18 research outputs found

    Influence of Beam Broadening on the Accuracy of Radar Polarimetric Rainfall Estimation

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    Abstract The quantitative estimation of rain rates using meteorological radar has been a major theme in radar meteorology and radar hydrology. The increase of interest in polarimetric radar is in part because polarization diversity can reduce the effect on radar precipitation estimates caused by raindrop size variability, which has allowed progress on radar rainfall estimation and on hydrometeorological applications. From an operational point of view, the promises regarding the improvement of radar rainfall accuracy have not yet been completely proven. The main reason behind these limits is the geometry of radar measurements combined with the variability of the spatial structure of the precipitation systems. To overcome these difficulties, a methodology has been developed to transform the estimated drop size distribution (DSD) provided by a vertically pointing micro rain radar to a profile given by a ground-based polarimetric radar. As a result, the rainfall rate at the ground is fixed at all ranges, whereas the broadening beam encompasses a large variability of DSDs. The resulting DSD profile is used to simulate the corresponding profile of radar measurements at C band. Rainfall algorithms based on polarimetric radar measurements were taken into account to estimate the rainfall into the radar beam. Finally, merit factors were used to achieve a quantitative analysis of the performance of the rainfall algorithm in comparison with the corresponding measurements at the ground obtained from a 2D video disdrometer (2DVD) that was positioned beside the micro rain radar. In this method, the behavior change of the merit factors in the range is directly attributable to the DSD variability inside the radar measurement volume, thus providing an assessment of the effects due to beam broadening

    Microphysical Retrievals from Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements at X Band

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    Abstract The recent advances in attenuation correction methodology are based on the use of a constraint represented by the total amount of the attenuation encountered along the path shared over each range bin in the path. This technique is improved by using the inner self-consistency of radar measurements. The full self-consistency methodology provides an optimization procedure for obtaining the best estimate of specific and cumulative attenuation and specific and cumulative differential attenuation. The main goal of the study is to examine drop size distribution (DSD) retrieval from X-band radar measurements after attenuation correction. A new technique for estimating the slope of a linear axis ratio model from polarimetric radar measurements at attenuated frequencies is envisioned. A new set of improved algorithms immune to variability in the raindrop shape–size relation are presented for the estimation of the governing parameters characterizing a gamma raindrop size distribution. Simulations based on the use of profiles of gamma drop size distribution parameters obtained from S-band observations are used for quantitative analysis. Radar data collected by the NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) X-band polarimetric radar are used to provide examples of the DSD parameter retrievals using attenuation-corrected radar measurements. Retrievals agree fairly well with disdrometer data. The radar data are also used to observe the prevailing shape of raindrops directly from the radar measurements. A significant result is that oblateness of drops is bounded between the two shape models of Pruppacher and Beard, and Beard and Chuang, the former representing the upper boundary and the latter the lower boundary

    Procedure to calibrate multiparameter weather radar using properties of the rain medium, A

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 276).The joint distribution characteristics of size and shape of raindrops directly translate into features of polarization diversity measurements in rainfall. Theoretical calculations as well as radar observations indicate that the three polarization diversity measurements, namely, reflectivity, differential reflectivity, and specific differential propagation phase, lie in a constrained space that can be approximated by a three-dimensional (3-D) surface. This feature as well as the vertical-looking observation of raindrops are used to determine biases in calibration of the radar system. A simple procedure is developed to obtain the bias in the absolute calibration from polarization diversity observation in rainfall. Simulation study as well as data analysis indicate that calibration errors can be estimated to an accuracy of 1 dB

    Rainfall estimation from polarimetric radar measurements: composite algorithms immune to variability in raindrop shape-size relation

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 1785-1786).Polarization diversity radar measurements such as reflectivity factor, differential reflectivity, and differential propagation phase are extensively used in rainfall estimation. Algorithms to estimate rainfall from polarimetric radar measurements are based on a model for the raindrop shape as a function of drop diameter. Most of the current algorithms use an equilibrium shape-size model for raindrops. Variation of the prevailing mean raindrop shapes from an assumed model has a direct impact on the accuracy of radar rainfall estimates. This paper develops composite algorithms to estimate rainfall from polarimetric radar data without an a priori assumption about the specific form of mean raindrop shape-size model such as equilibrium shape model. The accuracy of rainfall estimates is evaluated in the presence of random measurement errors as well as systematic bias errors. The composite algorithms, independent of a prespecified raindrop shape model, were applied to radar parameters simulated from disdrometer data collected over 3 months, and the corresponding rainfall estimates were found to be in good agreement with disdrometer estimates. The composite algorithms were also tested with Colorado State University CHILL radar observations of the 28 July 1997 Fort Collins (Colorado) flood event. The storm total precipitation estimates based on the composite algorithms developed in this paper were in much better agreement with rain gauge estimates in comparison with conventional algorithms

    Measurement of mean raindrop shape from polarimetric radar observations

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 3413).Interpretation of polarimetric radar measurements in rainfall such as differential reflectivity and specific differential phase shifts depends on the mean raindrop shape-size relationship. Currently, semiempirical relations between the oblateness and the diameter of the drop are being used. This paper presents an algorithm to obtain the mean shape of the rain drops from polarimetric radar measurements, namely, the reflectivity factor, the differential reflectivity and the specific differential phase shift. The accuracy of the estimate mean drop shape depends on the measurement accuracies of polarimetric radar observations. Based on asymptotic error analysis and simulations it is shown that the mean raindrop shape can be estimated to an accuracy of 10%. The raindrop shape estimator algorithm developed in this paper is applied to polarimetric radar data collected by the CSU-CHILL radar during the 28 July 1997 Fort Collins. Colorado, flood

    Evaluation of Gamma Raindrop Size Distribution Assumption through Comparison of Rain Rates of Measured and Radar-Equivalent Gamma DSD

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    AbstractTo date, one of the most widely used parametric forms for modeling raindrop size distribution (DSD) is the three-parameter gamma. The aim of this paper is to analyze the error of assuming such parametric form to model the natural DSDs. To achieve this goal, a methodology is set up to compare the rain rate obtained from a disdrometer-measured drop size distribution with the rain rate of a gamma drop size distribution that produces the same triplets of dual-polarization radar measurements, namely reflectivity factor, differential reflectivity, and specific differential phase shift. In such a way, any differences between the values of the two rain rates will provide information about how well the gamma distribution fits the measured precipitation. The difference between rain rates is analyzed in terms of normalized standard error and normalized bias using different radar frequencies, drop shape–size relations, and disdrometer integration time. The study is performed using four datasets of DSDs collected by two-dimensional video disdrometers deployed in Huntsville (Alabama) and in three different prelaunch campaigns of the NASA–Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) ground validation program including the Hydrological Cycle in Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX) special observation period (SOP) 1 field campaign in Rome. The results show that differences in rain rates of the disdrometer DSD and the gamma DSD determining the same dual-polarization radar measurements exist and exceed those related to the methodology itself and to the disdrometer sampling error, supporting the finding that there is an error associated with the gamma DSD assumption

    Estimation of Raindrop Size Distribution Parameters from Polarimetric Radar Measurements

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    Includes bibliographical references.Estimation of raindrop size distribution over large spatial and temporal scales has been a long-standing goal of polarimetric radar. Algorithms to estimate the parameters of a gamma raindrop size distribution model from polarimetric radar observations of reflectivity, differential reflectivity, and specific differential phase are developed. Differential reflectivity is the most closely related measurement to a parameter of the drop size distribution, namely, the drop median diameter (D0). The estimator for D0 as well as other parameters are evaluated in the presence of radar measurement errors. It is shown that the drop median diameter can be estimated to an accuracy of 10%, whereas the equivalent intercept parameter can be estimated to an accuracy of 6% in the logarithmic scale. The estimators for the raindrop size distribution parameters are also evaluated using disdrometer data based simulations. The disdrometer based evaluations confirm the accuracy of the algorithms developed herein

    The HyMeX Special Observation Period in Central Italy: Precipitation Measurements, Retrieval Techniques and Preliminary Results

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    The Mediterranean area concentrates the major natural risks related to the water cycle, including heavy precipitation and flash-flooding during the fall season. The capability to predict such high-impact events remains weak because of the contribution of very fine-scale processes and their non-linear interactions with the larger scale processes. These societal and science issues motivate the HyMeX (Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment, http://www.hymex.orgl) experimental programme. HyMeX aims at a better quantification and understanding of the water cycle in the Mediterranean with emphasis on intense events. The observation strategy of HyMEX is organized in a long-term (4 years) Enhanced Observation Periods (EOP) and short-term (2 months) Special Observation Periods (SOP). HyMEX has identified 3 main Mediterranean target areas: North-West (NW), Adriatic (A) and South-East (SE). Within each target area several hydrometeorological sites for heavy rainfall and flash flooding have been set up. The hydrometeorological sire in Central Italy (CI) is interested by both western and eastern fronts coming from the Atlantic Ocean and Siberia, respectively. Orographic precipitations play an important role due to the central Apennine range, which reaches nearly 3000 m (Gran Sasso peak). Moreover, convective systems commonly develop in CI during late summer and beginning of autumn, often causing localized hailstorms with cluster organized cells. Western fronts may heavily hit the Tiber basin crossing large urban areas (Rome), whereas eastern fronts can cause flash floods along the Adriatic coastline. Two major basins are involved within Cl region: Tiber basin (1000 km long) and its tributary Aniene and the Aterno-Pescara basin (300 km long). The first HyMeX SOP1.1 was carried out from Sept. till Nov. 2012 in the NW target area The Italian SOP1.1 was coordinated by the Centre of Excellence CETEMPS, University of L'Aquila, a city located in the CI heart. The CI area was covered by a uniquely dense meteorological instrumentation thanks to a synergy between Italian institutions and NASA-GSFC. The following RADARs were operated: a Doppler single-polarization C-band radar located at Mt Midia; the Polar 55C Doppler dual-polarization C-band radar located in Rome; a Doppler C-hand polarimetric radar located at Il Monte (Abnazo); a polarimetric X-band mini-radar in L' Aquila; a polarimetric X-hand portable mini-radar in Rome; a single-polarization X-band mini-radar in Rome. DISDROMETERs were also deployed: 4 Parsivel optical disdrometers in Rome (at Sapienza, CNR-ISAC and CNR-INSEAN); 1 2D-video disdrometer in Rome; 3 Parsivels optical disdrometer respectively in L'Aquila (Abnazo), Avezzano (Abruzzo) and Pescara (Abnazo). Other INSTRUMENTS were available: 1 K-band vertically-pointing micro rain-radar (MRR), 2 Pludix X-band disdrometers, 1 VLF lightning sensor, 1 microwave radiometer at 23-31 GHz in Rome (at Sapienza); the raingauge network with more than 200 stations in Central Italy. Three overpasses in CI were also performed by the Falcon 20 aircraft equipped with the 950Hz cloud radar RASTA Analysis of the SOP1.1 main events in CI will be described by focusing on the raindrop size distribution statistics and its geographical variability. Intercomparison of rainfall estimates from disdrometers, raingauges and radars will be illustrated with the aim to provide a quality-controlled and physically consistent rainfall dataset for meteorological modeling validation and assimilation purposes