74 research outputs found

    Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Disorders

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    Obesity and its co-morbidities, such as metabolic syndrome (MetS), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and type 2 diabetes, have increased over the last few decades like an epidemic. So far the mechanisms of many metabolic diseases are not known in detail and currently there are not enough effective means to prevent and treat them. Several recent studies have shown that the unbalanced gut microbiota composition (GMC) and activity have an influence on the fat accumulation in the body. Further, it seems that the GMC of obese individuals differs from the lean. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there are differences between the GMC of metabolically impaired overweight/obese (MetS group), metabolically healthy overweight/obese and normal-weight individuals. In addition, the mechanisms by which the gut bacteria as well as their specific structures, such as flagellin (FLG) that stimulates the Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) affect metabolism, were investigated both in vivo and in vitro in human adipocytes and hepatocytes. The results of this study show that the abundance of certain gram-positive bacteria belonging to the Clostridial cluster XIV was higher in the MetS group subjects compared to their metabolically healthy overweight/obese and lean counterparts. Metabolically impaired subjects tended to also have a greater abundance of potentionally inflammatory Enterobacteria in their gut and thus seemed to have aberrant GMC. In addition, it was found that subjects with a high hepatic fat content (HHFC group) had less Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in their gut than individuals with low hepatic fat content. Further gene expression analysis revealed that the HHFC group also had increased inflammation cascades in their adipose tissue. Additionally, metabolically impaired individuals displayed an increased expression of FLG-recognizing TLR5 in adipose tissue, and the TLR5 expression levels associated positively both with liver fat content and insulin resistance in humans. These changes in the adipose tissue may further contribute to the impaired metabolism observed, such as insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. In vitro -studies showed that the FLG-induced TLR5 activation in adipocytes enhanced the hepatic fat accumulation by decreasing insulin signaling and mitochondrial functions and increasing triglyceride synthesis due to increased glycerol secretion from adipocytes. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that it may be possible that the novel prevention and personalized treatment strategies based on GM modulation will succesfully be developed for obesity and metabolic disorders in the future.Siirretty Doriast

    Optimal sampling and analysis methods for clinical diagnostics of vaginal microbiome

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    Next-generation sequencing-based microbiological analysis is a complex way to profile vaginal microbiome samples since each step affects the results gained. Methodologies for sample collection lack golden standards. We compared Puritan DNA/RNA swab (PS) and Copan FLOQ swab (CS) and provided consistent and reliable microbiome profiles analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. We collected two consecutive vaginal samples utilizing PS with room temperature storing and CS with instant freezing from 26 women. Variable region 4 of bacterial 16S rRNA gene was amplified with single PCR by custom-designed dual-indexed primers and sequenced with Illumina MiSeq system. Read quality control, operational taxonomic unit tables, and alpha and beta diversities analysis were performed, and community richness, diversity, and evenness were evaluated and compared between the two samplings and tests. Nineteen sample pairs produced detectable, intact DNA during the extraction protocol and/or further microbial profiles. Alpha bacterial diversity indices were independent on the collection protocol. No significant statistical differences were found in the measured beta diversity metrics between the collection methods. Of the women, 43% had Lactobacillus-dominated vaginal microbiome profile despite of collection method. Previously reported important vaginal microbiome phyla Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, and Proteobacteria were present in the sample set although their relative abundances varied among individuals. PS and CS enable constant vaginal microbiota sampling. The PS method with no need for instant freezing is suitable for on-site collections at clinics. Furthermore, it seems to be possible to take two samples instead of one with constant microbiological results.Peer reviewe

    Skin microbiota diversity among genetically unrelated individuals of Indian origin

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    BackgroundHuman skin harbors complex transient and resident microbial communities that show intra- & inter-individual variation due to various environmental and host-associated factors such as skin site, diet, age, gender, genetics, or the type and use of cosmetics. This variation remains largely uncharacterized in the Indian population; hence, the present study aims to characterize the variation in skin microbiota among individuals of Indian origin and quantify associations with age, diet, and geography.MethodsAxillary sweat samples from genetically unrelated individuals (N = 58) residing in the three geographical locations of Maharashtra, India, were collected using a sterile cotton swab. Bacterial DNA was extracted using a standard protocol and checked for quality. Variable regions (V3-V4) of the 16S rRNA gene were sequenced using the Illumina platform. We used standard methods from microbiota bioinformatics, including alpha and beta diversity, community typing, and differential abundance, to quantify the association of skin microbiota with age, diet., and geographical location.ResultsOur study indicated the prevalence of phyla- Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria, consistent with previous reports on skin microbiota composition of the world population level. The alpha diversity (Shannon index) was significantly associated with the age group (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.02), but not with geography (p = 0.62) or diet (p = 0.74). The overall skin microbiota community composition was significantly associated with geographical location based on Community State Types (CST) analysis and PERMANOVA (R-2 = 0.07, p = 0.01). Differential abundance analysis at the genus level indicated a distinctively high abundance of Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium among individuals of the Pune district. Pseudomonas and Anaerococcus were abundant in individuals from Ahmednagar whereas, Paenibacillus, Geobacillus, Virgibacillus, Jeotgalicoccus, Pullulanibacillus, Delsulfosporomusa, Citinovibrio, and Calditerricola were abundant in individuals from Nashik district.ConclusionOur work provides one of the first characterizations of skin microbiota variation in different sub-populations in India. The analysis quantifies the level of individuality, as contrasted to the other factors of age, geography, and diet, thus helping to evaluate the applicability of skin microbiota profiles as a potential biomarker to stratify individuals.</p

    Tuotantoeläinten normaalin suolistomikrobiston kartoitus luo suolistoterveystutkimukselle perustaa

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    Ruoansulatuskanavan mikrobiston koostumus vaikuttaa keskeisellä tavalla eläinten terveyteen ja kasvatustuloksiin. Esimerkiksi ripulitilanteissa suoliston bakteerit vaikuttavat eläinten hyvinvointiin välittömästi, mutta lisäksi suolistomikrobeilla on pitkäkestoisia eläimen immuunivastetta ja ravitsemustilaa muuntavia vaikutuksia. Suolistomikrobiston poikkeuksellisen monimutkaisuuden vuoksi mikrobisto ja sen koostumus ovat kuitenkin vielä nykyäänkin heikosti tunnettuja. Ruoansulatuskanavan bakteeristo muodostuu poikkeuksellisen monista lajeista ja bakteeritiheys on ainutlaatuisen korkea. Perinteiset patogeenisten bakteerien tunnistamiseen kehitetyt tutkimusmenetelmät eivät ole mahdollistaneet mikrobiston kokonaisvaltaista kartoitusta. Viime vuosina kehitettyjen modernien tutkimustekniikoiden ansiosta mikrobiston tutkimusmahdollisuudet ovat kuitenkin parantuneet. Suolistomikrobiston koostumuksen kartoittaminen ja mikrobiston muutosten tutkiminen eri tilanteissa luo perustaa tulevaisuuden suolistomikrobistotutkimukselle. Nyt esiteltävässä tutkimuksessa suolistonäytteiden bakteerikoostumusta kartoitettiin koneellista sytometriaan, DNA-värjäykseen ja oligonukleotidihybridisaatioon perustuvaa menetelmää käyttäen. Tutkimusnäytteitä kerättiin porsaista, sioista, kalkkunoista, broilereista ja kanoista. Tutkimuseläimet olivat useista eri kasvatuseristä ja ne kuvastavat kunkin eläinlajin suolistomikrobistoa yleisellä tasolla. Näytteistä määritettiin kokonaisbakteerimäärät sekä keskeisimpien bakteerisukujen edustajien määrät. Erot saman eläinlajin eri yksilöiden välillä olivat huomattavasti pienempiä kuin erot eri eläinlajien välillä. Kahdesta eri porsastutkimuksesta kerättyjen ulostenäytteiden kokonaisbakteerimäärät ja eri bakteerisukujen osuudet olivat pitkälti samanlaiset. Tutkittujen cecum- ja ulostenäytteiden bakteeritiheys oli luokkaa 1011 bakteeria grammassa ja eläinlajista riippuen Bacteroides-Porphyromonas-Prevotella -ryhmän, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii -ryhmän ja&nbsp; Bifidobacterium-suvun bakteerit olivat nyt tutkituista bakteereista yleisimpiä. Saadut tulokset vahvistavat käsitystä siitä, että kullakin eläinlajilla on sille ominainen mikrobisto, joka koostuu ko. eläinlajille tyypillisistä mikrobeista. Ruoansulatuskanavan mikrobit muodostavat monimutkaisen ekosysteemin, joka kuitenkin on stabiilien elinolosuhteiden vallitessa sisäisessä tasapainotilassa. Saatuja tuloksia voidaan käyttää vertailumateriaalina tulevissa suolistomikrobistotutkimuksissa ja tuloksista on hyötyä kehitettäessä suolistoterveyttä tukevaa ruokintaa

    Prebiotic Xylo-Oligosaccharides Ameliorate High-Fat-Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis in Rats

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    Understanding the importance of the gut microbiota (GM) in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has raised the hope for therapeutic microbes. We have shown that high hepatic fat content associated with low abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in humans and, further, the administration of F. prausnitzii prevented NAFLD in mice. Here, we aimed at targeting F. prausnitzii by prebiotic xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) to treat NAFLD. First, the effect of XOS on F. prausnitzii growth was assessed in vitro. Then, XOS was supplemented or not with high (HFD, 60% of energy from fat) or low (LFD) fat diet for 12 weeks in Wistar rats (n = 10/group). XOS increased F. prausnitzii growth, having only a minor impact on the GM composition. When supplemented with HFD, XOS ameliorated hepatic steatosis. The underlying mechanisms involved enhanced hepatic β-oxidation and mitochondrial respiration. Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) analysis of cecal metabolites showed that, compared to the HFD, the LFD group had a healthier cecal short-chain fatty acid profile and on the HFD, XOS reduced cecal isovalerate and tyrosine, metabolites previously linked to NAFLD. Cecal branched-chain fatty acids associated positively and butyrate negatively with hepatic triglycerides. In conclusion, XOS supplementation can ameliorate NAFLD by improving hepatic oxidative metabolism and affecting GM

    Towards standardized and reproducible research in skin microbiomes

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    Skin is a complex organ serving a critical role as a barrier and mediator of interactions between the human body and its environment. Recent studies have uncovered how resident microbial communities play a significant role in maintaining the normal healthy function of the skin and the immune system. In turn, numerous host-associated and environmental factors influence these communities' composition and diversity across the cutaneous surface. In addition, specific compositional changes in skin microbiota have also been connected to the development of several chronic diseases. The current era of microbiome research is characterized by its reliance on large data sets of nucleotide sequences produced with high-throughput sequencing of sample-extracted DNA. These approaches have yielded new insights into many previously uncharacterized microbial communities. Application of standardized practices in the study of skin microbial communities could help us understand their complex structures, functional capacities, and health associations and increase the reproducibility of the research. Here, we overview the current research in human skin microbiomes and outline challenges specific to their study. Furthermore, we provide perspectives on recent advances in methods, analytical tools and applications of skin microbiomes in medicine and forensics

    Prebiotic Xylo-Oligosaccharides Ameliorate High-Fat-Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis in Rats

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    Understanding the importance of the gut microbiota (GM) in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has raised the hope for therapeutic microbes. We have shown that high hepatic fat content associated with low abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in humans and, further, the administration of F. prausnitzii prevented NAFLD in mice. Here, we aimed at targeting F. prausnitzii by prebiotic xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) to treat NAFLD. First, the effect of XOS on F. prausnitzii growth was assessed in vitro. Then, XOS was supplemented or not with high (HFD, 60% of energy from fat) or low (LFD) fat diet for 12 weeks in Wistar rats (n = 10/group). XOS increased F. prausnitzii growth, having only a minor impact on the GM composition. When supplemented with HFD, XOS ameliorated hepatic steatosis. The underlying mechanisms involved enhanced hepatic β-oxidation and mitochondrial respiration. Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) analysis of cecal metabolites showed that, compared to the HFD, the LFD group had a healthier cecal short-chain fatty acid profile and on the HFD, XOS reduced cecal isovalerate and tyrosine, metabolites previously linked to NAFLD. Cecal branched-chain fatty acids associated positively and butyrate negatively with hepatic triglycerides. In conclusion, XOS supplementation can ameliorate NAFLD by improving hepatic oxidative metabolism and affecting GM

    Appendiceal microbiome in uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis: A prospective cohort study

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    Uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis seem to be two different forms of this common abdominal emergency. The contribution of appendiceal microbiota to appendicitis pathogenesis has been suggested, but differences between uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis are largely unknown. We compared the appendiceal microbiota in uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis.\nThis prospective single-center clinical cohort study was conducted as part of larger multicenter MAPPAC trial enrolling adult patients with computed tomography or clinically confirmed uncomplicated or complicated acute appendicitis. The microbial composition of the appendiceal lumen was determined using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing.\nBetween April 11, 2017, and March 29, 2019, 118 samples (41 uncomplicated and 77 complicated appendicitis) were available. After adjusting for age, sex, and BMI, alpha diversity in complicated appendicitis was higher (Shannon p = 0.011, Chao1 p = 0.006) compared to uncomplicated appendicitis. Microbial compositions were different between uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis (Bray-Curtis distance, P = 0.002). Species poor appendiceal microbiota composition with specific predominant bacteria was present in some patients regardless of appendicitis severity.\nUncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis have different appendiceal microbiome profiles further supporting the disconnection between these two different forms of acute appendicitis.\nClinicalTrials.gov NCT03257423.</p

    Distinct Diet-Microbiota-Metabolism Interactions in Overweight and Obese Pregnant Women: a Metagenomics Approach

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    Diet and gut microbiota are known to modulate metabolic health. Our aim was to apply a metagenomics approach to investigate whether the diet-gut microbiota-metabolism and inflammation relationships differ in pregnant overweight and obese women. This cross-sectional study was conducted in overweight (n = 234) and obese (n = 152) women during early pregnancy. Dietary quality was measured by a validated index of diet quality (IDQ). Gut microbiota taxonomic composition and species diversity were assessed by metagenomic profiling (Illumina HiSeq platform). Markers for glucose metabolism (glucose, insulin) and low-grade inflammation (high sensitivity C-reactive protein [hsCRP], glycoprotein acetylation [GlycA]) were analyzed from blood samples. Higher IDQ scores were positively associated with a higher gut microbiota species diversity (r = 0.273, P = 0.007) in obese women, but not in overweight women. Community composition (beta diversity) was associated with the GlycA level in the overweight women (P = 0.04) but not in the obese. Further analysis at the species level revealed a positive association between the abundance of species Alistipes finegoldii and the GlycA level in overweight women (logfold change = 4.74, P = 0.04). This study has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under registration no. NCT01922791 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01922791).</p

    Six-Week Endurance Exercise Alters Gut Metagenome That Is not Reflected in Systemic Metabolism in Over-weight Women

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    Recent studies suggest that exercise alters the gut microbiome. We determined whether six-weeks endurance exercise, without changing diet, affected the gut metagenome and systemic metabolites of overweight women. Previously sedentary overweight women (n = 19) underwent a six-weeks endurance exercise intervention, but two were excluded due to antibiotic therapy. The gut microbiota composition and functions were analyzed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and metagenomics. Body composition was analyzed with DXA X-ray densitometer and serum metabolomics with NMR metabolomics. Total energy and energy-yielding nutrient intakes were analyzed from food records using Micro-Nutrica software. Serum clinical variables were determined with KONELAB instrument. Soluble Vascular Adhesion Protein 1 (VAP-1) was measured with ELISA and its' enzymatic activity as produced hydrogen peroxide. The exercise intervention was effective, as maximal power and maximum rate of oxygen consumption increased while android fat mass decreased. No changes in diet were observed. Metagenomic analysis revealed taxonomic shifts including an increase in Akkermansia and a decrease in Proteobacteria. These changes were independent of age, weight, fat % as well as energy and fiber intake. Training slightly increased Jaccard distance of genus level β-diversity. Training did not alter the enriched metagenomic pathways, which, according to Bray Curtis dissimilarity analysis, may have been due to that only half of the subjects' microbiomes responded considerably to exercise. Nevertheless, tranining decreased the abundance of several genes including those related to fructose and amino acid metabolism. These metagenomic changes, however, were not translated into major systemic metabolic changes as only two metabolites, phospholipids and cholesterol in large VLDL particles, decreased after exercise. Training also decreased the amine oxidase activity of pro-inflammatory VAP-1, whereas no changes in CRP were detected. All clinical blood variables were within normal range, yet exercise slightly increased glucose and decreased LDL and HDL. In conclusion, exercise training modified the gut microbiome without greatly affecting systemic metabolites or body composition. Based on our data and existing literature, we propose that especially Akkermansia and Proteobacteria are exercise-responsive taxa. Our results warrant the need for further studies in larger cohorts to determine whether exercise types other than endurance exercise also modify the gut metagenome
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