74 research outputs found

    Densification and preservation of ceramic nanocrystalline character by spark plasma sintering

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    Spark plasma sintering is a hot pressing technique where rapid heating by dc electric pulses is used simultaneously with applied pressure. Thus, spark plasma sintering is highly suitable for rapid densification of ceramic nanoparticles and preservation of the final nanostructure. A considerable portion of the shrinkage during densification of the green compact of nanoparticles in the first and intermediate stages of sintering occurs during heating by particle rearrangement by sliding and rotation. Further densification to the final stage of sintering takes place by either plastic yield or diffusional processes. Full densification in the final stage of sintering is associated with diffusional processes only. Nanoparticle sliding and rotation during heating may also lead to grain coalescence, with much faster kinetics than normal grain growth at higher temperatures. Based on existing models for particle rearrangement and sliding, the contributions of these processes in conjunction with nanoparticle properties and process parameters were highlighted

    New photonic conservation laws in parametric nonlinear optics

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    Conservation laws are one of the most generic and useful concepts in physics. In nonlinear optical parametric processes, conservation of photonic energy, momenta and parity often lead to selection rules, restricting the allowed polarization and frequencies of the emitted radiation. Here we present a new scheme to derive conservation laws in optical parametric processes in which many photons are annihilated and a single new photon is emitted. We then utilize it to derive two new such conservation laws. Conservation of reflection-parity (RP) arises from a generalized reflection symmetry of the polarization in a superspace, analogous to the superspace employed in the study of quasicrystals. Conservation of space-time-parity (STP) similarly arises from space-time reversal symmetry in superspace. We explore these new conservation laws numerically in the context of high harmonic generation and outline experimental set-ups where they can be tested

    Self-reported difficulty of smoking cessation among ex-smokers in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) career service personnel: observational study.

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    Introduction The smoking cessation literature focuses on assisted cessation despite evidence that most ex-smokers stopped without assistance. Professional literature, clinical guidelines and tobacco control policies suggest that smoking cessation is difficult especially if unassisted. We investigated under-researched aspects of unassisted smoking cessation, focusing on self-reported difficulty. Methods Between September 2013 and June 2015 all ex-smokers amongst IDF career personnel undergoing periodic medical examination completed a computerized questionnaire assessing their smoking cessation experience. Subjects were classified into two groups: those who found cessation difficult and those who did not. Socio-demographic characteristics and questionnaire responses were then compared. Results Of 1574 ex-smokers, 83.4% reported unassisted cessation. Cessation was reported as harder/much harder than expected by 7.1%, easier/much easier than expected by 50.0%, and as expected by 42.8%. Bedouin Israeli ex-smokers were significantly more likely than Jewish Israeli ex-smokers to report difficulty in smoking cessation (31.6% versus 6.9%, p=0.001). Ex-smokers who reduced smoking gradually before cessation were significantly more likely to report difficulty than those who stopped abruptly (10.2% versus 6.5%; p=0.025.) Ex-smokers who stopped within the last 6 months were significantly more likely to report difficulty than those who stopped over 6 months ago (13.6% versus 6.4%; p=0.025). This “memory decay” effect did not persist beyond 6 months. Conclusions The majority of ex-smokers stopped smoking unassisted and did not find cessation difficult, while 50.0% found it easier than expected. Further studies of successful cessation experiences of ex-smokers are warranted

    Photon-statistics force in ultrafast electron dynamics

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    In strong-field physics and attosecond science, intense light induces ultrafast electron dynamics. Such ultrafast dynamics of electrons in matter is at the core of phenomena such as high harmonic generation (HHG), where these dynamics lead to emission of extreme UV bursts with attosecond duration. So far, all ultrafast dynamics of matter were understood to originate purely from the classical vector potential of the driving light, disregarding the influence of the quantum nature of light. Here we show that dynamics of matter driven by bright (intense) light significantly depend on the quantum state of the driving light, which induces an effective photon-statistics force. To provide a unified framework for the analysis & control over such a force, we extend the strong-field approximation (SFA) theory to account for non-classical driving light. Our quantum SFA (qSFA) theory shows that in HHG, experimentally feasible squeezing of the driving light can shift & shape electronic trajectories and attosecond pulses at the scale of hundreds of attoseconds. Our work presents a new degree-of-freedom for attosecond spectroscopy, by relying on nonclassical electromagnetic fields, and more generally, introduces a direct connection between attosecond science and quantum optics

    Generation of squeezed high-order harmonics

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    For decades, most research on high harmonic generation (HHG) considered matter as quantum but light as classical, leaving the quantum-optical nature of the harmonics an open question. Here we explore the quantum properties of high harmonics. We derive a formula for the quantum state of the high harmonics, when driven by arbitrary quantum light states, and then explore specific cases of experimental relevance. Specifically, for a moderately squeezed pump, HHG driven by squeezed coherent light results in squeezed high harmonics. Harmonic squeezing is optimized by syncing ionization times with the pump's squeezing phase. Beyond this regime, as pump squeezing is increased, the harmonics initially acquire squeezed thermal photon statistics, and then occupy an intricate quantum state which strongly depends on the semi-classical nonlinear response function of the interacting system. Our results pave the way for the generation of squeezed extreme-ultraviolet ultrashort pulses, and, more generally, quantum frequency conversion into previously inaccessible spectral ranges, which may enable ultrasensitive attosecond metrology

    Entangling extreme ultraviolet photons through strong field pair generation

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    Entangled photon pairs are a vital resource for quantum information, computation, and metrology. Although these states are routinely generated at optical frequencies, sources of quantum of light are notably lacking at extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray frequencies. Here, we show that strongly driven systems used for high harmonic generation (HHG) can become versatile sources of entangled photon pairs at these high frequencies. We present a general theory of photon pair emission from non-perturbatively driven systems, which we refer to as "strong field pair generation" (SFPG). We show that strongly driven noble gases can generate thousands of entangled pairs per shot over a large XUV bandwidth. The emitted pairs have distinctive properties in angle and frequency, which can be exploited to discriminate them from the background HHG signal. We connect SFPG theory to the three-step-model of HHG, showing that this pair emission originates from the impact of high frequency vacuum fluctuations on electron recombination. The light produced by SFPG exhibits attosecond Hong-Ou-Mandel correlations, and can be leveraged as a source of heralded single photon attosecond pulses. Our findings aid ongoing efforts to propel quantum optics into the XUV and beyond

    High harmonic generation driven by quantum light

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) is an extreme nonlinear process where intense pulses of light drive matter to emit high harmonics of the driving frequency, reaching the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and x-ray spectral ranges. So far, the HHG process was always generated by intense laser pulses that are well described as a classical electromagnetic field. Advances in the generation of intense squeezed light motivate us to revisit the fundamentals of HHG and ask how the photon statistics of light may alter this process, and more generally alter the field of extreme nonlinear optics. The role of photon statistics in non-perturbative interactions of intense light with matter has remained unexplored in both experiments and theory. Here we show that the defining spectral characteristics of HHG, such as the plateau and cutoff, are sensitive to the photon statistics of the driving light. While coherent (classical) and Fock light states induce the established HHG cutoff law, thermal and squeezed states substantially surpass it, extending the cutoff compared to classical light of the same intensity. Hence, shaping the photon statistics of light enables producing far higher harmonics in HHG. We develop the theory of extreme nonlinear optics driven by squeezed light, and more generally by arbitrary quantum states of light. Our work introduces quantum optical concepts to strong-field physics as new degrees of freedom in the creation and control of HHG, and finally shows that experiments in this field are feasible. Looking forward, HHG driven by quantum light creates quantum states of XUV and X-rays, enabling applications of quantum optics in new spectral regimes

    A Stepwise Analytical Projected Gradient Descent Search for Hyperspectral Unmixing and Its Code Vectorization

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    We present, in this paper, a new methodology for spectral unmixing, where a vector of fractions, corresponding to a set of endmembers (EMs), is estimated for each pixel in the image. The process first provides an initial estimate of the fraction vector, followed by an iterative procedure that converges to an optimal solution. Specifically, projected gradient descent (PGD) optimization is applied to (a variant of) the spectral angle mapper objective function, so as to significantly reduce the estimation error due to amplitude (i.e., magnitude) variations in EM spectra, caused by the illumination change effect. To improve the computational efficiency of our method over a commonly used gradient descent technique, we have analytically derived the objective function's gradient and the optimal step size (used in each iteration). To gain further improvement, we have implemented our unmixing module via code vectorization, where the entire process is ''folded'' into a single loop, and the fractions for all of the pixels are solved simultaneously. We call this new parallel scheme vectorized code PGD unmixing (VPGDU). VPGDU has the advantage of solving (simultaneously) an independent optimization problem per image pixel, exactly as other pixelwise algorithms, but significantly faster. Its performance was compared with the commonly used fully constrained least squares unmixing (FCLSU), the generalized bilinear model (GBM) method for hyperspectral unmixng, and the fast state-of-the-art methods, sparse unmixing by variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian (SUnSAL) and collaborative SUnSAL (CLSUnSAL) based on the alternating direction method of multipliers. Considering all of the prospective EMs of a scene at each pixel (i.e., without a priori knowledge which/how many EMs are actually present in a given pixel), we demonstrate that the accuracy due to VPGDU is considerably higher than that obtained by FCLSU, GBM, SUnSAL, and CLSUnSAL under varying illumination, and is, otherwise, comparable with respect to these methods. However, while our method is significantly faster than FCLSU and GBM, it is slower than SUnSAL and CLSUnSAL by roughly an order of magnitude.Israel Science Ministry Scientific Infrastructure Research Grant Scheme, Helen Norman Asher Space Research Grant Scheme, Technion PhD Scholarship, new England fund Technion, Environmental Mapping and Monitoring of Iceland by Remote Sensing EMMIRS projectPeer Reviewe
