101 research outputs found

    The genus Fusicladium (Hyphomycetes) in Poland

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    The paper presents new and historical data on the genus Fusicladium verified on the base of the recently published critical monograph. Fifteen species recorded in Poland under the name Fusicladium and synonymous Pollaccia and Spilocaea are reported; 5 are documented by authors’ materials from Central Poland while the other taxa are supported with literature data only, including three species belonging currently to Fusicladiella and Passalora. Three species, reported here for the first time in Poland: Fusicladium convolvularum Ondřej, F. scribnerianum (Cavara) M. B. Ellis and F. virgaureae Ondřej, are known from a few localities in the world. All the species are provided with the distribution maps and the newly reported ones are illustrated with ink drawings

    Some interesting species of the genus Ascochyta

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    The paper presents eleven species of Ascochyta recently collected in central and southern part of Poland. Two of them, Ascochyta bondarceviana Melnik and Ascochyta equiseti (Desm.) Grove noted in Poland for the first time, are illustrated with microphotographs. In addition, nine other species are newly reported on their host plants species in the country. Short characteristics of the fungi species based on the collected specimens and the distribution maps of all fungi taxa are presented

    A Canzona Prima a 2 de Marcin Mielczewski no contexto da reinterpretação do repertório barroco polaco

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    Resumo Este estudo tem como objetivo principal abordar um dos aspetos da questão da reinterpretação do repertório instrumental barroco na Polónia durante o séc. XVII. Em concreto, irá subordinar-se a uma das obras instrumentais de Marcin Mielczewski, nomeadamente a Canzona prima a 2 escrita para dois violinos e baixo contínuo. Mielczewski (c.1600-1651) é considerado um dos músicos de grande relevo na Polónia de inícios do Barroco. Pelo que conhecemos através dos mais recentes estudos musicológicos, a obra de Mielczewski, não tem neste período analogia com o legado dos seus conterrâneos. A prová-lo, encontra-se a monografia publicada em 2011 e intitulada Muzyka pod patronatem polskich Wazów - Marcin Mielczewski da musicóloga Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarminska que constituirá uma das bases de trabalho do presente estudo. Pretende-se ajudar o intérprete a aproximar-se das práticas e convenções interpretativas da época de forma a tornar a obra mais acessível ao público atual. Palavras-chave: Barroco na Polónia, canzona, interpretação historicamente informada, idioma violinístico; Abstract Title: The Canzona Prima a 2 by Marcin Mielczewski as an example for reinterpretation of Polish baroque repertoire This study aims to address one of the main aspects of baroque instrumental repertoire reinterpretation in Poland during the XVII century. In concrete, it is aimed to analyze one of the instrumental works of Marcin Mielczewski, namely Canzona prima a 2, written for two violins and basso continuo. Mielczewski (c.1600-1651) is considered to be a composer of great importance in Poland of the early Baroque. The latest musicological studies around Mielczewski’s work have proven that an analogy cannot be found among his contemporaries. In the monograph published in 2011 and entitled “Muzyka pod patronatem Polskich Wazow - Marcin Mielczewski“ by the musicologist Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarminska, we can find a confirmation of this fact. The monograph mentioned above, constitutes the basis of the present study. It is intended to help the performer to approach the interpretive practices and conventions of the time in order to make the work more accessible and understandable by the public today. Keywords: Baroque in Poland, canzona, historical performance practice, violin idio

    Optical spectroscopy of DPVs and the case of LP Ara

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    We present preliminary results of our spectroscopic campaign of a group of intermediate mass interacting binaries dubbed "Double Periodic Variables" (DPVs), characterized by orbital light curves and additional long photometric cycles recurring roughly after 33 orbital periods (Mennickent et al. 2003, 2005). They have been interpreted as interacting, semi-detached binaries showing cycles of mass loss into the interstellar medium (Mennickent et al. 2008, Mennickent & Kolaczkowski 2009). High resolution Balmer and helium line profiles of DPVs can be interpreted in terms of mass flows in these systems. A system solution is given for LP Ara, based on modeling of the ASAS V-band orbital light curve and the radial velocity of the donor star.Comment: To be published in the proceedings book of the IAUS 272, Cambridge University Press. Editors C. Neiner, G. Wade, G. Meynet and G. Peter

    Empatia jako czynnik przeciwdziałający wypaleniu zawodowemu pielęgniarek nefrologicznych

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    In order to perform their duties properly, nephrology nurses need to respond correctly to the needs of their patients. The skill which makes it possible is empathy. A high level of empathy is also linked to choosing positive strategies of coping with stress. Remaining in constant contact with patients, a low prestige of the profession and low pay cause nurses to experience stress, which may lead to developing the burnout syndrome. The aim of the research pre­sented herewith was to determine whether empathy is connected to coping strategies and burnout. Three tools were used in the study: Interpersonal Reactivity Index by M.H. Davis (IRI), Burnout Inventory by Ch. Maslach (MBI) and Multidimensional Coping Strategy Inventory (COPE). The study group com­prised of 134 nurses working at nephrology depart­ments or dialysis units in the following provinces: Małopolskie, Mazowieckie and Śląskie. A signifi­cant, positive correlation was observed in the study group between personal sadness and an increased perceived level of emotional burnout. It was also observed that the higher the results on the perspec­tive adoption scale, the lower the depersonalisaton index. It was observed that a lesser sense of loss of personal accomplishments was connected with higher scores on the perspective adoption scale. Moreover, a correlation was found between empa­thetic care and positive coping strategies, such as seeking emotional support and acceptance. No sig­nificant correlation was found between age and job burnout or coping strategy

    Podejście jakościowe w badaniach atrakcyjności migracyjnej miasta: Łódź w opiniach nowych mieszkańców

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    From all previous research on migration patterns, it is clear that some places are more attractive to migrants than others. The relatively low migration attractiveness of Łódź, which exacerbates the city’s unfavourable demographic situation, has inspired questions concerning those people who decide to settle there and the main reasons for their decisions. The subject matter falls within the broader perspective of research on the migratory attractiveness of cities, but was approached in a qualitative manner. The empirical basis for the paper is a study conducted in 2016, the main aim of which was to determine the factors that attract people to Łódź, those that push them away from their previous places of residence, and to trace how new residents of the city evaluate it in terms of living conditions. The research was conducted using unstructured interviews with 32 respondents. The main reasons for settling in Łódź cover the most important institutional areas such as the labour market, education, health care and public services including culture and leisure; personal or family reasons, mainly the finding of a life partner in Łódź, or the desire to live close to relatives; and taking up higher education and staying in the city after graduation.Z wszystkich wcześniejszych badań nad wzorcami migracji jasno wynika, że niektóre miejsca są bardziej atrakcyjne dla migrantów niż inne. Relatywnie niska atrakcyjność migracyjna Łodzi, która pogłębia niekorzystną sytuację demograficzną miasta, stała się inspiracją do sformułowania pytań, kim są osoby, które decydują się związać swoje losy z miastem, oraz jakie są główne powody ich osiedleńczych decyzji. Podjęta problematyka mieści się w szerszej perspektywie badań nad atrakcyjnością migracyjną miast, lecz ujęta została w sposób jakościowy. Empiryczną podstawą artykułu są badania przeprowadzone w 2016 r., których głównym celem było ustalenie czynników przyciągających do Łodzi oraz wypychających z poprzednich miejsc zamieszkania, a także prześledzenie jak nowi łodzianie oceniają miasto w kontekście obecnych warunków życia w nim. Badania przeprowadzono w technice wywiadu swobodnego wśród 32 respondentów. Do głównych powodów osiedlenia się w mieście należą: po pierwsze funkcjonowanie najważniejszych kompleksów instytucjonalnych, takich jak rynek pracy, edukacja, opieka zdrowotna oraz usługi dla ludności, w tym usługi kulturalne i czasu wolnego; po drugie względy osobiste i rodzinne, w tym głównie znalezienie partnera życiowego w Łodzi lub chęć zamieszkania blisko krewnych; a po trzecie podjęcie studiów oraz znalezienie tu pierwszej pracy

    Wpływ aktywności fizycznej na stężenia sklerostyny

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    Osteoporosis is a serious medical and socioeconomic problem of the 21st century. Mechanical load is a key regulator which controls bone formation and remodelling, with participation of osteocytes. Sclerostin is produced and released by mature osteocytes into bone surface, where it inhibits the conveyance of osteoblast proliferation and differentiation activating signals from mesenchymal cells, thus suppressing new bone formation. The goal of the study was an evaluation of the effects of a 12-week physical training programme on the levels of bone turnover markers [Sclerostin, Osteocalcin (OC), C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (β-CTX)] in blood serum of women with osteopenia. Materials & Methods: The study included 50 women of the Regional Menopause and Osteoporosis Centre of the WAM Teaching Hospital, at the age of 50-75 years with the diagnosis of osteopenia, obtained on the basis of hip and/or lumbar spine densitometry (T-score from -1.0 to -2.5 SD). During the initial 12 weeks (between point 1 and 2), the patients maintained their previous, normal level of physical activity. During subsequent 12 weeks (between point 2 and 3), a programme of exercise was implemented. The programme included the interval training on a bicycle ergometer, three times a week for 36 minutes. During the entire study duration, all the patients received a supplementation of calcium (500 mg) and vit. D3 (1800 IU) once daily. Serum levels of OC, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), β-CTX and sclerostin were assayed at 3 time points. Results: After the course of the exercise cycle, the OC concentration was increased, sclerostin levels decreased, while no statistical differences were observed in β-CTX levels vs. the period of physical inactivity. No correlations were found between sclerostin level changes and osteocalcin level changes during the training time, because of too small groups. Neither statistically significant were the differences in alkaline phosphatase, calcium and phosphorus levels. Conclusions: The obtained results emphasise the role of physical training as an effective stimulation method of bone formation processes in women with osteopenia. Sclerostin can be a marker of physical activity. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu 12-tygodniowego treningu ruchowego na stężenie markerów obrotu kostnego [Sklerostyny, Osteokal­cyny (OC), C-końcowego telopeptydu kolagenu typu I (β-CTX)] w surowicy krwi pacjentek z osteopenią. Materiał i metody: Do badania zostało włączonych 50 pacjentek, w wieku 50–75 lat z rozpoznaniem osteopenii. Przez pierwsze 12 tygodni (punkt 1 i 2) pacjentki prowadziły dotychczasowy poziom aktywności fizycznej. Przez kolejne 12 tygodni (między punktem 2 i 3) został włączony program ćwiczeń fizycznych. Program obejmował trening interwałowy, przeprowadzony na cykloergometrze rowerowym 3 razy w tygodniu, po 36 minut. Wszystkie pacjentki przez cały okres trwania badania pozostawały na suplementacji 500 mg wapnia i 1800 j.m. witaminy D3 dziennie. W surowicy krwi w 3 punktach czasowych oznaczano OC, fosfatazę zasadową (ALP), β-CTX oraz sklerostynę. Wyniki: Po cyklu treningu fizycznego uzyskano wzrost stężenia OC, spadek sklerostyny, natomiast nie odnotowano istotnych statystycz­nie różnic w poziomie markera β-CTX w porównaniu do okresu bez ćwiczeń. Nie wykazano korelacji pomiędzy zmianami sklerostyny a zmianami osteokalcyny w czasie treningu, prawdopodobnie ze względu na liczebność grup. Różnice w poziomach fosfatazy zasadowej, wapnia i fosforu również nie były istotne statystycznie. Wnioski: Wyniki badania podkreślają rolę treningu fizycznego, jako skutecznej metody pobudzania procesów kościotworzenia u pacjentek z osteopenią. Sklerostyna może być markerem aktywności ruchowej

    Cardiovascular manifestations of Lyme disease - a literature review

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    Lyme disease is an infectious zoonosis transmitted by ticks infected with Borrelia spirochetes. Condition affects multiple organ systems and typically has a protracted course. Although Lyme carditis is a comparatively rare symptom of Lyme borreliosis, it can cause major cardiac conditions, including death, if left untreated. Atrioventricular block of various degrees is the hallmark of cardiac involvement, although other manifestations of the disease are increasingly describe such as ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, pericarditis, acute coronary syndrome, mild heart failure, cardiac tamponade or individual cases of cardiomyopathy, degenerative valvular lesions and vasculitis. Cardiovascular conduction disorders have a good prognosis despite their abrupt onset and completely resolve after a few days of antibiotic therapy. Therefore, a wait-and-see attitude should be maintained. However, a temporary or permanent pacemaker may be required if the patient's clinical condition necessitates prompt intervention. Nevertheless, current recommendations suggest avoiding temporary stimulation wherever possible and limiting its use to the shortest treatment time possible

    Therapeutic Role of Animals: A Comprehensive Literature Review on the Prevalent Forms and Species in Animal-Assisted Interventions

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    Animals have been valued and used to improve human physical and mental health since ancient times. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a complementary approach to traditional medicine, involving trained animals. AAT can enhance cognition, commitment, character growth, and the learning process. Commonly used species in animal-assisted therapy include cats, dogs, horses, dolphins, and others. Feline-assisted therapy alleviates loneliness and stress, whereas canine-assisted therapy positively impacts emotions and overall well-being. Equine-assisted interventions benefit individuals with cognitive and motor disabilities. Dolphin-assisted therapy shows promise for conditions like autism and cerebral palsy. However, ethical concerns have arisen, particularly in children with behavioral disorders. Safety measures, adult supervision, and proper screening and hygiene practices are crucial in AAT programs. In conclusion, AAIs have a significant potential to enhance well-being and mental health across various contexts, but more research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness and safety in different settings and age groups. The existing literature consists of subjective accounts and inadequate methodologies