1,153 research outputs found

    Employment in Europe 2000

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    [Excerpt] This Report examines in detail basic elements of the employment challenge renewed in Lisbon. Beyond recent employment trends in 1999, the Report sets out how each Member State is expected to contribute to achieving the Union’s employment objectives. It analyses both the nature and quality of jobs being created, with special focus on its gender dimension and the evolution of social and regional imbalances in the EU. In view of the forthcoming enlargement of the Union, the Report also reviews progress in transforming the labour markets in the Central European candidate countries. Finally, the Report assesses the impact of tax and benefit systems on employment, gauging the tax burden on labour and the tax wedge as well as coverage and replacement rates of unemployment benefits and early retirement systems

    Impact de la culture sur la créativité (L\u27)

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    Ce document est le résumé en français d\u27une étude commandée par la Commission européenne, et publiée en anglais sous le titre suivant: The impact of Culture on Creativity. Cette étude explore les liens encore largement méconnus entre culture, diversité culturelle, créativité et, plus largement, innovation sociale, scientifique et économique. Au moyen d\u27exemples concrets tirés de différents secteurs et ouvrant toute l\u27Europe, cette étude illustre les synergies et effets d\u27entraînement positifs que produit la culture – par la créativité qu\u27elle génère – dans des domaines aussi variés que l\u27éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie, l\u27acceptation et l\u27utilisation par le grand public des nouvelles technologies de l\u27information et de la communication, la stimulation de la recherche, le développement de produits et services nouveaux, le positionnement des villes, le renforcement du capital social, la motivation du personnel, la modernisation des services publics etc.Ces effets d\u27entraînement sont d\u27autant plus importants que l\u27Europe – à l\u27instar d\u27autres régions du monde – est en passe de devenir une société de l\u27immatériel dont la principale matière première est la capacité à créer et à innover. L\u27étude conclut que l\u27Europe gagnerait à renforcer ce potentiel de la culture à renforcer créativité et innovation. Elle propose en conséquence des stratégies à développer à tous les niveaux de gouvernance

    Industrial Relations in Europe 2002

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    [Excerpt] Industrial relations are at the core of the Member States\u27 economic and social organisation. They play their part in creating an area of solidarity within Europe, where people rally together and participate. The first edition of this report described the distinctive features of the Europeanisation of industrial relations and the significant changes over recent years. We saw the extent to which the development of industrial relations was linked to that of European integration. The 2002 report reviews a number of notable trends, in particular the organisation of new European players at sectoral level and the preparations for enlargement, and outlines the principal advances in labour relations in Europe in the course of 2000 and 2001

    Industrial Relations in Europe 2000

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    [Excerpt] This first Commission Report on Industrial Relations shows that European social policy has far-reaching effects; it is steadily becoming a more integral part of the decision-making and strategies of numerous players. That goes without saying in fields where the European Union has clearly defined and affirmed its principles: respect for fundamental social rights in a frontier-free Europe; workers\u27 rights to information and consultation on company operations; social dialogue as a mainstay of good governance and a means of involving citizens in the European venture

    Vade mecum on the Stability and Growth Pact

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    This document is the third issue of the Vade mecum published for the first time in May 2013 with the aim of improving transparency of the way the Commission applies the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). It presents the relevant procedures and methodologies designed for implementing the SGPEste documento es el tercer número del Vademécum publicado por primera vez en mayo de 2013 con el objetivo de mejorar la transparencia de la forma en que la Comisión aplica las normas del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento (PEC). Presenta los procedimientos y metodologías pertinentes para la aplicación del PEC
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