21 research outputs found

    Genetic Gains for Yield and Virus Disease Resistance of Cassava Varieties Developed Over the Last Eight Decades in Uganda

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    Achieving food security for an ever-increasing human population requires faster development of improved varieties. To this end, assessment of genetic gain for key traits is important to inform breeding processes. Despite the improvements made to increase production and productivity of cassava in Uganda at research level, there has been limited effort to quantify associated genetic gains. Accordingly, a study was conducted in Uganda to assess whether or not genetic improvement was evident in selected cassava traits using cassava varieties that were released from 1940 to 2019. Thirty-two varieties developed during this period, were evaluated simultaneously in three major cassava production zones; central (Namulonge), eastern (Serere), and northern (Loro). Best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) of the genotypic value for each clone were obtained across environments and regressed on order of release year to estimate annual genetic gains. We observed that genetic trends were mostly quadratic. On average, cassava mosaic disease (CMD) resistance increased by 1.9% per year, while annual genetic improvements in harvest index (0.0%) and fresh root yield (−5 kg per ha or −0.03% per ha) were non-substantial. For cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) resistance breeding which was only initiated in 2003, average annual genetic gains for CBSD foliar and CBSD root necrosis resistances were 2.3% and 1.5%, respectively. It’s evident that cassava breeding has largely focused on protecting yield against diseases. This underpins the need for simultaneous improvement of cassava for disease resistance and high yield for the crop to meet its current and futuristic demands for food and industry

    Mutations in DNA polymerase δ subunit 1 co-segregate with CMD2-type resistance to Cassava Mosaic Geminiviruses

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    Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) suppresses cassava yields across the tropics. The dominant CMD2 locus confers resistance to cassava mosaic geminiviruses. It has been reported that CMD2-type landraces lose resistance after regeneration through de novo morphogenesis. As full genome bisulfite sequencing failed to uncover an epigenetic mechanism for this loss of resistance, whole genome sequencing and genetic variant analysis was performed and the CMD2 locus was fine-mapped to a 190 kilobase interval. Collectively, these data indicate that CMD2-type resistance is caused by a nonsynonymous, single nucleotide polymorphism in DNA polymerase δ subunit 1 (MePOLD1) located within this region. Virus-induced gene silencing of MePOLD1 in a CMD-susceptible cassava variety produced a recovery phenotype typical of CMD2-type resistance. Analysis of other CMD2-type cassava varieties identified additional candidate resistance alleles within MePOLD1. Genetic variation of MePOLD1, therefore, could represent an important genetic resource for resistance breeding and/or genome editing, and elucidating mechanisms of resistance to geminiviruses

    Prospects for Genomic Selection in Cassava Breeding

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    Article purchased; Published online: 28 Sept 2017Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a clonally propagated staple food crop in the tropics. Genomic selection (GS) has been implemented at three breeding institutions in Africa to reduce cycle times. Initial studies provided promising estimates of predictive abilities. Here, we expand on previous analyses by assessing the accuracy of seven prediction models for seven traits in three prediction scenarios: cross-validation within populations, cross-population prediction and cross-generation prediction. We also evaluated the impact of increasing the training population (TP) size by phenotyping progenies selected either at random or with a genetic algorithm. Cross-validation results were mostly consistent across programs, with nonadditive models predicting of 10% better on average. Cross-population accuracy was generally low (mean = 0.18) but prediction of cassava mosaic disease increased up to 57% in one Nigerian population when data from another related population were combined. Accuracy across generations was poorer than within-generation accuracy, as expected, but accuracy for dry matter content and mosaic disease severity should be sufficient for rapid-cycling GS. Selection of a prediction model made some difference across generations, but increasing TP size was more important. With a genetic algorithm, selection of one-third of progeny could achieve an accuracy equivalent to phenotyping all progeny. We are in the early stages of GS for this crop but the results are promising for some traits. General guidelines that are emerging are that TPs need to continue to grow but phenotyping can be done on a cleverly selected subset of individuals, reducing the overall phenotyping burden

    High-resolution linkage map and chromosome-scale genome assembly for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from 10 populations

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a major staple crop in Africa, Asia, and South America, and its starchy roots provide nourishment for 800 million people worldwide. Although native to South America, cassava was brought to Africa 400–500 years ago and is now widely cultivated across sub-Saharan Africa, but it is subject to biotic and abiotic stresses. To assist in the rapid identification of markers for pathogen resistance and crop traits, and to accelerate breeding programs, we generated a framework map for M. esculenta Crantz from reduced representation sequencing [genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)]. The composite 2412-cM map integrates 10 biparental maps (comprising 3480 meioses) and organizes 22,403 genetic markers on 18 chromosomes, in agreement with the observed karyotype. We used the map to anchor 71.9% of the draft genome assembly and 90.7% of the predicted protein-coding genes. The chromosome-anchored genome sequence will be useful for breeding improvement by assisting in the rapid identification of markers linked to important traits, and in providing a framework for genomic selectionenhanced breeding of this important crop.Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Grant OPPGD1493. University of Arizona. CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas. Next Generation Cassava Breeding grant OPP1048542 from BMGF and the United Kingdom Department for International Development. BMGF grant OPPGD1016 to IITA. National Institutes of Health S10 Instrumentation Grants S10RR029668 and S10RR027303.http://www.g3journal.orghb201

    Men and women’s perception of yellow-root cassava among rural farmers in eastern Uganda

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    Abstract Background Global efforts are underway to develop staple crops with improved levels of provitamin A carotenoids to help combat dietary vitamin A deficiency, which has afflicted the health of resource-poor farmers in the developing world. As a staple crop for more than 500 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, cassava enriched with provitamin A carotenoids could have a widespread nutritional impact. Because cassava is the second most important food crop in Uganda, a breeding programme was initiated to develop provitamin A varieties, with some clones already tested in advanced yield selection trials. Methods A survey was conducted to understand gender-based constraints and opportunities governing farmers’ decisions to grow yellow-root cassava in Busia, a rural district in eastern Uganda. Logistic regression was computed to determine predictors of willingness to grow yellow-root cassava. Results Men, women and youth involved in this study were all aware of a yellow-root cassava landrace popularly grown in eastern Uganda, with at least 85% of each group actively growing the cultivar at the time of this study. Interestingly, both men and women singled out early maturity and high fresh root yield as attributes influencing their preference for the yellow root. An assessment of household participation in cassava production and processing activities showed that women performed the bulk of such activities, with men particularly involved in land preparation and selling of products. Nonetheless, both women and men showed strong indication of acceptance and willingness to cultivate yellow-root cassava, which is an incentive for potential uptake of such varieties in future. However, there was poor knowledge on the nutritional benefits of yellow-root cassava, suggesting need for nutritional education when disseminating improved provitamin A cassava varieties. Conclusions The study provides strong motivation towards breeding provitamin A cassava varieties that have farmer-preferred traits in the background of disease resistance, an output that could be attained through undertaking participatory variety selection trials

    Starch quality traits of improved provitamin A cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

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    Provitamin A cassava clones were analysed for starch yield and critical starch quality attributes, to understand possible applications in the food industry. Total carotenoids content in the test clones ranged from 0.03-11.94 μg g-1 of fresh root. Starch yield ranged from 8.4-33.2 % and correlated negatively (r = -0.588, P < 0.001) with carotenoids content. Amylose content (16.4–22.1%) didn't differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05) among the cassava clones. Meanwhile, total carotenoid content had significant negative correlations (P ≤ 0.05) with starch pasting temperature, peak time, setback viscosities and peak area. The reduced peak time and pasting temperatures in high-carotenoid cassava signifies reduction in energy requirements in yellow-fleshed roots when compared to white-fleshed cassava. This attribute is desirable for the food industry as it would reduce the overall cost of processing the cassava. Furthermore, final viscosities of starch from carotenoid-rich cassava were lower than those of white-fleshed roots, making provitamin A cassava suitable for soft food processing