273 research outputs found

    Relationships between 24-Hour Blood Pressures, Subcortical Ischemic Lesions, and Cognitive Impairment

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    Background and Purpose The most important treatment for subcortical vascular dementia (SVaD) is controlling the blood pressure (BP). However, the few studies that have investigated the relationships between diurnal BP rhythm and subcortical ischemic vascular cognitive impairment have produced inconclusive results. In the study presented here, the 24-hour BP values of three groups of subjects-patients with subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment (SvMCI), patients with SVaD, and normal controls-were compared using working criteria and 24-hour ambulatory BP (ABP) monitoring. Methods The subjects (42 patients with SVaD, 37 patients with SvMCI, and 30 controls) were selected according to the Study`s inclusion/exclusion criteria. All subjects underwent brain magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR angiography, detailed neuropsychological testing, and 24-hour ABP monitoring. Results The prevalence of nondippers differed markedly between the control group and both the SVaD and SvMCI groups. Loss of nocturnal dipping was significantly associated with SVaD [odds ratio (OR), 4.827; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.07-12.05]. Conclusions It was found that SVaD is associated with loss of nocturnal BP dipping combined with increased pulse pressure and systolic BP (SBP) variability. Correction of these factors could therefore be important in the prevention of SVaD, independent of measures used to reduce BP. J Clin Neurol 2009;5:139-145Ohmine T, 2008, HYPERTENS RES, V31, P75van Boxtel MPJ, 2006, J HUM HYPERTENS, V20, P5, DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1001934van der Flier WM, 2005, STROKE, V36, P2116Birns J, 2005, STROKE, V36, P1308, DOI 10.1161/01.STR.0000165901.38039.5fYamamoto Y, 2005, CEREBROVASC DIS, V19, P302, DOI 10.1159/000084498BOWLER JV, 2005, J NEUROL NEUROSUR S5, V76, P35KU HM, 2004, J KOREAN NEUROPSYCHI, V43, P189O`Brien E, 2003, J HYPERTENS, V21, P821, DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000059016.82022.caKANG Y, 2003, INCHEON HUMAN BRAINOhkubo T, 2002, J HYPERTENS, V20, P2183de Leeuw FE, 2002, BRAIN, V125, P765O`Brien JT, 2002, ANN NY ACAD SCI, V977, P436Kario K, 2001, HYPERTENSION, V38, P852Wahlund LO, 2001, STROKE, V32, P1318Dufouil C, 2001, NEUROLOGY, V56, P921Puisieux F, 2001, EUR NEUROL, V46, P115Staessen JA, 1999, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V282, P539Swan GE, 1998, NEUROLOGY, V51, P986Blacher J, 1998, HYPERTENSION, V32, P570Cummings JL, 1998, J PSYCHOSOM RES, V44, P627Kilander L, 1998, HYPERTENSION, V31, P780Guo ZC, 1997, AM J EPIDEMIOL, V145, P1106Liao DP, 1996, STROKE, V27, P2262LAUNER LJ, 1995, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V274, P1846YAMAMOTO Y, 1995, STROKE, V26, P829VERDECCHIA P, 1994, HYPERTENSION, V24, P793KUUSISTO J, 1993, HYPERTENSION, V22, P771SHIMADA K, 1992, J HYPERTENS, V10, P875SCHERR PA, 1991, AM J EPIDEMIOL, V134, P1303TOHGI H, 1991, STROKE, V22, P603OBRIEN E, 1988, LANCET, V2, P397PARATI G, 1987, J HYPERTENS, V5, P93HACHINSKI VC, 1975, ARCH NEUROL-CHICAGO, V32, P632

    A framework for nationwide COVID-19 vaccine safety research in the Republic of Korea: the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Research Committee

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    With the introduction of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) commissioned the National Academy of Medicine of Korea to gather experts to independently assess post-vaccination adverse events. Accordingly, the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Research Committee (CoVaSC) was launched in November 2021 to perform safety studies and establish evidence for policy guidance. The CoVaSC established 3 committees for epidemiology, clinical research, and communication. The CoVaSC mainly utilizes pseudonymized data linking KDCA’s COVID-19 vaccination data and the National Health Insurance Service’s claims data. The CoVaSC’s 5-step research process involves defining the target diseases and organizing ad-hoc committees, developing research protocols, performing analyses, assessing causal relationships, and announcing research findings and utilizing them to guide compensation policies. As of 2022, the CoVaSC completed this research process for 15 adverse events. The CoVaSC launched the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Research Center in September 2022 and has been reorganized into 4 divisions to promote research including international collaborative studies, long-/short-term follow-up studies, and education programs. Through these enhancements, the CoVaSC will continue to swiftly provide scientific evidence for COVID-19 vaccine research and compensation and may serve as a model for preparing for future epidemics of new diseases

    Maternal Serum Levels of VCAM-1, ICAM-1 and E-selectin in Preeclampsia

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    Endothelial dysfunction is thought to be a central pathogenic feature in preeclampsia on the basis of elevated adhesion molecules. The aim of the present study was to compare the levels of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and E-selectin (sE-selectin) in sera of normal and preeclamptic pregnancies. We studied the serum levels of sVCAM-1, sICAM-1 and sE-selectin in normal pregnant women (n=63), mild preeclampsia (n=33) and severe preeclampsia (n=82). Concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules were determined with enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). Serum concentrations of sVCAM-1 were significantly higher in both mild (p=0.004) and severe preeclampsia (p=0.000) than normal pregnancy. There were also significant differences in sVCAM-1 levels between mild and severe preeclampsia (p=0.002). sICAM-1 levels of severe preeclampsia were statistically different from those of normal pregnancy (p=0.038). Levels of sE-selectin were elevated in both mild (p=0.011) and severe preeclampsia (p=0.000) compared to normal pregnancy, but no statistical difference between the mild and severe preeclampsia (p=0.345). These results suggest that all three soluble adhesion molecules are increased in severe preeclampsia, and sVCAM-1 among them may be useful in predicting the severity of preeclampsia

    Association between colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor gene polymorphisms and asthma risk

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    Colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) is expressed in monocytes/macrophages and dendritic cells. These cells play important roles in the innate immune response, which is regarded as an important aspect of asthma development. Genetic alterations in the CSF1R gene may contribute to the development of asthma. We investigated whether CSF1R gene polymorphisms were associated with the risk of asthma. Through direct DNA sequencing of the CSF1R gene, we identified 28 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and genotyped them in 303 normal controls and 498 asthmatic patients. Expression of CSF1R protein and mRNA were measured on CD14-positive monocytes and neutrophils in peripheral blood of asthmatic patients using flow cytometry and real-time PCR. Among the 28 polymorphisms, two intronic polymorphism (+20511C>T and +22693T>C) were associated with the risk of asthma by logistic regression analysis. The frequencies of the minor allele at CSF1R +20511C>T and +22693T>C were higher in asthmatic subjects than in normal controls (4.6 vs. 7.7%, p = 0.001 in co-dominant and dominant models; 16.4 vs. 25.8%, p = 0.0006 in a recessive model). CSF1R mRNA levels in neutrophils of the asthmatic patients having the +22693CC allele were higher than in those having the +22693TT allele (p = 0.026). Asthmatic patients with the +22693CC allele also showed significantly higher CSF1R expression on CD14-positive monocytes and neutrophils than did those with the +22693TT allele (p = 0.045 and p = 0.044). The +20511C>T SNP had no association with CSF1R mRNA or protein expression. In conclusion, the minor allele at CSF1R +22693T>C may have a susceptibility effect in the development of asthma, via increased CSF1R protein and mRNA expression in inflammatory cells

    Molecular diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis by multi-gene target sequencing in Korea: matching with osmotic fragility test and presence of spherocyte

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    Background Current diagnostic tests for hereditary spherocytosis (HS) focus on the detection of hemolysis or indirectly assessing defects of membrane protein, whereas direct methods to detect protein defects are complicated and difficult to implement. In the present study, we investigated the patterns of genetic variation associated with HS among patients clinically diagnosed with HS. Methods Multi-gene targeted sequencing of 43 genes (17 RBC membrane protein-encoding genes, 20 RBC enzyme-encoding genes, and six additional genes for the differential diagnosis) was performed using the Illumina HiSeq platform. Results Among 59 patients with HS, 50 (84.7%) had one or more significant variants in a RBC membrane protein-encoding genes. A total of 54 significant variants including 46 novel mutations were detected in six RBC membrane protein-encoding genes, with the highest number of variants found in SPTB (n = 28), and followed by ANK1 (n = 19), SLC4A1 (n = 3), SPTA1 (n = 2), EPB41 (n = 1), and EPB42 (n = 1). Concurrent mutations of genes encoding RBC enzymes (ALDOB, GAPDH, and GSR) were detected in three patients. UGT1A1 mutations were present in 24 patients (40.7%). Positive rate of osmotic fragility test was 86.8% among patients harboring HS-related gene mutations. Conclusions This constitutes the first large-scaled genetic study of Korean patients with HS. We demonstrated that multi-gene target sequencing is sensitive and feasible that can be used as a powerful tool for diagnosing HS. Considering the discrepancies of clinical and molecular diagnoses of HS, our findings suggest that molecular genetic analysis is required for accurate diagnosis of HS.Support was provided by: the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (NRF-2017R1A2A1A17069780) http://www.nrf.re.kr/

    Вихретоковый анизотропный термоэлектрический первичный преобразователь лучистого потока

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    Представлена оригинальная конструкция первичного преобразователя лучистого потока, который может служить основой для создания приемника неселективного излучения с повышенной чувствительностью