92 research outputs found


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    Physical inactivity has become a serious public health problem as it contributes to major non-communicable diseases. Increasing activity levels has beneficial effects on musculoskeletal health and mental health as well. In Poland there are a few studies which refer to the physical activity (PA) of the overall society and which are based on an international questionnaire, thus enabling comparative analysis. The aim of the study was to assess the PA level of the Polish society and to examine fields of their activity and intensity of them in order to compare the data with fifteen European countries. A survey based on computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) was carried out in Poland in November 2006. A random sample of Polish adults (n=1028) was selected and divided according to demographic criteria. PA was estimated by a short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). In the last seven days 53.4�0of the Polish society reported no vigorous PA whereas in the European sample the percentage was significantly higher (57.4% For the PA of moderate level of intensity 39.8% of the Polish respondents reported no such PA; in the European sample the percentage was 40.8%. Only 12.8% of the Polish respondents reported not having walked in the past week, whereas in the EU the percentage was 17.1%. It must be noted that in all aspects the results were varied in the studied countries. These observations indicate a need for urgent actions to promote HEPA across EU member countries and in particular the least active member states. The present study is the first referring to PA of the whole Polish population, based on a representative sample and an international standardised questionnaire. The data confirm that the PA level of the Polish society is not as low as it has been shown in many studies

    Polimorfizam gena OLR1 i funkcionalna svojstva mliječnih krava

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    The study analyzed the polymorphism of single nucleotide substitution A8232C, located in the 3’UTR region of the receptor of the oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OLR1) gene. The study was conducted in a herd of Polish Holstein-Friesian (Red-and-White strain) dairy cattle. Identification of genotypes of individuals was performed using PCR-RFLP. The study stated the following frequency of A8232C polymorphism alleles: A - 0.30 and C - 0.70. Statistical analysis showed that the AC genotype cows were characterized by higher milk yield, protein and fat and for fat yield, the difference was confirmed statistically (P≤0.05). The cows with genotype AA were characterized by the latest occurrence of first calving and the longest intercalving interval, but the results were not confirmed statistically.Analiziran je polimorfizam pojedinačnog nukleotida na poziciji A8232C, smještenog u regiji 3’UTR, gena za receptor oksidiranog lipoproteina male gustoće (OLR1). U stadu poljskih holštajnsko-frizijskih (crveni i bijeli soj) krava za mlijeko genotipovi jedinki identificirani su PCR-RFLP metodom. Ustanovljena je sljedeća učestalost A8232 polimorfnih alela: A - 0,30 i C - 0,70. Statistička je analiza pokazala da su krave s genotipom AC imale veću proizvodnju mlijeka, bjelančevina i masti, pri čemu je razlika za mast potvrđena kao signifikantna (P≤0,05). Krave s genotipom AA imale su kasno prvo teljenje i dugo međutelidbeno razdoblje, no ti rezultati nisu potvrđeni kao statistički signifikantni


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    This article presents studies carried by laboratory of Biomedical and Nucleonic Computer Systems. Our research concerns improvement of quality of imaging in low-field MRI scanner with field strength of 0.23 T as well as development of techniques of proton-electron dual resonance imaging and hyperpolarization of noble gases. Achieved results may contribute to improvement of multiple techniques of medical diagnostics, in particular functional study of lungs and heart as well as brain perfusion.Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia przegląd prac prowadzonych przez zespół pracowni Biomedycznych i Nukleonicznych Systemów Komputerowych. Zaprezentowane badania dotyczą poprawy jakości obrazowania w niskopolowym skanerze rezonansu magnetycznego o indukcji pola głównego 0,23 T oraz rozwoju technik podwójnego rezonansu protonowo-elektronowego i hiperpolaryzacji gazów szlachetnych. Rezultaty naszych prac mogą przyczynić się do poprawy technik diagnostyki medycznej, w szczególności takich jak funkcjonalne badanie płuc i serca jak i perfuzja mózgu

    GWAS links variants in neuronal development and actin remodeling related loci with pseudoexfoliation syndrome without glaucoma

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    Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEXS) is an age-related elastosis, strongly associated with the development of secondary glaucoma. It is clearly suggested that PEXS has a genetic component, but this has not been extensively studied. Here, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using a DNA-pooling approach was conducted to explore the potential association of genetic variants with PEXS in a Polish population, including 103 PEXS patients without glaucoma and 106 perfectly (age- and gender-) matched controls. Individual sample TaqMan genotyping was used to validate GWAS-selected single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations. Multivariate binary logistic regression analysis was applied to develop a prediction model for PEXS. In total, 15 SNPs representing independent PEXS susceptibility loci were selected for further validation in individual samples. For 14 of these variants, significant differences in the allele and genotype frequencies between cases and controls were identified, of which 12 remained significant after Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment. The minor allele of five SNPs was associated with an increased risk of PEXS development, while for nine SNPs, it showed a protective effect. Beyond the known LOXL1 variant rs2165241, nine other SNPs were located within gene regions, including in OR11L1, CD80, TNIK, CADM2, SORBS2, RNF180, FGF14, FMN1, and RBFOX1 genes. None of these associations with PEXS has previously been reported. Selected SNPs were found to explain nearly 69% of the total risk of PEXS development. The overall risk prediction accuracy for PEXS, expressed by the area under the ROC curve (AUC) value, increased by 0.218, from 0.672 for LOXL1 rs2165241 alone to 0.89 when seven additional SNPs were included in the proposed 8-SNP prediction model. In conclusion, several new susceptibility loci for PEXS without glaucoma suggested that neuronal development and actin remodeling are potentially involved in either PEXS onset or inhibition or delay of its conversion to glaucoma

    Periprocedural decrease in tumor necrosis factor alpha is a risk factor for atrial fibrillation recurrence after ablation

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    Background: Concentration of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) might be useful in selecting patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) who will benefit the most from pulmonary vein isolation. Material and methods: This is a prospective cohort study among patients with PAF who had sinus rhythm prior to undergoing either radiofrequency ablation or cryoablation procedure. Blood samples were collected at the start of the procedure and 16-24 h after. TNF-alpha concentrations were measured. Follow-up data was obtained during a structured telephone interview and 24-hour ECG Holter monitoring 12 months after the ablation procedure. Results: Thirty seven patients were enrolled. After 12-month follow-up 27 patients maintained sinus rhythm, 8 had recurrence of AF and 2 were lost to follow-up. There was no significant correlation between TNF-alpha concentrations in any of the samples and the recurrence of arrhythmia (for pre-procedural samples: 1.75 pg/ ml vs. 1.74 pg/ml; p = 0.72; for post-procedural samples: 1.49 pg/ml vs. 1.79 pg/ml; p = 0.16). In patients who had a recurrence of AF, we observed a decrease in the periprocedural TNF-alpha concentration (-0.12 pg/ml vs 0.05 pg/ml; p = 0.05). Conclusions: Neither pre- nor post-procedural TNF-alpha concentrations are predictive of ablation outcome in patients with PAF. We observed a decrease in the periprocedural TNF-alpha concentration in patients who had AF recurrence

    Utjecaj učestalosti mužnje na količinu, kemijski sastav i kvalitetu mlijeka

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    The aim of this study was to compare daily yield, milk composition and somatic cell count after increasing milking frequency from twice to three times a day. The study also includes the effect of other factors such as: the sequence of lactation (1, 2, ≥3) and the period of lactation (100 days, 101-200 days, 201-300 days, and more than 300 days). In conclusion, it should be noted that increasing the frequency of cow milking had a positive effect both on the milk yield (P≤0.01), causing a substantial increase, as well as on the cytological quality of produced milk. The somatic cell count (1000/mL) was lower in the group of cows milked three times a day. All the data regarding farming records of this farm came from the SYMLEK system maintained and made available by Polish Federation of Milk Producers and Cattle Breeders (PFHBiPM). Analysis of useful milk traits included: daily yield, fat, protein, dry matter and somatic cell count in milk.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti dnevnu količinu mlijeka, sastav mlijeka i broj somatskih stanica nakon povećanja učestalosti mužnje s dva na tri puta. Studija je također uključila i druge čimbenike: redoslijed laktacije (1, 2, ≥3) i razdoblje laktacije (do 100 dana, 101-200 dana, 201-300 dana, i više od 300 dana). Zaključno, treba napomenuti da povećanje učestalosti mužnje krava ima pozitivan učinak i na količinu mlijeka (P≤0,01), što uzrokuje značajno povećanje, kao i na citološku kvalitetu proizvedenog mlijeka. Broj somatskih stanica (1000/mL) bio je manji u skupini krava koje su bile na mužnji tri puta. Svi podaci prikupljeni su iz sustava dokumentacije SYMLEK, osigurane iz zajedničke dokumentacije uzgojne grane privrede, koju vodi Poljsko udruženje stočara i proizvođača mlijeka (PFHBiPM). Analiza je uključivala: dnevnu količinu, količinu masti, proteina, suhe tvari kao i broj somatskih stanica u mlijeku

    Pomiar oksygenacji mózgu u chorej z omdleniem wazodepresyjnym podczas testu pochyleniowego

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    Pomiar oksygenacji mózgu spektroskopią w bliskiej podczerwieni (NIRS) może być pomocny w ocenie patomechanizmu omdlenia wazowagalnego (VVS). Przedstawiamy opis 23-letniej chorej z omdleniami, u której NIRS wykorzystano podczas testu pionizacyjnego. W monitorowaniu EKG metodą Holtera stwierdzono okresowy rytm z łącza przedsionkowo- -komorowego. Stymulacja przezprzełykowa wykazała czynnościowe zaburzenia przewodzenia, natomiast test pochyleniowy — kardiodepresyjne VVS. W teście pochyleniowym z monitorowaniem NIRS w 4. min po podaniu nitrogliceryny wystąpiło omdlenie w mechanizmie wazodepresyjnym. W NIRS podczas pionizacji nastąpił stopniowy wzrost stężeń hemoglobiny utlenowanej (HbO2) i całkowitej (HbT); nasilił się on (podczas przyspieszenia rytmu zatokowego) przed omdleniem. W czasie VVS zaobserwowano krótkotrwały, gwałtowny spadek HbO2/HbT oraz wzrost stężenia hemoglobiny zredukowanej. W okresie 1,5-rocznej obserwacji (diprofilina, edrofonium) u pacjentki nie wystąpiły omdlenia

    Pomiar oksygenacji mózgu u chorej z omdleniem wazodepresyjnym podczas testu pochyleniowego

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    Pomiar oksygenacji mózgu spektroskopią w bliskiej podczerwieni (NIRS) może być pomocny w ocenie patomechanizmu omdlenia wazowagalnego (VVS). Przedstawiamy opis 23-letniej chorej z omdleniami, u której NIRS wykorzystano podczas testu pionizacyjnego. W monitorowaniu EKG metodą Holtera stwierdzono okresowy rytm z łącza przedsionkowo- -komorowego. Stymulacja przezprzełykowa wykazała czynnościowe zaburzenia przewodzenia, natomiast test pochyleniowy — kardiodepresyjne VVS. W teście pochyleniowym z monitorowaniem NIRS w 4. min po podaniu nitrogliceryny wystąpiło omdlenie w mechanizmie wazodepresyjnym. W NIRS podczas pionizacji nastąpił stopniowy wzrost stężeń hemoglobiny utlenowanej (HbO2) i całkowitej (HbT); nasilił się on (podczas przyspieszenia rytmu zatokowego) przed omdleniem. W czasie VVS zaobserwowano krótkotrwały, gwałtowny spadek HbO2/HbT oraz wzrost stężenia hemoglobiny zredukowanej. W okresie 1,5-rocznej obserwacji (diprofilina, edrofonium) u pacjentki nie wystąpiły omdlenia