29 research outputs found

    Stock-Flow Consistent Modeling Through the Ages

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    Dieser Vortrag muss hier angekĂŒndigt werden: "15. Juli 2008, 19.30 Uhr, UniversitĂ€t [Augsburg], Hörsaalzentrum, UniversitĂ€tsstr. 10, HS III SchatzwĂ€chter und Zauberworte: Flucht ins Archiv. Über Literatur und Wissenschaft, Sammelwahn und Kanonbildung Moderation: Prof. Dr. Joachim Jacob, Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Ethik" Quelle: http://www.uni-protokolle.de/nachrichten/id/15503

    When complexity meets finance: a contribution to the study of the macroeconomic effects of complex financial systems

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    In the last decade, complexity economics has emerged as a powerful approach to the understanding of the most relevant factors influencing economic development. The concept of economic complexity has been applied to the study of different economic issues such as economic growth, technological change and inequality. This work represents a first step towards the application of this concept to the study of the financial side of the economy, and particularly of the macroeconomic effects of rising financial complexity. In this paper, we present an agent-based macroeconomic model including an increasingly complex financial sector, characterized by the presence of Collateralized Debt Obligations with different seniorities next to more standard assets, like bonds and commercial papers. Simulations results suggest that financial complexity exerts major economic effects: while financial engineering makes securitized loans very attractive and opaque assets, the disperse interaction among different agents and financial institutions generated by these complex financial instruments shapes the behavior of the economies and allows for the diffusion of financial distress

    Fighting the COVID-19 Crisis: Debt Monetisation and EU Recovery Bonds

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    This paper highlights some peculiar characteristics of the economic crisis induced by the spread of COVID-19. It suggests two intertwined policy measures in order to tackle the emergency phase of the crisis and to support the economy in the subsequent recovery phase. The proposed short-term policy measures offer policy responses in the event of a second wave of coronavirus infections in the coming months. In the aftermath of the emergency phase, the current proposal puts forward the implementation of a massive EU-wide recovery plan addressing the long-lasting technological and environmental challenges of these years, which will be financed by European institutions through the issuance of European Pandemic Recovery Bonds