16 research outputs found

    Sunflower in the global vegetable oil system: situation, specificities and perspectives

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    Sunflower is the third oilseed produced in the world, the fourth vegetable oil and third oilseed meal among protein feed sources. In the past decades, the competition has been tough on the very dynamic vegetable oils and oilseed meals markets, respectively driven by palm oil and soybean meal. The sunflower sector succeeded in maintaining its competitiveness through continuous innovation in genetics, cropping practices and research of added value leading to a higher market segmentation. This article establishes a picture of the past evolutions and present situation of the global sunflower sector and review potential development fields


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    What vegetable oils and proteins for 2030? Would the protein fraction be the future of oil and protein crops?

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    To support the reflections of the French professionnels of vegetable oils and proteins, a foresight study was carried out to 2030 horizon (15 years), to shed light on the opportunities that will draw the oilcrops and grain legumes, and the areas of growth for the French and European vegetable oil and protein sector. The thinking was organized in the form of four different scenarios for 2030, which illustrate different logical evolutions of the context and related key issues, under the pressure of demographic, economic and socio-political constraints. It is clear that the economic value of the protein fraction is a key aspect of the future of oilseeds such as rapeseed, sunflower and soy. However, a saturated market for vegetable oils falls within the trend but is not a certainty

    What vegetable oils and proteins for 2030? Would the protein fraction be the future of oil and protein crops?⋆

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    To support the reflections of the French professionnels of vegetable oils and proteins, a foresight study was carried out to 2030 horizon (15 years), to shed light on the opportunities that will draw the oilcrops and grain legumes, and the areas of growth for the French and European vegetable oil and protein sector. The thinking was organized in the form of four different scenarios for 2030, which illustrate different logical evolutions of the context and related key issues, under the pressure of demographic, economic and socio-political constraints. It is clear that the economic value of the protein fraction is a key aspect of the future of oilseeds such as rapeseed, sunflower and soy. However, a saturated market for vegetable oils falls within the trend but is not a certainty

    Politiques agricoles et place du colza et du pois dans les systĂšmes de culture

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    National audienceThe impact of agricultural policies on the presence of pea and oilseed rape in French cropping systems has been mainly conditioned by the initial priority given to cereal production by the European Community. However, such crops have been very sensitive to incentive-driven CAP instruments of the first “protein crop plan” with a very fast increase in the 1980s, as well as to limitations associated with budget-stabilizing mechanisms since 1986-1988. Then, with the prospects of set-aside for industrial purposes, oilseed rape has found a new outlet with the emerging industry specialized in biodiesel. On the contrary, peas has been impacted by the regular decrease in public support, with a continuous reduction from its climax in 1993, which is also due to their declining competitiveness compared with other crops. Improving the sustainability of agriculture is an ever growing concern. Understanding both how to better value the benefits of grain legumes and oil crops and to better manage their risks, will allow such crops to contribute to sustainability. This is done, first, by diversifying crops in cereal-based cropping systems, and second, through the fraction of nitrogen fixed by legume crops in total nitrogen input of production systems.Les effets des politiques agricoles sur la place du pois et du colza dans les systĂšmes de culture français ont Ă©tĂ© fondamentalement contingentĂ©s par la prioritĂ© initiale donnĂ©e par la CommunautĂ© EuropĂ©enne Ă  la production cĂ©rĂ©aliĂšre. Avec cette limite, ces filiĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© trĂšs rĂ©actives aux incitations de la PAC basĂ©es sur le premier ‘plan protĂ©ines’ avec un dĂ©veloppement des surfaces trĂšs rapide dans les annĂ©es 1980, et aussi au frein imposĂ© par les stabilisateurs budgĂ©taires Ă  partir de 1986-1988. Ensuite, avec l’opportunitĂ© de la jachĂšre industrielle, le colza a trouvĂ© un relais dans l’instauration d’une industrie spĂ©cialisĂ©e avec le biodiesel. En revanche le pois Ă©tait impactĂ© par la diminution progressive du niveau de soutien public avec une tendance continue Ă  la rĂ©duction depuis l’apogĂ©e de sa production en 1993. Est aussi en cause la dĂ©gradation de la compĂ©titivitĂ© Ă©conomique du pois par rapport Ă  d’autres cultures. AmĂ©liorer la durabilitĂ© de l’agriculture est une prĂ©occupation de plus en plus prĂ©gnante actuellement. C’est en conjuguant la rĂ©flexion sur leurs « atouts » Ă  mieux valoriser et les « risques » Ă  mieux gĂ©rer que l’on pourra identifier les mĂ©canismes idoines pour permettre Ă  ces cultures de contribuer Ă  la durabilitĂ© via deux leviers importants : la diversification des cultures dans les systĂšmes cĂ©rĂ©aliers et la part de l’azote fixĂ© symbiotiquement par les lĂ©gumineuses dans les entrĂ©es d’azote dans les systĂšmes de production

    From one rapeseed congress to another: what research for which issues, A review of the Saskatoon 2015 conference in the perspective of Berlin 2019

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    The contents of the 2015 Rapeseed Convention, held in Saskatoon, Canada, under the auspices of GCIRC, provided an up-to-date review of rapeseed research and innovation and development perspectives, which may key to understanding the evolutions that will be expressed during the 15th Colza Congress, in Berlin, Germany, in June 2019, in a context marked both by the emergence of new technologies and by changes in market and societal demand

    The main dynamics of sunflower research presented at the 19th International Sunflower Conference in 2016

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    The International Sunflower Conference takes place every four years under the auspices of the ISA, International Sunflower Association. Before the 20th Conference in June 2020, a review of the proceedings of the Edirne conference, in June 2016, offers a vision of the crop and research dynamics in the world, as well as international cooperation programmes in progress or to be developed in the period 2016–2020. They are essential for the future of this crop for which demands tend to diversify. Sustained efforts have led to significant progress in genomics. The challenges posed by pests and by climatic constraints remain significant. The interest in gathering knowledge on crop models incorporating varietal parameters appears clearly, both to establish long-term adaptation strategies and to make better use of current resources

    EUROCROP: a concerted action on agricultural research for arable crops competitiveness* **

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    EUROCROP is a coordination action of the 6th Framework Programme (FP6-2004-SSP-4), involving the stakeholders and actors concerned by arable crops in Europe, which aims to propose research orientations to improve the competitiveness of the sector at the 2015 horizon. To reach this objective, EUROCROP developed 4 scenarios for 2015 and examined the main challenges for the arable crops sector. The EUROCROP project ends in December 2008 and will hold its final conference in Brussels in October 2008 to present its recommendations for arable crops research and collect comments

    EUROCROP: a concerted action on agricultural research for arable crops competitiveness

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    EUROCROP is a coordination action of the 6th Framework Programme (FP6-2004-SSP-4), involving the stakeholders and actors concerned by arable crops in Europe, which aims to propose research orientations to improve the competitiveness of the sector at the 2015 horizon. To reach this objective, EUROCROP developed 4 scenarios for 2015 and examined the main challenges for the arable crops sector. The EUROCROP project ends in December 2008 and will hold its final conference in Brussels in October 2008 to present its recommendations for arable crops research and collect comments