36 research outputs found
Trade in Goods Under the EU–Korea FTA: Market Access and Regulatory Measures
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Changes in North Korea and Policy Responses of the International Community Toward North Korea
- Author
- &apos
- &apos
- &apos
- &apos
- &apos
- / Young Ho Korea&apos
- Alexander Zhebin
- Asean Intra-Industry Trade Between Korea
- Bak-Soo Eu /
- Charles Pritchard
- China Korea&apos
- China Korea&apos
- Dr
- Fta / Pyoungseob China
- Fta Korea-China-Japan
- Global Outsourcing
- Huji Zhao
- Jina Yang
- Jong Lee
- Korea&apos
- Korea-New
- Narihiko Ito
- Oda Korean
- Reference Frank
- Scott Snyder
- Seungjoo Baek
- Yuzhi Qiao
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
Regional Trade Agreements with Labor Clauses: Effects on Labor Standards and Trade
- Author
- * Brunei
- Ajit Singh
- Cafta-Dominican Republic
- Canada-Chile
- Canada-Colombia
- Canada-Costa Rica
- Canada-Jordan
- Canada-Peru
- Cees Van Beers
- Chile-China
- Chile-Colombia
- China-Hong Kong
- Christian H�berli
- Colombia-El
- Dani Rodrik
- David Kucera
- David Kucera
- David Kucera
- Drusilla K Brown
- Drusilla K Brown
- Drusilla K Brown
- Efta-Albania
- Efta-Chile
- Efta-Montenegro
- Efta-Morocco
- Efta-Peru
- Emmanuel Teitlebaum
- Eric Edmonds
- Eric Edmonds
- Eric Neumayer
- Eric Neumayer
- Eric Neumayer
- Eu-Algeria
- Eu-Cariforum
- Eu-Chile
- Eu-Israel
- Eu-Jordan
- Eu-Lebanon
- Eu-Mexico
- Eu-Montenegro
- Eu-Morocco
- Eu-South Korea
- Eu-Syria
- Eu-Tunisia
- Giancarlo Spagnolo
- Hong Kong-New
- Isao Kamata
- Jai S Mah
- Japan-Indonesia
- Japan-Malaysia
- Japan-Singapore
- Japan-Viet Nam
- Jean-Marc Siro�n
- Keith E Maskus
- Kimberly Elliott
- Kyle Bagwell
- Laixun Zhao
- Mary Jane Bolle
- Matthias Busse
- Melanesian Spearhead Group
- Mercosur
- Michael Huberman
- Mita Aggarwal
- Nafta *
- Nuno Lim�o
- Panama-Chile
- Peru-South Korea
- Robert A Rogowsky
- Robert M Stern
- Singapore-Australia
- T N Srinivasan
- Trans-Pacific
- Turkey-Chile
- Turkey-Palestine
- Usa-Chile
- Usa-Morocco
- Usa-Oman
- Usa-Panama
- Vivek H Dehejia
- Will Martin
- Yiagadeesen Samy
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Current Status and Progress of Telemedicine in Korea and Other Countries
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'The Korean Society of Medical Informatics'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
The WTO Trade Policy Review of the United States, 1996
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study
Estimation of the soil hazardous concentration of methylparaben using a species sensitivity approach
- Author
- Albero
- Amorim
- An
- An
- AteÅŸ
- Bold
- BÅ‚edzka
- Comeche
- Crovetto
- Dambal
- Dasom Kim
- Dobbins
- Dokyung Kim
- Dunnett
- EU
- EU
- Fangel
- Finney
- Gorman
- Hamilton
- Jin Il Kwak
- Jongmin Moon
- Kim
- Kim
- Kretzschmar
- Kwak
- Kwak
- Li
- Liao
- MFDS of Korea
- MFDS of Korea
- MOE of Korea
- Nam
- Nam
- Nam
- NEP (National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Amendment Measure
- Nieto
- Núñez
- Núñez
- Rongxue Cui
- Shin Woong Kim
- Terasaki
- Voigt
- Yazar
- Youn-Joo An
- Yu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Substance flow analysis and environmental releases of PBDEs in life cycle of automobiles
- Author
- Abbasi
- Barón
- BSEF (Bromine Science and Environmental Forum)
- Chen
- Costa
- Costa
- Dasco
- de Wit
- Drage
- Du
- ECHA (European CHemicals Agency)
- ECHA (European CHemicals Agency)
- EU Directive
- EU Directive
- Fitzgerald
- Garcia-Reyero
- Gearhart
- Hardy
- Hearn
- Hooper
- Hu
- Jiang
- Jong-Guk Kim
- Jonghyun Choi
- Jörundsdótt
- Kajiwara
- Kim
- Korea Environment Corporation (KECO)
- Korea Environment Institute (KEI)
- Korea Ministry of Government Legislation
- Korea National Institute of Environmental Research (Korea NIER)
- Korea Statistical Information Service
- Lagalante
- Law
- Lee
- Leonetti
- Li
- Liqin
- Lyche
- Martellini
- McDonald
- Morf
- Muhammad
- Niinipuu
- Park
- Rauert
- Rotander
- Ryan
- Sakai
- Schuhmacher
- Sha
- UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
- US EPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency)
- US EPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency)
- US EPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency)
- Vyzinkarova
- Wallace
- Wang
- Wang
- Waszak
- Weijs
- Xu
- Yong-Chul Jang
- Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Business as Usual? How Free Trade Agreements Jeopardise Financial Sector Reform
- Author
- : See
- A Cornford
- Art
- C Reinhart
- D Dietrich
- D Igan
- E Gould
- European Parliament
- European Parliament
- Financial Wto
- Financial Wto
- Financial Wto
- Fta Eu-Korea
- Fta Eu-S Korea
- Gats See
- Gtz
- J Kelsey
- J Ostry
- M Vander Stichele
- Myriam Vander Stichele
- N Cetorelli
- P Lamy
- R
- R Chaitoo
- Relationship
- Roos van Os
- See E G Cariforum-Eu Epa
- See Ibidem
- See T Kerckhoffs
- South Centre
- South Centre
- Stumberg
- T See For Instance E. Detragiache
- T Tucker
- T Tucker
- T Tucker
- T Tucker
- T Tucker
- Wto
- Y Teso
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
The Boao Forum for Asia Progress of Asian Economic Integration Annual Report 2009
- Author
- (patcra Australia
- -Asean Australia
- A Peng
- A V Meshcherskaya
- A Zafar
- Acp-Ec Pacic
- Afta Cambodia
- Afta G
- Afta G
- Afta G
- Afta Indonesia
- Afta Singapore
- Afta Vietnam
- Alan Siu
- Alicia GarcÃa-Herrero
- Apta (asia-Pacic
- Apta India
- Asean G
- Asean Na
- Asean-Eu
- Asean-Eu
- Asean-Eu
- Asean-Eu
- Asean-Eu
- Asean-Eu
- Asean-Eu
- Asean-Eu
- Asean-Eu Na
- Australia
- B B Fitzharis
- B Bhadra
- B Eichengreen
- B Mercereau
- B Walter
- Brunei Darussalam
- Challenges Opportunities
- Chantasasawat
- Chantasasawat
- China
- China G &
- China Taipei
- China-Korea
- Costa Rica
- D-8 Pta Na
- De Brouwer
- De Grauwe
- E Bou-Zeid
- Egypt
- Eiji Ogawa
- Eu G &
- Foreign Aairs
- Fta China
- Fta Singapore
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G &
- G Buthan
- G Chile
- G Chile
- G Laos
- G Pakistan
- G Sri Lanka
- G Sri Lanka
- G Yan
- George S Tavlas
- Gstp Malaysia
- Gstp Myanmar
- H.-H Lee
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong
- I O Leont&apos
- Ipcc
- Iran
- J C Pu
- J Cravino
- J D Rodriguez
- J S Bandara
- Japan Singapore
- Japan-China
- Jeery A Frankel
- Jordon
- Judy Dean
- K C Fung
- K C Fung
- K Lee
- K Y Wong
- K. C. Fung
- Kiyotaka Sato
- Kiyotaka Sato
- Korea
- Korea
- Korea
- Korea
- Korea
- Korea-Japan
- L Branstetter
- L Branstetter
- L Ding
- Libyan Jamahiriya
- M A Allison
- M Erdnethuya
- M Lal
- M Meier
- M Yoshio
- Marshall Islands
- Marshall Islands
- Masahiro Kawai
- Mauritius Pakistan
- Mercosur Na
- Micronesia
- Msg G
- N A Afghanistan
- N A Aseanindia
- N A Aseanindia
- N A Bahrain
- N A Brunei Darussalam
- N A Guatemala
- N A Iran
- N A Japan
- N A Malaysia
- N A Pacer Plus
- N A Thailand
- Nathalie Aminian
- New Zealand
- Ngo Long
- Ning Wright
- O J Blanchard
- Oceanea Australia
- P A Zolotov
- Pafta Jordon
- Papua New Guinea
- Png (patcra
- Pol Antras
- Ptn Pakistan
- Ptn Philippines
- R Das
- R Feenstra
- Republic Korea
- Republic Korea
- Republic Korea
- Republic Korea
- Republic Korea
- Republic Korea
- Richard E Baldwin
- S = Services
- S E Page
- S Kastner
- S Peng
- Saarc Secretariat
- Safta South Asia Afghanistan
- Soyoung Kim
- Soyoung Kim
- Sri Lanka
- Switzerland Geneva
- T Baysan
- T N Srinivasan
- Takatoshi Ito
- Takatoshi Ito
- Tuvalu
- Tuvalu
- U S
- U S
- U S
- U S
- U S
- U S
- U S
- Unctad Adb
- Viet Nam
- Von Hagen
- W Checkley
- Win Chou
- X C Wang
- X L Pan
- Y B Liu
- Yu A Izrael
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
The Baumol Diseases and the Korean Economy
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study