27 research outputs found

    Interação entre Trypanosoma cruzi e macrófagos: diferenças entre tripomastigotas sangüí-colas e de cultivo de tecidos

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    Mouse peritoneal elicited macrophages cultured on coverslips were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes from both the F strain and Y strain obtained either from tissue culture or from the bloodstream of infected mice. Both the Y strain and F parasites obtained from tissue culture were interiorized by macrophages at a much higher rate than bloodstream trypomastigotes. Tissue culture parasites incubated with normal mouse serum, mouse plasma obtained at the 7th day after infection, or specific hyperimmune serum at subagglutinating concentration, behaved essentially as non-opsonized parasites. Ultrastructural differences were seen at the early interaction phase between macrophages and trypimastigotes from both sources. After 30 minutes, tissue culture trypomastigotes were located in clusters at the area of contact with macrophages. While bloodstream trypomastigotes, at 3 hours post-infection were most frequently enclosed in a loose phagocytic vacuole, tissue culture trypomastigotes were enclosed in single tight vacuoles. Both tissue culture and bloodstream trypomastigotes of the Y strain multiplied within macrophages; F strain bloodstream trypomastigotes did not develop within the host cells, while tissue culture trypomastigotes multiplied.Macrófagos obtidos do peritoneo de camundongos após estímulo, com peptona, foram cultivados em lamínulas, infectados com tripomastigotas das cepas F e Y de T. cruzi, obtidos de cultivo de tecidos ou do sangue de camundongos infectados. Os parasitas, obtidos de cultivo de tecidos, tanto da cepa Y como os da cepa F, são interiorizados por macrófagos em proporção muito mais elevada do que os sanguícolas. Parasitas de cultivo de tecidos incubados com soro de camundongos normais, ou soro híperimune específico em diluição sub-aglutinante, comportam-se essencialmente como parasitas não opsonizados. Foram observadas diferenças a nível ultraestrutural na fase inicial de interação entre macrófagos e tripomastigotas das duas origens. Após 30 minutos, tripomastigotas de cultivo de tecidos localizam-se em agrupamentos na área de contato com os macrófagos. Enquanto os tripomastigotas sanguícolas estão na maioria das vezes no interior de vacúolos fagocíticos largos, após 3 horas de interação os tripomastigotas de cultura situam-se em um único vacúolo estreito. Tanto as formas de cultivo de tecidos quanto os tripomastigotas sanguícolas da cepa Y multiplicam-se em macrófagos; os tripomastigotas sanguícolas da cepa F são destruídos no interior da célula hospedeira, enquanto os tripomastigotas de cultivo de tecidos desta cepa são capazes de multiplicar-se

    Interação entre Trypanosoma cruzi e macrófagos: diferenças entre tripomastigotas sangüí-colas e de cultivo de tecidos Trypanosoma cruzi interaction with macrophages: differences between tissue culture and bloodstream forms

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    Macrófagos obtidos do peritoneo de camundongos após estímulo, com peptona, foram cultivados em lamínulas, infectados com tripomastigotas das cepas F e Y de T. cruzi, obtidos de cultivo de tecidos ou do sangue de camundongos infectados. Os parasitas, obtidos de cultivo de tecidos, tanto da cepa Y como os da cepa F, são interiorizados por macrófagos em proporção muito mais elevada do que os sanguícolas. Parasitas de cultivo de tecidos incubados com soro de camundongos normais, ou soro híperimune específico em diluição sub-aglutinante, comportam-se essencialmente como parasitas não opsonizados. Foram observadas diferenças a nível ultraestrutural na fase inicial de interação entre macrófagos e tripomastigotas das duas origens. Após 30 minutos, tripomastigotas de cultivo de tecidos localizam-se em agrupamentos na área de contato com os macrófagos. Enquanto os tripomastigotas sanguícolas estão na maioria das vezes no interior de vacúolos fagocíticos largos, após 3 horas de interação os tripomastigotas de cultura situam-se em um único vacúolo estreito. Tanto as formas de cultivo de tecidos quanto os tripomastigotas sanguícolas da cepa Y multiplicam-se em macrófagos; os tripomastigotas sanguícolas da cepa F são destruídos no interior da célula hospedeira, enquanto os tripomastigotas de cultivo de tecidos desta cepa são capazes de multiplicar-se.Mouse peritoneal elicited macrophages cultured on coverslips were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes from both the F strain and Y strain obtained either from tissue culture or from the bloodstream of infected mice. Both the Y strain and F parasites obtained from tissue culture were interiorized by macrophages at a much higher rate than bloodstream trypomastigotes. Tissue culture parasites incubated with normal mouse serum, mouse plasma obtained at the 7th day after infection, or specific hyperimmune serum at subagglutinating concentration, behaved essentially as non-opsonized parasites. Ultrastructural differences were seen at the early interaction phase between macrophages and trypimastigotes from both sources. After 30 minutes, tissue culture trypomastigotes were located in clusters at the area of contact with macrophages. While bloodstream trypomastigotes, at 3 hours post-infection were most frequently enclosed in a loose phagocytic vacuole, tissue culture trypomastigotes were enclosed in single tight vacuoles. Both tissue culture and bloodstream trypomastigotes of the Y strain multiplied within macrophages; F strain bloodstream trypomastigotes did not develop within the host cells, while tissue culture trypomastigotes multiplied

    Doença de Chagas: anticorpos IgG, IgM e IgA contra antígenos de amastigota, tripomastigota e epimastigota de T. cruzi em formas agudas e em diferentes formas crônicas da doença

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    In an attempt to find a better T. cruzi antigen and possible immunological markers for the diagnosis of different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, amastigote and trypomastigote antigens obtained from immunosuppressed mice infected with T. cruzi (Y strain) were assessed in comparison with conventional epimastigote antigens. A total of 506 serum samples from patients with acute and with chronic (indeterminate, cardiac and digestive) forms, from nonchagasic infections, and from healthy individuals were assayed in immunofluorescence (IF) tests, to search for IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies. Amastigote proved to be the most convenient antigen for our purposes, providing higher relative efficiency indexes of 0.946, 0.871 and 0.914 for IgG, IgM and IgA IF tests, respectively. Anti-amastigote antibodies presented higher geometric mean titers (GMT) than anti-trypomastigote and anti-epimastigote. Anti-amastigote IgG antibodies were found in all forms of Chagas' disease, and predominantly IgA antibodies, in chronic digestive and in acute forms, as well as IgM antibodies, in latter forms. Thus, tests with amastigote antigen could be helpful for screening chagasic infections in blood banks. Practical and economical aspects in obtaining amastigotes as here described speak in favour of its use in developing countries, since those from other sources require more complex system of substruction, specialized personnel or equipment.Com o intúito de se aperfeiçoar o diagnóstico sorológico das diferentes formas clínicas da doença de Chagas, foram estudados antígenos de formas amastigota e tripomastigota, obtidas de camundongos imunossuprimidos infectados com cepa Y de T. cruzi, em comparação com o de epimastigota convencionalmente utilizado. Um total de 506 amostras de soro de pacientes chagásicos com formas aguda e crônicas (indeterminada, cardíaca e digestiva), de indivíduos com infecções não relacionadas e de indivíduos sadios foi analisado por reação de imunofluorescência, para detecção de anticorpos IgG, IgM e IgA. O antígeno de amastigota apresentou os mais altos índices de eficiência relativa em testes de IF IgG (0,946), IF IgM (0,871) e IF IgA (0,914), mostrando ser mais conveniente para a finalidade proposta. Anticorpos anti-amastigota apresentaram médias geométricas de títulos mais altas que anti-tripomastigota e anti-epimastigota. Anticorpos IgG anti-amastigota foram encontrados em todas as formas clínicas da doença de Chagas, e anticorpos IgA foram encontrados predominantemente em formas crônicas digestivas e em formas agudas, além de anticorpos IgM nestas últimas formas. Portanto, testes com antígeno amastigota poderiam ser úteis para a triagem de indivíduos chagásicos em bancos de sangue. Aspectos práticos e econômicos na obtenção de amastigotas, conforme descrito neste trabalho favorecem seu uso em países em desenvolvimento, já que o antígeno obtido por meio de outras fontes requer uma infraestrutura mais complexa, equipamentos e pessoal especializados

    Trypanosoma cruzi Defined Antigens in the Serological Evaluation of an Outbreak of Acute Chagas Disease in Brazil (Catolé do Rocha, Paraíba)

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    Immunoglobulin G and M humoral response to recombinant protein B13 and glycoconjugate LPPG Trypanosama cruzi defined antigens was evaluated by ELISA in 18 patients in the acute phase of Chagas disease, who were contaminated on the same occasion. LPPG showed 100% positivity detecting both IgM and IgG antibodies, while positivity of 55-65% was observed for B13. An epimastigote alkaline extract (EPI) also showed high sensitivity for acute IgM (100%) and IgG (90%) antibodies. However LPPG had better discriminatory reactivity since with EPI two patients showed negative IgG and several other sera presented OD values for IgG and IgM antibodies very close to the cutoff. Thus, it is suggested that detection of IgM antibodies by LPPG may be used for diagnosis of the acute phase of Chagas disease. An intense decline of IgG and IgM antibodies to the three antigens was observed in response to anti-T. cruzi chemotherapy in all acute phase patients. After treatment, six (30%) individuals maintained IgG positivity to EPI, LPPG, and B13 with lower reactivity than that measured at the acute phase. For comparison, serology of a group of 22 patients in the chronic phase of Chagas disease and also submitted to chemotherapy was determined. Positive IgM antibodies to EPI, LPPG and B13 were detected in only 5-9% cases. In all chronic-phase patients IgG antibodies highly reactive to the three antigens were present and no significant decrease resulted after benznidazole administration. These observations reinforce previous reports that treatment in the acute phase may reduce or eliminate the parasite

    Evaluation of Serological Tests To Identify Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Humans and Determine Cross-Reactivity with Trypanosoma rangeli and Leishmania spp.▿

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    Five commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), one in-house ELISA, and two hemagglutination assays were evaluated to determine their diagnostic accuracy for Chagas' disease in two studies. In study 1, ELISA kits showed 100% sensitivity, but specificities ranged from 82.84% to 100% when leishmaniasis cases were included and from 95.57% to 100% when leishmaniasis cases were excluded. Kits using recombinant antigens or synthetic peptides are more specific than those using crude extracts from Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote forms. Kits evaluated in Panama, in study 2, showed 75% to 100% sensitivity and 97.12% to 100% specificity. These data were obtained by using a Western blot assay with T. cruzi trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigens as a reference test to confirm T. cruzi infection