1,977 research outputs found

    Conference Summary of QNP2018

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    This report is the summary of the Eighth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018). Hadron and nuclear physics is the field to investigate high-density quantum many-body systems bound by strong interactions. It is intended to clarify matter generation of universe and properties of quark-hadron many-body systems. The QNP is an international conference which covers a wide range of hadron and nuclear physics, including quark and gluon structure of hadrons, hadron spectroscopy, hadron interactions and nuclear structure, hot and cold dense matter, and experimental facilities. First, I introduce the current status of the hadron and nuclear physics field related to this conference. Next, the organization of the conference is explained, and a brief overview of major recent developments is discussed by selecting topics from discussions at the plenary sessions. They include rapidly-developing field of gravitational waves and nuclear physics, hadron interactions and nuclear structure with strangeness, lattice QCD, hadron spectroscopy, nucleon structure, heavy-ion physics, hadrons in nuclear medium, and experimental facilities of EIC, GSI-FAIR, JLab, J-PARC, Super-KEKB, and others. Nuclear physics is at a fortunate time to push various projects at these facilities. However, we should note that the projects need to be developed together with related studies in other fields such as gravitational physics, astrophysics, condensed-matter physics, particle physics, and fundamental quantum physics.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 1 style file, 3 figure files, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018), November 13-17, 2018, Tsukuba, Japa

    Elliptic flow at large transverse momenta from quark coalescence

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    We show that hadronization via quark coalescence enhances hadron elliptic flow at large pT relative to that of partons at the same transverse momentum. Therefore, compared to earlier results based on covariant parton transport theory, more moderate initial parton densities dN/d\eta(b=0) ~ 1500-3000 can explain the differential elliptic flow v_2(pT) data for Au+Au reactions at s^1/2=130 and 200 AGeV from RHIC. In addition, v2(pT) could saturate at about 50% higher values for baryons than for mesons. If strange quarks have weaker flow than light quarks, hadron v_2 at high pT decreases with relative strangeness content.Comment: Minor changes, extended discussion. To appear in PR

    Low Freeze-out Temperature and High Collective Velocities in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    On the basis of a nine-parameter expanding source model that includes special relativity, quantum statistics, resonance decays, and freeze-out on a realistic hypersurface in spacetime, we analyze in detail invariant pi+, pi-, K+, and K- one-particle multiplicity distributions and pi+ and K+ two-particle correlations in nearly central collisions of Si + Au at a laboratory bombarding energy per nucleon of 14.6 GeV/c. By considering separately the one-particle data and the correlation data, we find that the central baryon density, nuclear temperature, transverse collective velocity, longitudinal collective velocity, and source velocity are determined primarily by one-particle multiplicity distributions and that the transverse radius, longitudinal proper time, width in proper time, and pion incoherence fraction are determined primarily by two-particle correlations. By considering separately the pion data and the kaon data, we find that although the pion freeze-out occurs somewhat later than the kaon freeze-out, the 99% confidence-level error bars associated with the two freeze-outs overlap. These and other detailed studies confirm our earlier conclusion based on the simultaneous consideration of the pion and kaon one-particle and correlation data that the freeze-out temperature is less than 100 MeV and that both the longitudinal and transverse collective velocities--which are anti-correlated with the temperature--are substantial. We also discuss the flaws in several previous analyses that yielded a much higher freeze-out temperature of approximately 140 MeV for both this reaction and other reactions involving heavier projectiles and/or higher bombarding energies.Comment: 14 pages. RevTeX 3.1. Submitted to Physical Review C. PostScript version available at http://t2.lanl.gov/publications/publications.html or at ftp://t2.lanl.gov/pub/publications/lf

    Overview of charm production at RHIC

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    In this presentation, I discussed a) the charm total cross-section and its comparisons to measurements at other beam energies and pQCD calculations; b) the semileptonic decay of charmed hadrons and the sensitivity of non-photonic leptons to charm quark collective flow and freeze-out; c) semileptonic decayed electron spectrum at high transverse momentum, its comparison to FONLL in p+p and d+Au collisions, and heavy-quark energy loss in Au+Au collisions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, overview talk at SQM2006: Strangeness in Quark Matter Los Angeles, CA, Mar. 26-31, 2006; minor text changes and references adde

    Evidence of early multi-strange hadron freeze-out in high energy nuclear collisions

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    Recently reported transverse momentum distributions of strange hadrons produced in Pb(158AGeV) on Pb collisions and corresponding results from the relativistic quantum molecular dynamics (RQMD) approach are examined. We argue that the experimental observations favor a scenario in which multi-strange hadrons are formed and decouple from the system rather early at large energy densities (around 1 GeV/fm3^3). The systematics of the strange and non-strange particle spectra indicate that the observed transverse flow develops mainly in the late hadronic stages of these reactions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Low-mass e+e- pair production in 158 A GeV Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS, its dependence on multiplicity and transverse momentum

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    We report a measurement of low-mass electron pairs observed in 158 GeV/nucleon Pb-Au collisions. The pair yield integrated over the range of invariant masses 0.2 < m < 2.0 GeV is enhanced by a factor of 3.5 +/- 0.4 (stat) +/- 0.9 (syst) over the expectation from neutral meson decays. As observed previously in S-Au collisions, the enhancement is most pronounced in the invariant-mass region 300-700 MeV. For Pb-Au we find evidence for a strong increase of the enhancement with centrality. In addition, we show that the enhancement covers a wide range in transverse momentum, but is largest at the lowest observed pt.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys.Lett.

    Particle dependence of elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200 GeV

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    The elliptic flow parameter (v2v_2) for KS0K_S^0 and Λ+Λˉ\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda} has been measured at mid-rapidity in Au + Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV by the STAR collaboration. The v2v_2 values for both KS0K_S^{0} and Λ+Λˉ\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda} saturate at moderate pTp_T, deviating from the hydrodynamic behavior observed in the lower pTp_T region. The saturated v2v_2 values and the pTp_T scales where the deviation begins are particle dependent. The particle-type dependence of v2v_2 shows features expected from the hadronization of a partonic ellipsoid by coalescence of co-moving quarks. These results will be discussed in relation to the nuclear modification factor (RCPR_{CP}) which has also been measured for KS0K_S^0 and Λ+Λˉ\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda} by the STAR collaboration.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Strange Quark Matter 2003 Conference (SQM 2003): updated with 2 figures from original talk that did not appear in the journa

    Semi-Hard Scattering Unraveled from Collective Dynamics by Two-Pion Azimuthal Correlations in 158 A GeV/c Pb + Au Collisions

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    Elliptic flow and two-particle azimuthal correlations of charged hadrons and high-pTp_T pions (pT>p_T> 1 GeV/cc) have been measured close to mid-rapidity in 158A GeV/cc Pb+Au collisions by the CERES experiment. Elliptic flow (v2v_2) rises linearly with pTp_T to a value of about 10% at 2 GeV/cc. Beyond pTp_T\approx 1.5 GeV/cc, the slope decreases considerably, possibly indicating a saturation of v2v_2 at high pTp_T. Two-pion azimuthal anisotropies for pT>p_T> 1.2 GeV/cc exceed the elliptic flow values by about 60% in mid-central collisions. These non-flow contributions are attributed to near-side and back-to-back jet-like correlations, the latter exhibiting centrality dependent broadening.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters, 4 pages, 5 figure

    e+e--pair production in Pb-Au collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon

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    We present the combined results on electron-pair production in 158 GeV/n {Pb-Au} (s\sqrt{s}= 17.2 GeV) collisions taken at the CERN SPS in 1995 and 1996, and give a detailed account of the data analysis. The enhancement over the reference of neutral meson decays amounts to a factor of 2.31±0.19(stat.)±0.55(syst.)±0.69(decays)\pm0.19 (stat.)\pm0.55 (syst.)\pm0.69 (decays) for semi-central collisions (28% σ/σgeo\sigma/\sigma_{geo}) when yields are integrated over m>m> 200 MeV/c2c^2 in invariant mass. The measured yield, its stronger-than-linear scaling with NchN_{ch}, and the dominance of low pair ptp_t strongly suggest an interpretation as {\it thermal radiation} from pion annihilation in the hadronic fireball. The shape of the excess centring at mm\approx 500 MeV/c2c^2, however, cannot be described without strong medium modifications of the ρ\rho meson. The results are put into perspective by comparison to predictions from Brown-Rho scaling governed by chiral symmetry restoration, and from the spectral-function many-body treatment in which the approach to the phase boundary is less explicit.Comment: 39 pages, 40 figures, to appear in Eur.Phys.J.C. (2005