7 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eAlrond and the Magic Fox\u3c/i\u3e

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    Have you heard the story of Alrond and the magic fox? I can tell it to you. After all, magic foxes still live in some corners of the world to this day. It is almost impossible to catch them because they are very strong in magic

    A regionalisation or long-distance trade? : transformations and shifts in the role of Tana in the Black Sea trade in the first half of the fifteenth Century

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    Published online: 14 Mar 2016The Italian trading stations in Tana were important in the long-distance trade system of the Italian maritime republics Venice and Genoa. The deeds of two Venetian notaries who worked there during the 1430s, Nicolo de Varsis and Benedetto de Smeritis, are an important source for tracing the transformation of the issues and directions of Italian trade in the Black Sea region, a trade which was recovering from the crisis of the fourteenth century. Notwithstanding the Venetian-Genoese struggle and previous crisis events, this recovery made the economic conditions favourable. Although some scholars see a regionalisation of trade in fifteenth century, the source evidence challenges this interpretation. Westerners began to import Italian, Flemish and English textiles to the Eastern markets, and the local goods (fish, caviar) were widely exported to Europe – even to the markets of Flanders. Finally, the slave trade was intensive. My main argument here is that though there were considerable transformations in the Italian trade, there was no real regionalisation of trade, which retained its long-distance character

    The colonies of Genoa in the Black Sea Region : evolution and transformation

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    Defence date: 8 September 2015Examining Board: Professor Luca MolĂ , EUI/ Supervisor; Professor Jorge Flores, EUI; Doctor Serena Ferente, King's College London; Professor Kate Fleet, University of Cambridge. Description: Thesis in 2 volumes.The period from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries was a time of significant economic and social progress in the history of Europe. The development of industry and urban growth, the increasing role of trade and the expansion of geographical knowledge led to an Ă©poque of colonial expansion for Italy. Its maritime republics, Genoa and Venice, became cradles of commercial development and represent an early modern system of international long-distance trade in the late medieval period. These city-states came to the forefront of world history not only because of their commercial importance and the commercial mechanisms of exchange they introduced and adopted, but also because of their naval importance and the establishment of their overseas settlements

    The colonies of Genoa in the Black Sea region : evolution and transformation

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    This book focuses on the network of the Genoese colonies in the Black Sea area and their diverse multi-ethnic societies. It raises the problems of continuity of the colonial patterns, reveals the importance of the formation of the late medieval / early modern colonialism, the urban demography, and the functioning of the polytechnic entangled society of Caffa in its interaction with the outer world. It offers a novel interpretation of the functioning of this late medieval colonial polytechnic society and rejects the widely accepted narrative portraying the whole history of Caffa of the fifteenth century as a period of constant decline and depopulation.-- Introduction 1. Overview of Historiography and Sources 2. To the Origins of the Genoese Black Sea Colonization: The Genoese Gazaria in Its Genesis and Shaping, 13th-14th Centuries 3. Understanding Colonial Space: Topography and Spatial Layout of the Cities and Hinterland of the Genoese Gazaria 4. Governing the Overseas Colonies: Evolution and Transformation of the Administrative System 5. The World of Entangled Identities: The Dynamics of the Population of Caffa in Its Ethnic and Religious Categories 6. Prestige, Stratification, and Social Groups in the Society of Caffa 7. Caffa as a Centre of Trade: Dynamics of Economic Activity, Traffic, and Communications 8. Politics and International Relationships in the Black Sea Area in 1400–1475: Transformation and Fall of Caffa -- ConclusionPublished version of EUI PhD thesis, 201

    Evoluzione della struttura della migrazione dei liguri e dei corsi nelle colonie genovesi tra Trecento e Quattrocento.

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    In questo contributo si è cercato di analizzare la trasformazione dei flussi migratori dei liguri non genovesi nelle colonie genovesi del Mar Nero durante il Quattrocento sulla base dei libri dei conti. Nella fase iniziale i colonizzatori di Caffa provenivano da Genova, dalla Liguria e dall’Italia settentrionale, quasi nessuno da altre aree dell’Europa occidentale, e alla fine del XIII secolo la popolazione latino-cristiana di Caffa era prevalentemente ligure. La struttura della migrazione coloniale dall’Europa latino-cristiana verso le colonie genovesi sul Mar Nero subì una notevole trasformazione nei trentotto anni che vanno dal 1423 al 1461, in rapporto alla data cruciale del 1453: la quota di liguri e quella dei piemontesi si riduce, il numero di persone provenienti da altre zone d’Italia cresce notevolmente, mentre l’apporto di non italiani arriva a una crescita quasi triplicata. Cercando delle spiegazioni per questa trasformazione, si deve prima di tutto parlare di diversi fattori: la chiusura degli stretti dopo la caduta di Costantinopoli, gli ostacoli crescenti per le rotte marittime da Genova a Caffa e il conseguente aumento di importanza di quelle terrestri attraverso l’Europa orientale

    Rassegna storica salernitana. N.s. A.33, n.1(2016)

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    La Società Salernitana di Storia Patria aderisce al progetto EleA e autorizza la pubblicazione del fascicoloN.s. A.33, n.1(2016): Volpe, P., Ricordo di Italo Gallo, P. 5 ; Riassunti/abstracts, P. 11 ; Marazzi, F., Pandolfo IV principe di Capua (1016-1049) ovvero l'ultima avventura politica dei Longobardi, P. 15 ; Khvalkov, E. A., Campania, Puglia e Basilicata nella colonizzazione genovese dell'Oltremare nei secoli XIV-XV: Caffa genovese secondo i dati dei libri contabili, P. 47 ; Li Pira, F., Il valore delle fonti documentarie dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano per la storia del Mar Nero e dell'Europa orientale: primi spunti sulla diocesi di Caffa, P. 53 ; Avagliano, A., Un'enigmatica lastra marmorea dalla chiesa di San Giorgio a Salerno, P. 65 ; Ricco, A., Il punzone dell'argentiere Antonio di Florio in manufatti di produzione napoletana, P. 81 ; Galende Diaz, J. C. – N. A. Seoane, Documentacion municipal: pasaportes del Reino de las Dos Sicilias (1822-1852), P. 105 ; Trotta, M., Spazi del potere in antico regime. Le residenze aristocratiche nel Mezzogiorno spagnolo, P. 141 ; Tortora, A., Regnum utriusque Siciliae. Ancora sulla monarchia di Carlo di Borbone e le relazioni con la Santa sede tra il 1734- ed il 1741, P. 147 ; Aversano, V., Un recente libro su Antonio Genovesi in prospettazione geografico-storica ed etico-attualizzante, P. 155 ; Ruggiero, G., Aestivum otium. Divagazioni in margine a diritti umani e pena di morte, P. 173 ; Cacciatore, G., Per Roberto Volpe. A 40 anni dalla morte, P. 180 ; Assante, F., Giovanni Salimbene, Stato delle anime della terra di Romagnano del 1618, P. 187 ; Rassegne, P. 215 ; Recensioni, P. 231-240.Sul recto del frontespizio: fasc. 65 della Nuova Serie (Annata LXXVI dalla fondazione

    The Venetian Lettere Ducali from the Western European Section of the Historical Archive of the Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Fourteenth to Mid-Sixteenth Centuries (An Archaeographic Commentary)

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