295 research outputs found

    Productivity Measurements of Two Waratah 234 Hydraulic Tree Harvesters in Radiata Pine in New Zealand

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    Two Waratah 234 single-grip harvester heads were assessed for productivity and log-processing accuracy while working in radiata pine clearfell operations in New Zealand forests. Estimated productivity, processing stockpiled trees into logs on a landing in a ground-based operation, was 77 m3 per productive machine hour (PMH) in an average tree size of 1.63 m3. In a yarder-based trial, processing trees into logs on a landing, productivity was 77 m3 / PMH in an average tree size of 3.1 m3. Length-measuring accuracy in a later trial was shown to be within ± 5 cm for 93% of logs. In a second ground-based trial, estimated productivity for an average extracted tree size of 1.95m3 was: - 51 trees/PMH (100m3) for felling, tree-length delimbing and bunching. - 73 trees/PMH (143m3) for tree-length delimbing (butt-first) and bunching of manually felled trees

    Diffractive production of high pt photons at HERA

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    We study the diffractive production of high pt photons at HERA. We have implemented the process as a new hard sub-process in the HERWIG event generator in order to prepare the ground for a future measurement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Contribution to the 1999 UK Phenomenology Workshop on Collider Physics, Durham, U

    Tagging Two-Photon Production at the LHC

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    Tagging two-photon production offers a significant extension of the LHC physics programme. Effective luminosity of high-energy gamma-gamma collisions reaches 1% of the proton-proton luminosity and the standard detector techniques used for measuring very forward proton scattering should allow for a reliable extraction of interesting two-photon interactions. Particularly exciting is a possibility of detecting two-photon exclusive Higgs boson production at the LHC.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure

    School Characteristics, Use of Project Method and Learner Achievement in Physics

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how school characteristics affect the usage of the PM and the consequent impact on learner achievement in physics (LAP). Data was collected using Students Achievement Tests (SAT) and questionnaire for physics teachers. Stratified Sampling was applied to select 84 schools comprising boys, girls and mixed schools from seven provinces of Kenya. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. ANOVA, chi-square and multiple-regression were used to test the hypothesis. The key findings of the study were that PM enhances the learning of physics; Single sex schools performed better than mixed schools; the type of schools in terms of gender, whether day or boarding were not factors in the usage of project method. In view of these research findings, the researchers recommend that the government come up with a policy that enhances the establishment of more single sex schools, enhance resource mobilization for the teaching of physics, review the teacher training component so as to encompass the PM as an alternative teaching strategy, and in-service physics teachers on the role of school characteristics in the study of physics. Key words: Physics; Learner Achievement in Physics (LAP); Project Method PM; School Characteristics (SC)

    Disease severity adversely affects delivery of dialysis in acute renal failure

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    Background/Aims: Methods of intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) dose quantification in acute renal failure (ARF) are not well defined. This observational study was designed to evaluate the impact of disease activity on delivered single pool Kt/V-urea in ARF patients. Methods: 100 patients with severe ARF (acute intrinsic renal disease in 18 patients, nephrotoxic acute tubular necrosis in 38 patients, and septic ARF in 44 patients) were analyzed during four consecutive sessions of IHD, performed for 3.5-5 h every other day or daily. Target IHD dose was a single pool Kt/V-urea of 1.2 or more per dialysis session for all patients. Prescribed Kt/V-urea was calculated from desired dialyzer clearance (K), desired treatment time (t) and anthropometric estimates for urea distribution volume (V). The desired clearance (K) was estimated from prescribed blood flow rate and manufacturer's charts of in vivo data obtained in maintenance dialysis patients. Delivered single pool Kt/V-urea was calculated using the Daugirdas equation. Results: None of the patients had prescription failure of the target dose. The delivered IHD doses were substantially lower than the prescribed Kt/V values, particularly in ARF patients with sepsis/septic shock. Stratification according to disease severity revealed that all patients with isolated ARF, but none with 3 or more organ failures and none who needed vasopressive support received the target dose. Conclusion: Prescription of target IHD dose by single pool Kt/V-urea resulted in suboptimal dialysis dose delivery in critically ill patients. Numerous patient-related and treatment-immanent factors acting in concert reduced the delivered dose. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    What causes the decrease in haematocrit during egg production?

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    1. Anaemia has been reported in wild animals, typically associated with traumatic events or ill health. However, female birds routinely become \u27anaemic\u27 during egg-laying; we sought to determine the causes of this reduction in haematocrit. 2. Haematocrit in female European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus) decreased between pre-breeding and egg-laying in 3 out of 4 years (the decrease was marginally non-significant in the fourth year). This was independent of changes in ambient temperature altering the metabolic requirements for thermoregulation. 3. There was a positive relationship between haematocrit and plasma levels of the yolk precursor vitellogenin among egg-laying birds, supporting the hypothesis that the initial reduction in haematocrit is caused by increased blood volume associated with osmoregulatory adjustments to elevated levels of yolk precursors. 4. However, haematocrit did not always recover upon cessation of egg production, remaining low a.t clutch completion (2 of 4 years), incubation (1 of 2 years) and chick rearing (1 of 4 years), suggesting an additional cause of the prolonged reduction in haematocrit. 5. Given the magnitude and prolonged nature of the changes in haematocrit we report, and the interannual variation in haematocrit even during chick-rearing (47-54%), we suggest that \u27anaemia\u27 associated with egg production might have implications for aerobic performance during later stages of breeding

    What causes the decrease in haematocrit during egg production?

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    1. Anaemia has been reported in wild animals, typically associated with traumatic events or ill health. However, female birds routinely become \u27anaemic\u27 during egg-laying; we sought to determine the causes of this reduction in haematocrit. 2. Haematocrit in female European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus) decreased between pre-breeding and egg-laying in 3 out of 4 years (the decrease was marginally non-significant in the fourth year). This was independent of changes in ambient temperature altering the metabolic requirements for thermoregulation. 3. There was a positive relationship between haematocrit and plasma levels of the yolk precursor vitellogenin among egg-laying birds, supporting the hypothesis that the initial reduction in haematocrit is caused by increased blood volume associated with osmoregulatory adjustments to elevated levels of yolk precursors. 4. However, haematocrit did not always recover upon cessation of egg production, remaining low a.t clutch completion (2 of 4 years), incubation (1 of 2 years) and chick rearing (1 of 4 years), suggesting an additional cause of the prolonged reduction in haematocrit. 5. Given the magnitude and prolonged nature of the changes in haematocrit we report, and the interannual variation in haematocrit even during chick-rearing (47-54%), we suggest that \u27anaemia\u27 associated with egg production might have implications for aerobic performance during later stages of breeding

    GHRH secretion from a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor causing gigantism in a patient with MEN1.

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    Summary: A male patient with a germline mutation in MEN1 presented at the age of 18 with classical features of gigantism. Previously, he had undergone resection of an insulin-secreting pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour (pNET) at the age of 10 years and had subtotal parathyroidectomy due to primary hyperparathyroidism at the age of 15 years. He was found to have significantly elevated serum IGF-1, GH, GHRH and calcitonin levels. Pituitary MRI showed an overall bulky gland with a 3 mm hypoechoic area. Abdominal MRI showed a 27 mm mass in the head of the pancreas and a 6 mm lesion in the tail. Lanreotide-Autogel 120 mg/month reduced GHRH by 45% and IGF-1 by 20%. Following pancreaticoduodenectomy, four NETs were identified with positive GHRH and calcitonin staining and Ki-67 index of 2% in the largest lesion. The pancreas tail lesion was not removed. Post-operatively, GHRH and calcitonin levels were undetectable, IGF-1 levels normalised and GH suppressed normally on glucose challenge. Post-operative fasting glucose and HbA1c levels have remained normal at the last check-up. While adolescent-onset cases of GHRH-secreting pNETs have been described, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of ectopic GHRH in a paediatric setting leading to gigantism in a patient with MEN1. Our case highlights the importance of distinguishing between pituitary and ectopic causes of gigantism, especially in the setting of MEN1, where paediatric somatotroph adenomas causing gigantism are extremely rare. Learning points: It is important to diagnose gigantism and its underlying cause (pituitary vs ectopic) early in order to prevent further growth and avoid unnecessary pituitary surgery. The most common primary tumour sites in ectopic acromegaly include the lung (53%) and the pancreas (34%) (1): 76% of patients with a pNET secreting GHRH showed a MEN1 mutation (1). Plasma GHRH testing is readily available in international laboratories and can be a useful diagnostic tool in distinguishing between pituitary acromegaly mediated by GH and ectopic acromegaly mediated by GHRH. Positive GHRH immunostaining in the NET tissue confirms the diagnosis. Distinguishing between pituitary (somatotroph) hyperplasia secondary to ectopic GHRH and pituitary adenoma is difficult and requires specialist neuroradiology input and consideration, especially in the MEN1 setting. It is important to note that the vast majority of GHRH-secreting tumours (lung, pancreas, phaeochromocytoma) are expected to be visible on cross-sectional imaging (median diameter 55 mm) (1). Therefore, we suggest that a chest X-ray and an abdominal ultrasound checking the adrenal glands and the pancreas should be included in the routine work-up of newly diagnosed acromegaly patients

    A neutral collagenase from human gastric mucosa

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