25 research outputs found

    Probing dark energy with atom interferometry

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    Theories of dark energy require a screening mechanism to explain why the associated scalar fields do not mediate observable long range fifth forces. The archetype of this is the chameleon field. Here we show that individual atoms are too small to screen the chameleon field inside a large high-vacuum chamber, and therefore can detect the field with high sensitivity. We derive new limits on the chameleon parameters from existing experiments, and show that most of the remaining chameleon parameter space is readily accessible using atom interferometry

    A direct probe of cosmological power spectra of the peculiar velocity field and the gravitational lensing magnification from photometric redshift surveys

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    The cosmological peculiar velocity field (deviations from the pure Hubble flow) of matter carries significant information on dark energy, dark matter and the underlying theory of gravity on large scales. Peculiar motions of galaxies introduce systematic deviations between the observed galaxy redshifts z and the corresponding cosmological redshifts z_cos. A novel method for estimating the angular power spectrum of the peculiar velocity field based on observations of galaxy redshifts and apparent magnitudes m (or equivalently fluxes) is presented. This method exploits the fact that a mean relation between z_cos and m of galaxies can be derived from all galaxies in a redshift-magnitude survey. Given a galaxy magnitude, it is shown that the z_cos(m) relation yields its cosmological redshift with a 1-sigma error of sigma_z~0.3 for a survey like Euclid (~10^9 galaxies at z<~2), and can be used to constrain the angular power spectrum of z-z_cos(m) with a high signal-to-noise ratio. At large angular separations corresponding to l<~15, we obtain significant constraints on the power spectrum of the peculiar velocity field. At 15<~l<~60, magnitude shifts in the z_cos(m) relation caused by gravitational lensing magnification dominate, allowing us to probe the line-of-sight integral of the gravitational potential. Effects related to the environmental dependence in the luminosity function can easily be computed and their contamination removed from the estimated power spectra. The amplitude of the combined velocity and lensing power spectra at z~1 can be measured with <~5% accuracy.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures; added a discussion of systematic errors, accepted for publication in JCA

    Cosmological effects of scalar-photon couplings: dark energy and varying-α models

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    We study cosmological models involving scalar fields coupled to radiation and discuss their effect on the redshift evolution of the cosmic microwave background temperature, focusing on links with varying fundamental constants and dynamical dark energy. We quantify how allowing for the coupling of scalar fields to photons, and its important effect on luminosity distances, weakens current and future constraints on cosmological parameters. In particular, for evolving dark energy models, joint constraints on the dark energy equation of state combining BAO radial distance and SN luminosity distance determinations, will be strongly dominated by BAO. Thus, to fully exploit future SN data one must also independently constrain photon number non-conservation arising from the possible coupling of SN photons to the dark energy scalar field. We discuss how observational determinations of the background temper- ature at different redshifts can, in combination with distance measures data, set tight constraints on interactions between scalar fields and photons, thus breaking this degeneracy. We also discuss prospects for future improvements, particularly in the context of Euclid and the E-ELT and show that Euclid can, even on its own, provide useful dark energy constraints while allowing for photon number non-conservation

    Matter bispectrum in cubic Galileon cosmologies

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    In this paper we obtain the bispectrum of dark matter density perturbations in the frame of covariant cubic Galileon theories. This result is obtained by means of a semi- analytic approach to second-order perturbations in Galileon cosmologies, assuming Gaussian initial conditions. In particular, we show that, even in the presence of large deviations of the linear growth-rate w.r.t. the CDM one, at the bispectrum level such deviations are reduced to a few percent.Web of Scienc

    Multiple lensing of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies

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    We study the gravitational lensing effect on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies performing a ray-tracing of the primordial CMB photons through intervening large-scale structures (LSS) distribution predicted by N-Body numerical simulations with a particular focus on the precise recovery of the lens-induced polarized counterpart of the source plane. We apply both a multiple plane ray-tracing and an effective deflection approach based on the Born approximation to deflect the CMB photons trajectories through the simulated lightcone. We discuss the results obtained with both these methods together with the impact of LSS non-linear evolution on the CMB temperature and polarization power spectra. We compare our results with semi-analytical approximations implemented in Boltzmann codes like, e.g., CAMB. We show that, with our current N-body setup, the predicted lensing power is recovered with good accuracy in a wide range of multipoles while excess power with respect to semi-analytic prescriptions is observed in the lensing potential on scales \u2113 65 3000. We quantify the impact of the numerical effects connected to the resolution in the N-Body simulation together with the resolution and band-limit chosen to synthesise the CMB source plane. We found these quantities to be particularly important for the simulation of B-mode polarization power spectrum

    Maps of CMB lensing deflection from N-body simulations in Coupled Dark Energy Cosmologies

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    We produce lensing potential and deflection-angle maps in order to simulate the weak gravitational lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) via ray-tracing through the COupled Dark Energy Cosmological Simulations (CoDECS), the largest suite of N-body simulations to date for interacting Dark Energy cosmologies. The constructed maps faithfully reflect the N-body cosmic structures on a range of scales going from the arcminute to the degree scale, limited only by the resolution and extension of the simulations. We investigate the variation of the lensing pattern due to the underlying Dark Energy (DE) dynamics, characterised by different background and perturbation behaviours as a consequence of the interaction between the DE field and Cold Dark Matter (CDM). In particular, we study in detail the results from three cosmological models differing in the background and perturbations evolution at the epoch in which the lensing cross section is most effective, corresponding to a redshift of ~ 1, with the purpose to isolate their imprints in the lensing observables, regardless of the compatibility of these models with present constraints. The scenarios investigated here include a reference \u39bCDM cosmology, a standard coupled DE (cDE) scenario, and a ``bouncing" cDE scenario. For the standard cDE scenario, we find that typical differences in the lensing potential result from two effects: the enhanced growth of linear CDM density fluctuations with respect to the \u39bCDM case, and the modified nonlinear dynamics of collapsed structures induced by the DE-CDM interaction. As a consequence, CMB lensing highlights the DE impact in the cosmological expansion, even in the degenerate case where the amplitude of the linear matter density perturbations, parametrised through \u3c38, is the same in both the standard cDE and \u39bCDM cosmologies. For the ``bouncing" scenario, we find that the two opposite behaviours of the lens density contrast and of the matter abundance lead to a counter-intuitive effect, making the power of the lensing signal in this model lower by 10% than in the \u39bCDM scenario. Moreover, we compare the behaviour of CDM and baryons in CoDECS separately, in order to isolate effects coming from the coupling with the DE component. We find that, in the bouncing scenario, baryons show an opposite trend with respect to CDM, due to the coupling of the latter with the DE component. These results confirm the relevance of CMB lensing as a probe for DE at the early stages of cosmic acceleration, and demonstrate the reliability of N-body based large scale CMB lensing simulations in the context of DE studies. \ua9 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl