31 research outputs found

    Appendix A. Species- and community-level true positive rate (TPR) and true negative rate (TNR) values for the habitat-only and autologistic models.

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    Species- and community-level true positive rate (TPR) and true negative rate (TNR) values for the habitat-only and autologistic models


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    This R script contains functions to subset and format the salamander spreadsheet into a multi-catch SCR encounter history for a robust design analysis

    RD JAGS Model

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    A model file for program JAGS. Contains the actual robust design model whose parameters will be estimated in JAGS. Includes a covariate for sex of the individual

    ClosedPop JAGS Model

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    A model file for program JAGS. Contains the actual closed-population model whose parameters will be estimated in JAGS. Includes a covariate for sex of the individual


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    This R script contains functions to subset and format the salamander spreadsheet into a multi-catch SCR encounter history for a closed-population analysis


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    This R script contains all the steps to load the data, format it, and run the MCMC estimation through program JAGS for the robust design spatial capture-recapture analysis


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    This R script contains all the steps to load the data, format it, and run the MCMC estimation through program JAGS for the closed-population spatial capture-recapture analysis

    Appendix A. Graphs of performance metrics comparing open and closed occupancy models based on expected values data, and a table of model comparisons for three amphibian species.

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    Graphs of performance metrics comparing open and closed occupancy models based on expected values data, and a table of model comparisons for three amphibian species