92 research outputs found

    The quality of care in family planning: a case study of Chogoria, Eastern Kenya

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    This paper compares the quality of family planning services in the catchment areas of Chogoria and Maua hospitals, both in the Meru district of Kenya. The quality issues compared are personnel, types of methods, information, recruiting and counselling of clients, knowledge and source of modern contraceptives, desired family size, use of contraceptives, and satisfaction of providers and clients. A comparative approach is adopted to study the aspects of family planning that have made Chogoria relatively more successful than Maua and the rest of Kenya. The data used in this analysis is qualitative and was collected through personal observation, interviews, and group discussions with health care providers. The results show that while the family planning programmes of Chogoria and Maua are comparable in many respects, there are also important differences. For example, Chogoria family planning personnel were more knowledgeable about contraceptives and were more satisfied with the training provided by Chogoria hospital than were their counterparts in Maua. The relationship between the senior and the junior staff was more cordial in Chogoria. The content of the information about contraceptives provided to women attending clinics was similar in both hospitals. But the teachers in Chogoria were more knowledgeable and confident than those in Maua. In Chogoria, the decision to use family planning is jointly taken by the husband and the wife, and if a client fails to turn up for an appointment a follow-up is scheduled. In Maua, the decision to use family planning is taken unilaterally by the wife and defaulters are not followed up. The study showed that 78 percent and 33 percent of the participants were using modern family planning methods in Chogoria and Maua respectively. Three conclusions are drawn from the study. First, that the satisfaction of family planning providers and their clients contributes positively towards more knowledge and use of modern contraceptives. Second, that women feel more secure and comfortable with the methods they use if their husbands are involved in deciding whether or not to adopt them. Finally, follow-up services for those who fail to attend appointments helps to strengthen rapport between providers and clients and provides an opportunity to learn of the circumstances that lead to discontinuing the use of contraceptives

    The Low Acceptability and Use of Condoms within Marriage: Evidence from Nakuru District, Kenya

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    In the last two decades, there has been an increase in the prevalence of contraceptive use in Kenya. While use of modern contraceptives has been successful in preventing unwanted pregnancy, it has not been so successful in preventing HIV/AIDS. The twin risk of unwanted pregnancy and HIV/AIDS infection is a central concern of reproductive health programmes. Condoms are considered an effective barrier method because they can be used for the dual purpose of protecting against pregnancy and disease transmission. But will married couples and those in stable sexual relations accept and use them? This paper attempts to answer this question using data from Nakuru district, Kenya. From both quantitative and qualitative results, this study concludes that, not only, is the use of condoms to prevent STIs including HIV low within married and stable sexual relations, but, also, future prospects of condom use in such relations is rather bleak. Apart from using a condom for preventing a pregnancy in sexual relations, the only other reason for using it is because one does not trust the sexual partner. Majority of married couples will therefore not ask their partners to use a condom because they dread straining or breaking their relationship. This fear is amplified by the religious view of condom use being a sin.The study calls for appropriate interventions which should aim at providing married couples and those in stable sexual relations (including men) with targeted counseling services to strengthen mutual trust, a feeling they all cherish. Such services will not only facilitate the prevention of HIV/AIDS but will also minimize intra-couple tensions by enhancing mutual trust.s en am\ue9liorant la confiance mutuelle

    Burden of epilepsy in rural Kenya measured in disability-adjusted life years

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    Objectives: The burden of epilepsy, in terms of both morbidity and mortality, is likely to vary depending on the etiology (primary [genetic/unknown] vs. secondary [structural/metabolic]) and with the use of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). We estimated the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and modeled the remission rates of active convulsive epilepsy (ACE) using epidemiologic data collected over the last decade in rural Kilifi, Kenya. Methods: We used measures of prevalence, incidence, and mortality to model the remission of epilepsy using disease-modeling software (DisMod II). DALYs were calculated as the sum of Years Lost to Disability (YLD) and Years of Life Lost (YLL) due to premature death using the prevalence approach, with disability weights (DWs) from the 2010 Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. DALYs were calculated with R statistical software with the associated uncertainty intervals (UIs) computed by bootstrapping. Results: A total of 1,005 (95% UI 797–1,213) DALYs were lost to ACE, which is 433 (95% UI 393–469) DALYs lost per 100,000 people. Twenty-six percent (113/100,000/year, 95% UI 106–117) of the DALYs were due to YLD and 74% (320/100,000/year, 95% UI 248–416) to YLL. Primary epilepsy accounted for fewer DALYs than secondary epilepsy (98 vs. 334 DALYs per 100,000 people). Those taking AEDs contributed fewer DALYs than those not taking AEDs (167 vs. 266 DALYs per 100,000 people). The proportion of people with ACE in remission per year was estimated at 11.0% in males and 12.0% in females, with highest rates in the 0–5 year age group. Significance: The DALYs for ACE are high in rural Kenya, but less than the estimates of 2010 GBD study. Three-fourths of DALYs resulted from secondary epilepsy. Use of AEDs was associated with 40% reduction of DALYs. Improving adherence to AEDs may reduce the burden of epilepsy in this area

    Incidence and clinical characteristics of group A rotavirus infections among children admitted to hospital in Kilifi, Kenya

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    Background Rotavirus, predominantly of group A, is a major cause of severe diarrhoea worldwide, with the greatest burden falling on young children living in less-developed countries. Vaccines directed against this virus have shown promise in recent trials, and are undergoing effectiveness evaluation in sub-Saharan Africa. In this region limited childhood data are available on the incidence and clinical characteristics of severe group A rotavirus disease. Advocacy for vaccine intervention and interpretation of effectiveness following implementation will benefit from accurate base-line estimates of the incidence and severity of rotavirus paediatric admissions in relevant populations. The study objective was to accurately define the incidence and severity of group A rotavirus disease in a resource-poor setting necessary to make informed decisions on the need for vaccine prevention. Methods and Findings Between 2002 and 2004 we conducted prospective surveillance for group A rotavirus infection at Kilifi District Hospital in coastal Kenya. Children < 13 y of age were eligible as "cases" if admitted with diarrhoea, and "controls" if admitted without diarrhoea. We calculated the incidence of hospital admission with group A rotavirus using data from a demographic surveillance study of 220,000 people in Kilifi District. Of 15,347 childhood admissions 3,296 (22%) had diarrhoea, 2,039 were tested for group A rotavirus antigen and, of these, 588 (29%) were positive. 372 (63%) rotavirus-positive cases were infants. Of 620 controls 19 (3.1%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.9–4.7) were rotavirus positive. The annual incidence (per 100,000 children) of rotavirus-positive admissions was 1,431 (95% CI 1,275–1,600) in infants and 478 (437–521) in under-5-y-olds, and highest proximal to the hospital. Compared to children with rotavirus-negative diarrhoea, rotavirus-positive cases were less likely to have coexisting illnesses and more likely to have acidosis (46% versus 17%) and severe electrolyte imbalance except hyponatraemia. In-hospital case fatality was 2% among rotavirus-positive and 9% among rotavirus-negative children. Conclusions In Kilifi > 2% of children are admitted to hospital with group A rotavirus diarrhoea in the first 5 y of life. This translates into over 28,000 vaccine-preventable hospitalisations per year across Kenya, and is likely to be a considerable underestimate. Group A rotavirus diarrhoea is associated with acute life-threatening metabolic derangement in otherwise healthy children. Although mortality is low in this clinical research setting this may not be generally true in African hospitals lacking rapid and appropriate management

    Clinical and Epidemiological Implications of 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for the Diagnosis of Hypertension in Kenyan Adults: A Population-Based Study.

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical and epidemiological implications of using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) for the diagnosis of hypertension have not been studied at a population level in sub-Saharan Africa. We examined the impact of ABPM use among Kenyan adults. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a nested case-control study of diagnostic accuracy. We selected an age-stratified random sample of 1248 adults from the list of residents of the Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Kenya. All participants underwent a screening blood pressure (BP) measurement. All those with screening BP ≥140/90 mm Hg and a random subset of those with screening BP <140/90 mm Hg were invited to undergo ABPM. Based on the 2 tests, participants were categorized as sustained hypertensive, masked hypertensive, "white coat" hypertensive, or normotensive. Analyses were weighted by the probability of undergoing ABPM. Screening BP ≥140/90 mm Hg was present in 359 of 986 participants, translating to a crude population prevalence of 23.1% (95% CI 16.5-31.5%). Age standardized prevalence of screening BP ≥140/90 mm Hg was 26.5% (95% CI 19.3-35.6%). On ABPM, 186 of 415 participants were confirmed to be hypertensive, with crude prevalence of 15.6% (95% CI 9.4-23.1%) and age-standardized prevalence of 17.1% (95% CI 11.0-24.4%). Age-standardized prevalence of masked and white coat hypertension were 7.6% (95% CI 2.8-13.7%) and 3.8% (95% CI 1.7-6.1%), respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of screening BP measurements were 80% (95% CI 73-86%) and 84% (95% CI 79-88%), respectively. BP indices and validity measures showed strong age-related trends. CONCLUSIONS: Screening BP measurement significantly overestimated hypertension prevalence while failing to identify ≈50% of true hypertension diagnosed by ABPM. Our findings suggest significant clinical and epidemiological benefits of ABPM use for diagnosing hypertension in Kenyan adults

    Trends in bednet ownership and usage, and the effect of bednets on malaria hospitalization in the Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KHDSS): 2008-2015.

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    BACKGROUND: Use of bednets reduces malaria morbidity and mortality. In Kilifi, Kenya, there was a mass distribution of free nets to children  2500 parasitemia per μl) among children < 5 years were captured using a system of continuous vital registration that links admissions at Kilifi County Hospital to the KHDSS population register. Survival analysis was used to assess relative risk of hospitalization with malaria among children that reported using a bednet compared to those who did not. RESULTS: We observed 63% and 62% mean bednet ownership and usage, respectively, over the eight-survey period. Among children < 5 years, reported bednet ownership in October-December 2008 was 69% and in March-August 2009 was 73% (p < 0.001). An increase was also observed following the mass distribution campaigns in 2012 (62% in May-July 2012 vs 90% in May-October 2013, p < 0.001) and 2015 (68% in June-September 2015 vs 93% in October-November 2015, p < 0.001). Among children <5 years who reported using a net the night prior to the survey, the incidence of malaria hospitalization per 1000 child-years was 2.91 compared to 4.37 among those who did not (HR = 0.67, 95% CI: 0.52, 0.85 [p = 0.001]). CONCLUSION: On longitudinal surveillance, increasing bednet ownership and usage corresponded to mass distribution campaigns; however, this method of delivering bednets did not result in sustained improvements in coverage. Among children < 5 years old bednet use was associated with a 33% decreased incidence of malaria hospitalization

    Prospective Observational Study of Incidence and Preventable Burden of Childhood Tuberculosis, Kenya.

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    Prospective data on childhood tuberculosis (TB) incidence and case detection rates (CDRs) are scant, and the preventable burden of childhood TB has not been measured in prospective studies. We investigated 2,042 children (<15 years of age) with suspected TB by using enhanced surveillance and linked hospital, demographic, notification, and verbal autopsy data to estimate the incidence, CDR, risk factors, and preventable burden of TB among children in Kenya. Estimated TB incidence was 53 cases/100,000 children/year locally and 95 cases/100,000 children/year nationally. The estimated CDR was 0.20–0.35. Among children <5 years of age, 49% of cases were attributable to a known household contact with TB. This study provides much needed empiric data on TB CDRs in children to inform national and global incidence estimates. Moreover, our findings indicate that nearly half of TB cases in young children might be prevented by implementing existing guidelines for TB contact tracing and chemoprophylaxis

    Prospective Observational Study of Incidence and Preventable Burden of Childhood Tuberculosis, Kenya.

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    Prospective data on childhood tuberculosis (TB) incidence and case detection rates (CDRs) are scant, and the preventable burden of childhood TB has not been measured in prospective studies. We investigated 2,042 children (<15 years of age) with suspected TB by using enhanced surveillance and linked hospital, demographic, notification, and verbal autopsy data to estimate the incidence, CDR, risk factors, and preventable burden of TB among children in Kenya. Estimated TB incidence was 53 cases/100,000 children/year locally and 95 cases/100,000 children/year nationally. The estimated CDR was 0.20–0.35. Among children <5 years of age, 49% of cases were attributable to a known household contact with TB. This study provides much needed empiric data on TB CDRs in children to inform national and global incidence estimates. Moreover, our findings indicate that nearly half of TB cases in young children might be prevented by implementing existing guidelines for TB contact tracing and chemoprophylaxis

    Bacteremia among children admitted to a rural hospital in Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: There are few epidemiologic data on invasive bacterial infections among children in sub-Saharan Africa. We studied every acute pediatric admission to a rural district hospital in Kenya to examine the prevalence, incidence, types, and outcome of community-acquired bacteremia. METHODS: Between August 1998 and July 2002, we cultured blood on admission from 19,339 inpatients and calculated the incidence of bacteremia on the basis of the population served by the hospital. RESULTS: Of a total of 1783 infants who were under 60 days old, 228 had bacteremia (12.8 percent), as did 866 of 14,787 children who were 60 or more days of age (5.9 percent). Among infants who were under 60 days old, Escherichia coli and group B streptococci predominated among a broad range of isolates (14 percent and 11 percent, respectively). Among infants who were 60 or more days of age, Streptococcus pneumoniae, nontyphoidal salmonella species, Haemophilus influenzae, and E. coli accounted for more than 70 percent of isolates. The minimal annual incidence of community-acquired bacteremia was estimated at 1457 cases per 100,000 children among infants under a year old, 1080 among children under 2 years, and 505 among children under 5 years. Of all in-hospital deaths, 26 percent were in children with community-acquired bacteremia. Of 308 deaths in children with bacteremia, 103 (33.4 percent) occurred on the day of admission and 217 (70.5 percent) within two days. CONCLUSIONS: Community-acquired bacteremia is a major cause of death among children at a rural sub-Saharan district hospital, a finding that highlights the need for prevention and for overcoming the political and financial barriers to widespread use of existing vaccines for bacterial diseases