6 research outputs found

    Podridões de colmo estão associadas à precocidade de híbridos de milho

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    Stalk rots of corn are responsible for significant decreases in grain yield. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the incidence of stalk rots and the maturity cycle of six corn hybrids. The experiment was conducted in the field, where 70,000 seeds ha-1 of the commercial hybrids P32R22 YHR and AG9045 VT PRO (super early) and P30F53 Hx, DKB250 VT PRO2, AS1656 VT PRO2, and AG8025 VT PRO (early) were sown in October in the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 crop years. A randomized block design with four replications was applied, and five linear meters were evaluated in each plot. The incidence of stalk rot was determined by the presence of discoloration and lower stalk resistance. Ears from healthy and infected plants were separately screened to determine the percentage loss. Losses caused by stalk rot due to the severity of the disease may vary depending on the hybrid, even if their maturity cycles have similar characteristics. The fungi detected in the stalks were Stenocarpella sp., Colletotrichum graminicola, Fusarium graminearum, and F. verticillioides. All of the hybrids in the study exhibited symptoms of stalk rot as they showed no resistance, but different degrees of susceptibility were observed among the tested materials. The hybrid AG8025 VT PRO demonstrated the least susceptibility to stalk rots. The super early hybrids P32R22 YHR and AG9045 VT PRO had a higher incidence than early-maturity hybrids, thus indicating that faster maturity is associated with a greater susceptibility to stalk rots.As podridões de colmo do milho são responsáveis por significativas reduções em rendimento de grãos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação existente entre a incidência de podridões de colmo e o ciclo de seis híbridos de milho. O experimento foi conduzido a campo, semeados no mês de outubro nas safras 2012/2013 e 2013/2014 utilizando-se 70.000 sementes ha-1 dos híbridos comerciais P32R22 YHR e AG9045 VT PRO (superprecoces) e P30F53 Hx, DKB250 VT PRO2, AS1656 VT PRO2 e AG8025 VT PRO (precoces). O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições avaliando-se, em cada parcela cinco metros lineares. A incidência de podridões foi determinada pela presença de descoloração e menor resistência do colmo. Espigas provenientes de plantas sadias e doentes foram trilhadas separadamente para determinação do dano percentual. Danos ocasionados por podridões de colmo, em função da severidade da doença podem ser variáveis em função dos híbridos, mesmo com características semelhantes de ciclo. Os fungos detectados nos colmos foram Stenocarpella sp., Colletotrichum graminicola, Fusarium graminearum e F. verticillioides. Todos os híbridos avaliados expressaram sintomas de podridão de colmo demonstrando não haver resistência, mas sim, apenas diferentes graus de suscetibilidade entre os materiais testados. O híbrido AG8025 VT PRO demonstrou ser o menos suscetível a podridões de colmo. Os híbridos superprecoces P32R22 YHR e AG9045 VT PRO apresentaram maior incidência do que híbridos de ciclos precoces, indicando que a maior precocidade está associada à maior suscetibilidade a podridões de colmo

    Soil chemical properties and grapevine yield affected by cover crop management in Serra Gaucha, Southern Brazil

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    O manejo do solo pode interferir na disponibilidade de nutrientes e na produtividade de frutos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de formas de manejo da fitomassa de diferentes espécies de plantas de cobertura verde sobre características químicas do solo, relacionadas à matéria orgânica e à disponibilidade de nutrientes, e sobre a produtividade de uva. O experimento foi realizado na Embrapa Uva e Vinho, em Bento Gonçalves, RS, sobre um Cambissolo Háplico, num parreiral implantado em 1989, com os cultivares Niágara Branca e Niágara Rosada, no sistema de latada. Os tratamentos testados foram implantados em 2002 e consistiram em três coberturas vegetais: vegetação espontânea, aveia-preta e consórcio de trevo-branco + trevo-vermelho + azevém; e dois sistemas de manejo: dessecado com herbicida e roçado, os quais foram realizados no outono, previamente à ressemeadura das espécies. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Os atributos químicos indicadores da acidez e da disponibilidade de nutrientes no solo foram pouco influenciados pelas espécies de cobertura. A dessecação das plantas aumentou os teores de Ca e Mg trocáveis, P disponível e C orgânico total em relação ao manejo roçado. A produtividade de uva nas safras de 2004 e 2006 foi baixa em relação ao potencial dos cultivares, possivelmente por restrições climáticas, contudo foi maior quando se utilizou a aveia como planta de cobertura do que com o consórcio de plantas.Soil management can have effects on nutrient availability and fruit yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of phytomass management forms of different cover crop species on soil chemical properties related to organic matter, nutrient availability, and on grapevine yields. The experiment was carried out in Embrapa Uva e Vinho, in Bento Gonçalves, RS, in Southern Brazil, on a Haplic Cambissol, in a vineyard established in 1989, using White and Rose Niagara grape in a horizontal overhead trelling system. The treatments established in 2002 were three cover crops: spontaneous native species, black oat (Avena strigosa), and a mixture of white clover (Trifolium repens) + red clover (Trifolium pratense) + annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum); and two management systems: desiccation by herbicide spraying and mechanical mowing, performed each autumn prior to cover crop resowing. The experiment had a completely randomized block design, with three replications. Soil acidity and nutrient contents were little influenced by the plant cover. In comparison with the mowed management, herbicide application increased exchangeable Ca and Mg, extracted P, and organic C levels in the soil. The grape yield in the seasons 2004 and 2006 was low in view to the cultivar potential, probably affect by climatic limitations, but was higher when black oat was used as plant cover instead of the mixture of plant covers

    Atributos químicos do solo e estado nutricional de videira Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) na Serra Catarinense

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the grapevine nutrition and its relation with some soil chemical attributes. The study was carried out in São Joaquim, SC, Southern of Brazil, in a commercial vineyards using Cabernet Sauvignon cv. grafted on Paulsen 1103 rootstock. Soil and plant tissue samples were collected in 21 plots of 240 m2 each, containing four sub plots. The soil chemical attributes evaluated were pH, total acidity (H+Al), organic mater, total N, extractable P and K, and exchangeable Ca, Mg and Al. In tissue were evaluated N, P, K, Ca and Mg. There were differences among blots with regard to soil chemical attributes and the contents of nutrient in both leaves and petioles. The soil presented very high values for organic mater, extractable K and exchangeable Ca and Mg. The contents of N in the petioles and the Ca in both leaves and petioles were below to the intermediate range, according Comissão de Química e Fertilidade do Solo do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina. The contents of K and the K/Mg ratio in leaves and petioles were above the sufficiency range. There was association between the soil nutrients availability and their contents in the leaves, especially a negatives linear correlation between soil exchangeable K and contents of Mg in the leaves and between soil exchangeable Mg and K in the leaves, confirming the antagonic relationships between these two nutrients in the plant uptake. The soil pH was positively correlated with N contents in petiole. The concentration of K, Ca and Mg in the leaves was better correlated with their saturations in the CEC than with their contents in the soil.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o estado nutricional de vinhedos cultivados em locais de altitude acima de 1000 m e sua relação com atributos químicos do solo. O estudo foi realizado em São Joaquim, SC, em vinhedos comerciais da cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon, enxertada sobre porta-enxerto Paulsen 1103. As amostras de solo e tecido vegetal foram coletadas em 21 locais, em parcelas de 240 m2, compostas por quatro subparcelas. Os atributos químicos do solo avaliados foram: pH, H+Al, MO e N total, P e K extraíveis, Ca, Mg e Al trocáveis. No tecido foram analisados N, P, K, Ca e Mg. As parcelas apresentaram diferenças significativas entre si nos atributos químicos do solo e teores de nutrientes nas folhas e pecíolos. Os teores de MO, K extraível, Ca e Mg trocáveis do solo se situaram em faixas altas. Observou-se que os teores de N nos pecíolos e de Ca nas folhas e pecíolos se encontraram abaixo da faixa média, conforme a Comissão de Química e Fertilidade do Solo do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina. Entretanto, os teores de K e a relação K/Mg nas folhas e pecíolos situaram-se acima dessa faixa, enquanto os demais nutrientes estavam dentro da faixa considerada normal. Observou-se associação entre teores dos nutrientes no solo e no tecido foliar, destacando-se a correlação linear negativa entre o teor de K extraível e o teor de Mg no tecido, assim como, entre o teor de Mg trocável do solo e o teor de K no tecido vegetal, evidenciando antagonismo entre estes dois nutrientes na absorção pela planta. O pH do solo se correlacionou positivamente com o teor de N no pecíolo. A concentração de K, Ca e Mg no tecido apresentaram maior correlação com a saturação desses da CTC do que com os teores absolutos desses nutrientes no solo

    Soil physical properties and grape yield influenced by cover crops and management systems

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    The use of cover crops in vineyards is a conservation practice with the purpose of reducing soil erosion and improving the soil physical quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate cover crop species and management systems on soil physical properties and grape yield. The experiment was carried out in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Southern Brazil, on a Haplic Cambisol, in a vineyard established in 1989, using White and Rose Niagara grape (Vitis labrusca L.) in a horizontal, overhead trellis system. The treatments were established in 2002, consisting of three cover crops: spontaneous species (SS), black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb) (BO), and a mixture of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and annual rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum L.) (MC). Two management systems were applied: desiccation with herbicide (D) and mechanical mowing (M). Soil under a native forest (NF) area was collected as a reference. The experimental design consisted of completely randomized blocks, with three replications. The soil physical properties in the vine rows were not influenced by cover crops and were similar to the native forest, with good quality of the soil structure. In the inter-rows, however, there was a reduction in biopores, macroporosity, total porosity and an increase in soil density, related to the compaction of the surface soil layer. The M system increased soil aggregate stability compared to the D system. The treatments affected grapevine yield only in years with excess or irregular rainfall