12 research outputs found

    Mitokondriális eredetű nitrogén szabadgyökök és ATP-függő K-csatornák szerepe az organellum működésében = The involvement of mitochondrial-derived nitrogen radicals and mitoK-ATP channels in the regulation of organelle function

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    Elsőként a mitoKATP csatornák alegységeit terveztük azonosítani humán szív mintákon. A kísérletek során megbizonyosodtunk afelől, hogy a korábban ilyen csatornáknak gondolt fehérjék nincsenek jelen megfelelő számban és formában a mitokondriális membránokban, ezért a nem valószínű hogy a mitokondirális ATP-függő kálium áramokat valós mitoKATP csatornák folytatnák. A mitokondriális NO szintáz (mtNOS) enzimrendszer vizsgálata azonban nem várt új felfedezésekhez vezetett. Az előkísérletekben is bemutatott, a pályázat során több fajra és szövetre (ember, egér, patkány, malac, szív, agy és máj) kiterjesztett, több párhuzamos módszerrel nyert eredményeink szerint bizonítottuk, hogy a feltételezett mtNOS nem azonos egyik ismert NOS variánssal sem. Megállapítottuk hogy a mitokondriális légzési lánc ubiquinon ciklusának működése mentén keletkező nitrogén gyökök azok, amelyeket korábban a mtNOS-nak tulajdonítottak. A reakcióút pontosabb tisztázása végett mitokondriumokat oxidatív stressznek vetettünk alá, ezzel fehérje modifikációt indukáltunk. Proteomikai módszerekkel (2D gélelektroforzis és tömegspektrometria) azonosítottuk nitrált és poly-ADP-rbozilált (PAR-ált) fehérjéket, köztük a mitokondirális dihidro-lipoamid dehidrogenázt amely a poliADP-riboziláció folyamatot is katalizálhatja. Kísérleteink ezzel egy teljesen új, független mitokondriális reakcióutat tártak fel. További kísérleteink a mitokondriális nitrogén monoxid metabolizmus és a cukorbetegség kapcsolatát vizsgálták. | Our experimental findings indicated that there previously suspected potential mitoKATP channel subunits are not present in the required format and amount in human heart mitochondria, therefore, they cannot play a role in K fluxes. We extended our preliminary results about the nature of the putative mitochondrial NO synthase (mtNOS) to several species and tissues (human, mouse, rat, pig, heart, brain and liver) and concluded that mtNOS is not a variant of any known NOS enzymes. Mitochondria are capable of producing significant amounts of nitrogen radicals through the catalyzation of nitrosothiol release by the ubiquinon cycle of the respiratory chain. Subjecting mitochondria to oxidative stress resulted in the nitration and poly-ADPribosylation (PARylation) of proteins. Proteomic identification of the affected molecules revealed that dihydrolipoamide-dehydrogenase is PARylated and may act as a polyADP-ribose-polymerase (PARP). Thus, we uncovered a completely new and independent mechanism of mitochondrial nitrosative stress, which is catalyzed by enzymes of the respiratory chain. Then, we concentrated our efforts on the potential role of mitochondrial oxidants in pathological reactions such as diabetes

    A szívizom intracelluláris kalcium homeosztázisának szabályozása diabéteszes kardiomiopátiában = Intracellular calcium handling of the heart in diabetic cardiomyopathy

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    A diabétesz mellitusz (DM) egyik súlyos szövődménye a csökkent szívizom funkció, kardiomiopátia. Ennek hátterében a szívizomsejtek Ca2+i homeosztázisának zavara állhat. Pályázatunk fő célkitűzése a 2. típusú diabétesz mellitusz során kialakuló szívizom Ca2+i homeosztázis zavarok vizsgálata volt különböző perfundált patkány és egér szív modellekben. Kísérleti rendszerünkben az aktuális szívpumpa funkció hemodinamikai paramétereit és a Ca2+i homeosztázist jellemző, ún. Ca2+i-tranzienst egyidejűleg vizsgáltuk, ezáltal a kontrakciós tevékenység változásait a háttérben álló Ca2+i fluxusok ismeretében értelmeztük. Eredményeink szerint a csökkent szívfunkció hátterében a szarkoplazmatikus retikulum (SR) Ca2+ raktározó és felszabadító működésének károsodása állhat. Továbbá, a manifeszt kardiális diszfunkciót megelőzően már sérül az SR Ca2+ pumpájának (SERCA2a) működése. Ennek a diszfunkciónak a mechanizmusa lehet a SERCA2a posztranszlációs modifikációja vagy a membránkörnyezet kedvezőtlen változása. A funkciózavar ellensúlyozására a diabéteszes szívekben a SERCA2a fehérje fokozott expressziója következik be. A hipoxiás tűrőképességet vizsgálva megállapítottuk, hogy a diabéteszes szívben a SERCA2a diszfunkció miatt csökkent Ca2+i szekvesztráció hipoxiára fokozottan érzékeny, amely oxigénhiányos állapotokban a Ca2+i szint túlzott mértékű emelkedését okozhatja. Eredményeink hozzájárulhatnak a diabéteszes kardiomiopátia patomechanizmusának részletesebb megértéséhez. | One of the serious complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) is decreased myocardial function, cardiomyopathy, which is probably underlined by disturbances of Ca2+i homeostasis of the cardiomyocytes. The main goal of this project was to delineate pathological changes of myocardial Ca2+i handling in type 2 DM using different isolated, perfused rat and mouse heart models. Our experimental setup enabled the concomitant measurement of the hemodynamic parameters of actual heart pump function and the Ca2+i-transient characterizing myocardial Ca2+i homeostasis. This way disturbances in contractile activities of the heart could be assessed in view of background Ca2+i fluxes. Our results show that disturbances of Ca2+ sequestration and release by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) underlie contractile abnormalities of the heart. Furthermore, the normal operation of the Ca2+ pump of the SR (SERCA2a) progressively deteriorates prior to manifestation of cardiac dysfunction the mechanism of which could be related to posttranslational modifications of SERCA2a or unfavorable alterations in the surrounding membrane composition. SERCA2a protein expression increases to counteract functional disturbances. Decreased Ca2+ sequestration by SERCA2a dysfunction in the diabetic heart has augmented sensitivity to hypoxia. This enhanced sensitivity could lead to Ca2+i overload when O2 is in short supply. These results may lead to the better understanding of the pathomechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy

    Use of a recombinant pseudorabies virus to analyze motor cortical reorganization after unilateral facial denervation

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    A unilateral facial nerve injury (n7x) was found to influence the transcallosal spread of the attenuated strain of pseudorabies virus (PRV Bartha) from the affected (left) primary motor cortex (MI) to the contralateral MI of rats. We used Ba-DupLac, a recombinant PRV strain, for the tracing experiments since this virus was demonstrated to exhibit much more restricted transportation kinetics than that of PRV Bartha, and is therefore more suitable for studies of neuronal plasticity. Ba-Duplac injection primarily infected several neurons around the penetration channel, but hardly any transcallosally infected neurons were observed in the contraleral MI. In contrast, after right facial nerve injury, Ba-DupLac was transported from the primarily infected neurons in the left MI to the contralateral side, and resulted in the labeling of several neurons due to a transneuronal infection. These results reveal that a peripheral nerve injury induces changes in the Ba-DupLac infection pattern in the related cortical areas. These findings and the literature data suggest that this phenomenon may be related to the changes in the expression or to the redistribution of cell-adhesion molecules, which are known to facilitate the entrance and/or transmission of PRV into neurons

    In Vivo Evaluation of an Injectable Premixed Radiopaque Calcium Phosphate Cement

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    In this work a radiopaque premixed calcium phosphate cement (pCPC) has been developed and evaluated in vivo. Radiopacity was obtained by adding 0–40 % zirconia to the cement paste. The effects of zirconia on setting time, strength and radiopacity were evaluated. In the in vivo study a 2 by 3.5 mm cylindrical defect in a rat vertebrae was filled with either the pCPC, PMMA or bone chips. Nano-SPECT CT analysis was used to monitor osteoblast activity during bone regeneration. The study showed that by adding zirconia to the cement the setting time becomes longer and the compressive strength is reduced. All materials evaluated in the in vivo study filled the bone defect and there was a strong osteoblast activity at the injury site. In spite of the osteoblast activity, PMMA blocked bone healing and the bone chips group showed minimal new bone formation. At 12 weeks the pCPC was partially resorbed and replaced by new bone with good bone ingrowth. The radiopaque pCPC may be considered to be used for minimal invasive treatment of vertebral fractures since it has good handling, radiopacity and allows healing of cancellous bone in parallel with the resorption of the cement

    Mesenchymal stem cells rescue cardiomyoblasts from cell death in an in vitro ischemia model via direct cell-to-cell connections

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are promising candidates for cell based therapies in myocardial infarction. However, the exact underlying cellular mechanisms are still not fully understood. Our aim was to explore the possible role of direct cell-to-cell interaction between ischemic H9c2 cardiomyoblasts and normal MSCs. Using an in vitro ischemia model of 150 minutes of oxygen glucose deprivation we investigated cell viability and cell interactions with confocal microscopy and flow cytometry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our model revealed that adding normal MSCs to the ischemic cell population significantly decreased the ratio of dead H9c2 cells (H9c2 only: 0.85 ± 0.086 vs. H9c2+MSCs: 0.16 ± 0.035). This effect was dependent on direct cell-to-cell contact since co-cultivation with MSCs cultured in cell inserts did not exert the same beneficial effect (ratio of dead H9c2 cells: 0.90 ± 0.055). Confocal microscopy revealed that cardiomyoblasts and MSCs frequently formed 200-500 nm wide intercellular connections and cell fusion rarely occurred between these cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Based on these results we hypothesize that mesenchymal stem cells may reduce the number of dead cardiomyoblasts after ischemic damage via direct cell-to-cell interactions and intercellular tubular connections may play an important role in these processes.</p

    Mutation in Mpzl3, a Gene Encoding a Predicted the Adhesion Protein, in the Rough Coat (rc) Mice with Severe Skin and Hair Abnormalities

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    The rough coat (rc), an autosomal-recessive mutation, arose spontaneously in C57BL/6J mice. Homozygous rc mice develop severe skin and hair abnormalities, including cyclic and progressive hair loss and sebaceous gland hypertrophy. The rc locus was previously mapped to Chromosome 9. To elucidate the genetic basis underlying the rc phenotype development, we carried out positional cloning, and mapped the rc locus to a 246-kb interval. We identified a missense mutation within a novel open reading frame in the rc/rc mice, which is predicted to encode a cell adhesion molecule with the highest homology to myelin protein zero (MPZ) and myelin protein zero-like 2 (MPZL2, also called epithelial V-like antigen). We therefore named this gene Mpzl3 (myelin protein zero-like 3). The mutation in the rc/rc mice occurred at a highly conserved residue within the conserved Ig-like V-type domain, thus likely altering the MPZL3 protein function. Reverse transcriptase-PCR and Western blot analyses revealed expression of the Mpzl3 gene in various adult organs, including the skin. Using indirect immunofluorescence, we detected MPZL3 protein in the keratinocytes and sebocytes in the skin. Results from this study identified a novel gene encoding a predicted adhesion protein whose mutation in the rc/rc mice likely caused the rc phenotype