56 research outputs found

    Regulation of ryanodine receptor by nitric oxide

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    The control of redox state of free thiols on ryanodine receptor (RyR) has been implicated as an important mechanism to regulate RyR channel activity and tune its responses to the physiological modulators. Both the skeletal and cardiac RyRs have been shown to be activated by S-nitrosylation of free thiols on them by a chemical process analogous to the oxidation of ¡°critical¡± or ¡°hyperreactive¡± thiols on RyR proteins. Inositol 1,4,5-triphophate receptors (IP3Rs) that control Ca2+ release from internal stores in non-excitable cells were found to be activated by oxidation, which emphasizes the redox reaction as a common mechanism to regulate intracellular Ca2+ channels. Therefore, the study on nitric oxide-mediated regulation of these ion channels will be important to understand the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis in all cells including excitable and non-excitable cells since it regulates internal Ca2+ stores via RyR and /or IP3 receptors.The aims were to investigate the chemical reaction underlying the thiol-oxidation and activation of ryanodine receptors (RyRs) by various types of NO donors namely authentic NO¡¤, S-nitrosothiols and other NO¡¤ species such as nitroxyl anions (i.e. HNO). The different actions of these various NO¡¤ species were used to better evaluate the physiological significance of RyR activation by biologically relevant forms of NO, to investigate the role of oxygen on these chemical reactions and to identify the critical cysteine residues involved in redox mediated regulation of RyRs. The main findings are that RyRs are direct targets of S-nitrosothiols which trans-nitrosate hyper-reactive thiols and activate RyRs at biologically relevant concentration. In contrast, NO¡¤ gas cannot modify RyRs at biological circumstances found in cells. HNO is considerably more potent activator of RyR1 than NO¡¤, activates RyRs at nM concentrations. The study with truncated RyR1 indicated that all of transmembrane domains are located close to the C-terminus of the protein and the ¡®critical¡¯ regulatory thiols are part of conserved cysteines residing in it.Further studies will be required to elucidate the interplay of oxidants and reductants found in the cytosolic milieu of all cells and how these activators and inhibitors act to regulate the opening and closure of Ca2+ release channels

    Loss of IQSEC3 Disrupts GABAergic Synapse Maintenance and Decreases Somatostatin Expression in the Hippocampus

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    Gephyrin interacts with various GABAergic synaptic proteins to organize GABAergic synapse development. Among the multitude of gephyrin-binding proteins is IQSEC3, a recently identified component at GABAergic synapses that acts through its ADP ribosylation factor-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (ARF-GEF) activity to orchestrate GABAergic synapse formation. Here, we show that IQSEC3 knockdown (KD) reduced GABAergic synaptic density in vivo, suggesting that IQSEC3 is required for GABAergic synapse maintenance in vivo. We further show that IQSEC3 KD in the dentate gyrus (DG) increases seizure susceptibility and triggers selective depletion of somatostatin (SST) peptides in the DG hilus in an ARF-GEP activity-dependent manner. Strikingly, selective introduction of SST into SST interneurons in DG-specific IQSEC3-KD mice reverses GABAergic synaptic deficits. Thus, our data suggest that IQSEC3 is required for linking gephyrin-GABAA receptor complexes with ARF-dependent pathways to prevent aberrant, runaway excitation and thereby contributes to the integrity of SST interneurons and proper GABAergic synapse maintenance. © 2020 The Author(s) In this study, Kim et al. investigate the effect of loss of function of IQSEC3, a gephyrin-binding GABAergic synapse-specific ARF-GEF, using hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG)-specific IQSEC3-knockdown (KD) mice. Strikingly, IQSEC3 KD causes a massive reduction of somatostatin (SST) expression. The restricted SST expression in SST+ interneurons reverses the pathological phenotypes. © 2020 The Author(s)1

    Npas4 regulates IQSEC3 expression in hippocampal somatostatin interneurons to mediate anxiety-like behavior

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    Activity-dependent GABAergic synapse plasticity is important for normal brain functions, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Here, we show that Npas4 (neuronal PAS-domain protein 4) transcriptionally regulates the expression of IQSEC3, a GABAergic synapse-specific guanine nucleotide-exchange factor for ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF-GEF) that directly interacts with gephyrin. Neuronal activation by an enriched environment induces Npas4-mediated upregulation of IQSEC3 protein specifically in CA1 stratum oriens layer somatostatin (SST)-expressing GABAergic interneurons. SST+ interneuron-specific knockout (KO) of Npas4 compromises synaptic transmission in these GABAergic interneurons, increases neuronal activity in CA1 pyramidal neurons, and reduces anxiety behavior, all of which are normalized by the expression of wild-type IQSEC3, but not a dominant-negative ARF-GEF-inactive mutant, in SST+ interneurons of Npas4-KO mice. Our results suggest that IQSEC3 is a key GABAergic synapse component that is directed by Npas4 and ARF activity, specifically in SST+ interneurons, to orchestrate excitation-to-inhibition balance and control anxiety-like behavior.1

    The thalamic mGluR1-PLC??4 pathway is critical in sleep architecture

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    The transition from wakefulness to a nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep state at the onset of sleep involves a transition from low-voltage, high-frequency irregular electroencephalography (EEG) waveforms to large-amplitude, low-frequency EEG waveforms accompanying synchronized oscillatory activity in the thalamocortical circuit. The thalamocortical circuit consists of reciprocal connections between the thalamus and cortex. The cortex sends strong excitatory feedback to the thalamus, however the function of which is unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of the thalamic metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1)-phospholipase C ??4 (PLC??4) pathway in sleep control in PLC??4-deficient (PLC??4-/-) mice. The thalamic mGluR1-PLC??4 pathway contains synapses that receive corticothalamic inputs. In PLC??4-/- mice, the transition from wakefulness to the NREM sleep state was stimulated, and the NREM sleep state was stabilized, which resulted in increased NREM sleep. The power density of delta (??) waves increased in parallel with the increased NREM sleep. These sleep phenotypes in PLC??4-/- mice were consistent in TC-restricted PLC??4 knockdown mice. Moreover, in vitro intrathalamic oscillations were greatly enhanced in the PLC??4-/- slices. The results of our study showed that thalamic mGluR1-PLC??4 pathway was critical in controlling sleep architecture.ope

    Regulation of cAMP and GSK3 signaling pathways contributes to the neuronal conversion of glioma

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    Glioma is the most malignant type of primary central nervous system tumors, and has an extremely poor prognosis. One potential therapeutic approach is to induce the terminal differentiation of glioma through the forced expression of pro-neural factors. Our goal is to show the proof of concept of the neuronal conversion of C6 glioma through the combined action of small molecules. We investigated the various changes in gene expression, cell-specific marker expression, signaling pathways, physiological characteristics, and morphology in glioma after combination treatment with two small molecules (CHIR99021, a glycogen synthase kinase 3 [GSK3] inhibitor and forskolin, a cyclic adenosine monophosphate [cAMP] activator). Here, we show that the combined action of CHIR99021 and forskolin converted malignant glioma into fully differentiated neurons with no malignant characteristics; inhibited the proliferation of malignant glioma; and significantly down-regulated gene ontology and gene expression profiles related to cell division, gliogenesis, and angiogenesis in small molecule-induced neurons. In vivo, the combined action of CHIR99021 and forskolin markedly delayed neurological deficits and significantly reduced the tumor volume. We suggest that reprogramming technology may be a potential treatment strategy replacing the therapeutic paradigm of traditional treatment of malignant glioma, and a combination molecule comprising a GSK3 inhibitor and a cAMP inducer could be the next generation of anticancer drugs

    Systematic functional analysis of kinases in the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is the leading cause of death by fungal meningoencephalitis; however, treatment options remain limited. Here we report the construction of 264 signature-tagged gene-deletion strains for 129 putative kinases, and examine their phenotypic traits under 30 distinct in vitro growth conditions and in two different hosts (insect larvae and mice). Clustering analysis of in vitro phenotypic traits indicates that several of these kinases have roles in known signalling pathways, and identifies hitherto uncharacterized signalling cascades. Virulence assays in the insect and mouse models provide evidence of pathogenicity-related roles for 63 kinases involved in the following biological categories: growth and cell cycle, nutrient metabolism, stress response and adaptation, cell signalling, cell polarity and morphology, vacuole trafficking, transfer RNA (tRNA) modification and other functions. Our study provides insights into the pathobiological signalling circuitry of C. neoformans and identifies potential anticryptococcal or antifungal drug targets.OAIID:RECH_ACHV_DSTSH_NO:T201615370RECH_ACHV_FG:RR00200001ADJUST_YN:EMP_ID:A003535CITE_RATE:11.329FILENAME:4. ncomms12766.pdfDEPT_NM:농생명공학부EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YFILEURL:https://srnd.snu.ac.kr/eXrepEIR/fws/file/fce63c4a-7de7-4741-996f-d8d24af38905/linkCONFIRM:

    T-type Ca2+ channels in normal and abnormal brain functions.

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    Low-voltage- activated T-type Ca2 channels are widely expressed in various types of neurons. Once deinactivated by hyperpolarization, T-type channels are ready to be activated by a small depolarization near the resting membrane potential and, therefore, are optimal for regulating the excitability and electroresponsiveness of neurons under physiological conditions near resting states. Ca2 influx through T-type channels engenders low-threshold Ca2 spikes, which in turn trigger a burst of action potentials. Low-threshold burst firing has been implicated in the synchronization of the thalamocortical circuit during sleep and in absence seizures. It also has been suggested that T-type channels play an important role in pain signal transmission, based on their abundant expression in pain-processing pathways in peripheral and central neurons. In this review, we will describe studies on the role of T-type Ca2 channels in the physiological as well as pathological generation of brain rhythms in sleep, absence epilepsy, and pain signal transmission. Recent advances in studies of T-type channels in the control of cognition will also be briefly discussed.148521sciescopu

    T-type Ca2+ channels in absence epilepsy

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    Absence epilepsy accompanies the paroxysmal oscillations in the thalamocortical circuit referred as spike and wave discharges (SWDs). Low-threshold burst firing mediated by T-type Ca2+ channels highly expressed in both inhibitory thalamic reticular nuclei (TRN) and excitatory thalamocortical (TC) neurons has been correlated with the generation of SWDs. A generally accepted view has been that rhythmic burst firing mediated by T-type channels in both TRN and TC neurons are equally critical in the generation of thalamocortical oscillations during sleep rhythms and SWDs. This review examined recent studies on the T-type channels in absence epilepsy which leads to an idea that even though both TRN and TC nuclei are required for thalamocortical oscillations, the contributions of T-type channels to TRN and TC neurons are not equal in the genesis of sleep spindles and SWDs. Accumulating evidence revealed a crucial role of TC T-type channels in SWD generation. However, the role of TRN T-type channels in SWD generation remains controversial. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the functional consequences of modulating each T-type channel subtype could guide the development of therapeutic tools for absence seizures while minimizing side effects on physiological thalamocortical oscillations.1771sciescopu

    T-type Ca2+ channels in absence epilepsy

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    Low-voltage-activated T-type Ca2+ channels are highly expressed in the thalamocortical circuit, suggesting that they play a role in this brain circuit. Indeed, low-threshold burst firing mediated by T-type Ca2+ channels has long been implicated in the synchronization of the thalamocortical circuit. Over the past few decades, the conventional view has been that rhythmic burst firing mediated by T-type channels in both thalamic reticular nuclie (TRN) and thalamocortical (TC) neurons are equally critical in the generation of thalamocortical oscillations during sleep rhythms and spike-wave-discharges (SWDs). This review broadly investigates recent studies indicating that even though both TRN and TC nuclei are required for thalamocortical oscillations, the contributions of T-type channels to TRN and TC neurons are not equal in the genesis of sleep spindles and SWDs. T-type channels in TC neurons are an essential component of SWD generation, whereas the requirement for TRN T-type channels in SWD generation remains controversial at least in the GBLmodel of absence seizures. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the functional consequences ofmodulating each T-type channel subtype could guide the development of therapeutic tools for absence seizures while minimizing side effects on physiological thalamocortical oscillations. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium channels. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.119181sciescopu