12 research outputs found

    Σύμπραξη Δημοσίου και ιδιωτών στο πεδίο της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς. Τα μνημόνια συνεργασίας του Ν. 4072/2012.

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    Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αφορά στο θεσμό των Μνημονίων Συναντίληψης και Συνεργασίας, τα οποία εισήχθησαν με το νόμο 4072/2012, υπογράφονται στο πλαίσιο αδειοδότησης ενός Μεγάλου Ιδιωτικού Έργου μεταξύ του Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού και του κυρίου του Έργου και αφορούν στην προστασία και την διαχείριση των τυχόν αρχαιολογικών ευρημάτων και εν γένει της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς. Καταρχάς, αναλύεται η φύση του θεσμού και το περιεχόμενο των Μνημονίων, καθώς επίσης και ο Δικαστικός Έλεγχος επ' αυτών και εν συνεχεία γίνεται κριτική επί του θεσμού.The present thesis concerns the institution of Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation, introduced by Law 4072/2012, which are signed in the licensing framework of a Large Private Project, between the Ministry of Culture and the Project Owner, regarding the protection and management of any archaeological findings and in general the protection of the cultural heritage. Firstly, the nature and the content of the Memoranda, as well as the Judicial Review on them are analyzed, and finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the institution are presented

    Validity of the Clock Drawing Test in predicting reports of driving problems in the elderly

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    BACKGROUND: This study examined the use of the Folstein Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) and the Clock Drawing Test (CDT) in predicting retrospective reports of driving problems among the elderly. The utility of existing scoring systems for the CDT was also examined. METHODS: Archival chart records of 325 patients of a geriatric outpatient clinic were reviewed, of which 162 had CDT results (including original clock drawings). T-test, correlation, and regression procedures were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: Both CDT and MMSE scores were significantly worse among non-drivers than individuals who were currently or recently driving. Among current or recent drivers, scores on both instruments correlated significantly with the total number of reported accidents or near misses, although the magnitude of the respective correlations was small. Only MMSE scores, however, significantly predicted whether or not any accidents or near misses were reported at all. Neither MMSE nor CDT scores predicted unique variance in the regressions. CONCLUSIONS: The overall results suggest that both the MMSE and CDT have limited utility as potential indicators of driving problems in the elderly. The demonstrated predictive power for these instruments appears to be redundant, such that both appear to assess general cognitive function versus more specific abilities. Furthermore, the lack of robust prediction suggests that neither are sufficient to serve as stand-alone instruments on which to solely base decisions of driving capacity. Rather, individuals who evidence impairment should be provided a more thorough and comprehensive assessment than can be obtained through screening tools

    Validity of the Clock Drawing Test in predicting reports of driving problems in the elderly

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    Abstract Background This study examined the use of the Folstein Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) and the Clock Drawing Test (CDT) in predicting retrospective reports of driving problems among the elderly. The utility of existing scoring systems for the CDT was also examined. Methods Archival chart records of 325 patients of a geriatric outpatient clinic were reviewed, of which 162 had CDT results (including original clock drawings). T-test, correlation, and regression procedures were used to analyze the data. Results Both CDT and MMSE scores were significantly worse among non-drivers than individuals who were currently or recently driving. Among current or recent drivers, scores on both instruments correlated significantly with the total number of reported accidents or near misses, although the magnitude of the respective correlations was small. Only MMSE scores, however, significantly predicted whether or not any accidents or near misses were reported at all. Neither MMSE nor CDT scores predicted unique variance in the regressions. Conclusions The overall results suggest that both the MMSE and CDT have limited utility as potential indicators of driving problems in the elderly. The demonstrated predictive power for these instruments appears to be redundant, such that both appear to assess general cognitive function versus more specific abilities. Furthermore, the lack of robust prediction suggests that neither are sufficient to serve as stand-alone instruments on which to solely base decisions of driving capacity. Rather, individuals who evidence impairment should be provided a more thorough and comprehensive assessment than can be obtained through screening tools.</p

    The Resurrection of Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation: Outcomes Across a Veterans Affairs Collaborative.

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    OBJECTIVE: Despite empirical support for interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation programs improving functioning and quality of life, access to this treatment approach has decreased dramatically over the last 20 years within the United States but has grown significantly in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Between 2009 and 2019, VA pain rehabilitation programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities increased 10-fold in the VA, expanding from two to 20. The aim of this collaborative observational evaluation was to examine patient outcomes across a subset of six programs at five sites. METHODS: Outcomes were assessed using agreed-upon measures of patient-reported pain intensity, pain interference across various domains, pain catastrophizing, and sleep. RESULTS: A total of 931 patients enrolled in the selected VA interdisciplinary pain programs, with 84.1% of participants completing the full course of treatment. Overall, all programs showed significant improvements from pretreatment to posttreatment in nearly all patient-reported outcomes. The effect sizes ranged from medium to large. Notably, the results demonstrate that positive outcomes were typical despite differences in structure and resources across programs. CONCLUSIONS: The adverse impacts of opioid use have highlighted the importance of chronic pain treatment approaches that emphasize team-based care focused on functional improvements. This study represents the first and largest analysis of outcomes across chronic pain rehabilitation programs and demonstrates the need for increased access to similar comprehensive approaches to pain management across the health care system. Further, it suggests that a variety of structures may be effective, encouraging flexibility in adopting this interdisciplinary approach