15 research outputs found

    Optimización de las condiciones de producción de cápsulas con microestacas para aumentar el tiempo de almacenamiento de la planta medicinal mexicana Castilleja tenuiflora (Orobanchaceae)

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    Background and Aims: Castilleja tenuiflora is one of the Mexican, wild and medicinal plants cultivated in vitro which have anti-inflammatory and antiulcerogenic biological activity. The encapsulation of microstakes is an option to propagate and prolong the storage of this plant. Therefore, the objective of this study was to establish a method for the encapsulation and conservation of C. tenuiflora microstakes that does not affect the content of the compounds of interest of this plant.Methods: Capsules were elaborated with sodium alginate in complex with calcium chloride dihydrate as matrix and tissue microstakes from seedlings grown in vitro. Different concentrations and polymerization times were tested, as well as different storage times and temperature, for later analysis of the major metabolites of the methanolic extracts by chromatography (HPLC) of the resulting plants.Key results: The combination for the production of capsules with microstakes is 3% sodium alginate and calcium chloride dihydrate at 50 mM, with 25 minutes of polymerization. The seedlings derived from synthetic seeds and stored for 100 days presented the same compounds as the donor plants.Conclusions: The encapsulation of C. tenuiflora microstakes with sodium alginate and calcium chloride dihydrate allows the storage of plant material and the main compounds are maintained. Hence, this method for the encapsulation and conservation of microstakes is an alternative to maintain the genotype of elite plants and counteract the illegal collection of wild plants.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Castilleja tenuiflora es una de las plantas mexicanas, silvestres y medicinales cultivadas in vitro que presentan actividad biológica antiinflamatoria y antiulcerogénica. La encapsulación de microestacas es una opción para propagar y prolongar el almacenamiento de esta planta. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer un método para la encapsulación y conservación de microestacas de C. tenuiflora sin afectar el contenido de sus compuestos.Métodos: Las cápsulas fueron elaboradas con alginato de sodio en complejo con cloruro de calcio dihidratado como matriz y microestacas de tejido proveniente de plántulas cultivadas in vitro. Se probaron diferentes concentraciones y tiempos de polimerización, así como diferentes tiempos de almacenamiento y temperatura, para posteriormente analizar los metabolitos mayoritarios de los extractos metanólicos mediante cromatografía (HPLC) de las plantas resultantes.Resultados clave: La combinación para la producción de cápsulas con microestacas es alginato de sodio al 3% y cloruro de calcio dihidratado al 50 mM, con 25 minutos de polimerización. Las plántulas derivadas de semillas sintéticas, almacenadas por 100 días presentaron los mismos compuestos que las plantas donantes.Conclusiones: La encapsulación de microestacas de C. tenuiflora con alginato de sodio y cloruro de calcio dihidratado permite el almacenamiento del material vegetal y se mantienen sus compuestos principales, por lo que es una alternativa para mantener el genotipo de plantas elite y contrarrestar el saqueo de plantas silvestres


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    A morphological study of plantlets of Laeliaeyermaniana Rchb.f. cultured in vitro wascarried out. Histologic preparations weremade to observe different stages from seedgermination until ex vitro acclimatizationof plantlets. Photomicrographs showedvarious transitional stages. Seven relativestages of development were identifiedand described: seed, non-photosyntheticprotocorm, photosynthetic protocorm,differentiated protocorm, plantlets withleafs, plantlets with leaves and roots, andplantlets with leaves and two roots, aswell as two transitory phases: somaticembryogenic mass (SEM) and protocormlike bodies (PLBs) obtained by indirectsomatic embryogenesis. Stomatal leafdensity doubled under ex vitro conditions.This study contributes to the knowledgeof morphological development of L.eyermaniana during in vitro culture and exvitro acclimatization.En este trabajo se hizo un seguimientomorfológico de plantas de Laeliaeyermaniana Rchb. f. obtenidas in vitro.Se realizaron preparaciones histológicaspara observar diferentes etapas, desde lagerminación hasta la aclimatación ex vitro.Las fotomicrografías de las preparacionesmostraron varios estadios transitorios. Seidentificaron y describieron siete estadiosrelativos de desarrollo: semilla, protocormono fotosintético, protocormo fotosintético,protocormo en diferenciación, plántula conhojas, plántulas con hojas y raíz, plántulacon hojas y dos raíces. Así como también,dos fases transitorias: masa embrionariasomática (MES) y cuerpos parecidos aprotocormos (PLBs) por sus siglas en inglés,obtenidos por embriogénesis somáticaindirecta. La densidad estomática en lashojas se duplicó bajo condiciones ex vitro.Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento deldesarrollo morfológico de L. eyermanianadurante su cultivo in vitro y aclimataciónex vitro


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    Estudio preliminar para la propagación in vitro de "Cedrus atlantica" mediante yemas axilares

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    Cedrus atlantica is an ornamental plant used to decorate parks and gardens. In order to micropropagate quality material of this plant, an in vitro multiplication protocol was implemented. For this, the axillary buds were used as explants which were disinfected with sodium hypochlorite 10% for 15 min, treatment with which obtained 83% aseptic material. Explants culture was performed in the basal medium McCown’s Woody Plant (WPM) added with activated carbon (1g L-1) and cysteine (25 mg L-1), which allowed to obtain crops without oxidation features. In the multiplication stage with the use of benzyl amino purine (5 mg L-1) obtained up to 5 shoots per explant, which showed an increase of 1.4 cm. However, indole butyric acid at 2.5 and 5 mg L-1 did not induce root formation in vitro shoots. Keywords: cedar; bud; micropropagation; woody plantsCedrus atlantica es una planta ornamental utilizada para la decoración de parques y jardines. Con el fin de micropropagar material de calidad de esta planta, se implementó un protocolo de multiplicación in vitro. Para ello, como explantes se usaron las yemas axilares que se desinfestaron con hipoclorito de sodio al 10% por 15 min, tratamiento con lo que se obtuvo un 83% de material aséptico. El cultivo de los explantes se realizó en el medio basal McCown’s Woody Plant (WPM) adicionado con carbón activado (1 g L-1) y cisteína (25 mg L-1), lo que permitió obtener cultivos sin rasgos de oxidación. En la etapa de multiplicación con el uso de la bencil amino purina (5 mg L-1) se obtuvieron hasta 5 brotes por explante, que presentaron un crecimiento de 1.4 cm. Sin embargo, el ácido indol butírico a 2.5 y 5 mg L-1 no indujo la formación de raíces en los brotes in vitro. Palabras clave: cedro; brotación; micropropagación; plantas leñosa

    Chemical analysis of callus extracts from toxic and non-toxic varieties of Jatropha curcas L.

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    Jatropha curcas L. belongs to Euphorbiaceae family, and it synthesizes flavonoid and diterpene compounds that have showed antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal and insecticide activity. Seeds of this plant accumulate phorbol esters, which are tigliane type diterpenes, reported as toxic and, depending on its concentration, toxic and non-toxic varieties has been identified. The aim of this work was to characterize the chemical profile of the extracts from seeds, leaves and callus of both varieties (toxic and non-toxic) of Jatropha curcas, to verify the presence of important compounds in dedifferentiated cells and consider the possibility of using these cultures for the massive production of metabolites. Callus induction was obtained using NAA (1.5 mg L−1) and BAP (1.5 mg L−1) after 21 d for both varieties. Thin layer chromatography analysis showed differences in compounds accumulation in callus from non-toxic variety throughout the time of culture, diterpenes showed an increase along the time, in contrast with flavonoids which decreased. Based on the results obtained through microQTOF-QII spectrometer it is suggested a higher accumulation of phorbol esters, derived from 12-deoxy-16-hydroxy-phorbol (m/z 365 [M+H]+), in callus of 38 d than those of 14 d culture, from both varieties. Unlike flavonoids accumulation, the MS chromatograms analysis allowed to suggest lower accumulation of flavonoids as the culture time progresses, in callus from both varieties. The presence of six glycosylated flavonoids is also suggested in leaf and callus extracts derived from both varieties (toxic and non-toxic), including: apigenin 6-C-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-8-C-β-D-xylopyranoside (m/z 535 [M+H]+), apigenin 4′-O-rhamnoside (m/z 417 [M+H]+), vitexin (m/z 433 [M+H]+), vitexin 4′-O-glucoside-2″-O-rhamnoside (m/z 741 [M+H]+), vicenin-2 (m/z 595 [M+H]+), and vicenin-2,6″-O-glucoside (m/z 757 [M+H]+)

    Chitosan effects on phytopathogenic fungi and seed germination of Jatropha curcas L.

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    Jatropha curcas es una planta con gran potencial agrícola e industrial. En este estudio se aislaron dos hongos de semillas no germinadas. Los aislamientos fúngicos se identificaron morfológica y molecularmente como Fusarium equiseti y Curvularia lunata. Los efectos del quitosano se evaluaron sobre el crecimiento micelial, esporulación y germinación de esporas de F. equiseti y C. lunata. Además, se estudió el efecto sobre la germinación de las semillas de J. curcas. Los resultados demostraron que todas las concentraciones probadas de quitosano (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 y 4.0 mg·mL-1) inhibieron el crecimiento micelial de los hongos. Las respuestas de esporulación y germinación de esporas fueron diferentes dependiendo de la especie fúngica; el quitosano inhibió completamente la esporulación C. lunata y la germinación de esporas de F. equiseti. La inoculación con F. equiseti y C. lunata redujo la germinación de semillas de J. curcas 20 y 26.6 %, respectivamente; sin embargo, la aplicación de quitosano antes de la inoculación inhibió la actividad patogénica. En conclusión, el quitosano no afectó la germinación de las semillas y causó efectos inhibitorios en F. equiseti y C. lunata. Este es el primer reporte del efecto del quitosano en J. curcas

    Starches Isolated from the Pulp and Seeds of Unripe Pouteria campechiana Fruits as Potential Health-Promoting Food Additives

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    The non-conventional starch isolated from unripe fruits is an alternative to obtain this raw material with improved or different functionality and digestibility. The starch isolated from Pouteria campechiana pulp (SIP) and seeds (SIS) of unripe fruits shows similar average granule sizes and A-type X-ray diffraction pattern. The digestibility characteristics are related to the hierarchical structure, since the amylopectin of the SIS sample has the highest crystallinity percentage and degree of polymerization (DP). These long amylopectin chains produce a thermally stable helical structure. Resistant starch (RS) in the SIP and SIS samples remains after cooking, and the cooked SIS show an increase in slowly digestible starch (SDS) content. In contrast, cooked SIP has an increased content of rapidly digestible starch (RDS). The SIP sample also shows interesting β-carotene content values (15.4 µg g−1 dry starch) for the manufacture of potentially health-promoting food additives in terms of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. The supramolecular structure–in vitro digestibility relationship of the SIS sample yields interesting results as a novel, low-cost, and underutilized alternative starch source for the manufacture of potential health-promoting starchy food additives.Fil: Agama Acevedo, Edith. Instituto Politécnico Nacional; MéxicoFil: Bello Pérez, Luis A.. Instituto Politécnico Nacional; MéxicoFil: Pacheco Vargas, Glenda. Instituto Politécnico Nacional; MéxicoFil: Nuñez Santiago, María C.. Instituto Politécnico Nacional; MéxicoFil: Evangelista Lozano, Silvia. Instituto Politécnico Nacional; MéxicoFil: Gutiérrez Carmona, Tomy José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; Argentin

    Comparative Evaluation of the Thermal, Structural, Chemical and Morphological Properties of Bagasse from the Leaf and Fruit of Bromelia hemisphaerica Lam. Delignified by Organosolv

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    Bromelia hemisphaerica Lam., a wild plant native to Mexico, has medicinal attributes and is mainly used for its hemisphericin content in foods. However, the residues of its leaves and fruits are underutilized, representing an area of opportunity for foods or materials. Lignocellulosic material from leaves and fruit bagasse was isolated using an organosolv treatment to separate their components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and to determine the influence after processing on the physicochemical, thermal and microstructural characteristics. The extracted fiber presented a cellulose content of 44% in the leaf and 33.5% in the fruit. The release of lignin after the organosolv process represented a greater amount of amorphous material in the leaf than in the fruit. By FTIR and X-ray diffraction (DRx), the change in the crystallinity of the cellulose was determined (from 18% higher in the leaf than the fruit before to 14% higher in the fruit after the organosolv process), with values similar to type I cellulose. The thermal properties showed a high order in the structure of the cellulose. Microscopy and digital analysis techniques showed the microstructural changes and the effectiveness of delignification during the process. It is concluded that the leaf fiber of B. hemisphaerica presents characteristics that make it useful as a potential ingredient for food product development and other uses

    Comparative Evaluation of the Thermal, Structural, Chemical and Morphological Properties of Bagasse from the Leaf and Fruit of <i>Bromelia hemisphaerica</i> Lam. Delignified by Organosolv

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    Bromelia hemisphaerica Lam., a wild plant native to Mexico, has medicinal attributes and is mainly used for its hemisphericin content in foods. However, the residues of its leaves and fruits are underutilized, representing an area of opportunity for foods or materials. Lignocellulosic material from leaves and fruit bagasse was isolated using an organosolv treatment to separate their components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and to determine the influence after processing on the physicochemical, thermal and microstructural characteristics. The extracted fiber presented a cellulose content of 44% in the leaf and 33.5% in the fruit. The release of lignin after the organosolv process represented a greater amount of amorphous material in the leaf than in the fruit. By FTIR and X-ray diffraction (DRx), the change in the crystallinity of the cellulose was determined (from 18% higher in the leaf than the fruit before to 14% higher in the fruit after the organosolv process), with values similar to type I cellulose. The thermal properties showed a high order in the structure of the cellulose. Microscopy and digital analysis techniques showed the microstructural changes and the effectiveness of delignification during the process. It is concluded that the leaf fiber of B. hemisphaerica presents characteristics that make it useful as a potential ingredient for food product development and other uses