22 research outputs found

    Platelet lysate-derived neuropeptide y influences migration and angiogenesis of human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells

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    Neuropeptide Y (NPY), a powerful neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, is a key regulator of angiogenesis and biology of adipose depots. Intriguingly, its peripheral vascular and angiogenic powerful activity is strictly associated to platelets, which are source of clinical hemoderivates, such as platelet lysate (PL), routinely employed in several clinical applications as wound healing, and to preserve ex vivo the progenitor properties of the adipose stromal cells pool. So far, the presence of NPY in PL and its biological effects on the adipose stromal cell fraction (ASCs) have never been investigated. Here, we aimed to identify endogenous sources of NPY such as PL-based preparations and to investigate which biological properties PL-derived NPY is able to exert on ASCs. The results show that PL contains a high amount of NPY, which is in part also excreted by ASCs when stimulated with PL. The protein levels of the three main NPY subtype receptors (Y1, Y2, Y5) are unaltered by stimulation of ASCs with PL, but their inhibition through selective pharmacological antagonists, considerably enhances migration, and a parallel reduction of angiogenic features of ASCs including decrease in VEGF mRNA and intracellular calcium levels, both downstream targets of NPY. The expression of VEGF and NPY is enhanced within the sites of neovascularisation of difficult wounds in patients after treatment with leuco-platelet concentrates. Our data highlight the presence of NPY in PL preparations and its peripheral effects on adipose progenitors

    Breast conserving treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ in the elderly: Can radiation therapy be avoided? Our experience

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    AbstractIntroduction: Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a heterogeneous, pre-malignant disease accounting for 15–20% of all new breast cancers. If appropriately managed, DCIS has a small chance of impacting on patient life expectancy. Despite the possibility of a further recurrence or of a development in an invasive form, we are unable to select treatment of choice especially in the elderly. In particularly we risk an overtreatment of women at low risk of progression to invasive breast cancer. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the outcome of elderly patients affected by DCIS not undergoing Radiation Therapy (RT) after Breast Conserving Surgery (BCS). Material and methods: We reviewed our prospectively-maintained database from 1998 to 2013, selecting all women over 65 years old diagnosed with DCIS who did not receive RT for personal choice. We considered two groups, according to the risk of local recurrence (Low Risk (Group 1) vs. High Risk (Group 2)). Results: We identified 44 cases of DCIS treated with surgery alone or with surgery followed by adjuvant tamoxifen. 24 patients presented low risk of local recurrence (Group 1) and 20 had characteristics associated to high risk of local recurrence (Group 2). At a median follow-up of 66.3 months, no local recurrences have been described in group 1. No patients presented distant metastases, while 4 patients died for other causes. At a median follow-up of 72 months we observed 5 local recurrences in the second group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Our results suggest that radiation therapy can be safely avoided in a selected group of elderly patients affected by DCIS

    Carcinoma duttale in situ della mammella

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    Gli Autori riportano la loro esperienza relativa a 127 casi di carcinoma duttale in situ (CDIS) della mammella ed analizzano, anche alla luce della letteratura internazionale, i risultati ottenuti. L?intervento chirurgico è stato diversificato in rapporto ad alcuni fattori principali, dei quali i più importanti sono: il rilievo solo radiologico o clinico, l?estensione della neoplasia, la varietà istologica, il grading e lo studio dei margini di sezione. Nel corso degli anni è stata sostanzialmente modificata la strategia terapeutica del CDIS. Si è passati dalla mastectomia come intervento preferenziale alla quadrantectomia con attento studio della estensione della malattia e dei margini di sezione chirurgica. Anche la linfectomia di principio è stata abbandonata e gli Autori riportano, negli ultimi 7 anni, il costante impiego della tecnica del linfonodo sentinella. La terapia adiuvante (radioterapia e ormonoterapia) è attualmente limitata a casi selezionati. Con questa strategia terapeutica gli Autori riportano, seppure con un follow up medio ancora breve (6,1 anni), una percentuale di ripresa omolaterale della malattia dell?8,1%. English version The Authors report their experience about 127 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast. Guidelines for surgical treatment are: radiological or clinical diagnosis, tumor?s extension, histological classification , grading and margin status. At the present the Authors prefer breast conserving surgery with tumor margin?s study. They report their experience in the last seven years about sentinel node biopsy. Radiotherapy and endocrine therapy are indicated for selected patients; local recurrence after DCIS therapy is 8,1% on a 6,1 years follow-up

    Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast

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    Knowledge of axillary lymph node status is a key aid to staging and prognosis and it represents a guideline for adjuvant therapy in breast cancer. Despite the morbidity it causes, complete axillary dissection was long the mainstay of treatment. Sentinel lymph node biopsy has proved so reliable in the evaluation of node involvement that axillary node dissection is now generally performed when sentinel node biopsy tests negative. METHODS: In this 3-phase study, 50 patients were enrolled to evaluate the learning curve of sentinel node biopsy (phase 1, September 1997-January 1998); 256 patients (age range 27-81 years) with infiltrative breast cancer (T <3 cm, clinical N0) underwent level 1 lymph node dissection when the sentinel node tested negative at histopathology (phase 2, February 1998-March 2001); 221 patients with T <3 cm underwent dissection of the sentinel node when it tested negative for metastasis (phase 3, April 2001-March 2005). RESULTS: The sentinel node was preoperatively detected in 98.6% of cases after peritumoral and intradermic injection of the radionuclide tracer and intraoperatively in 99% (90% with radio-guided surgery, 10% with vital staining). The sentinel node was positive in 15% of patients with T1 and metastatic in 65%. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are in line with the published data; therefore, the study will go forward to examine the role of the micrometastasis in the sentinel node and of in-transit tumoral cells

    La chirurgia conservativa nel cancro della mammella

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    Breast-conserving surgery is the treatment of choice for the breast cancer T< 3 cm. The local recurrence is a problem of diagnosis and consequent treatment. We enrolled, from 1987 to 2004, 1504 breast cancer. In 803 (53,4%) tumor with T < 3 cm we performed conserving surgery. The sentinel lymph node (SN) technique induce to limit the axillary dissection in patients T1a-b to the SN only if non metastatic and located to the first level, the dissection of the 1st level of the axilla in patients T1c-T2 < 3 cm and SN negative, complete axillary dissection in patients with metastatic SN or located to the 2nd level. Our percentage of local recurrence in the follow-up was 3,5% at 5 years and 6% at 10 years

    Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: our experience

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    Aim. The ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a more and more frequent neoplasia, representing over 25% of diagnosed breast cancer in recent surveys.It is particularly interesting as concerns several aspects of which the most important are issues linked to clinical diagnosis and the difficulties of histopathological classification, with evident and important therapeutic implications. Patients and methods. The authors report their experience about 161 ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Guidelines for surgical treatment are: radiological or clinical diagnosis, tumor’s extension, histological classification, grading and margin status. At the present the authors prefer breast conserving surgery with tumor margin’s study. They report their experience in the last seven years about sentinel lymph node biopsy. Results. The most frequent histotype resulted comedocarcinoma (61,8%) followed by non comedo (38,2%). Local recurrence after DCIS therapy is 6,1%. Conclusions. 80-90% of the patients currently treated for DCIS present non-palpable breast lesions at diagnosis. Breast conserving surgery is the first choice and radiotherapy and endocrine therapy are indicated for selected patients