105 research outputs found

    The impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on acute coronary syndrome: Differences between epidemic waves

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    Introduction: Since the beginning of the COronaVIrus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, poor attention has been paid to the indirect effects of the pandemia on cardiovascular health system, in particular in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The aims of this study is to compare possible epidemiological, clinical and management differences between the four epidemic waves in groups of patients hospitalized for ACS with a view to highlighting the burden of the pandemic on the management of this syndrome. Materials and methods: In this retrospective observational study we included 98 patients admitted to Coronary Intensive Care Unit (CICU) for ACS between March 2020 and March 2022, who underwent revascularization procedure using percutaneous coronary angioplasty (PCI). The patients examined were divided into four groups representative of the four epidemic waves that affected our country. Results: The rate of hospitalization for ACS increased progressively to a 178 % increase in the third wave compared to the first (p = 0.003), with an increase of 900 % if we consider only Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) (representing 54 % of the ACS diagnoses of the third group against 14.3 % in the first). Longer door-to-balloon times were recorded in the third wave for the increased presence of NSTEMI. The average hospital stay was lower in the third wave with 5 ± 2 days (p = 0.007) as well as mortality (5.1 % in the third wave; the highest in the fourth wave with 9.5 %). Conclusions: The study show that the management of ACS suffered most from the indirect effects of the pandemic during the first wave, both because of the unpreparedness of hospital facilities and because of the fear of infection that has dissuaded people from asking for help

    Wind-driven ventilation improvement with plan typology alteration: a CFD case study of traditional Turkish architecture

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    Aligned with achieving the goal of net-zero buildings, the implementation of energy-saving techniques in minimizing energy demands is proving more vital than at any time. As practical and economic options, passive strategies in ventilation developed over thousands of years have shown great potential for the reduction of residential energy demands, which are often underestimated in modern building’s construction. In particular, as a cost-effective passive strategy, wind-driven ventilation via windows has huge potential in the enhancement of the indoor air quality (IAQ) of buildings while simultaneously reducing their cooling load. This study aims to investigate the functionality and applicability of a common historical Turkish architectural element called “Cumba” to improve the wind-driven ventilation in modern buildings. A case study building with an archetypal plan and parameters was defined as a result of a survey over 111 existing traditional samples across Turkey. Buildings with and without Cumba were compared in different scenarios by the development of a validated CFD microclimate model. The results of simulations clearly demonstrate that Cumba can enhance the room’s ventilation rate by more than two times while harvesting wind from different directions. It was also found that a flexible window opening strategy can help to increase the mean ventilation rate by 276%. Moreover, the room’s mean air velocity and ventilation rate could be adjusted to a broad range of values with the existence of Cumba. Thus, this study presents important findings about the importance of plan typology in the effectiveness of wind-driven ventilation strategies in modern dwellings
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