33 research outputs found

    Helicity of convective flows from localized heat source in a rotating layer

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    Experimental and numerical study of the steady-state cyclonic vortex from isolated heat source in a rotating fluid layer is described. The structure of laboratory cyclonic vortex is similar to the typical structure of tropical cyclones from observational data and numerical modelling including secondary flows in the boundary layer. Differential characteristics of the flow were studied by numerical simulation using CFD software FlowVision. Helicity distribution in rotating fluid layer with localized heat source was analysed. Two mechanisms which play role in helicity generation are found. The first one is the strong correlation of cyclonic vortex and intensive upward motion in the central part of the vessel. The second one is due to large gradients of velocity on the periphery. The integral helicity in the considered case is substantial and its relative level is high

    The study of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of the spouses in young couples

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    Background. The change of the traditional model of family relations that has occurred in recent decades in modern society, the change in marriage and family attitudes and values, gender roles and stereotypes lead to difficulties in the process of socio-psychological adaptation of young people who get married. Simultaneously, the effectiveness of adaptation depends on various aspects, e.g. personal maturity of spouses that determines not only the effectiveness of adaptation to family life, but also the stability of family relations. This identifies the need to study the relationship of personal maturity of young spouses and their socio-psychological adaptation to family life. The Objective purpose is to study the dependence of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of the spouses in young couples. Design. The study involved 150 young couples. The age of spouses is 20-30 y.o. Taking residence together is up to five years. The study used the following methods: test questionnaire of Yu.Z. Gilbuha, questionnaire of D.L. Burtyansky and V.V. Crishtal. Results. The results showed the existence of a connection between such indicators of personal maturity as the achievement motivation, life attitude, the ability for psychological intimacy with another person and socio-psychological adaptation. Also, the dependence has been established between the general indicator of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation. The hypothesis about the relationship between indicators of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of spouses in young married couples has been partially confirmed. Conclusion. The development of the orientation of spouses to self-realization in family life, high emotional stability, empathy can increase the level of spouse adaptation to family life

    SIMULACRUM IN STATIC-DYNAMIC SCOPE OF THE SCREEN (a case study of polycode-multimodal texts of the Internet)

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    With onset of the computer and electronic revolution, with the expansion of the Internet the modern world culture is based not on the bookish, but on the screen form of the text existence. Heterogeneous texts have replace homogeneous texts. The most formed representatives of which are the movies and the television, that initiated the appearance of text with the unique structure, contaminating oral and written linguistic sense medium with the non-linguistic and which, having been digitized, are predominating in the Internet today. The spectator expects from these texts such stylistic features as authenticity and factual accuracy. These particular expectations are employed by the authors of such videos in order to manipulate the viewer and to create the impression, that the objects and phenomena on the screen possess the denotation in the real world, thus making the recipient believe into the modelled pattern of a real life and generating simulacra. This article is devoted to the analysis of peculiarities of the simulacra design in polycode-multimodal texts representing complex semiotic unity of verbal, iconic and acoustic components. Also it is examined how a real-life simulation is created in the case of three polycode-multimodal texts that describe the military actions in Syria. The analysis is carried out in the static and dynamic scope of the screen% at the visual (screenshots), verbal and acoustic levels. During the research lingual-semiotic peculiarities of the simulacra generation in the static scope of the screen are singled out and the instruments used to construct simulacra in the dynamic scope of the screen

    Grammatical and communicative method - A new approach in the practice of teaching foreign languages

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    © Canadian Center of Science and Education. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of teaching foreign languages. A new unique method of teaching foreign languages - grammar and communicative is developed and described. The purpose of this article is a detailed review of the existing diversity of methods of teaching foreign languages in Russia and presentation of the new one - the grammatical and communicative. Recently, learning a foreign language in Russia by the people of different professions has become a necessity due to the rapid growth of contacts with foreign partners. In the process of close cooperation the situations that require training and internships abroad arise, and as a consequence - an indispensable international certification in English. This implies the international exams - TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). It is reported that modern teaching methods have various disadvantages, the main one is the lack of the grammatical material study. The author has developed a grammatical and communicative method and new tutorial which can help to solve this problem successfully. A more comprehensive and in-depth study of grammar is encouraged for students and professionals in order to pass exams for international certification and for further education and training abroad

    Analysis of measured and simulated supraglottal acoustic waves

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    To date, although much attention has been paid to the estimation and modeling of the voice source (ie, the glottal airflow volume velocity), the measurement and characterization of the supraglottal pressure wave have been much less studied. Some previous results have unveiled that the supraglottal pressure wave has some spectral resonances similar to those of the voice pressure wave. This makes the supraglottal wave partially intelligible. Although the explanation for such effect seems to be clearly related to the reflected pressure wave traveling upstream along the vocal tract, the influence that nonlinear source-filter interaction has on it is not as clear. This article provides an insight into this issue by comparing the acoustic analyses of measured and simulated supraglottal and voice waves. Simulations have been performed using a high-dimensional discrete vocal fold model. Results of such comparative analysis indicate that spectral resonances in the supraglottal wave are mainly caused by the regressive pressure wave that travels upstream along the vocal tract and not by source-tract interaction. On the contrary and according to simulation results, source-tract interaction has a role in the loss of intelligibility that happens in the supraglottal wave with respect to the voice wave. This loss of intelligibility mainly corresponds to spectral differences for frequencies above 1500 Hz

    Микробная доступность органического вещества в донных отложениях арктических озер: лабораторный инкубационный эксперимент

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    The water ecosystems of the Arctic region are most vulnerable to modern climatic changes since the global biogeochemical processes mostly occur on the territories of the permafrost zone. Aquatic ecosystems show a high degree of sensitivity to climatic changes; both in these and in other ecosystems, the biogeochemical processes are intense. These water bodies are located in the permafrost zone, which is vulnerable to temperature increases. The paper gives new insights into the fundamental research question of how fast the organic matter of thawing permafrost can be converted to greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere (CO2, CH4). We aimed to assess the microbial response and the associated release of CO2 and CH4 from the Arctic lakes in response to temperature increase. We investigated lakes located in the Lena River delta in the Samoylov Island, Russia, at 72° 22′ N, 126° 28′ E. Bottom sediments from three thermokarst and three oxbow lakes were anaerobically incubated in the laboratory at two temperature regimes (at 4 °C and at 25 °C). All the oxbow lakes have shown similar dynamics of methane emission both at low temperatures (4 °C) and at high temperatures (25 °C). The shift of carbon isotopic composition in methane has indicated that methane is emitted in all the oxbow lakes with a similar composition of microbial communities. In the thermokarst lakes, the emission of methane in the sediments proceeded differently at low and at high temperatures. These results have indicated a dissimilar composition of methanogenic / methanotrophic populations in the thermokarst and oxbow lakes. In both cases, the temperature increase caused a growth in methane emission from the sediments of the Arctic lakes. The thermokarst lakes will make a greater contribution to methane emission than the oxbow lakes. Thus, it is believed that the emission of methane from the thermokarst lakes will rise from 6 to 46 times due to ambient temperature increase. Methane emission from the oxbow lakes will grow from 1.8 to 7.6 times. Our results suggest that with the global warming both thermokarst and oxbow lakes could become a great source of methane emission into the atmosphere.В работе представлены новые данные, касающиеся фундаментального вопроса о скорости преобразования органического вещества, захороненного в вечной мерзлоте, в парниковые газы (CO2, CH4 ). Основной задачей являлось определение микробной реакции в ответ на повышение температуры и связанной с этим процессом эмиссии CO2 и CH4 из арктических озер. В работе изучались озера, расположенные в дельте реки Лены на острове Самойловский, Россия (72° 22′ с. ш., 126° 28′ в. д.). Были проведены лабораторные анаэробные инкубационные эксперименты донных отложений из трех термокарстовых и трех старичных озер при двух температурных режимах (4 °C и 25 °C). Осадки старичных озер показали сходную динамику эмиссии метана, как при низких (4 °C), так и при высоких температурах (25 °C). В термокарстовых озерах, в экспериментах при низких и высоких температурах, эмиссия метана в отложениях протекала с использованием несхожих метаболических путей. Изотопное смещение углерода в метане указывало на различающийся состав метаногенных/метанотрофных популяций в термокарстовых и старичных озерах. В обоих случаях повышение температуры приводило к увеличению высвобождения метана из донных отложений арктических озер. В сравнении со старичными озерами, термокарстовые озера внесут больший вклад в эмиссию метана. Так, эмиссия метана из термокарстовых озер предположительно увеличится от 6 до 46 раз за счет повышения температуры окружающей среды, а из старичных озер — от 1,8 до 7,6 раз. Согласно результатам данного исследования, в условиях глобального потепления климата и термокарстовые и старичные озера могут стать значимыми источниками поступления метана в атмосферу Земли

    Helicity of Convective Flows from Localized Heat Source in a Rotating Layer

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    Experimental and numerical study of the steady-state cyclonic vortex from isolated heat source in a rotating fluid layer is described. The structure of laboratory cyclonic vortex is similar to the typical structure of tropical cyclones from observational data and numerical modelling including secondary flows in the boundary layer. Differential characteristics of the flow were studied by numerical simulation using CFD software FlowVision. Helicity distribution in rotating fluid layer with localized heat source was analysed. Two mechanisms which play role in helicity generation are found. The first one is the strong correlation of cyclonic vortex and intensive upward motion in the central part of the vessel. The second one is due to large gradients of velocity on the periphery. The integral helicity in the considered case is substantial and its relative level is high


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    Virulence of 10 isolates of infectious coryza agent recovered from diseased 38-211-day-old chicken on poultry farms in the Vladimir, Moscow, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Orenburg and Ulyanovsk Oblasts, as well as the Republic of Mordovia and Tatarstan was determined. One isolate was recovered from poultry in the Republic of Belarus. The criteria for virulence determination of Avibacterium paragallinarum were assessed according to a point system based on severity of inflammatory processes in upper respiratory airways of experimentally infected chicken. Nine out of ten isolates were found pathogenic for poultry. Chicken infected with different isolates of A. paragallinarum demonstrated the same duration of the disease stages. Diseased poultry showed similar clinical signs: rhinitis, sinusitis and conjunctivitis. In spite of the typical dynamic of the disease in infected poultry, the virulence of the isolates was different. The most virulent were isolates recovered from poultry farms in the Kostroma and Orenburg Oblasts, as well as the Republic of Tatarstan and Mordovia. The diseased chicken demonstrated abundant nasal discharge with marked swelling of the infraorbital sinus. A. paragallinarum isolates recovered in the farms of the Yaroslavl and Ulyanovsk Oblasts, as well as the Republic of Belarus showed medium virulence. The infection was characterized by moderate nasal discharges with swelling in the area of the infraorbital sinuses. Isolates recovered from the farms in the Moscow Oblast' had low virulence. Infected poultry demonstrated minor discharge from nasal passages with insignificant swelling in infraorbital sinuses. The isolate recovered in the Vladimir Oblast was found avirulent, the clinical signs were absent. Based on the suggested differentiation scheme the inhomogenuity of virulent properties of A. paragallinarum isolates was shown

    I. A. Bunin's Diaries as the context of the novel «The Life of Arsenyev»

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    Статья посвящена сопоставлению дневниковых записей И. А. Бунина и его романа «Жизнь Арсеньева». Опираясь на материал биографического контекста писателя, на роман «Жизнь Арсеньева», а также на философские идеи французского мыслителя А. Бергсона исследуется миросозерцание И. Бунина и А. Арсеньева. Оно раскрывается в опыте чувственного познания, носящего субъективно-ассоциативный характер. В статье показываются интенциональная природа художественного мышления Бунина, особое восприятие писателем прошедшего как своеобразного тождества настоящему, а также рассматривается сон в его возможности расширения человеческого сознания.The article is devoted to the comparison of the diary entries of I. A. Bunin and his novel «The Life of Arsenyev». Based on the material of the biographical context of the writer and on the novel «The Life of Arsenyev», as well as on the philosophical ideas of the French thinker A. Bergson, the worldview of I. Bunin and A. Arsenyev is studied. It is revealed in the experience of sensory cognition, which has a subjective-associative character. The article shows the intentional nature of Bunin's artistic thinking, the writer's special perception of the past as a kind of identity with the present, and also examines the dream in its possibility of expanding human consciousness