8,804 research outputs found

    Design tools for rapid multidomain prototyping of power electronic systems

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    The need for multidisciplinary virtual prototyping in power electronics has been well established however design tools capable of facilitating a rapid, iterative virtual design process do not exist. A key challenge in developing such tools is identifying and developing modelling techniques which can account for 3D, geometrical design choices without unduly affecting simulation speed. This challenge has been addressed in this work using model order reduction techniques and a prototype power electronic design tool incorporating these techniques is presented. A relevant electro-thermal power module design example is then used to demonstrate the performance of the software and model order reduction techniques. Five design iterations can be evaluated, using 3D inductive and thermal models, under typical operating and startup conditions on a desktop PC in less than 15 minutes. The results are validated experimentally for both thermal and electrical domains

    On the dynamics of WKB wave functions whose phase are weak KAM solutions of H-J equation

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    In the framework of toroidal Pseudodifferential operators on the flat torus Tn:=(R/2πZ)n\Bbb T^n := (\Bbb R / 2\pi \Bbb Z)^n we begin by proving the closure under composition for the class of Weyl operators Opℏw(b)\mathrm{Op}^w_\hbar(b) with simbols b∈Sm(Tn×Rn)b \in S^m (\mathbb{T}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n). Subsequently, we consider Opℏw(H)\mathrm{Op}^w_\hbar(H) when H=12∣η∣2+V(x)H=\frac{1}{2} |\eta|^2 + V(x) where V∈C∞(Tn;R)V \in C^\infty (\Bbb T^n;\Bbb R) and we exhibit the toroidal version of the equation for the Wigner transform of the solution of the Schr\"odinger equation. Moreover, we prove the convergence (in a weak sense) of the Wigner transform of the solution of the Schr\"odinger equation to the solution of the Liouville equation on Tn×Rn\Bbb T^n \times \Bbb R^n written in the measure sense. These results are applied to the study of some WKB type wave functions in the Sobolev space H1(Tn;C)H^{1} (\mathbb{T}^n; \Bbb C) with phase functions in the class of Lipschitz continuous weak KAM solutions (of positive and negative type) of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 12∣P+∇xv±(P,x)∣2+V(x)=Hˉ(P)\frac{1}{2} |P+ \nabla_x v_\pm (P,x)|^2 + V(x) = \bar{H}(P) for P∈ℓZnP \in \ell \Bbb Z^n with ℓ>0\ell >0, and to the study of the backward and forward time propagation of the related Wigner measures supported on the graph of P+∇xv±P+ \nabla_x v_\pm

    Multi‐frequency averaging (MFA) model of a generic electric vehicle powertrain suitable under variable frequency of averaging developed for remote operability

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    © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020. Geographically distributed hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing has the potential to allow hybrid vehicle powertrain components (battery, motor drive, and engine) to be developed at geographically remote locations but tested concurrently and coupled. Inter-location internet communication links can allow non-ideal behaviour observed in a physical component in one location (e.g. an electrical drive) to be imposed on another physical component elsewhere (e.g. an ICE), and vice-versa. A key challenge is how to represent the behaviour of a remote, physical component under testing in a local HIL environment. Internet communications are too slow and unreliable to transmit waveforms in real-time and so one solution is to use a local 'slave' model whose behaviour and parameters are tuned based on observations at the remote location. This study proposes a multifrequency averaging (MFA) slave model of an electric motor drive system for use in this application; it addresses a weakness in previously published work by extending the MFA model to variable frequency operation. The model was benchmarked against experimental operation (and its equivalent simulation model) in open-loop and closed-loop space vector pulse-width modulation control strategy, fixed and variable frequency operation. Results show significant reconciliation of model and experiment

    Skin temperature reveals the intensity of acute stress

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    Acute stress triggers peripheral vasoconstriction, causing a rapid, short-term drop in skin temperature in homeotherms. We tested, for the first time, whether this response has the potential to quantify stress, by exhibiting proportionality with stressor intensity. We used established behavioural and hormonal markers: activity level and corticosterone level, to validate a mild and more severe form of an acute restraint stressor in hens (Gallus gallus domesticus). We then used infrared thermography (IRT) to non-invasively collect continuous temperature measurements following exposure to these two intensities of acute handling stress. In the comb and wattle, two skin regions with a known thermoregulatory role, stressor intensity predicted the extent of initial skin cooling, and also the occurrence of a more delayed skin warming, providing two opportunities to quantify stress. With the present, cost-effective availability of IRT technology, this non-invasive and continuous method of stress assessment in unrestrained animals has the potential to become common practice in pure and applied research

    Robust model benchmarking and bias-imbalance in data-driven materials science: a case study on MODNet

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    As the number of novel data-driven approaches to material science continues to grow, it is crucial to perform consistent quality, reliability and applicability assessments of model performance. In this paper, we benchmark the Materials Optimal Descriptor Network (MODNet) method and architecture against the recently released MatBench v0.1, a curated test suite of materials datasets. MODNet is shown to outperform current leaders on 6 of the 13 tasks, whilst closely matching the current leaders on a further 2 tasks; MODNet performs particularly well when the number of samples is below 10,000. Attention is paid to two topics of concern when benchmarking models. First, we encourage the reporting of a more diverse set of metrics as it leads to a more comprehensive and holistic comparison of model performance. Second, an equally important task is the uncertainty assessment of a model towards a target domain. Significant variations in validation errors can be observed, depending on the imbalance and bias in the training set (i.e., similarity between training and application space). By using an ensemble MODNet model, confidence intervals can be built and the uncertainty on individual predictions can be quantified. Imbalance and bias issues are often overlooked, and yet are important for successful real-world applications of machine learning in materials science and condensed matter

    A coupled drug kinetics-cell cycle model to analyse the response of human cells to intervention by topotecan

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    A model describing the response of the growth of single human cells in the absence and presence of the anti-cancer agent topotecan (TPT) is presented. The model includes a novel coupling of both the kinetics of TPT and cell cycle responses to the agent. By linking the models in this way, rather than using separate (disjoint) approaches, it is possible to illustrate how the drug perturbs the cell cycle. The model is compared to experimental in vitro cell cycle response data (comprising single cell descriptors for molecular and behavioural events), showing good qualitative agreement for a range of TPT dose levels

    Bolocam Survey for 1.1 mm Dust Continuum Emission in the c2d Legacy Clouds. II. Ophiuchus

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    We present a large-scale millimeter continuum map of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. Nearly 11 square degrees, including all of the area in the cloud with visual extinction more than 3 magnitudes, was mapped at 1.1 mm with Bolocam on the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO). By design, the map also covers the region mapped in the infrared with the Spitzer Space Telescope. We detect 44 definite sources, and a few likely sources are also seen along a filament in the eastern streamer. The map indicates that dense cores in Ophiuchus are very clustered and often found in filaments within the cloud. Most sources are round, as measured at the half power point, but elongated when measured at lower contour levels, suggesting spherical sources lying within filaments. The masses, for an assumed dust temperature of 10 K, range from 0.24 to 3.9 solar masses, with a mean value of 0.96 solar masses. The total mass in distinct cores is 42 solar masses, 0.5 to 2% of the total cloud mass, and the total mass above 4 sigma is about 80 solar masses. The mean densities in the cores are quite high, with an average of 1.6 x 10^6 per cc, suggesting short free-fall times. The core mass distribution can be fitted with a power law with slope of 2.1 plus or minus 0.3 for M>0.5 solar masses, similar to that found in other regions, but slightly shallower than that of some determinations of the local IMF. In agreement with previous studies, our survey shows that dense cores account for a very small fraction of the cloud volume and total mass. They are nearly all confined to regions with visual extinction at least 9 mag, a lower threshold than found previously.Comment: 47 pages, 16 figures, accepted for Ap

    Scaling Up a Multifaceted Violence Prevention Package: County-Level Impact of the North Carolina Youth Violence Prevention Center

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    OBJECTIVE: Multifaceted approaches to youth-violence prevention package evidence-based programs into initiatives that yield large-scale impact. This study assessed the impact of a package of evidence-based violence prevention programs, implemented as part of the North Carolina Youth Violence Prevention Center, on county-level violence indicators. METHOD: Using growth-curve modeling, the target county was compared to all other counties in North Carolina and a comparison county. RESULTS: Results reveal downward trends on several county-level indicators (i.e., undisciplined/delinquent complaints, total delinquent complaints, juvenile arrests–aggravated assaults, and short-term suspensions) throughout the intervention period. However, statistical tests were unable to confirm that intervention-period scores on youth-violence indicators were significantly different than expected scores given the relationship between pretest and intervention-period scores in other North Carolina counties. CONCLUSIONS: Although additional administrative data points are needed to support the hypotheses, this study provides preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of North Carolina Youth Violence Prevention Center interventions

    Theory and design of quantum cascade lasers in (111) n-type Si/SiGe

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    Although most work towards the realization of group IV quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) has focused on valence band transitions, there are many desirable properties associated with the conduction band. We show that the commonly cited shortcomings of n-type Si/SiGe heterostructures can be overcome by moving to the (111) growth direction. Specifically, a large band offset and low effective mass are achievable and subband degeneracy is preserved. We predict net gain up to lattice temperatures of 90 K in a bound-to-continuum QCL with a double-metal waveguide, and show that a Ge interdiffusion length of at least 8 Å across interfaces is tolerable
