851 research outputs found

    SingulÀre Riemannsche BlÀtterungen ohne horizontal konjugierte Punkte

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    Der weit gefasste Begriff einer singulĂ€ren Riemannschen BlĂ€tterung ist eine Verallgemeinerung des bekannten Modells einer OrbitblĂ€tterung einer isometrischen Liegruppenwirkung auf einer Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeit. Obwohl die lokale Beschreibung einer solchen BlĂ€tterung detailliert möglich ist, scheint es unerreichbar, ohne zusĂ€tzliche Annahmen globale Aussagen ĂŒber die Struktur der Mannigfaltigkeit oder der BlĂ€tter herzuleiten. Zu Anfang dieser Arbeit beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit der Theorie eigentlich eingebetteter BlĂ€tter; wir leiten die Existenz einer globalen Tubenumgebung her, und wir erreichen eine globale Beschreibung der Mannigfaltigkeit als Stratifizierung nach Blatt-Typen. Dann wird die Zusatzvoraussetzung, dass die BlĂ€tterung keine horizontal konjugierten Punkte besitzt, untersucht. Diese entspricht im o.g. Modell der variationellen VollstĂ€ndigkeit der Wirkung und ermöglicht eine globale geometrische Beschreibung der BlĂ€tterung: Fokalpunkte der BlĂ€tter sind genau die singulĂ€ren Punkte. Als topologisches Resultat beweisen wir damit die Tautheit der BlĂ€tter

    Children Philosophize: the Revival of an Ancient Greek Ideal

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    Promoting philosophical and ethical education in schools requires academic education of teacher candidates who are able to apply professional methods. In schools, information pills in contrast to the academy, advice philosophy and ethics need to be taught in a practical and interactive way. ?Learning-by-doing?, more about as distinguished from philosophy according to the ?scholastic concept?. Philosophy according to the ?universal concept? deals with questions generally asked not only by philosophers, but by all thinking peopl

    Perspectives of Small-Scale Hydropower Engineering in Ukraine

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    Every country takes care of energy independence and security by using different energy sources and remarkably increasing electricity production by renewable energy sources. Ukraine is not an exception, especially when the energy infrastructure is significantly damaged during the war and there is a lack of capacities in the energy system. Because of this, the Government of Ukraine is planning a number of measures to launch systems of domestic mini-power plants.Ukraine has favourable conditions for developing the network of small-scale hydropower plants. While the hydropower potential of the largest Ukrainian rivers is used, the potential of small rivers is used only partially. The small-scale hydropower plants were built during the last century very actively. In 1912 the first small-scale hydropower plant was built. From 1923 to 1960, there were 956 hydropower plants with different capacities from a few kW to a few MW. However, at the end of the 1980s, the interest in small hydro decreased because of the construction of the large hydropower plants in the river Dniester and Dnipro, heat and nuclear power plants. Only 49 plants were in operation. Since 1995 the interest in small hydro has increased again. Nowadays, there are about 150 hydropower plants in operation.The paper examines the past and present state of small hydropower plants and perspectives on their development in the future, both by building new or reconstructing existing power plants. The list of hydropower plants with a short description of possible reconstruction is given. Moreover, the way of reducing the negative influence of hydropower plants on the environment is studied. Taking into account the energy issues in Ukraine, the possibilities of off-grid operation of hydropower plants are considered.The importance of energy security was evident from the issues that Ukraine is recently facing. Building new and reconstructing old small-scale hydropower plants will help to ensure the energy security of other types of electricity generation

    Le besoin d’informations liĂ© aux symptĂŽmes psychologiques chez les patients atteints de cancer cĂ©rĂ©bral: prĂ©occupations et symptĂŽmes principaux, outils d’évaluation et interventions : revue de la littĂ©rature

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    Les patients atteints de cancer cĂ©rĂ©bral relĂšvent un manque et une insatisfaction quant Ă  l’information concernant les symptĂŽmes psychologiques. C’est pourquoi les objectifs de cette revue de la littĂ©rature sont de dĂ©terminer quels sont les prĂ©occupations et symptĂŽmes psychologiques principaux chez ces patients. D’autre part, il s’agit de faire ressortir des outils d’évaluation afin d’identifier et Ă©valuer ces symptĂŽmes et d’identifier des interventions infirmiĂšres pouvant les faire diminuer. Les huit Ă©tudes analysĂ©es, publiĂ©es entre 2013 et 2017, concernent des patients adultes atteints de cancer cĂ©rĂ©bral avec des symptĂŽmes psychologiques, des besoins et/ou une atteinte Ă  la qualitĂ© de vie. Les Ă©tudes concernant les cancers cĂ©rĂ©braux dans l’enfance, les soins palliatifs ou axĂ©s uniquement sur les proches aidants sont exclues. Les recherches d’articles ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es entre janvier et aoĂ»t 2017 ainsi qu’en avril 2018 sur CINHAL, LiSSa, Pubmed et BDSP avec des mots-clĂ©s assemblĂ©s, en français puis en anglais, avec les opĂ©rateurs bolĂ©ens « AND » et « NOT ». Les principaux rĂ©sultats concernant les prĂ©occupations et symptĂŽmes psychologiques sont la fatigue, peur d’une rĂ©cidive, mĂ©moire, stress, dĂ©tresse, fluctuations d’humeur, incertitude et idĂ©ations suicidaires. Les outils mis en Ă©vidence sont le BDI-II, BI, DT, HADS, HHI, KPS, MDASI-BT, MUIS-BT, PCI, POMS-SF, SCNS-SF34, SF-36 et WCSS. Les interventions sont les groupes de soutien par les pairs et la formation Roy Adaptation Model. En conclusion, cette revue de la littĂ©rature offre trois axes afin de mieux identifier et prendre en charge les symptĂŽmes psychologiques, dans le but d’amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© de vie

    QPOs in microquasars: the spin problem

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    In the Galactic microquasars with double peak kHz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), the ratio of the two frequencies is 3:2. This supports the suggestion that double peak kHz QPOs are due to a non-linear resonance between two modes of accretion disk oscillations. For the microquasars with known mass, we briefly compare the black hole spin estimates based on the orbital resonance model with the recently reported spin predictions obtained by fitting the spectral continua. Results of these two approaches are not in good agreement. We stress that if the spectral fit estimates are accurate and can be taken as referential (which is still questionable), the disagreement between the predicted and referential values would represent a rather generic problem for any relativistic QPO model, as no spin influence would appear in the observed 1/M scaling of the QPO frequencies. The epicyclic frequencies relevant in these models are often considered to be equal to those of a test particle motion. However modifications of the frequencies due to the disc pressure or other non-geodesic effects may play an important role, and the inaccuracy introduced in the spin estimates by the test particle approximation could be crucial.Comment: 3 pages, proceedings of the IAU XXVIth General Assembl

    Gender Equality in Academia

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    What is the state of gender equality in science and technology? Gender Equality in Academia – from Knowledge to Change presents the results of a comprehensive research project and program of initiatives at the University of Oslo’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Researchers have examined gender equality within the department, looking at reasons for imbalance, and at what occurs when measures to promote equality are implemented. The book opens with an in-depth study of careers, gender issues and gender balance within academia. The study, based on questionnaires, interviews and follow-up evaluation, provides a new and updated understanding of the daily lives of academics in Norway. Among the topics covered are perceptions of equality and gender balance, effects of male dominance, sexual harassment, gender with respect to publishing, and the relationship between gender and diversity. In addition to presenting new empirical data, the book is also an innovative contribution to theoretical development within gender equality research. In the second part of the book, the authors present three working models that elucidate current mechanisms recreating gender imbalance, and challenges for gender equality. The book’s final part consists of analyses of measures taken to increase gender equality within the department and their effects, and what an organization can do to increase gender equality. The range of topics in this book make it relevant for everyone concerned with gender equality in research and higher education. Researchers, administrators, students, other practitioners, and politicians will all find this book of interest.Hvordan stĂ„r det til med likestillingen innenfor realfag og teknologi? Likestilling i akademia – fra kunnskap til endring presenterer resultatene fra et omfattende forsknings- og tiltaksprosjekt ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo. Forskerne har undersĂžkt likestillingssituasjonen ved fakultetet, sett pĂ„ Ă„rsaker til ulikestilling, og pĂ„ hva som skjer nĂ„r man iverksetter tiltak for Ă„ fremme likestilling. Boka innleder med en dybdestudie av karriere, kjĂžnn og likestilling i akademia. Studien, som er basert pĂ„ bĂ„de spĂžrreundersĂžkelser, intervjuer og fĂžlgeforskning, gir ny og oppdatert kunnskap om forskerhverdagen i norsk akademia. Blant temaene som belyses er syn pĂ„ likestilling og kjĂžnnsbalanse, effekter av mannsdominans, seksuell trakassering, kjĂžnn og publisering, og hvordan kjĂžnn og mangfold henger sammen. I tillegg til Ă„ presentere ny empiri utgjĂžr boka ogsĂ„ et nyskapende bidrag til teoriutvikling innen likestillingsforskningen. I bokas del 2 presenterer forfatterne tre arbeidsmodeller som belyser aktuelle mekanismer og utfordringer i likestillingsarbeidet. Deretter trekkes linjen videre til arbeidet for Ă„ fremme likestilling. I siste del analyseres tiltakene som ble iverksatt for Ă„ Ăžke likestillingen ved fakultetet, hvilke effekter de hadde, og hva en organisasjon kan gjĂžre for Ă„ Ăžke likestillingen. Bredden i boka gjĂžr den relevant for alle som er opptatt av likestilling i forskning og hĂžyere utdanning. BĂ„de forskere, ansatte, studenter, praktikere og politikere vil ha stor nytte av boka. Øystein GullvĂ„g Holter er professor emeritus ved Senter for tverrfaglig kjĂžnnsforskning, Universitetet i Oslo. Lotta Snickare er forsker ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo, og ved Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Stockholm

    Gender Equality in Academia

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    What is the state of gender equality in science and technology? Gender Equality in Academia – from Knowledge to Change presents the results of a comprehensive research project and program of initiatives at the University of Oslo’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Researchers have examined gender equality within the department, looking at reasons for imbalance, and at what occurs when measures to promote equality are implemented. The book opens with an in-depth study of careers, gender issues and gender balance within academia. The study, based on questionnaires, interviews and follow-up evaluation, provides a new and updated understanding of the daily lives of academics in Norway. Among the topics covered are perceptions of equality and gender balance, effects of male dominance, sexual harassment, gender with respect to publishing, and the relationship between gender and diversity. In addition to presenting new empirical data, the book is also an innovative contribution to theoretical development within gender equality research. In the second part of the book, the authors present three working models that elucidate current mechanisms recreating gender imbalance, and challenges for gender equality. The book’s final part consists of analyses of measures taken to increase gender equality within the department and their effects, and what an organization can do to increase gender equality. The range of topics in this book make it relevant for everyone concerned with gender equality in research and higher education. Researchers, administrators, students, other practitioners, and politicians will all find this book of interest

    Light-assisted small-molecule screening against protein kinases

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    High-throughput live-cell screens are intricate elements of systems biology studies and drug discovery pipelines. Here, we demonstrate an optogenetics-assisted method that avoids the need for chemical activators and reporters, reduces the number of operational steps and increases information content in a cell-based small-molecule screen against human protein kinases, including an orphan receptor tyrosine kinase. This blueprint for all-optical screening can be adapted to many drug targets and cellular processes
