4 research outputs found

    Mauriac syndrome — is already a history?

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    In 1930 Mauriac described a syndrome characterized by the presence of growth impairment, hepatomegaly, delayed puberty and cushingoid features in patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). At that time, Mauriac syndrome was a common occur­rence. This state was maintained even in the fifties and sixties of the last century. The introduction of modern methods of insulin and glucose monitoring decisively reduced the frequency of occurrence of this syndrome. The incidence of Mauriac syndrome decreased dramati­cally, although it is still being reported. Often in these cases the patients present only some symptoms of this syndrome. The introduction of diagnostic tests allowed to find the genetic basis of these disorders in some of the cases. (Clin Diabetol 2017; 6, 3: 101–104)In 1930 Mauriac described a syndrome characterized by the presence of growth impairment, hepatomegaly, delayed puberty and cushingoid features in patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). At that time, Mauriac syndrome was a common occur­rence. This state was maintained even in the fifties and sixties of the last century. The introduction of modern methods of insulin and glucose monitoring decisively reduced the frequency of occurrence of this syndrome. The incidence of Mauriac syndrome decreased dramati­cally, although it is still being reported. Often in these cases the patients present only some symptoms of this syndrome. The introduction of diagnostic tests allowed to find the genetic basis of these disorders in some of the cases. (Clin Diabetol 2017; 6, 3: 101–104

    Zespół Mauriaca — czy to już historia?

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       W 1930 roku Mauriac opisał zespół charakteryzujący się obecnością zaburzeń wzrostu, powiększeniem wątroby (hepatomegalia), opóźnionym dojrzewaniem płciowym i cechami cushingoidalnymi u chorych z niewyrównaną cukrzycą typu 1. W tamtych czasach zespół Mauriaca występował często. Stan ten utrzymywał się jeszcze w latach 50. i 60. ubiegłego wieku. Wprowadzenie nowoczesnych metod monitorowania stężeń insuliny i glukozy zdecydowanie zmniejszyło częstość wystę­powania tej choroby. Odsetek zapadalności na zespół Mauriaca drastycznie spadł, jednak jego przypadki nadal są opisywane. U chorych często występują tylko niektóre objawy tego zespołu. Dostępność testów diagnostycz­nych umożliwiła znalezienie w niektórych przypadkach genetycznego podłoża występujących zaburzeń. Słowa kluczowe: zespół Mauriaca, hepatomegalia, zwyrodnienie glikogenowe wątroby, niedobór wzrostu, niewyrównana cukrzyca ABSTRACT In 1930 Mauriac described a syndrome characterized by the presence of growth impairment, hepatomegaly, delayed puberty and cushingoid features in patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). At that time, Mauriac syndrome was a common occurrence. This state was maintained even in the fifties and sixties of the last century. The introduction of modern methods of insulin and glucose monitoring decisively reduced the frequency of occurrence of this syndrome. The incidence of Mauriac syndrome decreased dramatically, although it is still being reported. Often in these cases the patients present only some symptoms of this syndrome. The in­troduction of diagnostic tests allowed to find the genetic basis of these disorders in some of the cases


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    The study gives a detail characteristic of a hard water springs habitat with the communities of Cratoneurion commutati (habitat code of Nature 2000: 7220), localized within Nature 2000 protected area Ostoja Gorczańska PLH120018, in an upper part of the valley of Jamne creek. The plants are described along with the main habitat parameters, namely: altitude, exposition, slope gradient, insolation, type of bedrock, water flow regime and the spring outflow efficiency. The temperature, pH, electrical conductivity were measured in the field, the concentrations of Ca and Mg in spring water were measured by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The investigated headwater areas are small (0.7–80 m2) and highly differentiated by the intensity of calcareous tufa precipitation and the degree of plant cover development


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    The study gives a detail characteristic of a hard water springs habitat with the communities of Cratoneurion commutati (habitat code of Nature 2000: 7220), localized within Nature 2000 protected area Ostoja Gorczańska PLH120018, in an upper part of the valley of Jamne creek. The plants are described along with the main habitat parameters, namely: altitude, exposition, slope gradient, insolation, type of bedrock, water flow regime and the spring outflow efficiency. The temperature, pH, electrical conductivity were measured in the field, the concentrations of Ca and Mg in spring water were measured by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The investigated headwater areas are small (0.7–80 m2) and highly differentiated by the intensity of calcareous tufa precipitation and the degree of plant cover development