530 research outputs found
Early Bronze Age Houses at Højgård, Southern Jutland
Early Bronze Age Houses at Højgård, Southern Jutlan
Two more House Groups with Three-aisled Long-houses from the Early Bronze Age at Højgård, South Jutland
Two more House Groups with Three-aisled Long-houses from the Early Bronze Age at Højgård, South Jutlan
The Chieftains' Farms of the Over Jerstal Group
The Chieftains' Farms of the Over Jerstal Grou
Investigation using whole genome sequencing of a prolonged restaurant outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium linked to the building drainage system, England, February 2015 to March 2016
Following notification of a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium gastroenteritis outbreak, we identified 82 cases linked to a restaurant with symptom onset from 12 February 2015 to 8 March 2016. Seventy-two cases had an isolate matching the nationally unique whole genome sequencing profile (single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) address: Interviews established exposure to the restaurant and subsequent case-control analysis identified an association with eating carvery buffet food (adjusted odds ratios (AOR): 20.9; 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.2 - infinity). Environmental inspections, food/water testing, and a food trace-back investigation were inconclusive. Repeated cycles of cleaning were undertaken, including hydrogen peroxide fogging, however, transmission continued. After 7 months of investigation, environmental swabbing identified 106 isolates from kitchen surfaces and restaurant drains matching the outbreak profile. We found structural faults with the drainage system and hypothesised that a reservoir of bacteria in drain biofilm and underfloor flooded areas may have sustained this outbreak. Ineffective drain water-traps (U-bends) may have also contributed by allowing transmission of contaminated aerosols into the kitchen environment. These findings suggest that routine swabbing of sink drain points and inspection of drainage systems should be considered in future outbreak scenarios
Spatio-temporal cluster analysis of the incidence of Campylobacter cases and patients with general diarrhea in a Danish county, 1995–2004
Campylobacter infections are the main cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in Denmark. While primarily foodborne, Campylobacter infections are also to some degree acquired through other sources which may include contact with animals or the environment, locally contaminated drinking water and more. We analyzed Campylobacter cases for clustering in space and time for the large Danish island of Funen in the period 1995–2003, under the assumption that infections caused by 'environmental' factors may show persistent clustering while foodborne infections will occur randomly in space. Input data were geo-coded datasets of the addresses of laboratory-confirmed Campylobacter cases and of the background population of Funen County. The dataset had a spatial extent of 4.900 km2. Data were aggregated into units of analysis (so-called features) of 5 km by 5 km times 1 year, and the Campylobacter incidence calculated. We used a modified form of local Moran's I to test if features with similar incidence rates occurred next to each other in space and time, and compared the observed clusters with simulated clusters. Because clusters may be caused by a high tendency among local GPs to submit stool samples, we also analyzed a dataset of all submitted stool samples for comparison. The results showed a significant persisting clustering of Campylobacter incidence rates in the Western part of Funen. Results were visualized using the Netlogo software. The underlying causes of the observed clustering are not known and will require further examination, but may be partially explained by an increased rate of stool samples submissions by physicians in the area. We hope, by this approach, to have developed a tool which will allow for analyses of geographical clusters which may in turn form a basis for further epidemiological examinations to cast light on the sources of infection
Family planning and population control in developing countries: Ethical and sociocultural dilemmas.
Do governments have the right to restrict individual freedom and right to have fewer or more children? Is it justifiable to control population in order to benefit society as a whole? Most of family planning and population control policies and programs in developing countries face resistant from the same people it aims to help. This can be mainly due to some ethical, socio-cultural beliefs, and moral values held by individuals and society as a whole. The challenges call for a need of family planning and population control programs to invest in examining ethical and socio-cultural dilemmas pertaining to these programs and policies. We recommend that family planning and population control programs should set ethical guidelines known to the public about the family planning and population control so as to educate and inform the people and thus avoid what can be considered as unnecessary ethical dilemma and conflict
Search term “One Health” remains of limited use to identify relevant scientific publications: Denmark as a case study
One Health has become a popular approach, and scientific advancements in the field should be easily findable and accessible to a wide range of relevant audiences, from researchers to policymakers, and across sectors. We conducted a systematic narrative review of available scientific publications concerning One Health in the setting of Denmark that were retrievable using “One Health” as the key search term. Three searches in two databases yielded 30 retrieved publications, 13 of which were included in the review. The included publications had been published between 2015 and 2021. Twelve of the included publications were co-authored in collaboration across institutes from different sectors. Three of the included publications had focus on antimicrobial resistance, three on disease surveillance and/or control, and five were assessments or evaluations. The overall number of publications identified by a search using “One Health” as the key search term was small, and the search identified some publications that were not relevant to One Health. Our work thus highlights a missed scientific and communication opportunity of signposting articles as relevant to One Health. Using the expression “One Health” as keyword could help making One Health research more easily findable and thereby obtaining an overview of research in the field
Kvinders personlighedsstrategier overfor mandlig dominans
The major part of this paper is an outline of a model of three personality strategies in women against male dominance. The model suggests that the three personality strategies are universal personality reactions to societal oppression with a feminine content and course. Male dominance is regarded as a major interpersonal factor in transmitting societal oppression of women to the personalities of girls and women. The model is advanced as a result of a theoretical study of six theories of personality in which the three personality strategies are found in similar forms, but with different assessment of desirability. The basic assumptions and the scientific method of the theoretical study are based on the theory of activity (Benny Karpatschof, University of Copenhagen) as described in the paper.Artiklens udgangspunkt er en antagelse om, at det er vigtigt at fastholde og medtænke kvindeundertrykkelsesaspektet på alle undersøgelsesniveauer i kvindeforskningen: samfundsmæssigt/historisk, interpersonelt og personlighedsmæssigt. Især på det personlighedsmæssige og til dels på det interpersonelle niveau kan der spores en tendens til at glemme, overse eller helt benægte betydningen af kvindeundertrykkelsesaspektet. I det omfang dette sker, kan en del af kvindeforskningen komme til at bidrage til den lighedsideologiske usynliggøre/se af kvindeundertrykkelsen - især når det drejer sig om dens personlighedsmæssige konsekvenser (se endvidere Ethelberg, 1983b). Artiklen er en gennemgang af den teoretiske model om kvinders personlighedsstrategier overfor mandlig dominans (Ethelberg, 1983a), som er et forslag til en teoretisk bestemmelse af kvindeundertrykkelsens virkning på pigens personlighedsudvikling og kvindens personlighed. Mandlig dominans ses som den centrale mellemmenneskelige faktor, der formidler den samfundsmæssige kvindeundertrykkelse til pigers og kvinders personlighed. Modellen er opstillet som et resultat af en teoretisk undersøgelse af seks personlighedsteorier med udgangspunkti virksomhedsteorien som antropologisk basisteori
Narcissistiske forstyrrelser og kvindepsykologi
I de seneste års kvindeforskning og kvindedebat synes interessen for den samfundsmæssige kvindeundertrykkelses personlighedsmæssige konsekvenser for kvinder at være dalende. Interessen samler sig nu om det tidlige mor-datter forhold og "de indre fjender" - især hos den psykoanalytisk inspirerede del af kvindeforskerne. Det er her blevet fremført, at de tidlige skader, som tilføjes piger af deres mødre. kan betragtes som narcissistiske skader. Efter en kort gennemgang af disse synspunkter og deres udvikling giver dette bidrag en videnskabsteoretisk kritik af nogle af de implicitte og eksplicitte antagelser om personlighedsudvikling og af det kvindebillede, der tegnes på denne baggrund. Endvidere skitseres en alternativ forståelse af pigerspersonlighedsmæssige tilegnelse af den samfundsmæssige kvindeundertrykkelse. Det ene hovedsynspunkt i denne forståelse er, atden samfundsmæssige kvindeundertrykkelse på det interpersonelle niveau giver sig udtryk i mandlig dominans, som er mere eller mindre synlig. Det andet er, at den 5-8 årige pige, når hun erkender den mandlige dominans, udvikler en af tre personlighedsstrategier overfor den, fordi hun står overfor en modsigelse, kvindelighedens modsigelse, mellem sin selvværdsfølelse og erkendelsen af sin andenrangs status
Variation in Antimicrobial Resistance in Sporadic and Outbreak-related Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium
The prevalence of different antimicrobial resistance profiles and variants of the Salmonella genomic island 1 (SGI1) was reported for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 strains isolated from patients in Denmark. Variation in antimicrobial resistance and corresponding changes of SGI1 were shown among isolates from a foodborne outbreak
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