815 research outputs found

    Evaluation of 2 possible further developments of the UK in-flight radiation warning meter for SSTS

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    A mass reduction of the moderator and the response to the nucleon flux, responsible for the tissue-star component of the total-dose equivalent rate using a high atomic number material, are discussed. Radiation situations at SST cruising altitudes (approximately 20 km) due to solar proton flares were simulated in the stratosphere and on the ground. Actual stratospheric situations due to galactic cosmic radiation with a limited range of quality factor values (2-4) were encountered during slow ascents by balloons to 36 km. Synthetic situations obtained from high and low energy acclerator radiations were used to obtain radiation distributions having a larger range of quality factor values (11/2-9) than experienced in the stratosphere. The measurements made in these simulations related to the directly ionizing, neutron and tissue-star components of dose-equivalent rate. Due to the restricted range of neutron spectra encountered in the stratosphere, a significant mass reduction of the moderator by 4 kg was made, with the moderator clad with cadmium or some other slow neutron absorber

    The Scriptural Basis for Mary\u27s Queenship

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    Relationship of the morality of Henry Fielding's novels to their art

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    Recent studies of Fielding*s work have concentrated on the elucidation of his morality in an attempt to demonstrate that Fielding was not only a comic novelist but also possessed depth and moral earnestness. Prior to this "moralistic" phase of "Fielding" studies, oritics had devoted their attention to the oomic aspects of his art. But each of these approaches is inadequate and limited. The weakness of the first is that Fielding* s novels are made to read like heavily didactic, overtly moralistic sermons rather than complex works of art. Biis is clearly exemplified in Martin Battestin'a book, Ihe Moral Basis of Fielding's Art and, to a oertain extent, in George Sherburn's essay, "Fielding's Amelia; an Interpretation". The second approach has the disadvantage of leaving the impression that Fielding's works are hilarious (perhaps even bawdy) but are completely lacking in depth and serious meaning. Behind these two approaches lies the assumption that there is tension between the "oomio" and the "moralistic" and that the two oannot be blended. A modern critic, Professor Andrew Wrigit, goes so far as to suggest that Fielding had no moral intention and that the atmosphere in his work is festive rather than lenten. Another, Professor Ian Watt, believes that the comedy in some of the scenes alleviates the brutality and forestalls moral condemnation. But the truth must be that the comic and moralistic are interdependent and that Fielding's comedy is part of the technique he evolved for promoting moral judgement

    Investigation of response and resistance to dasatinib in melanoma cell lines

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    Compensation for effects of ambient temperature on rare-earth doped fiber optic thermometer

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    Variations in ambient temperature have a negative effect on the performance of any fiber optic sensing system. A change in ambient temperature may alter the design parameters of fiber optic cables, connectors, sources, detectors, and other fiber optic components and eventually the performance of the entire system. The thermal stability of components is especially important in a system which employs intensity modulated sensors. Several referencing schemes have been developed to account for the variable losses that occur within the system. However, none of these conventional compensating techniques can be used to stabilize the thermal drift of the light source in a system based on the spectral properties of the sensor material. The compensation for changes in ambient temperature becomes especially important in fiber optic thermometers doped with rare earths. Different approaches to solving this problem are searched and analyzed

    Prospects for non-immunological molecular therapeutics in melanoma

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    In 2006 there were 60,000 new cases of cutaneous melanoma in the European Union and 13,000 deaths (www.europeancancerleagues.org). Currently available systemic treatment options for metastatic melanoma, including both cytotoxic and immunologic therapies, produce low rates of response and have modest survival impact. Therefore, there is an urgent need for effective novel therapies. Molecularly targeted treatments have demonstrated efficacy in certain cancers e.g. in HER2-positive breast cancer and in chronic myeloid leukaemia. Several pathways are currently being investigated as potential molecular targets in melanoma. The best studied is BRAF which is frequently mutated in melanoma. A multi tyrosine kinase inhibitor, sorafenib, which targets BRAF, has shown promising activity in preclinical studies and is currently being tested in combination with chemotherapy in patients with metastatic disease. In addition to BRAF, therapies which target other components of the Raf/Ras/MAPK pathway are being investigated. Other novel targets currently being investigated include the PI3/AKT pathway, tyrosine kinases, angiogenesis, poly (ADP ribose) polymerases, survivin and heat shock protein 90. Progress on preclinical and clinical evaluation of these novel targets in melanoma will be reviewed

    Graduate Recital: John J. Eustace, Trombone

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    Kemp Recital Hall Saturday Evening April 25, 1992 7:00p.m

    Cold storage for Iowa apples

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    Under present conditions of apple growing in Iowa temporary gluts are common in very many local markets from the time the earliest fruits begin to ripen till early autumn or mid autumn followed usually by an immediate shortage as soon as the early fruit passes out of season. This holds true to a constantly increasing extent from south central Iowa to the north boundary of the State. The result is low prices locally for much of the early fruit with high prices usually prevailing from mid autumn to the end of the season. Even though prices are high very often the available supply of winter apples is not first-class fruit. The experiments demonstrate that certain desirable fall apples which are hardy enough to be grown sucessfully even in northern Iowa, can be held in good market condition through the winter months if handled carefully and stored quickly. This makes it possible to maintain a supply of home-grown fruit till late winter or early spring even in those parts of Iowa where practically none but early apples are now grown

    Effectiveness of training to promote routine enquiry for domestic violence by midwives and nurses: A pre-post evaluation study.

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    BACKGROUND: Asking women about experiences of domestic violence in the perinatal period is accepted best practice. However, midwives and nurses may be reluctant to engage with, or effectively respond to disclosures of domestic violence due a lack of knowledge and skills. AIM: To evaluate the impact of training on knowledge and preparedness of midwives and nurses to conduct routine enquiry about domestic violence with women during the perinatal period. METHOD: A pre-post intervention design was used. Midwives and nurses (n=154) attended a full day workshop. Of these, 149 completed pre-post workshop measures of knowledge and preparedness. Additional questions at post-training explored participants' perceptions of organisational barriers to routine enquiry, as well as anticipated impact of training on their practice. Training occurred between July 2015 and October 2016. FINDINGS: Using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, all post intervention scores were significantly higher than pre intervention scores. Knowledge scores increased from a pre-training mean of 21.5-25.6 (Z=-9.56, p<0.001) and level of preparedness increased from 40.8 to 53.2 (Z=-10.12, p<0.001). Most participants (93%) reported improved preparedness to undertake routine enquiry after training. Only a quarter (24.9%) felt their workplace allowed adequate time to respond to disclosures of DV. CONCLUSIONS: Brief training can improve knowledge, preparedness, and confidence of midwives and nurses to conduct routine enquiry and support women during the perinatal period. Training can assist midwives and nurses to recognise signs of DV, ask women about what would be helpful to them, and address perceived organisational barriers to routine enquiry. Practice guidelines and clear referral pathways following DV disclosure need to be implemented to support gains made through training

    Imaging Modalities for Cervical Spondylotic Stenosis and Myelopathy

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    Cervical spondylosis is a spectrum of pathology presenting as neck pain, radiculopathy, and myelopathy or all in combination. Diagnostic imaging is essential to diagnosis and preoperative planning. We discuss the modalities of imaging in common practice. We examine the use of imaging to differentiate among central, subarticular, and lateral stenosis and in the assessment of myelopathy