8 research outputs found

    Aspek Sosio-Politik Petani Penyadap Karet Perempuan di Desa Hanua, Kecamatan Banama Tingang, Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah

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    The politics can be referred to as the relations of power. If so, then the gender relation is a relation of power, between the parties that dominate and are subordinated, that is the gender power relations in the struggle for access and control between women and men in the management of resources in the household. So it is important to know how the access and control of women and men who works as rubber tappers farmers is in the public and domestic domain in the Hanua village. This study of the socio-political conditions of rural women is in qualitative-descriptive perspective, and the data is collected with the sharing of life techniques in which 20 men and women used as informants and is analyzed using the gender framework analysis (GFA) or the Harvard analysis techniques. Hanua is the village in Kahayan watershed, where the main livelihood of the population is rubber tapper farmers. Actually, the Dayaks do not distinguish the status of men and women in the public sphere, but there is a distinction in the exercise of power in domestic and public environments, which the men power is higher than women. This is reflected from unequal womens access and control, both in the management of family income and investment


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    Based on the year- end report of the Women and Children Empowerment Agency or BPPA in 2014, there were 13 cases of violence against women and 21 cases of violence against children. Violence against women occurred in the general group of 25 years and over as many as 12 people, and all of them were married as many as 12 people, with a college education level, 6 cases, high school 6 cases and the remaining 2 people at the elementary and junior high school levels 2 people, 5 of whom are civil servants and the rest are civil servants' wives. This study raises 2 questions, namely what are the procedures for handling cases and victims of violence against women at P2TP2A BPPA and PPA POLRES Palangka Raya? How is the response of the Mandawai Community of Palangka Raya City to the handling of cases and victims of violence against women and children in the city of Palangka Raya? Furthermore, using a gender framework analysis to analyze the data. Based on the research results, domestic violence is only considered serious if the victim has experienced physical violence and the incident has occurred repeatedly. Sexual and verbal violence in society is rarely considered as part of a form of violence that should be resolved in the legal realm, and is not even considered violence. Based on the above understanding, the handling of cases of domestic violence is that women are in a subordinate position, where there is an unequal power relationship between men and women. The husband is the holder of control over finances or income and decisions in the household. So in the case of domestic violence, there is a possibility that women's basic practical needs are not met or there is neglect. Women become parties who are obliged to accept the treatment or control of men, because it is culturally like that and the wife or woman has an obligation to maintain the integrity of her household. Women are the minimal party in mastering their own strategic basic needs. Because a woman's body is not something that is neutral, but has been "defined" by society, both socially, culturally and religiously. That women are naturally submissive under the dominion of men


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    Politik seksual merupakan relasi kekuasaan laki-laki dan perempuan yang menyebabkan perempuan memiliki status sebagai minoritas. Seksual dianggap sebagai status yang memiliki implikasi politik; dalam bentuk relasi kekuasaan dalam keluarga; dimana perempuan melakukan penyesuaian dan perlawanan budaya patriakhi. Kelurahan Kereng Bangkirai berbatasan langsung dengan Taman Nasional Sebangau (TNS); dimana Danau Kereng Bangkirai sebagai sumber mata pencaharian masyarakat sebagai nelayan, bersentuhan langsung dengan kebijakan negara dan dunia internasional. Perempuan Kereng Bangkirai berada dalam perjuangan antara kepentingan negara dan kepentingan ekonomi keluarga. Sehingga, terlihat relasi kekuasaan gender dalam perebutan akses dan kontrol perempuan dan laki-laki dalam pengelolaan sumber daya dalam rumah tangga; berhadapan dengan pembatasan wilayah jelajah di sekitar TNS. Fokus penelitian bagaimana profil peran kerja gender dilihat dari profil aktifitas, akses dan kontrol? Dan bagaimana kondisi relasi kekuasaan (gender) ruang domestik dan publik perempuan Kereng Bangkirai? Temuan bahwa masyarakat Kereng Bangkirai berada dalam perubahan relasi kuasa terhadap ruang publik. Perempuan merebut ruang kerja produktif, karena penghasilan suami tidak menentu, akibat perubahan status Danau Kereng Bangkirai sebagai wilayah konservasi (Taman Nasional Sebangau). Pada sisi lain, perempuan terus berjuang mendapatkan akses ruang publik untuk berpartisipasi dalam mengontrol keputusan penting dalam politik kemasyarakatan. Namun, tanggung jawab reproduktif mengurangi banyak kemungkinan perempuan di sektor produktif dan komunitas


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    The media plays a role in opinion, perceiving and orienting an issue to the majority or audience. Meanwhile, the forms of opinion, perception and orientation from the media become narratives that are formed in a constellation that “fights” each other. Narrative battles are formed as an effort to seize public space that can influence perceptions and interests, even policies at the state level. In this case, the food estate narrative in Central Kalimantan is understood as a constellation or narrative battle to seize the space of “power” and interest. The food estate program is in a battle of dictions between the interests of the government which is oriented towards modernization, development and progress, against the interests of civil society which is oriented towards the environment, local interests and indigenous peoples. The battle of these dictions is a battle of grand-narratives that forgets small and local narratives, namely female cultivators. Dayak cultivators themselves have long been narrated as a group that destroys forests, primitive communities and the unmodern people, so they are not at the forefront of discussing development issues. Meanwhile, the suffering of Dayak cultivators woman disappears in the grand narrative or becomes a silent group or subaltern


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    MEA enactedin 2015 aimstocreate the ASEAN asasing lemarketandproductionbase unity. The number of unemployed in the District Lamandau recorded has included women. With the AEC 2015 will open up opportunities for participation of women. In Musrenbang, women’svotemustberepresentedasaformofgenderequality.BasedonthetheoryofGAD (Gender And Development) is the empowermentapproach. This study used a qualitative methodology to explore more in depth information. With the object of research in Musrenbang conducted by Bukit Desa Jaya and the District SematuJaya,whichisintheDistrictLamandau.Interviewswereconductedwithafocuson the principles of participation and factors affecting women’s participation. As well as this research uses an interactive model of data analysis. Women’sparticipationinMusrenbangstillminimal.EvenateverylevelMusrenbang, the fewer female portion. Women’s participation is minimal, because there are factors that impede. That is one of the strategic position or positions of women in governance. Such as mayor or as Chairman of the Development of Family Welfare(PKK


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    Development and modernity are concepts that a positivist perspective, which views both humans and the universe as materials that can be utilized for the benefit of securities or economic security, example the food estates program which are seen as post-pandemic national food security. In the structure of the political economy, the narrative of local experiences and women cultivators becomes silent in conversation because they are not in accordance with the interests of development and modernity. The silent narrative of the experience of women cultivators in the perspective of historical materialism seeks to critically place women’s narratives in the patriarchal system and capitalism. The history of women’s experiences is the history of minority groups (herstory); which. shows that they are a minority group as a non-working class in the patriarchal concept, and materialist in the capitalist concept. Women become objects of development and minority groups whose voices are never heard. In this case, efforts to reformulate the women’s empowerment movement must be carried out without creating antagonism. The search for a way without antagonism is carried out by formulating the philosophy of the minority as a narrative materialism herstory in a socialist and radical feminist approach

    Social Transformation of Gender Role in the Area of Sebangau National Park

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    This study aims to describe the role of reproductive, productive and community working of the society of KerengBangkirai and to know the requirement of woman practice and strategic needs in KerengBangkirai. It used qualitative approach with humans as study object. The object of study is the KerengBangkirai society. The result showed that the role of reproductive role became women’s responsibility, either wife/mother or daughter. The role of gender within the community showed the lack of access and women’s control in making important decision. In fact, women are usually missed from village officers’ attention. The women’s practical needs include skills of using fishing gear, child care provider, child room building and others. Then, women’s strategic needs include authority alteration in term of decision-making involvement, equalling job division in domestic sector, women’s involvement in paid toilets as their productive workspace, violence awareness of gender-based and achieving fair access and control