelling was strongest in both the outer periclinal and anticlinal walls of the adaxial, protodermal cells of the proximal region of the cotyledon. The putative role(s) of lipid transfer proteins in the formation of lipid lamellae and in cell differentiation are discussed. Key message Occurrence of lipid transfer protein 1 epitopes in Arabidopsis explant cells accompanies changes in cell fate and may be correlated with the deposition of lipid substances in the cell walls