7 research outputs found

    Double Precision Is Not Needed for Many-Body Calculations: New Conventional Wisdom

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    Using single precision floating point representation reduces the size of data and computation time by a factor of two relative to double precision conventionally used in electronic structure programs. For large-scale calculations, such as those encountered in many-body theories, reduced memory footprint alleviates memory and input/output bottlenecks. Reduced size of data can lead to additional gains due to improved parallel performance on CPUs and various accelerators. However, using single precision can potentially reduce the accuracy of computed observables. Here we report an implementation of coupled-cluster and equation-of-motion coupled-cluster methods with single and double excitations in single precision. We consider both standard implementation and one using Cholesky decomposition or resolution-of-the-identity of electron-repulsion integrals. Numerical tests illustrate that when single precision is used in correlated calculations, the loss of accuracy is insignificant and pure single-precision implementation can be used for computing energies, analytic gradients, excited states, and molecular properties. In addition to pure single-precision calculations, our implementation allows one to follow a single-precision calculation by clean-up iterations, fully recovering double-precision results while retaining significant savings

    Double Precision Is Not Needed for Many-Body Calculations: Emergent Conventional Wisdom

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    Using single-precision floating-point representation reduces the size of data and computation time by a factor of 2 relative to double precision conventionally used in electronic structure programs. For large-scale calculations, such as those encountered in many-body theories, reduced memory footprint alleviates memory and input/output bottlenecks. Reduced size of data can lead to additional gains due to improved parallel performance on CPUs and various accelerators. However, using single precision can potentially degrade the accuracy of the computed quantities. Here we report an implementation of coupled-cluster and equation-of-motion coupled-cluster methods with single and double excitations in single precision. We consider both standard implementation and one using Cholesky decomposition or resolution-of-the-identity representation of electron-repulsion integrals. Numerical tests illustrate that when single precision is used in correlated calculations, the loss of accuracy is insignificant, and pure single-precision implementation can be used for computing energies, analytic gradients, excited states, and molecular properties. In addition to pure single-precision calculations, our implementation allows one to follow a single-precision calculation by cleanup iterations, fully recovering double-precision results while retaining significant savings

    Four Bases Score a Run: Ab Initio Calculations Quantify a Cooperative Effect of H‑Bonding and π‑Stacking on the Ionization Energy of Adenine in the AATT Tetramer

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    Benchmark calculations of the lowest ionized state of the (A:T)<sub>2</sub> (mixed adenine–thymine) cluster at the geometry taken from the DNA X-ray structure are presented. Vertical ionization energies (IEs) computed by the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method with single and double substitutions are reported and analyzed. The shift in IE relative to the monomer (A) is −0.7 eV. The performance of the widely used B3LYP, ωB97X-D, and M06-2X functionals with respect to their ability to describe energetics and the character (localization versus delocalization) of the ionized states is also investigated. The shifts in IEs caused by H-bonding and stacking interactions are analyzed in terms of additive versus cooperative effects. It is found that the cooperative effect accounts for more than 20% of the shift in IE relative to the monomer. The cooperative effect and, consequently, the magnitude of the shift are well reproduced by the hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics scheme in which neutral thymine bases are represented by point charges

    Faster Exact Exchange for Solids via occ-RI-K: Application to Combinatorially Optimized Range-Separated Hybrid Functionals for Simple Solids with Pseudopotentials Near the Basis Set Limit

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    In this work, we developed and showcased the occ-RI-K algorithm to compute the exact exchange contribution in density functional calculations of solids near the basis set limit. Within the Gaussian planewave (GPW) density fitting, our algorithm achieves a 1–2 orders of magnitude speedup compared to conventional GPW algorithms. Since our algorithm is well suited for simulations with large basis sets, we applied it to 12 hybrid density functionals with pseudopotentials and a large uncontracted basis set to assess their performance on band gaps of 25 simple solids near the basis set limit. The largest calculation performed in this work involves 16 electrons and 350 basis functions in the unit cell utilizing a 6 × 6 × 6 k-mesh. With 20–27% exact exchange, global hybrid functionals (B3LYP, PBE0, revPBE0, B97-3, SCAN0) perform similarly with a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 0.61–0.77 eV, while other global hybrid functionals such as M06-2X (2.02 eV) and MN15 (1.05 eV) show higher RMSD due to their increased fraction of exact exchange. A short-range hybrid functional, HSE achieves a similar RMSD (0.76 eV) but shows a notable underestimation of band gaps due to the complete lack of long-range exchange. We found that two combinatorially optimized range-separated hybrid functionals, ωB97X-rV (3.94 eV) and ωB97M-rV (3.40 eV), and the two other range-separated hybrid functionals, CAM-B3LYP (2.41 eV) and CAM-QTP01 (4.16 eV), significantly overestimate the band gap because of their high fraction of long-range exact exchange. Given the failure of ωB97X-rV and ωB97M-rV, we have yet to find a density functional that offers consistent performance for both molecules and solids. Our algorithm development and density functional assessment will serve as a stepping stone toward developing more accurate hybrid functionals and applying them to practical applications

    A Fresh Look at Resonances and Complex Absorbing Potentials: Density Matrix-Based Approach

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    A new strategy of using complex absorbing potentials (CAPs) within electronic structure calculations of metastable electronic states, which are ubiquitous in chemistry and physics, is presented. The stumbling block in numerical applications of CAPs is the necessity to optimize the CAP strength for each system, state, and one-electron basis set, while there is no clear metric to assess the quality of the results and no simple algorithm of achieving numerical convergence. By analyzing the behavior of resonance wave functions, we found that robust results can be obtained when considering fully stabilized resonance states characterized by constant density at large η (parameter determining the CAP strength). Then the perturbation due to the finite-strength CAP can be removed by a simple energy correction derived from energy decomposition analysis and response theory. The utility of this approach is illustrated by CAP-augmented calculations of several shape resonances using EOM-EA-CCSD with standard Gaussian basis sets

    Efficient Method for Calculating Effective Core Potential Integrals

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    Effective core potential (ECP) integrals are among the most difficult one-electron integrals to calculate due to the projection operators. The radial part of these operators may include <i>r</i><sup>0</sup>, <i>r</i><sup>–1</sup>, and <i>r</i><sup>–2</sup> terms. For the <i>r</i><sup>0</sup> terms, we exploit a simple analytic expression for the fundamental projected integral to derive new recurrence relations and upper bounds for ECP integrals. For the <i>r</i><sup>–1</sup> and <i>r</i><sup>–2</sup> terms, we present a reconstruction method that replaces these terms by a sum of <i>r</i><sup>0</sup> terms and show that the resulting errors are chemically insignificant for a range of molecular properties. The new algorithm is available in Q-Chem 5.0 and is significantly faster than the ECP implementations in Q-Chem 4.4, GAMESS (US) and Dalton 2016

    M-Chem: a modular software package for molecular simulation that spans scientific domains

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    We present a new software package called M-Chem that is designed from scratch in C++ and parallelised on shared-memory multi-core architectures to facilitate efficient molecular simulations. Currently, M-Chem is a fast molecular dynamics (MD) engine that supports the evaluation of energies and forces from two-body to many-body all-atom potentials, reactive force fields, coarse-grained models, combined quantum mechanics molecular mechanics (QM/MM) models, and external force drivers from machine learning, augmented by algorithms that are focused on gains in computational simulation times. M-Chem also includes a range of standard simulation capabilities including thermostats, barostats, multi-timestepping, and periodic cells, as well as newer methods such as fast extended Lagrangians and high quality electrostatic potential generation. At present M-Chem is a developer friendly environment in which we encourage new software contributors from diverse fields to build their algorithms, models, and methods in our modular framework. The long-term objective of M-Chem is to create an interdisciplinary platform for computational methods with applications ranging from biomolecular simulations, reactive chemistry, to materials research.</p