6 research outputs found

    Expression und Funktion des Proteins KIBRA im Podozyten

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    Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit konnte die Interaktion zwischen dem wenig charakterisierten Protein KIBRA und dem Polaritätsprotein PATJ bestätigt und auf bestimmte Interaktionsmodule eingegrenzt werden. Um die Funktion von KIBRA im Podozyten zu untersuchen, wurde eine KIBRA knock down Podozyten-Zelllinie generiert. Bei der Durchführung von Wound Healing- und Adhäsions-Assays mit KIBRA knock down Podozyten zeigte sich, dass eine reduzierte KIBRA Expression wesentlichen Einfluss sowohl auf die Fähigkeit der Zellen nimmt, eine gesetzte Wunde durch gerichtete Migration zu schließen als auch sich durch die Ausbildung fokaler Kontakte wieder an einer Kollagen-beschichteten Matrix anzuheften. Da gezeigt werden konnte, dass die Funktion des Aktin-Netzwerks und die Ausbildung von Zellpolarität im Podozyten unmittelbar von KIBRA beeinflusst werden, darf man annehmen, dass KIBRA zwischen Zellpolarität und Aktin-Zytoskelett für die Morphologie der hoch differenzierten Podozyten von zentraler Bedeutung ist

    Characterization of a short isoform of the kidney protein podocin in human kidney

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    BACKGROUND: Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome is a severe hereditary disease often caused by mutations in the NPHS2 gene. This gene encodes the lipid binding protein podocin which localizes to the slit diaphragm of podocytes and is essential for the maintenance of an intact glomerular filtration barrier. Podocin is a hairpin-like membrane-associated protein that multimerizes to recruit lipids of the plasma membrane. Recent evidence suggested that podocin may exist in a canonical, well-studied large isoform and an ill-defined short isoform. Conclusive proof of the presence of this new podocin protein in the human system is still lacking. METHODS: We used database analyses to identify organisms for which an alternative splice variant has been annotated. Mass spectrometry was employed to prove the presence of the shorter isoform of podocin in human kidney lysates. Immunofluorescence, sucrose density gradient fractionation and PNGase-F assays were used to characterize this short isoform of human podocin. RESULTS: Mass spectrometry revealed the existence of the short isoform of human podocin on protein level. We cloned the coding sequence from a human kidney cDNA library and showed that the expressed short variant was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum while still associating with detergent-resistant membrane fractions in sucrose gradient density centrifugation. The protein is partially N-glycosylated which implies the presence of a transmembranous form of the short isoform. CONCLUSIONS: A second isoform of human podocin is expressed in the kidney. This isoform lacks part of the PHB domain. It can be detected on protein level. Distinct subcellular localization suggests a physiological role for this isoform which may be different from the well-studied canonical variant. Possibly, the short isoform influences lipid and protein composition of the slit diaphragm complex by sequestration of lipid and protein interactors into the endoplasmic reticulum

    A Disease-causing Mutation Illuminates the Protein Membrane Topology of the Kidney-expressed Prohibitin Homology ( PHB) Domain Protein Podocin

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    Background: Mutations in the stomatin family protein podocin are the most common genetic cause of proteinuria. Results: A conserved proline residue of podocin is essential for its membrane topology. Conclusion: This study confirms a hairpin-like structure of the membrane-attached PHB domain protein and its significance for cholesterol recruitment. Significance: Podocin(P118L) elucidates the pathogenic implication in kidney disease and identifies a novel family of PHB domain proteins. Mutations in the NPHS2 gene are a major cause of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, a severe human kidney disorder. The NPHS2 gene product podocin is a key component of the slit diaphragm cell junction at the kidney filtration barrier and part of a multiprotein-lipid supercomplex. A similar complex with the podocin ortholog MEC-2 is required for touch sensation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Although podocin and MEC-2 are membrane-associated proteins with a predicted hairpin-like structure and amino and carboxyl termini facing the cytoplasm, this membrane topology has not been convincingly confirmed. One particular mutation that causes kidney disease in humans (podocin(P118L)) has also been identified in C. elegans in genetic screens for touch insensitivity (MEC-2(P134S)). Here we show that both mutant proteins, in contrast to the wild-type variants, are N-glycosylated because of the fact that the mutant C termini project extracellularly. Podocin(P118L) and MEC-2(P134S) did not fractionate in detergent-resistant membrane domains. Moreover, mutant podocin failed to activate the ion channel TRPC6, which is part of the multiprotein-lipid supercomplex, indicative of the fact that cholesterol recruitment to the ion channels, an intrinsic function of both proteins, requires C termini facing the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane. Taken together, this study demonstrates that the carboxyl terminus of podocin/MEC-2 has to be placed at the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane to mediate cholesterol binding and contribute to ion channel activity, a prerequisite for mechanosensation and the integrity of the kidney filtration barrier

    KIBRA Modulates Directional Migration of Podocytes

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    Asymmetric delivery and distribution of macromolecules are essential for cell polarity and for cellular functions such as differentiation, division, and signaling. Injury of podocytes, which are polarized epithelial cells, changes the dynamics of the actin meshwork, resulting in foot process retraction and proteinuria. Although the spatiotemporal control of specific protein–protein interactions is crucial for the establishment of cell polarity, the mechanisms controlling polarity-dependent differentiation and division are incompletely understood. In this study, yeast two-hybrid screens were performed using a podocyte cDNA library and the polarity protein PATJ as bait. The protein KIBRA was identified as an interaction partner of PATJ and was localized to podocytes, tubular structures, and collecting ducts. The last four amino acids of KIBRA mediated binding to the eighth PDZ domain of PATJ. In addition, KIBRA directly bound to synaptopodin, an essential organizer of the podocyte cytoskeleton. Stable knockdown of KIBRA in immortalized podocytes impaired directed cell migration, suggesting that KIBRA modulates the motility of podocytes by linking polarity proteins and cytoskeleton-associated protein complexes

    N-Degradomic Analysis Reveals a Proteolytic Network Processing the Podocyte Cytoskeleton

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    Regulated intracellular proteostasis, controlled in part by proteolysis, is essential in maintaining the integrity of podocytes and the glomerular filtration barrier of the kidney. We applied a novel proteomics technology that enables proteome-wide identification, mapping, and quantification of protein N-termini to comprehensively characterize cleaved podocyte proteins in the glomerulus in vivo. We found evidence that defined proteolytic cleavage results in various proteoforms of important podocyte proteins, including those of podocin, nephrin, neph1, α-actinin-4, and vimentin. Quantitative mapping of N-termini demonstrated perturbation of protease action during podocyte injury in vitro, including diminished proteolysis of α-actinin-4. Differentially regulated protease substrates comprised cytoskeletal proteins as well as intermediate filaments. Determination of preferential protease motifs during podocyte damage indicated activation of caspase proteases and inhibition of arginine-specific proteases. Several proteolytic processes were clearly site-specific, were conserved across species, and could be confirmed by differential migration behavior of protein fragments in gel electrophoresis. Some of the proteolytic changes discovered in vitro also occurred in two in vivo models of podocyte damage (WT1 heterozygous knockout mice and puromycin aminonucleoside–treated rats). Thus, we provide direct and systems-level evidence that the slit diaphragm and podocyte cytoskeleton are regulated targets of proteolytic modification, which is altered upon podocyte damage