1,091 research outputs found

    The growth of a Super Stable Heap : an experimental and numerical study

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    We report experimental and numerical results on the growth of a super stable heap (SSH). Such a regime appears for flows in a thin channel and for high flow rate : the flow occurs atop a nearly static heap whose angle is stabilized by the flowing layer at its top and the side wall friction. The growth of the static heap is investigated in this paper. A theoretical analysis inspired by the BRCE formalism predicts the evolution of the growth process, which is confirmed by both experiments and numerical simulations. The model allows us to link the characteristic time of the growth to the exchange rate between the "moving" and "static" grains. We show that this rate is proportional to the height of the flowing layer even for thick flows. The study of upstream traveling waves sheds new light on the BCRE model


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    En vingt ans, les favelas de São Paulo sont passées de 1,5% à 19% de la population d’une ville de dix millions de citadins et le chômage grimpait de 1% à 18% de la population active des 18 millions d’habitants de l’agglomération. Coïncidence? Les relations entre modes d’habitat et dynamiques économiques s’établissent dans une métropole marquée tant par la restructuration productive qui déstabilise et flexibilise les marchés du travail industriel et tertiaire, que par les recompositions spatiales où s’accentuent polycentralité, densification, verticalisation et ségrégation. L’analyse exploratoire des cheminements professionnels permet de dégager des filières et modes d’accès à l’espace et à l’habitat dans leur dépendance avec les modes d’accès aux différentes formes de travail et à l’évolution de son marché. Et vice versa: les conditions socio-économiques et résidentielles conditionnent l’accès à l’emploi, face aux nouvelles normes d’instabilité, de conditionnalité et de précarité.Em vinte anos, as favelas de São Paulo passaram de 1,5% a 19% da população de uma cidade de dez milhões de citadinos e o desemprego subiu de 1% para 18% da população ativa dos 18 milhões de habitantes da aglomeração metropolitana. Coincidência? As relações entre os modos do habitat e as dinâmicas econômicas têm lugar em uma metrópole marcada tanto pela restruturação produtiva, que desestabiliza e flexibiliza os mercados de trabalho industrial e terciário, quanto pelas recomposições espaciais em que se acentuam a policentralidade, a densificação, a verticalização e a segregação. A análise exploratória das trajetórias profissionais permite depreender dos âmbitos e dos modos de acesso ao espaço e ao habitat na sua dependência em relação aos modos de acesso às diferentes formas de trabalho e à evolução de seu mercado e vice-versa: as condições sócio econômicas e residenciais condicionam o acesso ao emprego, face às novas formas de instabilidade, circunstancialidade e precariedade

    Measure of Uncertainty in Human Emotions

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    Many research explore how well computers are able to examine emotions displayed by humans and use that data to perform different tasks. However, there have been very few research which evaluate the computers ability to generate emotion classification information in an attempt to help the user make decisions or perform tasks. This is a crucial area to explore as it is paramount to the two way communication between humans and computers. This research conducted an experiment to investigate the impact of different uncertainty information displays of emotion classification on the human decision making process. Results show that displaying more uncertainty information can help users to be more confident when making decisions.Comment: A revised title has been adopted, differing from the original ("Investigating the impact machine emotion classification uncertainty displays have on the human decision making process"), in order to better encapsulate the research findings within the contex

    Fungal communities isolated from dead apple leaves from orchards in Quebec

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    Le champignon causant la tavelure du pommier, Venturia inaequalis, hiverne dans les feuilles mortes de pommier (Malus pumila) sous forme de pseudothèces. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de monter une collection de champignons afin de vérifier subséquemment leur résistance au froid et leur potentiel antagoniste contre V. inaequalis et d'acquérir des connaissances sur la microflore des feuilles mortes de pommiers. Des champignons ont été isolés sur des feuilles mortes de pommiers récoltées au printemps et à l'automne de 1993. Au total, 345 isolats fongiques provenant de 49 genres ont été identifiés. Quinze genres sont rapportés pour la première fois comme colonisateurs des feuilles de pommiers en Amérique du Nord.Venturia inaequalis, the causal agent of apple scab, overwinters in apple (Malus pumila) leaves on the orchard floor by producing pseudothecia. The objectives of this survey were to make a collection of fungi to be subsequently tested for their potential as psychrophile biocontrol agents against V. inaequalis and to acquire knowledge on the diversity of the microflora of dead apple leaves. Fungi were recovered from dead apple leaves collected in the spring and fall of 1993. A total of 345 isolates from 49 genera were identified. Fifteen gene were not previously recorded as colonizers of apple leaves in North America

    Analyse de besoins pour un service en ligne

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    National audienceLe développement des formations totalement ou partiellement en ligne, ainsi que la mise à disposition de documents numériques pour les étudiants nécessitent de fournir des services innovants adaptés aux besoins induits. Nous nous intéressons ici aux étudiants qui effectuent tout ou partie de leur cursus dans une langue étrangère et qui rencontrent des difficultés dues à la langue. Notre objectif est de leur fournir, à la demande, en ligne et dans leur langue maternelle, un document similaire à celui qui fait difficulté pour eux. Nous présentons dans ce papier la phase d'analyse des besoins relative à l'ingénierie de ce service en ligne. Mots-clés. Ressources numériques de formation, fourniture de ressources dans une autre langue, service en ligne, analyse de besoins Abstract. The development of training fully or partially online, as well as the provision of digital materials for students, requires providing innovative services adapted to new needs identified. We focus on students who complete all or part of their course in a foreign language and who encounter difficulties due to language. Our goal is to provide on-demand, online and in their native language, a document similar to the one that troubles them. We present in this paper the needs analysis phase, relating to the engineering of this online servic

    Needs analysis for an online learning service

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    International audienceThe development of fully or partially online training, as well as the provision of digital learning materials for students, requires the development of systems that provide students with innovative services tailored to their needs. We are interested in students who perform all or part of their course in a foreign language and who face difficulties due to language understanding. Our goal is to provide them, on demand, online and in their native language, with a document similar to the one that troubles them. In this paper we present the needs analysis phase, related to the engineering process of the online service
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