58 research outputs found

    An Integrated Software Framework for Localization in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Devices that form a wireless sensor network (WSN) system are usually remotely deployed in large numbers in a sensing field. WSNs have enabled numerous applications, in which location awareness is usually required. Therefore, numerous localization systems are provided to assign geographic coordinates to each node in a network. In this paper, we describe and evaluate an integrated software framework WSNLS (Wireless Sensor Network Localization System) that provides tools for network nodes localization and the environment for tuning and testing various localization schemes. Simulation experiments can be performed on parallel and multi-core computers or computer clusters. The main component of the WSNLS framework is the library of solvers for calculating the geographic coordinates of nodes in a network. Our original solution implemented in WSNLS is the localization system that combines simple geometry of triangles and stochastic optimization to determine the position of nodes with unknown location in the sensing field. We describe and discuss the performance of our system due to the accuracy of location estimation and computation time. Numerical results presented in the paper confirm that our hybrid scheme gives accurate location estimates of network nodes in sensible computing time, and the WSNLS framework can be successfully used for efficient tuning and verification of different localization techniques

    Comparative Study of Supervised Learning Methods for Malware Analysis, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2014, nr 4

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    Malware is a software designed to disrupt or even damage computer system or do other unwanted actions. Nowadays, malware is a common threat of the World Wide Web. Anti-malware protection and intrusion detection can be significantly supported by a comprehensive and extensive analysis of data on the Web. The aim of such analysis is a classification of the collected data into two sets, i.e., normal and malicious data. In this paper the authors investigate the use of three supervised learning methods for data mining to support the malware detection. The results of applications of Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes and k-Nearest Neighbors techniques to classification of the data taken from devices located in many units, organizations and monitoring systems serviced by CERT Poland are described. The performance of all methods is compared and discussed. The results of performed experiments show that the supervised learning algorithms method can be successfully used to computer data analysis, and can support computer emergency response teams in threats detection

    FR/ASimJava: a federated approach to parallel and distributed network simulation in practice, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 4

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    The paper addresses issues associated with the application of federations of parallel/distributed simulators to large scale networks simulation. We discuss two principal paradigms for constructing simulations today. Particular attention is paid to an approach for federating parallel/distributed simulators. We describe the design and performance of frame relay network simulator (FR/ASimJava) implemented based on a Java-based library for distributed simulation – ASimJava. Six practical examples – six networks operating under frame relay – are presented to illustrate the operation of the given software tool. The focus is on the efficiency of presented network simulator

    Parallel and Distributed Simulation of Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 3

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    Modeling and simulation are traditional methods used to evaluate wireless network design. This paper addresses issues associated with the application of parallel discrete event simulation to mobile ad hoc networks design and analysis. The basic characteristics and major issues pertaining to ad hoc networks modeling and simulation are introduced. The focus is on wireless transmission and mobility models. Particular attention is paid to the MobASim system, a Javabased software environment for parallel and distributed simulation of mobile ad hoc networks. We describe the design, performance and possible applications of presented simulation software

    Multiobjective Approachto Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 3

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    Wireless sensor network localization is a complex problem that can be solved using different types of methods and algorithms. Nowadays, it is a popular research topic. What becomes obvious is that there are several criteria which are essential when we consider wireless sensor networks. Our objective is to determine accurate estimates of nodes location under the constraints for hardware cost, energy consumption and computation capabilities. In this paper the application of stochastic optimization for performing localization of nodes is discussed. We describe two phase scheme that uses a combination of the trilateration method, along with the simulated annealing optimization algorithm. We investigate two variants of our technique, i.e., centralized and distributed. The attention is paid to the convergence of our algorithm for different network topologies and trade-off between its efficiency and localization accuracy

    ASimJava: a Java-based library for distributed simulation, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2004, nr 3

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    The paper describes the design, performance and applications of ASimJava, a Java-based library for distributed simulation of large networks. The important issues associated with the implementation of parallel and distributed simulation are discussed. The focus is on the effectiveness of different synchronization protocols implemented in ASimJava. The practical example - computer network simulation - is provided to illustrate the operation of the presented software tool

    Heavy Gas Cloud Boundary Estimation and Tracking using Mobile Sensors, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 3

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    This paper addresses issues concerned with design and managing of monitoring systems comprised of mobile wireless sensing devices (MANETs). The authors focus on self-organizing, cooperative and coherent networks that maintain a continuous communication with a central operator and adopt to changes in an unknown environment to achieve a given goal. The attention is focused on the development of MANET for heavy gas clouds detection and its boundary estimating and tracking. Two strategies for constructing the MANET are described, in which sensors explore the region of interest to detect the gas cloud, create temporary network topology and finally, cover the cloud boundary, and track the moving cloud. The utility and efficiency of the proposed strategies has been justified through simulation experiments

    Wpływ leczenia operacyjnego na zgłaszane dolegliwości i stan neurologiczny chorych z dyskopatią kręgosłupa

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    Introduction. Treatment of patients with spine discopathy is the subject of interest in numerous medical disciplines and includes non-invasive as well as invasive methods. Both therapeutic ways aim to resolve the disc-root conflict. The clinical picture and the incidence of neurological complications depend on the location of herniated nucleus pulposus.Aim. To determine the influence of surgical treatment on reported ailments and neurological status of patients with spine discopathy.Material and Methods. The study was conducted twice (before and after the surgery) among 188 patients treated surgically due to cervical or lumbosacral spine discopathy. The analysis included: clinical and intraoperative diagnosis, the level of operation, BMI, and neurological status: Laseque’s sign, muscle strength, pain, dysesthesia, sphincter disorders. The results were analyzed by means of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and Statistica 6.0, assuming a significance level of p≤ 0.05.Results. While assessing pain, in the case of L-S discopathy, the majority of patients belonged to group III (34%) and group IV (33.5%). After the operation, 37.8% of patients were classified as group II; in cervical discopathy this percentage was 12.2%. The positive Laseque’s sign before the operation was observed in 68.1% of the subjects; after the surgery in 56%.Dysesthesia in the case of the upper discopathy occurred in 72.9% of the patients, after the surgery in 30.3% (p <0.05).Conclusions. Performed surgery significantly results in reducing pain in patients. The improvement was also noticed in neurological status. (JNNN 2015;4(3):109–116)Wstęp. Leczenie pacjentów z dyskopatią kręgosłupa jest przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu dyscyplin medycznych i obejmujemetody nieinwazyjne oraz inwazyjne. Obydwa sposoby terapeutyczne zmierzają do rozładowania konfliktu dyskowo –korzeniowego. Obraz kliniczny i częstość powikłań neurologicznych zależą od lokalizacji przepukliny jądra miażdżystego.Cel. Określenie wpływu leczenia operacyjnego na zgłaszane dolegliwości i stan neurologiczny badanych z dyskopatią kręgosłupa.Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono dwukrotnie (przed zabiegiem i po operacji) wśród 188 chorych, leczonychoperacyjnie z powodu dyskopatii szyjnej lub lędźwiowo-krzyżowej kręgosłupa. W analizie uwzględniono: rozpoznaniekliniczne i śródoperacyjne, poziom operacji, wskaźnik BMI oraz stan neurologiczny: objaw Laseque´a, siłę mięśniową,ból, zaburzenia czucia, zaburzenia zwieraczy. Wyniki przeprowadzono arkuszem kalkulacyjnym Microsoft Exceli Statistica 6.0, przyjmując poziom istotności p≤ 0.05.Wyniki. Oceniając ból, w przypadku dyskopatii L-S, badani w większości kwalifikowali się do grupy III (34%) orazdo grupy IV (33.5%). Po operacji 37.8% pacjentów zaszeregowano do grupy II; w dyskopatii szyjnej odsetek ten wyniósł 12.2%. Dodatni objaw Laseque´a przed operacją miało 68.1% badanych; po operacji – 56%. Zaburzenia czucia w dyskopatii górnej występowały u 72.9% badanych, po zabiegu u 30.3% pacjentów (p<0.05).Wnioski. Przeprowadzony zabieg operacyjny w istotny sposób wpływa na zmniejszenie dolegliwości bólowych badanych. Poprawa nastąpiła także zakresie stanu neurologicznego. (PNN 2015;4(3):109–116

    Application of Social Network Analysis to the Investigation of Interpersonal Connections, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2012, nr 2

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    Social network analysis (SNA) is an important and valuable tool for knowledge extraction from massive and unstructured data. Social network provides a powerful abstraction of the structure and dynamics of diverse kinds of interpersonal connection and interaction. In this paper, we address issues associated with the application of SNA to the investigation and analysis of social relationships of people. We provide a brief introduction to representation and analysis of social networks, SNA models and methods. The main objective is to investigate the application of SNA techniques to data mining in case of two social networks Facebook and Twitter. The presented simulations illustrate how social analysis can be used to determine the interpersonal connections, importance of actors in a given social network and detect communities of people. We then discuss strength and weakness of SNA techniques

    A Survey of Energy Efficient Security Architectures and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2012, nr 3

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    Data security and energy aware communication are key aspects in design of modern ad hoc networks. In this paper we investigate issues associated with the development of secure IEEE 802.15.4 based wireless sensor networks (WSNs) – a special type of ad hoc networks. We focus on energy aware security architectures and protocols for use in WSNs. To give the motivation behind energy efficient secure networks, first, the security requirements of wireless sensor networks are presented and the relationships between network security and network lifetime limited by often insufficient resources of network nodes are explained. Second, a short literature survey of energy aware security solutions for use in WSNs is presented