18 research outputs found

    Paleogeography of the Congo/São Francisco craton at 1.5 Ga : Expanding the core of Nuna supercontinent

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    The Congo/Sao Francisco (C/SF) craton, one of the largest cratons in Proterozoic paleogeography, has been lacking reliable paleomagnetic data for the supercontinent Nuna interval (ca. 1600-1300 Ma). Here we provide a new paleomagnetic key pole for this craton from recently dated mafic dykes in the Curaca (1506.7 +/- 6.9 Ma) region of Brazil. The characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) direction D = 070.6 degrees, I = 54.0 degrees (k = 22.1 and a(95) = 13.1 degrees) corresponds with a paleomagnetic pole at 10.1 degrees N, 009.6 degrees E (K = 15.6, A(95) 15.8 degrees), which places C/SF craton in moderate paleolatitudes at the time of remanence acquisition. Primary nature of the paleomagnetic remanence is supported by a baked-contact test. A similar ChRM direction was obtained for four Mesoproterozoic mafic intrusions in Chapada Diamantina region. The new pole, only from Curaca, for C/SF allows us to reconstruct the extended core of the supercontinent Nuna at 1.5 Ga. Based on coeval 1.5 Ga and 1.38 Ga magmatism in Baltica, Siberia and C/SF, we favor the position where Southwest Congo is reconstructed against present South -Southeast (S-SE) Baltica. We explore two alternative 1.5 Ga reconstructions of Nuna's core. In both of them Baltica and Laurentia are shown in the well-defined NENA (Northern Europe North America) fit, together with Siberia in a tight fit to northern Laurentia. In reconstruction option A, more traditional fit of Amazonia with Baltica is shown, modified from the geologically based SAMBA (South AMerica BAltica) model to accommodate paleomagnetic data. In this option, however, West Africa must be extricated from SAMBA because C/SF has taken its place. For reconstruction option B, Amazonia is shifted to lie adjacent to NE Laurentia and West Baltica. In both options SW Congo is reconstructed against S-SE Baltica, but in option B there is a tighter fit between them, and there is a better match with our new paleomagnetic data for C/SF. In either option, separation of C/SF from Baltica and Siberia probably occurred at 1.38 Ga, the age of pronounced mafic magmatism throughout this sector of Nuna. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Geochemistry of Sinian tillites from Hunan Province, South China - A test of the Snowball Earth hypothesis

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    A glaciomarine succession of Neoproterozoic age (between 748–584 Ma) is widespread on the Yangtze Platform, South China. The deposition took place during an intermediate to low paleolatitude position of the Yangtze Platform. The Snowball Earth hypothesis offers an explanation for the occurrence of low-latitude tillites in general. It is basedon records obtained of deposits underlying and overlying the tillites. In contrast, we focused on the tillites themselves by using geochemistry to obtain detailed information about the conditions during the glaciation. Of particular interest are environmental conditions, which are closely related to the climate development. Additionally, stable isotope geochemistry was used for a paleoclimate interpretation. The geochemical results of the Sinian glacial succession on the Yangtze Platform are compared to the predictions made by the Snowball Earth hypothesis.Nicole Dobrzinski, Heinrich Bahlburg, Harald Straus

    Precise SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age constraints on the lower Waterberg and Soutpansberg Groups, South Africa

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    Erosional remnants of Paleoproterozoic red bed successions such as the Olifantshoek, Soutpansberg, Waterberg and Palapye Groups cover an extensive area of the Kaapvaal Craton. Depositional ages of these successions have been ill-defined and their latera

    Neoproterozoic cap carbonates: a critical appraisal of existing models and the plumeworld hypothesis

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    Evidence for glaciation during the mid-late Neoproterozoic is widespread on Earth, reflecting three or more ice ages between 730 Ma and 580 Ma. Of these, the late Neoproterozoic Marinoan glaciation of approximately 635 Ma stands out because of its ubiquitous association with a characteristic, microcrystalline cap dolostone that drapes glacially influenced rock units worldwide. The Marinoan glaciation is also peculiar in that evidence for low altitude glaciation at equatorial latitudes is compelling. Three models have been proposed linking abrupt deglaciation with this global carbonate precipitation event: (i) overturn of an anoxic deep ocean; (ii) catastrophically accelerated rates of chemical weathering because of supergreenhouse conditions following global glaciation (Snowball Earth Hypothesis); and (iii) massive release of carbonate alkalinity from destabilized methane clathrates. All three models invoke extreme alkalinity fluxes into seawater during deglaciation but none explains how such alkalinity excess from point sources could be distributed homogeneously around the globe. In addition, none explains the consistent sequence of precipitation events observed within cap carbonate successions, specifically: (i) the global blanketing of carbonate powder in shallow marine environments during deglaciation; (ii) widespread and disruptive precipitation of dolomite cement; followed by (iii) localized barite precipitation and seafloor cementation by aragonite. The conceptual model presented here proposes that low latitude deglaciation was so massive and abrupt that the resultant meltwater plume could extend worldwide, physically separating the surface and deep ocean reservoirs for ≥103 years. It is proposed that cap dolostones formed primarily by microbially mediated precipitation of carbonate whitings during algal blooms within this low salinity plumeworld rather than by abiotic precipitation from normal salinity seawater. Many of the disruption features that are characteristic of cap dolostones can be explained by microbially mediated, early diagenetic dolomitization and cementation. The re-initiation of whole ocean circulation degassed CO2 into the atmosphere in areas of upwelling, triggering localized, abiotic CaCO3 precipitation in the form of aragonite fans that overlie cap dolostones in NW Canada and Namibia. The highly oxygenated shallow marine environments of the glacial and post-glacial Neoproterozoic world provided consistently favourable conditions for the evolutionary development of animals and other oxygenophiles