5 research outputs found

    Use of fuzzy logic in determining the intensity of aerobic exercise

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    Since the prescribing guidelines of aerobic training are general, some authors have proposed models that provide an increase in the accuracy of the prescription. Fuzzy logic has been used to solve problems in the field of health and the use of this technique of artificial intelligence in exercise prescription could improve decision-making about the degree of intensity with which each individual must exercise himself. The objective of the present study is to propose a model for determining the intensity of aerobic exercise through a strategy of artificial intelligence (fuzzy logic). Fuzzy sets were shaped through five input variables having as output variable the intensity of the exercise. From these sets it was developed a matrix composed of 40 rules and subsequently these rules were included in the MATLAB software. The inference and the defuzzyfication were worked according to the methods of Mamdani and the center of area, respectively. The developed model is a refinement of those existing in the literature about the subject and proved to be a promising strategy giving support to the decision-making for the prescription of aerobic activities

    Technique for determining the digital camera response function of the visible radiation filters

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    To effect the radiometric calibration of an imaging sensor system which is basic to study the response function of the filters, contained in the same. Given the importance of the subject, in this work a technique is proposed to determine the response function of visible radiation filters using: an  integration sphere - model 2500; and one spectrophotometer - model Beckman Acta MIV (UV - Visible Spectrophotometer). To evaluate the proposed technique, were conducted experiments in laboratory with camera SONY DSC - F828. The gotten results were analyzed with use of graphs of frequency of registered gray levels and with the nominal spectral width of the filters defined by the criterion of the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM). The gotten results showed the proposed technique; it has  potential for determine the response function of the visible radiation filters for digital camera.Para efetuar a calibração radiométrica  de um sistema sensor imageador é fundamental estudar a função de resposta dos filtros (FRF), contidos no mesmo. Dada à importância do tema, neste trabalho é proposta uma técnica para determinar a FRF de radiação visível utilizando: uma esfera integradora - modelo 2500; e um espectrofotômetro - modelo Beckman Acta MIV (UV – Visible Spectrophotometer). Para avaliar a técnica proposta, foram conduzidos experimentos em laboratório com a câmara SONY DSC – F828. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados com uso de gráficos de freqüência de níveis de cinza registrados e com a largura espectral nominal dos filtros definida pelo critério da Largura Completa na Metade do Máximo (FWHM – em inglês, Full Width at Half Maximum). Os resultados obtidos mostraram sua aplicabilidade, apontando seu potencial e eficiência no processo de determinação da FRF de radiação visível de câmaras digitais

    Utilização da lógica fuzzy na determinação da intensidade do exercício aeróbico

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