5 research outputs found

    Total harmonic distortion of an asymmetric quasi-sinusoidal current

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    This paper presents the correlation of factors that determine the quality of asymmetric quasi-sinusoidal output current and dynamic losses in the switches of the current generator circuit. The operating mode of the generator was obtained, especially of its power circuit elements, where combination of acceptable output current quality with relatively small dynamic losses in switches and mass-dimensional parameters of the inductor are provided. Achieved results can be used in designing this type of generators

    Modeling of a single-cycle current generator while forming a quasi-sinusoidal current

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    The paper presents the results of investigation of the influence of the output voltage magnitude on the operating frequency of the switch in the single-cycle quasi-sinusoidal current generator circuit. Analytical expressions for calculating the time parameters for transients in the circuit under given assumptions have been obtained. The results presented in the paper can be used in the design of converters of this type

    High-frequency trigger generators for CuBr-laser high voltage pumping source

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    In this paper the circuits of high frequency trigger generators of pulses of the nanosecond duration are presented. A detailed study of a generator based on the avalanche transistor with the use of a coaxial cable instead of a capacitor is described. This circuit showed advanced characteristics of the output pulses. A circuit of a generator built on high-speed digital components is also considered. The basic advantages and disadvantages of both generators are presented in this paper

    Boost type series resonant converter with flexible structure for power supplies

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    Relevance. Geophysical research quality highly depends on power supply system, which, in its turn, has to provide uninterrupted power, for instance by means of accumulator battery. Specifically, continuity of supply is important for borehole logging during directional drilling which requires autonomous (self-powered) equipment. Converter powering geophysical equipment operates at high temperatures, where heat removal is impeded, makes the enhancement of the converter efficacy of utter importance. In that regard boost type topologies converting a part of a total power flow are preferred, especially in non-isolated power supply systems. However hard commutation in such topologies impairs an efficiency thus justifying development of boost type resonant converter. The aim of the research is to develop resonant boost type converter of high efficiency and to investigate one's power and control properties. Methods: electrotechnique fundamentals, linear equations theory, along with the modern simulation software, computational and mathematical modeling techniques. Results. The authors have analysed DC-DC resonant bridge converter with the boost link in voltage regulation mode powered by the battery as well as in a battery charge mode. The paper demonstrates high efficiency of a narrow battery voltage range. The control mode has substantial influence on operating parameters. Variable frequency PWM keeps relatively low value of operating current thus providing maximum efficiency. Frequency variation required to stay in soft commutation mode by guaranteeing current direction at turn-on instance. Soft commutation transitions are however different for the inverter and synchronous rectifier. Inability of boost topology to limit output current at overload is shown and topological solution is proposed to overcome it using auxiliary switches. The results are proven using hardware prototype. The paper introduces the conclusions as well as discussion of the results

    Boost type series resonant converter with flexible structure for power supplies

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    Актуальность. Качество геофизических исследований во многом определяется системой электропитания геофизических приборов, которая, в частности, должна гарантировать бесперебойность энергообеспечения за счет питания от аккумуляторной батареи. Особенную актуальность бесперебойность питания имеет при исследовании наклонных и пологих скважин, требующих применения автономных геофизических приборов. Эксплуатация силового преобразователя, питающего геофизический прибор, производится в условиях высоких температур, при существенно затрудненных условиях отвода тепловых потерь, что ставит задачу увеличения КПД преобразования в ряд наиболее актуальных. В этой связи применение вольтодобавочных топологий, преобразующих неполный поток энергии, является энергетически оправданным, так как система энергоснабжения не требует гальванической развязки. Однако жесткая коммутация транзисторов в такой схеме приводит к существенному росту динамических потерь, что делает актуальной разработку резонансного вольтодобавочного преобразователя. Цель работы: создание резонансного вольтодобавочного преобразователя с повышенным КПД и исследование его энергетических и частотных характеристик. Методы исследования: основаны на общих положениях теории электрических цепей, теории алгебраических уравнений, вычислительных методах и использовании современных инструментальных систем и методов математического моделирования. Результаты. Рассмотрен резонансный мостовой DC-DC преобразователь с вольтодобавочным звеном в режиме стабилизации выходного напряжения при питании от аккумулятора и режиме заряда аккумулятора в реверсном режиме. Показана эффективность схемы вольтодобавочного преобразователя при узком диапазоне изменения напряжения аккумулятора. Существенное влияние на характеристики преобразователя оказывает способ регулирования; установлено, что широтно-импульсное регулирование инвертором с частотной подстройкой обеспечивает минимальные значения рабочих токов, а соответственно, максимальное значение КПД. Подстройка рабочей частоты необходима для обеспечения мягкого включения транзисторов, так как формирует необходимое направление тока, отпирающее обратные диоды включаемых транзисторов. При этом коммутационные процессы, протекающие в инверторе и выпрямителе резонансного преобразователя, и условия обеспечения мягкого включения различны. Показана невозможность вольтодобавочной схемы ограничивать выходной ток при перегрузках, для чего предложено изменение структуры вольтодобавочного преобразователя при помощи дискретных ключей. Проведена экспериментальная проверка полученных результатов, сделаны выводы, обсуждены полученные результаты.Relevance. Geophysical research quality highly depends on power supply system, which, in its turn, has to provide uninterrupted power, for instance by means of accumulator battery. Specifically, continuity of supply is important for borehole logging during directional drilling which requires autonomous (self-powered) equipment. Converter powering geophysical equipment operates at high temperatures, where heat removal is impeded, makes the enhancement of the converter efficacy of utter importance. In that regard boost type topologies converting a part of a total power flow are preferred, especially in non-isolated power supply systems. However hard commutation in such topologies impairs an efficiency thus justifying development of boost type resonant converter. The aim of the research is to develop resonant boost type converter of high efficiency and to investigate one's power and control properties. Methods: electrotechnique fundamentals, linear equations theory, along with the modern simulation software, computational and mathematical modeling techniques. Results. The authors have analysed DC-DC resonant bridge converter with the boost link in voltage regulation mode powered by the battery as well as in a battery charge mode. The paper demonstrates high efficiency of a narrow battery voltage range. The control mode has substantial influence on operating parameters. Variable frequency PWM keeps relatively low value of operating current thus providing maximum efficiency. Frequency variation required to stay in soft commutation mode by guaranteeing current direction at turn-on instance. Soft commutation transitions are however different for the inverter and synchronous rectifier. Inability of boost topology to limit output current at overload is shown and topological solution is proposed to overcome it using auxiliary switches. The results are proven using hardware prototype. The paper introduces the conclusions as well as discussion of the results