110 research outputs found

    Limited Near and Far Transfer Effects of Jungle Memory Working Memory Training on Learning Mathematics in Children with Attentional and Mathematical Difficulties

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    The goal of this randomized controlled trial was to investigate whether Jungle Memory working memory training (JM) affects performance on working memory tasks, performance in mathematics and gains made on a mathematics training (MT) in school aged children between 9-12 years old (N = 64) with both difficulties in mathematics, as well as attention and working memory. Children were randomly assigned to three groups and were trained in two periods: (1) JM first, followed by MT, (2) MT first, followed by JM, and (3) a control group that received MT only. Bayesian analyses showed possible short term effects of JM on near transfer measures of verbal working memory, but none on visual working memory. Furthermore, support was found for the hypothesis that children that received JM first, performed better after MT than children who did not follow JM first or did not train with JM at all. However, these effects could be explained at least partly by frequency of training effects, possibly due to motivational issues, and training-specific factors. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether the effects found on improving mathematics were actually mediated by gains in working memory. It is argued that JM might not train the components of working memory involved in mathematics sufficiently. Another possible explanation can be found in the training's lack of adaptivity, therefore failing to provide the children with tailored instruction and feedback. Finally, it was hypothesized that, since effect sizes are generally small, training effects are bound to a critical period in development

    Аспекти управління ризиками на рівні всього підприємства у машинобудуванні

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    Основним завданням написання статті є визначення ключових факторів, що зумовлюють необхідність впровадження системного підходу до управління підприємницькими ризиками, а також характеристика концепції ризик-менеджменту на рівні підприємства, зокрема у машинобудуванні, її основних переваг та доцільності впровадження

    On the Difference Between Numerosity Processing and Number Processing

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    The ANS theory on the processing of non-symbolic numerosities and the ANS mapping account on the processing of symbolic numbers have been the most popular theories on numerosity and number processing, respectively, in the last 20 years. Recently, both the ANS theory and the ANS mapping account have been questioned. In the current study, we examined two main assumptions of both the ANS theory and the ANS mapping account. ERPs were measured in 21 participants during four same-different match-to-sample tasks, involving non-symbolic stimuli, symbolic stimuli, or a combination of symbolic and non-symbolic stimuli (i.e., mapping tasks). We strictly controlled the visual features in the non-symbolic stimuli. Based on the ANS theory, one would expect an early distance effect for numerosity in the non-symbolic task. However, the results show no distance effect for numerosity. When analyzing the stimuli based on visual properties, an early distance effect for area subtended by the convex hull was found. This finding is in line with recent claims that the processing of non-symbolic stimuli may be dependent on the processing of visual properties instead of on numerosity (only). With regards to the processing of symbolic numbers, the ANS mapping account states that symbolic numbers are first mapped onto their non-symbolic representations before further processing, since the non-symbolic representation is at the basis of processing the symbolic number. If the non-symbolic format is the basic format of processing, one would expect that the processing of non-symbolic numerosities would not differ between purely non-symbolic tasks and mapping tasks, resulting in similar ERP waveforms for both tasks. Our results show that the processing of non-symbolic numerosities does differ between the tasks, indicating that processing of non-symbolic number is dependent on task format. This provides evidence against the ANS mapping account. Alternative theories for both the processing of non-symbolic numerosities and symbolic numbers are discussed

    Number line estimation strategies in children with mathematical learning difficulties measured by eye tracking

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    Introduction: Number line estimation is one of the skills related to mathematical performance. Previous research has shown that eye tracking can be used to identify differences in the estimation strategies children with dyscalculia and children with typical mathematical development use on number line estimation tasks. The current study extends these findings to a larger group of children with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD). Method: A group of 9–11-year-old children with MLD (N = 14) was compared to a control group of children without math difficulties (N = 14). Number line estimation was measured using a 0–100 and a 0–1000 number-to-position task. A Tobii T60 eye tracker was used to measure the children’s eye movements during task performance. Results: The behavioral data showed that the children with MLD had higher error scores on both number lines than the children in the control group. The eye tracking data showed that the groups also differed in their estimation strategies. The children with MLD showed less adaptation of their estimation strategies to the number to be estimated. Conclusion: This study shows that children with MLD attend to different features of the number line than children without math difficulties. Children with math difficulties are less capable of adapting their estimation strategies to the numbers to be estimated and of effectively using reference points on the number line

    Creativity in Higher Education: Teaching Activities during Student Groups’ Idea Evaluation Process

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    Creativity should be cultivated in higher education to tackle the increasingly complex healthcare problems; however, despite this need for novelty, students collaborating in groups to solve a complex problem often seek consensus around low-novelty ideas. This study aims to explore the challenges higher education student groups face while evaluating and improving creative ideas, and to identify teaching activities that overcome these challenges. A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 14 teachers from the “innovation project” at Radboud university medical center in Netherlands. The results show that student groups face challenges in balancing thegoals of novelty and usefulness in their search for creative ideas, often selecting either novel ideas that are infeasible or ineffective, or useful ideas that already exist. Furthermore, teachers also identified problematic group dynamics as a challenge in the idea evaluation process. To overcome these challenges, teachers reported using cognitive, affective, metacognitive, and sociocommunicative teaching activities. In conclusion, higher education studentsmay not develop their most creative ideas even when creative solutions are required. This study highlights the importance of teaching higher education students to skilfully manage the twin goals of novelty and usefulness in theirsearch for creative solutions, while also dealing with group dynamics

    Readiness-based differentiation in primary school mathematics: expert recommendations and teacher self-assessment

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    The diversity of students’ achievement levels within classrooms has made it essential for teachers to adapt their lessons to the varying educational needs of their students (‘differentiation’). However, the term differentiation has been interpreted in diverse ways and there is a need to specify what effective differentiation entails. Previous reports of low to moderate application of differentiation underscore the importance of practical guidelines for implementing differentiation. In two studies, we investigated how teachers should differentiate according to experts, as well as the degree to which teachers already apply the recommended strategies. Study 1 employed the Delphi technique and focus group discussions to achieve consensus among eleven mathematics experts regarding a feasible model for differentiation in primary mathematics. The experts agreed on a five-step cycle of differentiation: (1) identification of educational needs, (2) differentiated goals, (3) differentiated instruction, (4) differentiated practice, and (5) evaluation of progress and process. For each step, strategies were specified. In Study 2, the Differentiation Self-Assessment Questionnaire (DSAQ) was developed to investigate how teachers  self-assess their use of the strategies recommended by the experts. While teachers (N = 268) were moderately positive about their application of the strategies overall, we also identified areas of relatively low usage (including differentiation for high-achieving students) which require attention in teacher professional development. Together, these two studies provide a model and strategies for differentiation in primary mathematics based on expert consensus, the DSAQ which can be employed in future studies, and insights into teachers’ self-assessed application of specific aspects of differentiation

    Creativity in Higher Education: Teaching Activities during Student Groups’ Idea Evaluation Process

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    Creativity should be cultivated in higher education to tackle the increasingly complex healthcare problems; however, despite this need for novelty, students collaborating in groups to solve a complex problem often seek consensus around low-novelty ideas. This study aims to explore the challenges higher education student groups face while evaluating and improving creative ideas, and to identify teaching activities that overcome these challenges. A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 14 teachers from the “innovation project” at Radboud university medical center in Netherlands. The results show that student groups face challenges in balancing thegoals of novelty and usefulness in their search for creative ideas, often selecting either novel ideas that are infeasible or ineffective, or useful ideas that already exist. Furthermore, teachers also identified problematic group dynamics as a challenge in the idea evaluation process. To overcome these challenges, teachers reported using cognitive, affective, metacognitive, and sociocommunicative teaching activities. In conclusion, higher education studentsmay not develop their most creative ideas even when creative solutions are required. This study highlights the importance of teaching higher education students to skilfully manage the twin goals of novelty and usefulness in theirsearch for creative solutions, while also dealing with group dynamics

    Examining the assessment of creativity with generalizability theory: An analysis of creative problem solving assessment tasks✰

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    The assessment of creative problem solving (CPS) is challenging. Elements of an assessment procedure, such as the tasks that are used and the raters who assess those tasks, introduce variation in student scores that do not necessarily reflect actual differences in students’ creative problem solving abilities. When creativity researchers evaluate assessment procedures, they often inspect these elements such as tasks and raters separately. We show the use of Generalizability Theory allows researchers to investigate creativity assessment procedures - and CPS assessments in particular - in a comprehensive and integrated way. In this paper, we first introduce this statistical framework and the choices creativity researchers need to make before applying Generalizability Theory to their data. Then, Generalizability Theory is applied in an analysis of CPS assessment tasks. We highlight how alterations in the nature of the assessment procedure, such as changing the number of tasks or raters, may affect the quality of CPS scores. Furthermore, we present implications for the assessment of CPS and for creativity research in general

    Creative problem solving in primary school students

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    Aims: Two studies are reported to give insight in the nature of creative problem solving in primary school students. Study 1 focused on the process and aimed to determine to what extent behaviors in response to a task matched the Creative Problem Solving model (CPS model; Isaksen et al., 2011; Treffinger, 1995). Study 2 focused on the product and aimed to determine the relations among creative problem solving outcomes and the overlap of these outcomes with divergent thinking and academic achievement outcomes. Sample: 13 fourth graders participated in Study 1; 594 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders participated in Study 2. Methods: In study 1, students were asked to think aloud while completing a structured task. Their behaviors were coded based on the CPS model. In study 2, students completed similar tasks for three problem situations. Students’ ideas were rated on four CPS indicators. A measurement model and structural model were tested. Results: Study 1 showed that behaviors could be described with the CPS model. All elements were found: understanding the challenge, generating ideas, preparing for action, and planning your approach. The number of utterances within elements and the sequence of the creative problem solving processes varied across students. Study 2 showed that the relations of the creative problem solving indicators corresponded with theory and with relations found in earlier studies. Conclusions: The CPS model can be applied in the primary school context and creative problem solving capability is already evident in primary school students

    The relation between creativity and students’ performance on different types of geometrical problems in elementary education

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    Aim: In the current study we aimed to investigate the relation between creativity and mathematical problem solving in the upper grades of elementary school. Methods: To examine how student’s levels of general creativity were related to their performance on different types of geometrical problems, a geometry test with diverse problems was administered to a sample of 1665 Dutch students from third to sixth grade, as well as a creativity test. The geometry test consisted of four closed-ended routine problems, six closed-ended non-routine problems (related to a visual artwork) and four open-ended non-routine problems (multiple solutions problems). The Test of Creative Thinking—Drawing Production was used to measure students’ creativity. Multivariate multilevel analyses were conducted to take the nested structure of the data into account. Results: The results showed that creativity was a significant predictor of students’ performance on all types of geometrical problems, but most strongly associated with performance on open-ended non-routine problems, suggesting that students with higher levels of creativity perform better in solving geometry problems in general, but especially in geometry problems asking for multiple solutions