14 research outputs found

    Differences between the oral changes presented by patients with solid and hematologic tumors during the chemotherapeutic treatment

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    Objective: This study sought to identify the differences between the oral changes presented by patients with solid and hematologic tumors during chemotherapeutic treatment. Methodology: This is an observational, prospective and quantitative study using direct documentation by follow-up of 105 patients from 0 to 18 years using the modified Oral Assessment Guide (OAG). Of the 105 patients analyzed, 57 (54.3%) were boys with 7.3 years (±5.2) mean age. Hematologic neoplasms accounted for 51.4% of all cases. Results: Voice, lips, tongue, and saliva changes were not significantly different (p>0.05) between patients with solid or hematologic tumors and during the follow-up. From the 6th until the 10th week of chemotherapeutic treatment alterations in swallowing function, in the mucous membrane (buccal mucosa and palate), in the labial mucosa, and in the gingiva occurred and were distributed differently between the two tumors groups (p<0.05). The main alterations were observed in patients with hematologic tumors. Conclusion: It was concluded that the oral changes during the chemotherapeutic treatment occurred especially in swallowing function, in the mucous membrane, in the labial mucosa and in the gingiva, and these alterations were found mainly in patients with hematologic tumors

    Donald Pierson e o Projeto do Vale do Rio São Francisco: cientistas sociais em ação na era do desenvolvimento

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    Methodologiacal basis of training in Physiotherapy: discussing the detachment between the training process and the work in primary health care.

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    From the methodological foundations underlying the training process in Physiotherapy and considering the tasks of the physiotherapist at Nucleus of Support for Family Health (FHSCs), attempted to identify the points of separation between training and use of the physiotherapist workforce in primary healthcare in João Pessoa/PB. The study is justified by the need to enhance educational processes in Physiotherapy, in order to be compatible with the requirements of their professional practice, particularly in primary healthcare level. This is an exploratory-descriptive and inferential study which quantitative approaches. Data were analyzed from the Hypothesis Test, used as method of decision making. The data analysis showed, with statistical evidences, distances between the students and teachers who say, in the process physiotherapist formation in higher education institutions surveyed, as well as differences between those who attest physiotherapist and managers in relation to the work process in FHSCs of Health Districts of the city. It was concluded that it is necessary a reformulation of methodological bases that make up educational plans related to Collective Health at the institutions which offer the course of graduation at Physiotherapy in João Pessoa, as well as a better use of the workforce of the physiotherapist with the FHSCs, aiming at a redefinition of the practices of this professional at the areas of Primary Health

    Perfil das Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária subsidiando ações de saúde nas regiões brasileiras

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    O estudo objetiva analisar dados de Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária nas regiões brasileiras em 2014 por meio de estudo ecológico quantitativo, utilizando dados secundários do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares nas cidades com mais de 100 mil habitantes. Registraram-se 1.116.917 internações com taxas por 10 mil habitantes variando entre 89,81 (Sudeste) e 121,99 (Sul), com destaque para pneumonias, doenças cerebrovasculares e insuficiência cardíaca. Apesar dos valores aproximados entre as regiões, Norte e Sul apresentaram grupos com valores expressivos, representando critério direcionador de programas e ações diferenciadas para cada região do País

    Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária: uma revisão descritiva dos resultados da produção acadêmica brasileira

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    O estudo propõe-se descrever e analisar os resultados da produção acadêmica brasileira sobre Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária. Revisão descritiva e analítica realizada em artigos científicos de Portais de Periódicos. Vinte e um artigos integraram o estudo, os quais foram subdivididos segundo a abrangência territorial, sendo 9,6% nacional, 4,8% do Nordeste, 9,6% do Centro-Oeste, 33,3% do Sul e 42,7% do Sudeste. As Internações por Causas Sensíveis à Atenção Primária, apesar de se apresentarem altas em alguns estados e/ou cidades isoladas, sofrem uma tendência para estabilização e redução nas diferentes regiões brasileiras

    Factors associated with lip and oral cavity cancer

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    PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify factors associated with the occurrence of primary cancer of the lip and oral cavity regions compared to other types of head and neck cancers according to demographic, socioeconomic data and lifestyle, in Brazil, from 2000 to 2011. METHODS: A study was conducted using Hospital Cancer Records (Instituto Nacional do Câncer), from 2000 to 2011, totaling 23,153 cases. Data were analyzed by binary logistic regression (response category: primary cancers located in the lip and oral cavity; comparison category; other types of primary cancer in the head and neck, which does not affect the lip and oral cavity) at a significance level α = 5%. RESULTS: The study showed factors associated with higher incidence of cancer in the lip and oral cavity: being of advanced age (OR = 1.16), not having a family history of cancer (OR = 2.38), alcohol consumption (OR = 1.17); former tobacco use (OR = 1.51) or current tobacco use (OR = 1.65); having a previous diagnosis of cancer without treatment (OR =1.66). Being female (OR = 0.92), having completed basic (OR = 0.71) and higher (OR = 0.46) education and having previous diagnosis of cancer with treatment (OR = 0.74) constituted factors associated with lower prevalence of cancer of the lip and oral cavity. CONCLUSION: Age, absence of family history of cancer, smoking habits and alcohol consumption, and previous diagnosis of cancer without treatment were associated with a higher incidence of cancer of the lip and oral cavity


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    DOI: 10.12957/cadest.2017.25443 This article proposes to use empirical models, with good adjustment, that can provide an informative measure on the intention to buy consumers considering information about socio-cultural, psychological and situational factors associated with them. It is expected that a measure of probability provided by a model such as that proposed can be useful in strategic marketing decisions where consumers' intention to buy.To achieve the objective, initially interviewed 384 Internet users in places with large circulation of people the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. Then the data obtained from interviews, were used to estimate those models.  These models were based on assumptions of theories of the cognitive approach of consumer behavior, especially the Theory of Reasoned Action. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire containing market research questions related to psychological factors, sociocultural and situational consumer. The analysis considered only regression models of the class of generalized additive models.The most successful model presented nine variables and a single non-parametric term, obtained from smoothing splines. This model had a pseudo-R2of 0,89 and allowed to reach a percentage of correct trials of the observations of the sample equal to 94%. Keywords: Purchases intention, Regression model, Generalized Aditive Models, Consumer Behavior

    Tooth loss and associated factors in patients with coagulopathies in the State of Paraíba, Brazil

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    BACKGROUND The most common and best known hereditary coagulopathies are hemophilia A and B followed by von Willebrand Disease. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of tooth loss and investigate its association with demographic and socioeconomic data, as well as to discuss self-reported oral morbidity and use of health services by patients with coagulopathies treated in blood centers in Paraíba, Brazil. METHODS This was a quantitative cross-sectional epidemiological survey. Data was collected in the period from October 2011 to July 2012 by clinical examination and by assessing interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire. The findings were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics with the level of significance (α) being set at 10%. RESULTS One hundred and six, predominantly male (88.8%), patients with coagulopathies were evaluated. The ages ranged from one to 59 years. Most patients were of mixed race (61.3%), most reported family incomes between R501.00andR 501.00 and R 1500.00 (49.1%), and most had not completed elementary school (37.1%). Hemophilia A was found in 76.4% of the cases. The prevalence of dental caries among individuals was 50.0% predominantly in the 13- to 19-year-old age range (66.7%). As regards to tooth loss, teeth were missing in 35.1% of the study participants. CONCLUSION Tooth loss is high in this population. Males with severe hemophilia A, those who use fluoride and have a good or very good perception about their last dental appointment have a reduced chance of losing their teeth